Final Fantasy VI (1994 Video Game)
More cinematic than most films. More literate than most novels.
4 July 2000
Final Fantasy VI is the only video game ever to capture me so completely with its narrative that I've never forgotten it. And nothing has ever matched it. The story is melodramatic, but somehow so deeply powerful. The characters all have very drawn out histories and personalities. I know them all very well, and I cared for them as characters very much. I was controlling them, but they went far beyond my hand. This may sound like a criticism, but it isn't: the reason that I played the video game was not because it was entertaining to play. I played only because I wanted to find out what happened next to the characters. And some of the plot developments made me weep. The Opera House is perhaps the crowning achievement in video game history. All I have to hear are the first two notes from the "Oh my hero..." song and I choke up. Never has a sequence been better in a video game. And there are 15 or so characters! I was quite disappointed with the 8 or so from Final Fantasy 7. Many people have complained that the great amount of characters detracts from the game's success, but really it adds much needed replay value. A game that takes circa 20 hours to complete, and I've played through it 4 times, each time there were enough differences to make it entirely worthwhile. The character design and the art direction in general is so great. This is a game that they should completely remake (without changing an iota of the actual gameplay) when the technology improves even further.

I don't know how available they are anymore, but if you can, try to find all the different versions of the soundtrack to this game (there is the regular soundtrack, a piano soundtrack (highly, highly recommended), and an orchestral soundtrack. I have even found an mp3 of a 23 minute version of the Opera Performance with real singing! It is godly). If you can't find it to buy, hey, they have no reason to complain about us having mp3s of these tunes. Nobuo Uematsu has to be one of the best composers ever to live! His compositions for this game (and for FF7 to a much, much lesser degree; he actually steals a couple of his own note sequences from his compositions in ffvi, e.g., three sequential notes in Aeris' theme are directly taken from the first three notes of Celes' theme) are on par with Beethoven and Mozart. Seriously. If you heard them on a classical music radio station, you would not realize that they were written for a video game. The score gives the video game an even more operatic and dramatic feel. My God, what a feeling!
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