Another Job to be Done
26 December 2004
A Walk in the Sun -despite some please the folks at home inaccuracies that has been spoken of earlier: pulling grenade pins with teeth(irks me every time)and the grenades destroying a bridge (well it could've of been just planks across a stream not the Golden Gate) the theme song,the movie tells of fear,monotony,cynicism(Norman Lloyds'point man feels this thing is gonna last forever with or without him) and the terror-heroics of combat very well. Far superior to Guadacanal Diary and the war as cartoon films of that period and after, ,and like the similar The Story of GI Joe set in Italy the forgotten front a story of a job to be done. The platoon takes losses in the final assault on the farmhouse how many fatal or seriously wounded is unknown and neither is the fate of the platoon answered no relieving task force comes up at the climax. There will be other farmhouses,other streams to cross, another hill to take and hold for the poor slob infantry. No remake is needed, no Spielbergian string section pulling at the heart, no CGI effects needed to convey the havoc, A Walk In the Sun says with dignity and respect that a job had to be done and this is a story of some of the workers in the mill.
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