Sorry, a made for TV spin that was sent to the BIG SCREEN...
8 June 2005
Using the Spy Kids franchise name as a potential boost, this movie lacks the creativity to be more than a direct to home offering.

As others mentioned, the 3-D was sub-par and the story was lacking that must see feel. The characters are over the top geared more to be made fun of than laugh with.

Having a kid movie is fine, in light of all the more abrasive elements out in the world, but making a bad move!

Plus marketing it to be the vein of Spy Kids is bad planning on part of the film makers. It is NOT Spy Kids, it's trying to be one but falls way short.

Children will go to see it if other kids are going, but I don't see this film as being a repeat performer as a must have kid classic. I doubt every kid that sees it will remember it the following week, unless someone is making fun at it.

Parents are better off sticking with the classics then wasting money to have their kids be bored with this flick!
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