Review of Boom

Boom (I) (2003)
27 September 2003
Going to the movies is a wholesome experience for me. I look forward to the movie as soon I have my tickets booked. I have certain expectations from the movie and I switch off the outside world along with my cellphone as I settle in to watch the movie. This is how I settled down yesterday evening to watch this movie called Boom. The movie promised to have the elusive right mix of oomph and a real story coupled with good actors and behind it all a director who has been threatening to deliver for a long time. The spin-doctors had given good publicity to the movie by making sure that its every round to the censors was well publicised along with the usual comments on whatever happened to freedom of expression and self-censorship.

The two hours of the movie passed in a whirl and it was difficult for me to conclude on what was worse- the movie or the audience. I for once pitied the censor board who has to see such junk like this in its raw form and then be criticised for censoring parts of the movie. I also came out of the movie with significant additions to my knowledge bank- I got to know, for example, that a bag of cement costs around 100 rupees or so and can be delivered the next day morning if it ordered around 7pm. How I know is because the person next to me was a cement dealer and obviously likes to conduct his business on the phone in a cinema hall when he is not whistling or nudging his partner everytime he saw a bikini on the screen. In addition, if I missed a double meaning dialogue in the movie then I only had to concentrate on the animated conversation behind me to hear it again amid a thousand giggles. With such wholesome entertainment all around me who wants to see the movie.

Not that there was anything in the movie to watch. It's amazing how easily you can go wrong even if you put a bunch of talented actors on screen and some models who can also talk and a woman named Bo Derek thrown in for some more oomph. So much of oomph in that movie that I almost oomphed my way out of the hall! They were traces in the movie that reminded me of Pulp Fiction or even Sex and the City, which are both amazing productions in their own right and if only he had copied them we would have got everything we wanted. But no sir, we are too much into the East meets West syndrome these days. East meets West and takes a dive into the Pacific Ocean never to show itself again. Atleast not in the form of Boom! If this is what fusion of cultures is about I am all for pure breeds. I cannot imagine that I paid money to see a movie like this. I won't see it even if someone offered me money for this. The movie is like an orchestra in action and everything is being played out of tune and what is worse is that you can recognise what they are trying to play and that is driving you even more crazy.

As for the crowd, what can I say, it deserved the movie as much as the movie deserved the crowd. Every show of skin and every raunchy dialogue were greeted with such cheers that you would assume that these women had landed in their laps! All this while cellphones were buzzing in the hall and everybody was talking to everybody else telling them they were sitting in a hall watching a movie- and what's up?

Please go and see this movie and maybe it will help you appreciate how bad movie making can get. Its always nice to see the worst so we can better appreciate the good.

As for the director and producer - BOOM BOOM!!
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