Review of The Matrix

The Matrix (1999)
A thinking man's action film
12 September 2003
The Matrix works on many levels. If you are simply looking for an action film, it is one of the best. If you love great visuals, the Matrix has them. Look beyond the surface, however, and you will find the true value of this film. There is so much there for the intellectually curious. Discussions of this sci-fi classic lead to the question of the nature of reality, when you can truly say you know something, whether ignorance is truly bliss, potential pitfalls of technological advancement, environmental costs of war, etc. For those familiar with Plato's Parable of the Cave, The Matrix may have particular relevance, as Neo's companions have difficulty in seeing the reality rather than the shadows. Finally, The Matrix is also a classic Messiah tale, and references to the Biblical tales abound.

It also bears mention that the story line of The Matrix has allowed the action sequences to take place in a world that not only allows you to suspend disbelief but actually encourages you to do so. Inside the matrix, the only limits to what is possible are the limits of what your mind can conceive. Take the red pill and enjoy the ride.
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