Surviving Just Fine, Thank You
29 October 2004
I went to 'Surviving' after the L.A. Times ran a lengthy column about the downfall of Affleck's career. I've always liked his work and thought I'd help a brother out with my $9. Ben didn't let me down. James Gandolfini was perfectly intimidating. Christina Applegate was perfectly cast and maintained wonderful comedic timing. Though the script suffers an occasional stop-gap in logic, one clearly sees the same energy Affleck has pumped on-screen since his Kevin Smith days. The film has a John Hughes quality, not just because of the Chicago locations. It has the same simple appeal Hughes cashed in on for all his 80's films. Or is it Catherine O'Hara's 'Home Alone' Chicago-appearance? Scrooge Alert! Don't let bitc*y reviewers and post J-Lo nobodies ruin your enjoyment of a nice little film!
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