Brilliant observation about the hardship of intervention.
22 January 2001
I never used to watch British films. Most of them were either badly fumbled social commentary. Dodgy comedies with a line in send up or simply uniteresting. I was of course watching all the wrong movies.

My Name is Joe changed my view. It is also one of the few dramas I have ever seen that has a real relevance to real life dynamics. In Death Wish Charles Bronsan blows away all the baddies and never gets beaten up or arrested or morally challenged by another person. In other words its fantasy. My Name is Joe of course is not at all like Death Wish but instead it is a great film about a central character who in trying to atone for his past and cause of who he is, sets about doing the best thing for those around him. He coaches a hopeless football team every weekend. He also does other things that are selfless but I wont tell you anymore about him or the plot.

Safe to say instead this movie goes to show that sometimes no matter what you do you odds are too great. The more you get involved the worse it gets. But that is what makes it all the more moving in the end.

The acting is superb, you understand every character. The situations are real and the direction is terrific.

There really should be more films made like My Name is Joe. My advice is to go and see it. I simply wouldnt want to spoil it by telling you anymore.
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