Review of Carrie

Carrie (1976)
3 December 2002
CARRIE is one of the better Stephen King adaptations, fueled by dazzling performances from Sissy Spacek and Piper Laurie. Brian DePalma (before his endless streak of big-budget productions) has managed to let us know the characters and each and everyone's motives before the suspense begins. In a weird way, the film isn't entirely "horror" perse. We utterly care for Carrie; she does nothing wrong, she's just a reserved girl (sure, she has telekenesis, but it's not her fault) who is bound by her mother into a strict religious lifestyle. Her tormentors are utterly disgusting, we do not like them. So when the revenge hits, it's in a strange way because we care for the so-called bad guy. Nonetheless, CARRIE is a well-made (if somewhat corny) suspense drama. The new DVD is definitely worth purchasing as well.
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