8 February 2005
Having read a lot about Che (including the book on which the movie is based)and having embraced many of the ideals he espoused and fought for, I was unfortunately disappointed by this film. It is rather dry, with little if any meaningful dialogue, and perhaps most importantly one does not get a true sense of what Che was becoming. The transformation from Che the student to Che the idealist is not apparent in the film, and ultimately I found the only positive aspect to be the cinematography which included some beautiful scenery. A film should be judged for the effectiveness with which its message is delivered, not for the nature of its message. In other words, people should criticize the film more than they criticize Che and communism. This was not a film about communism, but a film about Che's personal transformation, through his travels as a young Argentine. In my opinion, the film was not effective in showing this. I would like some feedback from other people, but please refrain from making this a political debate.
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