SPOILER ALERT - interpretation of the ending
30 July 2001
Warning: Spoilers
************SPOILER ALERT******************

This is my interpretation of some of the events about the movie that people have argued about here.

Go to the next review if you don't want to know what happens in the movie!

First off, I don't believe that Leo (Wahlberg) ever goes to the future. Sure you see the year in the ship fly up, but I still don't believe he went into the future. I believe he actually goes into the distant past, on Earth. Why else would there be humans (and monkeys, as noted in one conversation) on that planet? All the humans on the ship were killed by Zemos. It's too hokey to think there are humans on another planet. By the time Marky Mark gets there, the humans will have learned the English language that the apes had been speaking all this time, thanks to the brain enhancements the ship scientists had been making to the apes.

At the end, Leo goes back to the present-time of the movie (2100something, I don't remember) and lands on Earth, as the monitor on his ship stated. He never notices he landed on Earth the first time, because he was going after Alpha Pod, and was busy trying to land safely, etc. And in one scene in the beginning, the people in the Obeuron start getting the signals on their monitors that are showing all the events of Earth's past - hence, giving Thade and his future generations, the idea to construct things like the Lincoln Memorial and cop cars, etc (ok, it's strectching a bit, but it still works).

So basically, if Leo didn't chase after the chimp, thus having the crew chase after him and crash land on ancient Earth, and if humans weren't trying to manipulate the Apes' brains chemically, the Apes would not have evolved, and in the end they would not have taken over the Earth.

The movie, especially the ending, which I thought was a little silly, but still satisfied me, makes a lot of sense when you think that he actually never did go into the future in the first place, but the past instead.

Which brings this movie to the same lesson that the original one did: Humans are always F-ing themselves over....

Oh yeah, I gave it a 9 out of 10.
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