IMDb Polls

Poll: Woody Allen in Black & White vs. Color

Manhattan, directed by Woody Allen, is often considered one of the best shot movies in the history of cinema. Even Shadows and Fog, which got average reception,was praised for its beautiful cinematography- mainly inspired by Impressionist Style. Both of these films were shot in Black & White, i.e Monochrome, whereas most of his movies are shot in color.

So, which of these modes of shooting from his films, do you enjoy more?

Discuss the list here.

Results of 357 votes:

  1. 1.

    Woody Allen and Diane Keaton in Annie Hall (1977)

    "Color" Annie Hall, Midnight in Paris, Vicky Cristina Barcelona, The Purple Rose of Cairo, Hannah and Her Sisters.
  2. 2.

    Woody Allen and Mariel Hemingway in Manhattan (1979)

    "Black & White" Manhattan, Stardust Memories, Zelig, Broadway Danny Rose, Shadows and Fog.

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