Who told Vincent Gallo he was an actor?
5 March 2005
Who would have thought that you could make a boring movie about oversexed cannibals? By nature it should be shocking, graphic, thrilling, exciting, at the very least interesting. It's not.

Vincent Gallo plays a newlywed husband who is afraid to touch his wife for fear he will eat her. In the meantime he is searching for a cure to his cannibalism. His searching involves a lot of really bad acting; staring bug eyed at people while he delivers his lines as if he is reading them straight from cue cards and having a hard time making out the words. Who told this fool he could act? Someone get him back to his rightful place behind the fryer at the golden arches. He comes off as more of a mildly retarded bumpkin than a threatening sexual cannibal.

Beatrice Dalle is the only one who can act in this movie - if only they had given her a part. She lures men in, has sex with them, then eats them. Sounds like a winner, doesn't it? Ah, if only it were so. Her parts are fairly short, with little dialogue and badly edited. Even Beatrice can't save this movie.

No one else has a part really worth mentioning, the character development never gets started so it certainly can't develop, the story doesn't carry itself and just fades away into a sloppy mess. I had high hopes for this film, even with Vincent in it, but I was sadly disappointed.

I was hoping to see some cannibal carnage, but you could do better special effects with a bottle of ketsup and some spoiled meat. I was hoping for hot, graphic sex scenes, but apparently the director thought that Vincent Gallo staring bug eyed at women was hot, because that's about as graphic as it gets here. I was hoping to see Beatrice Dalle show some of her considerable acting talent, but each time she got started there was a scene cut back to Vincent trying unsuccessfully to be an actor.

If you have to watch this, I hope the popcorn is good. You'll need something to distract you.
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