Ghost Shark (TV Movie 2013) Poster

(2013 TV Movie)

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Any body of water is potentially a shark zone now...
paul_haakonsen27 October 2013
Another one of those gut-wrenching horrible, but oh-so-fun-to-watch, bad monster movies from the SyFy Channel. This time it is a shark that comes back as a ghost to wreck havoc and terror on a small coastal village.

Yeah, that was basically the storyline here. And seriously, who comes up with these ideas. It is so far fetched that it is actually hilarious to watch, and the storyline is so bad that you can't help but take the entire movie to be nothing more than a spoof.

A group of rednecks are out fishing when they catch a great white shark. But unable to haul it aboard their fishing vessel, they decide to kill the shark using a gun, a crossbow and a hand grenade. Mortally wounded, the shark swims off to an ancient cavern where it finally dies. But the mysterious runes on the wall in the cavern bring the shark back from death, returning as an undead ghost shark with a ferocious appetite for human flesh. With its newfound ghostly powers, the shark can appear anywhere that has water - be it fresh or salt water (oddly enough!).

The effects in "Ghost Shark" were laughable, as with most movies from the SyFy Channel, but still, it is enjoyable, because the story is so out there. And there were some really hilarious scenes where the shark gobbles up people or maul them. Watch it for yourself, trust me, you will be laughing hard at times.

The acting in the movie was actually quite good, and I must admit that it was Richard Moll that initially lured me to this movie. But it turned out to be yet another of those goofy SyFy movies that you just love to hate and won't admit to have fun watching.

You know what you get here, given the title of the movie in itself.
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My first SyFy shark movie
Aaron13753 September 2013
This is the first SyFy shark movie I have watched from start to finish and all I have to say for the most part is, "Ugh." Not a good film by any stretch of the imagination; however, I will give it points for having a certain bit of creativity to it. It was not boring and it was fun making fun of it. Though I am not going to make a habit of watching these films as they are lazy for the most part alluding to the only really good shark film in existence "Jaws". Sharknado started up after this one, and that film made this one instantly better as the concept in it was simply too ludicrous. Granted, this one is not believable either, but they have a better concept than a pod of sharks getting sucked up into a hurricane!

The story here has a deceased shark going on the rampage as a ghost! Yes, it is insane and it is a way to do a shark on screen and make it look less real than the usual computer generated shark in other films. It also sets up for some interesting and funny kills. I did so enjoy the slip and slide part of the film. The film though has a hard time trying to extend this rather flimsy concept into a full film. Richard Moll of Night Court fame plays the grizzled guy who may know what is going on and has a secret!

The film is very bad, but it has enough interesting elements to keep it from being unwatchable and horrid. Like I said, Sharknado came on after this and it was worse and I just could not even sit through it. This one had something to it that kept it a bit interesting and it did some things that made it fun. I predicted a couple of the deaths before they occurred. Ricard Moll was fun to see to hamming it up. The mayor though and all the kids were annoying. I so wanted one more kill at the end as the kids were swimming and doing their Jaws shtick.
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Not One of the Better "Shark Movies" Out There
Uriah435 August 2015
After being killed by a couple of fishermen, a great white shark is resurrected from the dead and comes back to haunt the small town of Smallport which has had its share of mystical occurrences over the years. The problem is not only that the townspeople refuse to believe some teenagers when they describe it to them but also that it doesn't need much water to manifest itself in order to kill. Now, obviously any film with a plot as far-fetched as this one, needs to be viewed with a heavy dose of humor or at least a 6-pack of beer. Be that as it may, as far as overall "shark movies" are concerned this particular picture is not one of the better films out there as it gets more and more ridiculous the further it continues. Additionally, the special effects were elementary, and the script was pretty weak as well. Likewise, there weren't any big-name actors to give it any semblance of credibility either. In short, this wasn't a good movie and I have rated it accordingly.
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altichy4 September 2018
Fun, and campy made for TV movie. Definitely one you can hang out with some friends, drink some brews, and enjoy. Has some hilarious shark attacks.
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Ghost Shark
marinaant-3621719 April 2022
This one was so bad and I knew it was gonna be but I have to admit that it was hilarious and kinda enjoyable to watch and since I'm a fan of shark movies it was fun. The acting was so bad I was laughing all the way throughout the film but for a comedy it's really good.
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Well, It's Original At Least
Michael_Elliott31 August 2013
Ghost Shark (2013)

** (out of 4)

A group of friends grow tired of a mysterious ghost shark eating their friends so they decide to stick together and try to figure out what's going on. Yes, the title pretty much tells you everything you need to know as SyFy is back with yet another "shark" movie. While they have shown countless shark movies over the years, this one here is the first to actually tell the story of a haunted shark whose ghost attacks people. You might think this is a stupid idea, and it is, but at the same time there's no question that you've never seen anything quite like this and on that level the film remains mildly entertaining. The idea that a ghost of a shark would go around killing people is just downright silly but the film takes it to a whole 'nother level by making the ghost able to go into any sort of water. This gives us some crazy, over-the-top and at times hilarious scenes where the shark attacks a group of kids inside a pool and even a water puddle isn't safe from this thing. I really hope people don't watch a film called GHOST SHARK and expect some sort of serious, Shakespeare-like drama. Those watching this should just be into it for some cheap fun and I think the film delivers on this level. There's still no question that the film contains quite a few flaws including the fact that it simply runs out of gas towards the end, which keeps it from being better. None of the performances are what you'd call great but they're good enough for this type of material. Fans of the silly should certainly get a few kicks out of this even if it falls short of SHARKNADO.
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Bad but in a hilarious way rather than in an infuriating way
TheLittleSongbird16 September 2013
Don't expect much from Ghost Shark. If you've seen Super Shark, Sand Sharks, Jersey Shore Shark Attack and even Sharknado(do the Shark Attack movies count too?) you'll know that you shouldn't expect a SyFy channel shark movie to be particularly good. Ghost Shark is a long way from good, but it is better than the first three movies listed- and the Shark Attack movies- if not quite reaching hilariously bad guilty-pleasure status like Sharknado did. And it certainly isn't the worst SyFy movie. It isn't too badly shot and edited, plus the scenery is nice, while the gore is inventive and not too cheap and the acting is adequate(especially for SyFy), Richard Moll stands out in a creepy and over-the-top performance and the female lead is likable. That is a feat though, but the dialogue is cliché-ridden, underwritten and has too much of the cheese factor. The story- deriving from a silly but potentially fun concept- is much too rushed too, which doesn't give us much time to root enough for the characters(who are little more than just-there and poorly developed stereotypes). It also veers wildly between mildly credible at best to hilariously ludicrous, with the attacks more outrageous than suspenseful or scary. The shark does look very cheap and is not particularly menacing in design or personality, goofy is more like it. In conclusion, bad but hilariously so rather than infuriatingly. 4/10 Bethany Cox
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Sharks: Have I become a joke to you all?
TheNonSmoker12 September 2020
Please stop making fun of sharks, please stop for GODS! Sake!
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As seen on UniMas, this film's fate is deserving when compared to "Sharknado."
the_glorious_sob12 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I came across this film while watching UniMás, a Spanish-language channel available over the airwaves. This B-movie followed the "A-movie" "Mission Impossible III"; I cannot tell if the network aired that in memory of Philip Seymour Hoffman given that he died months ago. But I could tell I was looking at some hideous piece of work (if not a piece of something else) as there were no promos leading up to it & no, um, "banner spots" (or what I'd call "'Ghost Shark' will be right back after these messages.") Already the storyline was looking ludicrous as in the cold open, the living shark gets killed in a medieval way w/ a harpoon, a gun, & even a grenade. Yet it swims to some cave & now its fluorescent blue ghost version kills its aggressors (& of course the raucous rampage doesn't stop from there). Notice that the movie presents the cast in alphabetical order, which I'd assume is because "Ghost Shark" has no "stars." & to me, the only 2 recognizable actors were Richard Moll (whose goofball role of Bull Shannon in "Night Court" now looks more dignified), & Mackenzie Rosman of "7th Heaven." Keep in mind she was just a kid alongside the stunning Jessica Biel. But Rosman certainly matured into quite the lady herself in Maxim Magazine. But I can't help but think that's how she got the major role in "Ghost Shark" while Biel was in better films, or just merely married Justin Timberlake. If you watch enough monster films, you'd recognize the tropes, which means trends, such as the large cast (including many girls in bikinis) whose minimal purpose is to be a visual feast for the eyes & then an actual feast for the eponymous monster. There's also the usual stock characters such as the determined teens set to stop the monster conflicting against the skeptical sheriff & his equally obstructive bureaucrat fellow (or foe). Before I end, I must point out a scene where one person dies as the ghost shark splits him into left & right halves. The witnesses should have looked either shocked or prone to vomit at such graphic gore but only appeared, um, miffed, like a newscaster reporting about the latest homicide. That's what I call "dull surprise," something I learned from "Mystery Science Theater 3000," which has helped my tolerance for bad cinema. In conclusion, "Ghost Shark" tried to imitate the hype of Syfy's "Sharknado." But instead, such imitation proved to be offensively repetitive to its audience. That's probably why a movie that was on Syfy just last year reappeared in UniMás on May 2014. "Sharknado" was trashy but cool. "Ghost Shark" is just trash.
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Please Google to see if this hasn't been done already
npacione27 August 2015
Why I gave this one star and I am going to explain the reason I am doing so. For starters, in 2004, I have penned a supernatural tinged shark story closing out Tabloid Purposes (ISBN: 978- 1500524517) called Leviathan's Ghost in recent years a short story playing up one of our urban legends. The story is on AuthorsDen to this day as it's formatted for full justification -- if anything this asshole may had lifted the story in some ways. Though talking with the director of Ghost Shark: Urban Jaws as I was ready to scream at him too until I explained how I wrote this story I used Twelve Days Of Terror as the back story and using the terms from all the shark books I read as a kid. It was the first where I really shown the work to create something downright frightening; as one of my House of Pain E-Zine mates when reading this. I made the motif that Peter Benchley did and gave it an even more sinister tone. This so called director didn't research the web to see if a story like this already existed.

I can't support this and Sci-Fi Channel please look into what I am saying here because I will be contacting The Asylum personally on the issue. This director may have lifted Leviathan's Ghost which I researched this heavily reading 12 Days of Terror by Dr. Richard Fernicola for the back story. Griff Furst and Eric Forsberg should at least looked for Leviathan's Ghost before he went ahead and wrote this one because the grisly sequences within my story can given this idea even more plausibility.

I didn't watch this film because of the accusations thrown at me as one made the claim of I stole this movies idea for my story. When I wrote the story 11 years ago and it was on FictionPress as a chapbook. The Asylum has a history of ripping authors off and not faithfully looking into the original material as I Am Omega and I Am Legend.

Sharknado what I saw of the samples is original and I had given this movie a nod. I penned Yest Ye Become One when I did my urban legend based shark story where the idea came from a report that WGN-TV did last year when they asked if that was a shark in Lake Michigan.

Frust you might be reading this and saying, "Who is this sob ripping you a new one with this review?"

I am the author of Leviathan's Ghost the original supernatural tinged killer shark horror story. Proved I could do a short form horror story based on the killer shark motif again in 2015. So guys I suggest you do a Google to make sure something like this doesn't already exist before you exploring this abomination.
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Now you see it ... now you don't
kosmasp4 November 2023
Well probably better if you don't see it - ah there is the pun ... that is not intended. I even try to do something with my catchphrase. It's not that easy, but barely an inconvenience ... I love Ryan by the way! I doubt he will ever watch this movie though (or the sequel that exists).

If he has seen Sharknado ... well I don't think it is that much better than this movie. But that is just me. You have some pretty people running through the movie ... or taking baths ... or being anywhere near the beach ... and yet the shark is always a step (swim?) ahead ... well you know what I mean. There is not much to expect here ... I reckon your expectations more or less will be met ...
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Solid ghost shark flick! The best of its sub-genre, which makes it a classic!
ronisaurus4 November 2013
Summary says it all but, SERIOUSLY THIS MOVIE IS MADE OF AWESOME! There's so many stupid in this one that it just became my #1 drinking movie. You should try it too. Take your friends and drink something really light!!! every time you see stupid! You can thank me later.

In this wonderful era, where we get sick-ass awesome titles like Sharktopus, Sharknado, Piranaconda and the likes; we finally get to see this pearl emerge from the very same portal. It is what we've always wanted. It is what we've always hoped for, but never dared to speak of! It has finally shown itself to us, my brethren! THE GHOST SHARK FINALLY CAME! The movie is also entertaining and every time you're about to start not giving a damn, something stupid happens. This occurs quite often so it's okay to watch once even without drinking. I'm guessing that means it's well-paced... but lets not stick to over-analyzing this gem.

I'm always a little afraid to start watching flicks of similar concepts, because there's always a possibility that it is so bad I have to turn it off. This was - at least in my case - not how it went with Ghost Shark, so that itself made the experience pretty cool. You know in our time and day one has to keep up with things, even if it means movies with funky creatures eating people, so I was gonna check it out rain or snow. I truly had difficulty deciding if the production team is bunch of level 99 trolls and intentionally packed the flick full of goofs or those were actual mistakes, but that made it even more fun to watch. 8 stars no less!
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Shark Ghosts are Fun!
wes-connors23 August 2013
In the opening minutes, expect a trio of southern-accented boaters ("rednecks") to bite the dust. They kill a great white shark, which turns into a blue-glowing "Ghost Shark". Considering later events, the story might have been better off starting with the flashback which occurs near the end. For whatever reasons, the beach community "Smallport" is quickly terrorized. Ghost sharks need to eat, too. This one, being spiritual, is not restricted to the beach. It manifests itself wherever water accumulates...

A swimming pool party, bikini car wash, leaky sink and bathtub are among the areas haunted...

Versatile director Griff Furst handles this assignment very well. The likable cast is led by Dave Davis (as Blaise Parker) and Mackenzie Rosman (as Ava Reid), both going places. Creepy lighthouse keeper Richard Moll (as Darnell Finch) may be able to solve the mystery, if he can stay sober (and stop shouting) long enough. If spirits are real and all dogs go to Heaven, the world must embrace and accept ghost sharks. The story doesn't take full advantage of the possibilities, but the shark attacks are highly amusing.

****** Ghost Shark (8/22/13) G.E. Furst ~ Dave Davis, Mackenzie Rosman, Richard Moll, Sloane Coe
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Surprised it took so long
msblackeyes689 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It had to be done you know. There are so many flicks out about avenging spirits of the human nature. Why not one about a shark?

It's an interesting concept actually. One I'm surprised hasn't been done for Jaws. After all wasn't the final one about him following her to Jamaica? Why not the ghost of the ones they killed?!?

Course in this one any body of water will do. A car wash. Bathtub. Sink.... Which if your going to have an avenging ghost shark you can't limit him to the ocean right? . Lol

If you go into this movie expecting just a fun time and amusing concept then you will be entertained. If you go in thinking it's going to be a "jaws" like movie then you will be seriously disappointed. The title alone gives you an idea on the value of the film. Watch it. Laugh. For equal entertainment read the reviews. There is one that will make you giggle and then "goggle" You'll know exactly which one I'm referring to as soon as you read it. It's good for at least 5 min of laughter.
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Not as exciting as most Sy Fy movies this year...
bonbonsyum25 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Ghost Shark (2013) Stars: Mackenzie Rosman, Sloane Coe, Dave Davis, Richard Moll.

Ghost Shark is about this shark that comes back from the grave and exacts vengeance for being killed. So, these teenagers try to stop it from killing other innocent people before it's too late. There's also this weird lighthouse keeper (played even more weirdly by Richard Moll) who lost his wife some time ago and just yells random crap every turn. It's not the best movie, but it provides you with some great kills, including the one in the police station.

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Ghost Shark knows what it is and how to please its audience with an outrageous plot, cheesy acting, and fun supernatural shark kills.
Paragon24011 August 2022
No movie is more fun, nonsensical, ridiculous, stupid, and wonderful than Ghost Shark. This cinematic gem embraces its cheese understanding precisely what any person that sits down to watch a movie titled Ghost Shark would want to see - zero logic, 100% dumb fun, and outrageous shark violence. Is it awful? Absolutely. The acting is terrible, and the effects are worse, but what else would you expect? This is peak Syfy stupid creature feature at its best!

What is more dangerous than a shark? How about a phantom shark that can attack its prey from any water source-toilet, sink, or puddle? It's bonkers in the best way!
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A hidden gem? Not at all
SyoKennex25 July 2017
I am someone who can really sit and watch bad movies. A lot of really bad movies have been some of my favourites each year, finding hiding gems in the horror genre. This is, unfortunately, not one of those hidden gems.

Ghost Shark is all about a great white shark that is killed by a red neck fisherman, who then comes back as a ghost to reek revenge on a small community that hasn't had so much as a shark sighting in 20 years. With the ability to appear in any water source – swimming pools, puddles, anything that can support its full ghostly spectre form – no one is safe from this new hell. A group of teenagers must convince the local police force that the perpetrator of these killings is a great white shark, returned from the dead, but a secret from the town's past may be the only way to do this.

This is just really cringey, really bad, and honestly one of the worst movies I have ever watched in the shark attack sub-genre. The acting is terrible, the accents of the red necks honestly just made me cringe away from the screen, and the CGI was the worst I have ever seen for a movie, television movie or otherwise. I could not wait for this to be over with, and honestly turned it off twice before forcing myself to sit and watch it all the way through. I wasted an hour and a half of my life with this movie.

There are plenty of decent shark movies you could watch, including Bait (2012), The Shallows (2016) and Shark Night 3D (2011). I would seriously recommend one of those over this; I'd even recommend Sharknado. My two star rating is generous, and that's only for the well done camera work and editing.

Seriously, miss this one.
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It's insane, it's trashy, but it's a bit of fun.
Sleepin_Dragon2 July 2023
A group of redneck fishermen kill a great white shark, they very quickly realise they picked the wrong one, when its soul comes back to take its revenge.

Now, you could easily slate this film, and call it an out and out trash fest, and let's be honest it is, but it's a film that doesn't take itself too seriously, it doesn't try to be anything other than an outrageous, over the top, comedy gore fest.

The plot will make you chuckle, the random appearances of the shark will make you chuckle, and sadly the special effects will have you howling, but if you're prepared to watch a film called Ghost Shark, you haven't come here for Jaws, you know what you're in for.

I can't decide if the bath scene or the sprinklers scene is the best moment, both scenes are equally outrageous. There are multiple moments that will leave you speechless.

Richard Moll was actually pretty decent as Finch I thought, arguably the standout, the acting in general wasn't too bad, you can imagine how many special efforts they were dealing with, plenty of green screen.

A film to watch when you get home from a night out, after several drinks, and have a much needed pizza and coffee.

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Watch another supernatural shark movie
doctorsmoothlove22 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
"Ghost Shark" at least has a unique premise. In this film, the shark can go anywhere as long as water is present. Of course, you have the standard beach attack scenes. The shark also attacks people on a slip and slide, car wash, swimming pool and most impressively when someone drinks a glass of water.

The film has an impressive amount of gore for a television film. The sequence where it attacks the man drinking a glass of water is especially impressive. The puppet comes apart lengthwise while the specter slowly moves out from the bottom. Other people meet bloody ends ever 10 minutes or so. These moments pepper what is otherwise a standard creature feature.

My issue with Ghost Shark is its lack of ambition. Here is a film with an interesting albeit gimmicky idea that doesn't bother to build a backstory beyond, "the cave where the shark died is cursed and anyone meeting a violent death there is resurrected." The teenage heroes run across an older drunk whose wife was apparently killed there by him in a domestic altercation? What happened to her? If the shark became a ghost, did his wife or is she a zombie? I ask these questions because I became bored and frustrated by the film's lack of exploration of its premise. I get the feeling this idea was discussed with corporate executives who approved the idea with tight control of the script. What plot we do get is a standard ripoff of the original Jaws down to the governmental official who doesn't believe the main characters.

The biggest question I have is, "How does the ghost shark physically eat people," since it is a ghost? The film never addresses this question. Apparently, its ghost powers allow it to pass through some solid non-human objects until it gets to a person which it can eat. I think the idea could easily have been worked around if instead of being a ghost the shark were a zombie shark. The film doesn't even make good use of the shark's ghost powers. While we see it pass through some solid objects, where is the sequence of the shark passing through walls in the museum to stalk victims.

Ghost Shark is not shot or edited well. In one sequence a character is supposed to be swimming to shore. The next cut shows him swimming away from shore. Multiple cuts contain dialog or other sound from a previous cut or from a character who isn't on screen. More evidence of corporate carelessness. If you must watch Ghost Shark, wait until you're out of options for your shark marathon.
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Stupid but fun
ktennyson-0818615 April 2022
Not a great movie but full of innovative kills...not best plot or acting...that said like a lot of syfy and asylum films... entertaining enough popcorn film... recommended if you like cheesy shark movies... definitely fun.
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Plenty of attacks
maxwellskk20 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Ghost shark adds up to the amount of shark attacks expected for a good shark movie. The amount of bikinigirls is also the amount expected. Its original idea with a shark that appears from nowhere (except where there's water) is a really good idea.
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A cinematic triumph
steve-mallett29 July 2014
I'm not sure what to say.

Positives: I particularly enjoyed the impatient man scenes especially when asked about the cave. The acting was impressive, especially after watching avalanche sharks, although I am a little biased as my ginger friend starred in this film.

Negatives: Could have been more bikini shots and the whole film was a little too fast paced for us - there was a lot going on. Might require a second watch to fully appreciate the small nuances of the plot.

Also the incredibly small actress who becomes increasingly diminutive as the film progresses - makes the whole film a little bit unbelievable.

Highly recommended.
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Not quite up to the insanity that is Sharknado
Zbigniew_Krycsiwiki23 August 2013
Three redneck hicks kill a shark which ate a catch they were trying to reel in for a fishing tournament, by shooting it, and throwing hot sauce into its mouth. That, somehow or other, turns the shark into a translucent, glowing blue ghost shark (!) which proceeds to go on a rampage in the local town, devouring people in their own swimming pools, a local bikini car wash, even a sink's drain pipe with a leak in it, a bathtub, and a Slip-N-Slide ride for kids.

Not quite up to the insanity that is Sharknado, but that would be difficult, this has a few funny effects, and lead actors who all seem like cartoon caricatures. 6'8" Richard Moll towers over the entire cast as the town drunk, who might know how to stop the thing. Acromegalic Shawn Phillips, likable and almost cartoonish in his size, is an early victim. The two lead girls (Sloane Coe and gorgeous Mackenzie Rosman) are diminutive: they both stand five feet tall each. Casting decisions like that had to be intentionally done, but, were the filmmakers trying too hard by doing that?

Numerous references to Jaws, as a character is named "Blaise Shaw" is an obvious reference to Robert (Quint) Shaw, Chief Martin is an obvious reference to Martin Brody (played by Roy Scheider) , even the events of the film occur around the Fourth of July.

The bizarre effects, and even weirder casting give the movie a lot of unintentional laughs, but when the filmmakers tried to make it funny, it ended up being silly.
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Exciting high-profile Sci-Fi Channel Creature Feature
kannibalcorpsegrinder23 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
After several of their friends are killed, a group of friends try to convince the authorities that the culprit was a spectral great white shark, but when no one believes them they are forced to go out alone to defeat the bloodthirsty, murderous spirit haunting the town.

This here was quite an enjoyable and entertaining Sci-Fi Channel effort. One of the best parts to really like with this one seems to be the channels' penchant for supernatural-inflicted action scenes that could have no possible basis in reality. That there's a lot great scenes here that seem to be usual for such films like the opening attack in the boat where the shark gets killed and then turns on the crew, the follow-up ambush on the beach where it attacks the group to the complete shock of everyone and the spectacularly cheesy scene at the pool party where it appears suddenly to interrupt their festivities. This leads into the wholly enjoyable series of scenes where the shark emerges from areas like a slip-n-slide, kitchen sink pipes, a garden hose used in a car wash, puddles and even the spray from a busted fire-hydrant, among other places of a similar caliber that are so far-fetched and ridiculous that there's no possible way it conveys any sense of reality. These feature such goofy action setups that it manages to really let loose with the concept of the shark in ridiculous areas and gives this one a fine setup into the longer action scenes from the appearance in the flooded museum where it stalks the group inside or the method of finally defeating the creature which is pretty inspired due to the lengthy battle that takes place to set the scene up, all of which pace the film along and make it quite enjoyable overall. Trying to tie it into a historical-based reality with the implication of the ancient burial ground where it was spawned is a great move that at least offers a sense of balance for the ludicrous action presented, and there's naturally a lot of bloodied CGI death shots as people are bitten in half, decapitated, snacked on, chomped and dismembered here to provide some nifty gore scenes. These here hold this one up over the few minor flaws featured. Among its only complaints to be found here is the same common attribute found in the majority of their films, the lame CGI that's found in bringing the shark to life. While it is a ghost in this case and a lot of its scenes are then by-design supposed to be off, as well as the storyline dictation of what it can do, but there's just far too much time given to this that it really becomes distracting after a while. The other big issue here is the rather cliche formula addition of the skeptical authorities disbelieving everything for the sake of the town as this makes no sense seeing as they have plenty of evidence to suggest it's there and all it does is add them to the body count. These here are the few issues to be had with this one.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence, Language, Brief Nudity and underage drinking.
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Let's just say Ghost Shark is quite different and also entertaining.
alexcomputerkid20 September 2013
even though they are highly enjoyable subjects in the film world, sharks are kind of limited if you think about it. Obviously they are confined to water, so the killer sharks are limited to that type of atmosphere. Well Ghost Shark is a Syfy film so you know this is going to be a different type of shark film. Let's just say Ghost Shark is quite different and also entertaining.

The movie was shot in Louisiana and is set in a coastal town. The town is having strange and mysterious killings around water that might be caused by a shark or a different kind of shark. As the story unfolds, we learned that the shark is a ghost shark and the story is primarily told through a local drunken sea captain named Blaise Shaw (Dave Randolph- Mayhem Davis).

Obviously this is a very dumb concept if you think about it. A ghost is somehow a shark that is out to kill people? That said, once you accept this rather strange concept, the movie offers more than you might think. The shark has blue tints and good CGI. It's also a shark that can attack outside of the ocean creating different kill scenes in a slip'n slide, a pool party and in the middle of the street from an open fire hydrant. These kill scenes are new and very unique and you can be sure we will never see this again. The captain's story about the ghost shark really just kind of comes out of nowhere and there is very questionable acting here. There is good effort in the storytelling which brings us some different atmosphere and settings including caves, a maritime museum and a lighthouse.

Obviously the ghost shark is entertaining but the characters are good too. Ava (Mackenzie Rosman) is a bratty, self-centered character who does what it takes to confront and kill the shark. Again Blaise is the sea captain and a hot-shot guy who knows things about this shark and is a very likable and entertaining character. Cicely (Sloane Coe) is a young girl that does not get her way because of her young age but she still tries to be the best she can be without being unlikable. Cameron (Jaren Mitchell) is one laid back character and Mick (Shawn C. Phillips) is one large guy who offers some pretty good comic relief.

Unlike most Syfy movies including Sharknado, Ghost Shark pays homage to other films including Jaws with a July 4th setting, seashore atmosphere and the shark obviously. There is also a kill scene in a water-filled bathtub like Nightmare On Elm Street. The eerie lighthouse has vibes of Adrienne Barbeau from The Fog. This film's homage to other films is one reason why Ghost Shark works so well as a film.

The movie does drag through most of the entire third act and as with any Syfy film, it would probably be better on the big screen. Still, not as many Syfy films are this watchable nor as smart as this one. Ghost Shark is one fun movie and one of the best Syfy movies I have seen.
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