Review of Trick

Trick (1999)
Coitus interruptus
8 April 2000
The coitus interruptus in "Trick" is coy. At one point, you want Gabriel, a gay would-be musical-meister, to tear into his inconsiderate straight roommate and get him to play fair. But he's tolerant to a fault, and he doesn't really like gay people as a rule, and he doesn't like the bar scene, and he spends a lot of time with his ex-girlfriend (maybe to avoid any contact), and his choice of roommate is just his way of saying "Hands off." He puts up with the impositions, so when he finally finds someone he likes, he can't find any privacy. The entire night with his "trick," Mark, is spent searching for a place, but they never do. What each finds is something better: a sense that they really like each other's company and that the sex is not as important as the companionship they'll enjoy in the long run.

"Trick" doesn't have much to offer beyond this. Christian Campbell is charming, and John Paul Pitoc is sweet, but the movie doesn't have much more to say than that homosexual men have as many insecurities as straight men, and maybe that they are more star-struck than their heterosexual counterparts. The supporting cast make respectable impressions, but the movie never goes beyond being mildly pleasant. Tori Spelling tries too hard to be engaging which means she's mostly annoying. The freshest moments belong to Lorri Bagley as Gabriel's roommate's bare-breasted girlfriend. She has returned from an extended stay in Paris and returns with the intention of becoming a sex therapist, and considering what she is able to do with Gabriel and Mark, I'd say it's not a bad career choice.
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