Review of Boom

Boom (I) (2003)
Only Boom Boom Bang Bang
28 September 2003
You want to make a dark comedy and mix it with big spoonfuls of sex and violence. And one reason that inspires you to do it is that for Hindi cinema it would be ground-breaking. And then when you pitch your script to cast the roles, you put together an ensemble that looks fantastic on paper. And then you have the distributors knocking on your doors because the package looks so damn good. And your reputation as a filmmaker who demolishes conventional boundaries coupled with an awesome marketing campaign makes the film a delicious event to look forward to.

But alas, you disappoint immensely. Not because you or the film lacks intelligence. Not because the actors don't live up to their reputation. Not because the music and photography don't add amazing tension and interest to the film. And also not because the dark elements, the funny moments or the sexual angles are missing. But because Mr. Gustad you have failed as a writer in the film. You have been unable to give the film just that minimal structure, so you could have balanced the dark and comedic elements of the film. Your pen has failed in translating your vision perhaps even on paper, but definitely on film.

Maybe you realised this sitting at the editing table with your editor, because the film does seem very choppy at times. Or maybe you thought that shortening the length would distract us from the flaws. But your energy and originality are visible in every frame. Hopefully, in future you will be able to collaborate with screenplay writers just as well as you have collaborated with the actors here - who have all done well in spite of wafer-thin characters. Maybe it was intentional; to an extent it does work - but could have worked better. Style and substance should go hand in hand and not invade each other's space.

You are a young budding genius whose future films I will be looking forward to. Hopefully, film financiers and producers will continue to encourage and recognize your future. In the meanwhile, Boom explodes like a grenade whose pin came off suddenly. 5/10.
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