Dazed & Confused meets American Pie
22 February 2005
The comparisons to Dazed and Confused need to stop. Dazed was a throw back to good times and standing up for what you believe in. The Stoned Age is about a group of mindless stoners just looking to score, yet is entertaining in it's own right.

This film starts out slow and sophomoric, but has a tendency to grow on the viewer after awhile. The film finds it's groove with sensitive stoner Joe(well played by unknown Michael Kopelow) connecting with plane Jill(cute China Kantner, who under the right light, resembles Jennifer Aniston) The jokes are hit and miss, and are rather childish on top of that, yet there is a subtle charm working for this film. Maybe Renee Ammann, who is female perfection personified, has something to do with it's appeal.

Okay, but don't compare it with Dazed & Confused, because you'll be utterly disappointed.
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