Piranhaconda (TV Movie 2012) Poster

(2012 TV Movie)

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Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Cares?
wes-connors16 November 2013
While shooting a low-budget monster movie entitled "Head Chopper 3" in Hawaii, a film crew is terrorized by the titular creatures. These giant snakes are the result of an unholy union between a piranha and an anaconda. Heroic, handsome and well-chiseled stuntman Robert "Rib" Hillis (as Jack Black) attracts curvy brunette script girl Terri Ivens (as Rose) and sexy blonde B-movie actress Shandi Finnessey (as Kimmy Weston). The bikini-clad star is famous for her line, "Suck lead, you hillbilly butt nugget!"

Also hanging around the Hawaiian Islands is mutant snake hunter Michael Madsen (as Robert Lovegrove). He wears a straw hat and steals reptilian eggs for profit and research. They are all kidnapped by gangsters. Even worse, they are all and hunted by the angry, hungry "Piranhaconda" (or is that "Piranhacondas"?). The monsters are not at all frightening, but they sure are funny. Director Jim Wynorski showcases a generous helping of tightly-attired bosom (or is that bosoms?). The title song is very cool.

**** Piranhaconda (6/16/12) Jim Wynorski ~ Rib Hillis, Terri Ivens, Shandi Finnessey, Michael Madsen
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Just like you would expect.
Boba_Fett11382 July 2012
Of course this is not a good movie! But what else did you expect from a movie called "Piranhaconda", about an half snake, half piranha, that loves to crush and eat people. At least everyone in this movie knew what they got involved with and never took things too seriously. This is often a good thing and it at least still keeps the movie somewhat fun and tolerable to watch.

Basically all of these movies play out the same; a killer animal is on the loose and randomly kills a bunch of people you don't even care about, with always a guy and girl, who used to be or still are in love, trying to kill the creature. Really, once you have seen one of these Roger Corman/Syfy channel movies, you have seen them all and know actually how things are going to play out. They don't even attempt anymore really to come up with some original moments. And it also seems that all of these movies got shot at the same locations, no doubt because they were the cheapest to film at. It basically makes this movie just like any other one, that came out recently, done by Corman.

People that enjoy movies will still get a kick out of it. There is plenty of cheese and camp to enjoy, coming from the hands of the actors and filmmakers. It isn't trying to be more than it is and it makes no assumptions about it that this is being even a remotely good movie.

The one thing that always stands out about these movies, in terms of horrible quality, are its special effects. I don't know who keeps doing these special effects from his mother's basement on his home computer but it's absolutely horrible and I sincerely hope they start putting some more money and effort into it in the near future, since it will most likely make the movies less annoying and cringing to watch.

And I really don't know what Michael Madsen is doing in this. He got top billing, probably because of his name and fame but in fact he is only being a supporting character, that could had been played by anybody really.

Only somewhat watchable and enjoyable if you like cheesy bad movies. Everybody else will only be annoyed and amazed at how bad this movie in fact is.


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Scfy Channel chomp fest.
michaelRokeefe4 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Jim Wynorski directs and Roger Corman produces this sequel of SHARKTOPUS. Razor sharp teeth makes it hard to spend any safe time in Hawaiian waters. A giant snake with a mouthful of knife-like teeth can chomp anyone in half. Scientist Lovegrove (Michael Madsen) steals an egg from the creature and plans on making some big bucks. Not that easy; thinking he is of importance, a group of bandits turn kidnapper and hold Lovegrove for ransom. A documentary film crew stumbles across the kidnapping and leads the hungry piranhaconda to a starring role in a nasty gore feast.

Players include: Rachel Hunter, Rib Hillis, Chris De Christoper, Shandi Finnessey, Terri Evans, Michael Swan, Diana Terranova and Kurt Yeager.
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Abysmal Attempt to Recreate "Magic" of Sharknado
georgeislive217 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
A film crew shooting a B-Movie in the jungle comes face-to-face with a fearsome pair of piranhacondas, which resemble giant snakes with piranha teeth. To reach the requisite running time, a team of mercenaries is thrown into the mix, as well as a scientist eager to carry one of the creatures' eggs back to civilization.

PROS: The title is laugh out loud silly, which led me to believe that the film would tread the same waters as the vastly superior "Sharknado." Both films were SyFy Channel Original Movies, which further increased my hopes.

CONS: Too many to mention. This is a film that is inept on nearly every level. The script has none of the wit (and I use this term loosely) of the previously referenced "Sharknado." It doesn't even have the wit of grade school sleepover. Instead, it substitutes machine gun delivery of clichés and movie speak for character development. There can be no audience identification because the script is so bad that the actors know it. Star Michael Madsen looks pained (or drunk) every time he speaks. He seems to be ducking away from the camera, as if he's embarrassed by the screen time.

I know there are those that will argue that the script and acting are not the point of these movies. "Piranhaconda" makes that clear from the onset. Like clockwork, the director trots out some silicone enhanced beauties every ten minutes to be gnawed by the title characters. These women have no roles. They exist merely to add skin to the decidedly horrible plot. It's as if the SyFy Channel suddenly acknowledged that they could no longer court an audience through creature features and decided to hedge their bets with Cinemax skinflix inserts.

All of this might be forgiven if the creature effects were interesting. Or even competent. But neither is the case. SyFy again resorts to video game effects (and I'm talking early Nintendo here), which are almost laugh inducing. Actually, if they were laugh inducing, this might have provided some measure of enjoyment.

Not to beat the point to death, but would it have killed the filmmakers to have done a competent sound mix? Listen to the first ten minutes of "Piranhaconda" for a primer in how to ruin a low-budget movie with bad sound. Background audio rises or falls with the shot, a sure-fire sign that the filmmakers ran out of money and time before finalizing the picture.

This is an embarrassing film.
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Half piranha half anaconda in...Hawaii?
highwaytourist4 August 2013
OK, I'll try to sum it up. First, a Captain Ahab wannabe scientist discovers a half piranha, half anaconda in Hawaii. He gets one of its eggs and escapes, only to be kidnapped by some criminals whose activities are unexplained. Meanwhile, a low-budget film crew is shooting a lousy horror movie, though it can't be as terrible as this movie. The criminals kidnap part of the film crew to hold them for ransom, but they run into the piranhaconda, and then a second piranhaconda shows up for good measure. It's never really explained how a piranha-anaconda could create a hybrid breed, and it's also never explained how it wound up in Hawaii, which is not native to either creature. The film stars Michael Madsen as the mad scientist/hostage and Rachel Hunter as the diva star of the terrible movie, both obviously in it for an easy paycheck. It was produced by none other than Roger Coreman, who made several terrible science fiction films in the 1950's. Here, he proves that he hasn't lost his touch- he can still make terrible science fiction movies. In place of unconvincing zipper-backed monsters, we have unconvincing computer animated monsters, complete with laughable death scenes where even the victims seem to have difficulty keeping straight faces. The Sci Fi Channel strikes again, strikes out that is.
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Better than average for a SyFy picture
movieman_kev22 July 2012
A huge creature that's part snake, part fish is terrorizing the cast and crew of a B-movie, I'm guessing because it's mad that Professor Lovegrove (Michael Madsen, Sin City, Kill Bill) had stolen it's eggs (Piranhacondas don't know how to compartmentalize it seems) That's the threadbare plot for this SyFy original in a nutshell. Sure there's another plot about kidnappers but that one meanders and isn't that interesting. It's all about the snake.

Slightly above average (for a SyFy film). The effects are fairly well done and there is some fun to be had. Plus I'm still a huge admirer of Director Jim Wynorski even if it's more for his amazing work in the '80's as opposed to his more recent output.
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Good film... but for all the wrong reasons.
richieandsam21 December 2013

Well another year has gone and it is my birthday again... so what does that mean? A lads night of food, games and rubbish movies.

This was the first movie we watched... you know exactly what to expect when the title is Piranhaconda. I don't even think I need to explain the movie do I? The movie is about a group of movie makers that are in the woods making a movie... it is not going very well, but get's a lot worst when they get attacked one by one by a giant snake.

The story was alright I suppose seeing as you don't have much choice when a giant snake/piranha thing is eating everyone in sight.It is nothing original, but for a cheesy b-movie that is fine.

The acting was terrible from everyone. Not one person did a good job, not even the star of the movie. The movie stars Michael Madsen, Rachel Hunter, Rib Hillis, Terri Ivens, Chris De Christopher and Shandi Finnessey. Now I know what you are thinking... "What the hell is Mr. Blonde from Reservoir Dogs doing in a film like this?"... trust me, we all thought the same thing! He did look a mess and his acting was bad. He came across in this movie like he couldn't care less. He really looked like he regretted signing up for this movie from the start... and I can't blame him.

The movie was that bad, that it actually made it quite good. We were laughing all the way through the movie at how bad it was. There were plenty of half naked women running around the entire movie... most of which was completely unnecessary. There are some comedy lines in there. They were there on purpose and were not that funny... but to be honest the funniest part was the special effects.

The special effects were so bad. The snake thing looking like a 1990's computer game. It looked like it was not blended into the background at all. Even for a 2013 b-movie, this was weak!

It is an entertaining movie if you have your friends over and you all fancy watching a really funny movie and can chat throughout it.

I will give this film 4 out of 10.

"Suck lead, you hillbilly butt nugget!"

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Cheesy... Campy... All the good things a SyFy movie should be...
paul_haakonsen19 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
"Piranhaconda", well the name of the movie is a clear enough indication of what kind of movie and type of entertainment you are in for here; low-budget monster movie with a cheesy story, and probably even more cheesy monster. Well, as this is a SyFy Channel movie, then yes and yes.

The movie starts out wonderfully with a themesong about the piranhacondas. Yes, a song about these wonderful reptilian creatures. It was as epic as the song they had in "Super Shark".

The story takes place in Hawaii, where an apparent freak of nature aberration between a piranha and an anaconda have taken place. How such an unholy union came about to be, we are not given any inside information or facts about. So we can only speculate. The most logical option would be genetic manipulation, but who knows? But these two, yeah not just one, but two, piranhacondas are of gargantuan size, and how they came to grow so big and sustain their diets puzzles me. So the Hawaiian people wouldn't notice a dramatic delve in population, livestock, or whatever it is that these creatures feast upon to grow so big? Again, something not to dwell on.

A group of amateur film makers are out in the Hawaii jungle to shoot a horror movie when they run across this aberration of nature. But they are not just up against these gargantuan snakes, they are also fighting a band of kidnappers. To spice up the story, throw a university scholar into the midst, who wants to study the piranhaconda and bring an egg back to the civilized world. Good plan, eh? Now, the people cast for "Piranhaconda" were actually doing good enough jobs with their roles, and it does seem that people were enjoying making this movie, so that was cool. The dialogue, however, was halting and forced at times, but in a movie of this caliber, that is to be expected and can be forgiven.

The piranhacondas themselves, well, they looked adequate and life-like most of the times, which worked in favor of the movie. There were some scenes, though, where these creatures came off as rather fake. No surprise there.

Another thing that was working well in favor for "Piranhaconda" was the number of casualties throughout the movie. There was a fairly high death-toll in the movie, which was nice. But it gets better, and this part of the movie I loved, whenever the piranhacondas would kill someone, they lunged at the prey (the humans) and the people would vanish in a spray of blood red misty haze. They simply just vanished in a red misty burst. That cracked me up. There were a couple of scenes where you got to see some mutilation, in the form of severed limbs. So it wasn't all bad (if you like gore).

Normally snakes propel themselves forward by slithering, right? Well yeah, as did the piranhacondas, except for one time, where it was chasing after an SUV. Take a look at the creature there, it just darts forward like a straight arrow, all rank and linear. That was so funny. Never seen a snake do that before.

The kidnappers in "Piranhaconda" apparently all attended the "College For Goons Shooting Badly". They were shooting at the protagonists, and fired several dozens, if not hundreds of bullets, and not a single bullet struck or penetrated the vehicle. That was pretty good shooting right there, especially as it was a fairly short distance.

Another of these goofs, were as they headed to the dock to sail away in a small boat, the professor (played by Michael Madsen) had the jar with the piranhaconda eggs in it. Prior throughout all the movie, the eggs was submerged in some kind of fluorescent green slime, but at the docks, there was no slime in the jar. Then a little later on as they had left the docks, the jar was out again, only this time the green slime was back.

Another lovely goof was when the stuntman (one of the protagonists, played by Rib Hillis) was out in the jungle, he just happened to come across a blue quad-bike that conveniently had been left unattended and ready to drive in the middle of the Hawaiian jungle. That never happens where I live.

Despite these flaws and cheesy things, then "Piranhaconda" was actually fun entertainment. You know exactly what you are in for with these kind of SyFy monster movies. They are like traffic accidents, you know you shouldn't look, but you just can't help it. The story was campy and cheesy, which makes it fun to watch, and the creatures were so over the top that it just becomes plain fun.

The ending of the movie was really great actually, so hooray for SyFy for that one! Didn't see that coming actually, so it was a nice surprise.

When you're in Hawaii look behind you, 'coz that's where the piranhaconda's gonna be...
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mmjr-058658 January 2020
Gave it a 3 cuz it's soooo bad it's funny...classic Syfy. Terrible but enjoyed just cuz I have a guilty pleasure with Syfy movies. Gotta wonder how many extras got a role in this movie and why didnt the creature die from silicon poisoning. 😂😂😂Horribly great
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Another Syfy bomb
SanteeFats17 June 2012
I really wish that the Syfy channel would make a minimal effort to keep their original movies somewhat believable. This movie has a fish species cross breeding with a reptile. I can not even imagine how that would happen in real life. I mean if they are going to plot this scenario make it on another planet not on earth. It is easy enough to put aside believe if it is not on earth. Yeah I know they are science fiction and fantasy but this one is not at all believable to me. Of course the acting is B movie but the theme is totally lame. The women in bikinis are not bad so there is some entertainment in this movie but not that much.
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Edge of your seat action
brocklongstock13 March 2021
I was hooked from the first 5 minutes . could not look away as i was worried i would miss the incredible CGI that was used for the realistic piranhacondas..edge of my seat the whole time...at first i was rooting for the people to get away but after awhile was rooting for the predators. Great acting directing and realistic action. 2 thumbs up...way up. Highly recommend
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Fun Monster Mash
Michael_Elliott17 June 2012
Piranhaconda (2012)

** (out of 4)

Creature feature fun from director Jim Wynorski takes place in Hawaii as a professor (Michael Madsen) tracks down an egg that belongs to a legendary part piranha, part anaconda creature. Soon its parents are killing anyone who gets in their way and that includes a low-budget film crew there filming a slasher pic. PIRANHACONDA is actually a step above most of the creature features that appear on SyFy and a big credit has to go to Wynorski. I've always enjoyed his film and this one here is a decent little affair that should at least keep fans of monster movies entertained. Again, this isn't Shakespeare but for the most part it delivers the goods. The CGI snake/fish creature is certainly something to see. Yes, it's looks incredibly fake but this here actually adds a little charm to the picture. The majority of the death scenes have cheap CGI blood flowing but this too had its own level of charm. A few weeks ago I watched POPATOPOLIS, a documentary on Wynorski as he attempted to make a film in three days. It was a very good documentary because we got to see him directing and just listening to him talk to his actors in a manner that some might not like. There's a director in this film that acts the same way and you can't help it was spoofing Wynorski and it's actually pretty funny. However, having seen that documentary, I do wonder if the same techniques works with Madsen. As for Madsen, he's clearly just picking up a paycheck here and he appears bored throughout the picture. The supporting cast features some pretty good performances including Teri Ivens, Shandi Finnessey, Rachel Hunter and Rib Hillis all turning in fine work. If you're looking for high art then you're obviously in the wrong place but PIRANHACONDA at least features some good moments, although it does start to wear thin towards the end.
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Fish snake wiggles through film killing folks
djderka17 June 2012
There seem to be several plots and sub plots in this movie.

1) Professor Lovegrove is trying to find the snake that killed his Dad and scarf up the snake's egg. For what purpose? What else? To sell and make MONEY. As all scientists do when they discover some "creature". You will feel at home with the great Michael Madsen as the scientist as he as played in many films, and is a bit under utilized here.

2) Local bandits capture visiting Americans for cash dollars in ransom money.

3) An LA film director is making a horror film with his cast and crew. Fortunately, his casting director hired some very hot babes, like Rachel Hunter, Shandi Finnessey, Teri Ivens, and Christina DeRosa.

4) A piranhaconda intent on wrapping her body around everyone in sight and killing them and eating them, writhes around the island.

The only thing that drags this movie down is the CGI piranahconda. B films were better in the 50's and 60's when you only glimpsed at the crab monster or gorilla in a diving helmet.

The head bad guy reminds me of the bad guy in Superman? I don't know his name, as I did not Tivo the movie, and am relying on IMDb. Sadly, some filmmakers don't include practicals: head shots of everyone. And, IMDb, could list cast members as bad guys, surfer girl, ditzy blonde, as we often don't remember their names if they are even mentioned in the movie.

Back to our story: the piranahconda is killing people, the bad guys hold a few cast as hostages, Prof. Lovegrove is hot for the egg, and Talia is lounging on the beach. The film inter cuts between all the plots, as it heads for the exciting conclusion.

As I have said before, thanks to Roger Corman helping these young filmmakers, and he is Executive Producer on this one. Remember it is up to the writer, director and cast to create good films. Roger is at least providing the funding for their efforts.

So you will have to see the movie to find out how hostage takers, film crews, a greedy scientist, a curly blonde beach lounger, and killer reptiles all interact. It is worth a view.
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All it needs is some Paul Logan
warehousereviews11 August 2021
What a yawn fest.

The blandest movie I have seen in a while, not entertaining in the slightest.

Rib Hillis. What a putz... he wants to be Paul Logan so badly... shame he has absolutely none of his talents or charisma...

give this a skip and watch Mega Piranha instead....
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chavellek30 August 2020
This movie is one of the worst syfy movies I've ever seen. I have watched a lot of trash syfy but this one makes all the others look great. The cast always choose the dumbest course of action. This is definitely not worth any of your time.
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Terriable movie
jacobjohntaylor127 August 2020
I am some one who like monster movies most of the time. I think there are a lot of monster movies that are underrated. But I have to say this movie stinks. It is terriebale movie with awful acting. And an awful story line. It is not scary at all. The ending is terriebale. Do not see this movie.
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Reminds me of Andy Sedaris movies
L_Miller3 August 2014
You know the story, and it doesn't matter all that much if you don't. Tacky effects, great scenery - Hawaii gorgeous as always, hot actresses and actors with serviceable acting ability and that guy who was in that thing that one time many years ago.

The only thing that keeps this from being an actual Sedaris movie is the absence of Andy or his son from the producer list and the lack of nudity since this is basic cable broadcast. The production companies should make these shows in dual-format for Syfy (who tragically lost their spell checker some years ago) and for Showtime or Cinemax.

The effects are really bad, I mean REALLY bad but the acting is OK and movies like this keep the majority of Hollywood in business, plus at least these actors got a trip to Hawaii, so I will give it a thumbs-up. Check it out.
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It would have done well with a little sexing up...
LeatherCajun20 September 2021
Some nice looking people running from a horrible looking, helicopter chomping, snake piranha thing.
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You can't make it fun if it's just hate
drystyx30 September 2021
These early 21st century movies are being mass produced with no inspiration and total hate.

The writing is the start of the hate, and the directing is total hate.

A giant monster, each monster has to "out monster" the other one, so now they're larger than skyscrapers, and eating people that would amount to a human eating an insect.

What's even worse is when a writer and director try to "joke" about their hatefulness. It's just hate. The director here finds so many young black hair women to butcher in this movie that it's evident he dreams about being on his knees for the cadaver of Adolf Hitler. The usual Nazis who come to rate and speak on I M D B praise the Nazi ideology of course.

But even if it wasn't the Nazi ideology, the entire hate that is in this movie makes it just like 90% of other movies made since the mid nineteen sixties.

It takes all the fun out of the movie, so the attempts at humor just make it sicker. There's no wit, no inspiration, no strategy, just the same old abuse of resources and talents.

This is the result of a generation of spoiled brats who have had it so easy that they have to look for something to hate, so they want it to be the fantasy world for everyone, because they're control freaks. They have no artistry. That's the problem. The very people with the mechanics to make movies are keeping the real talent of inspiration and art out of these movies. The bar is so low today that it boggles the mind.
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Pretty good
Teo85219 March 2013
I have to say i really enjoyed this movie , the special effect aren't that good but hey what do you expect if a movie's name is Piranhaconda. It's better than piranha or then anaconda so this movie is really enjoyable. So here's the pro and the con's pro : 1. It has a lot of hot chicks in it. 2. It's pretty funny ( especially when something is gonna happen the tense song start way to early this made me laugh throughout whole the movie and i felt super smart cause i knew when something was gonna happen) 3. For a B-movie good acted at some points. con's : 1. No boobs. (naked) 2. The Piranhaconda is really bad digitally crafted. ( this is also a pro cause it makes the movie funny ) 3. At some points in the movie they used like porn actresses that just instantly died while they could have used these actresses for prolonged sex scene's

Hope this review helps !
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Never is going to be one of my favourites, but for me one of SyFy's more tolerable movies
TheLittleSongbird20 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
To be honest I wasn't expecting to enjoy Piranhaconda, the concept was rather cheesy though had potential to be entertaining, the film didn't exactly look promising and the amount of 1s added to the IMDb score pre-release further added to my dubiousness. SyFy are also notorious for bad to bottom-of-the-barrel movies(though there are a few tolerable ones too), though no matter how terrible most are I find them compulsively watchable and always watch to see if they ever do anything tolerable, otherwise unless they are horrifically or insultingly bad I do revel in their badness. Imagine my surprise when I found Piranhaconda to be one of SyFy's more tolerable movies. It is not perfect by all means, and has a lot of problems but does improve on assets that bring their movies down in the first place.

Visually, it doesn't look too bad. With SyFy, you would expect hackneyed editing, scenery that doesn't give a sense of authenticity, dull lighting and awkward camera angles. In regard to those assets though, Piranhaconda is generally one of their better-looking movies. The editing and camera work is mostly focused and the scenery is striking. You'd also anticipate laughably awful special effects. On the other hand, the Piranhaconda looks alright, there are a few moments where it does look fake, but overall it delivers what the film promised(part-snake, part-fish, all killer), it does look menacing and the movements are less choppy than other SyFy creatures, in fact I was impressed at the amazing speed it moved at. My problem with the Piranhaconda wasn't to do with the design this time. It was to do with how it was developed, you don't find out much about its origin and how it came to be in the jungle.

In all fairness though, that is true of the human characters as well. Thankfully they are less annoying than SyFy movies like Miami Magma and Seattle Superstorm, but not only are they developed unconvincingly, how did three groups exactly manage to be in the jungle at the same time as each other, but especially the scientist and hot chick-type characters they are very clichéd. The script fares better, less stilted, less aimless and less contrived than most SyFy fare. While some of the more humorous spots are not as funny as they could've been, the script does have some pleasantly witty spots. The story is also an improvement, though my feelings were still mixed. It doesn't make the mistake of being dull pace-wise, is light-hearted in tone and reasonably enjoyable, with some fun, tense and not too predictable deaths with a higher body count than usual. However, the final 10-15 minutes are rather rushed, the sub-plot about the scientist character being interested in a flower that seemed thrown in and many questions, such as how the scientific group did not know anything about the Piranhaconda or why Rachel Hunter's group stayed in a place where it would be easy for the Piranhaconda to kill them.

Musically, I was also pleasantly surprised after hearing many SyFy scores that were sluggishly in tempo, derivative or overbearing. The music here has an adventurous vibe to it, and while I would've preferred that the Piranhaconda theme was without the lyrics, which came across as schlocky to me, the theme itself is one of the catchier SyFy movie themes. The acting is better than usual. It was a pleasure to see Michael Madsen and he is literally unrecognisable, but he seemed bored in comparison to his other roles. Although I wish she had more to do, I did think Rachel Hunter was quite good, and while I've read from some that Terri Ivens was rather long-in-the-tooth for the hot chick role I can't deny that she was gorgeous. But in the most fun role of the movie that is more than the hot girl in a bikini, it was Shandi Finnessy who took the acting honours.

All in all, I didn't love it but I didn't hate it. Piranhaconda was problematic but I did find it one of SyFy's more tolerable films. 6/10 Bethany Cox
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This is exactly what my career needed
nogodnomasters8 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
SyFy teams up with Roger Corman to bring us a TV14 bikini/ cleavage cheese fest. Michael Madsen is the smart guy in the movie. On an island in Hawaii tourists, criminals, a movie set, botanists, and Madsen fight an impossible combination of a creature who is native to the Amazon.

The snake is computer generated and as bad as the acting. Kills are finalized with a blood mist spray. The sound track was good as it was something I would expect from "Pulp Fiction."

Great film for campy film lovers.
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Well I never
bevo-136782 April 2020
How can a movie about a hybrid anaconda/piranha attract such a low rating?
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Highly enjoyable creature feature
kannibalcorpsegrinder14 August 2015
When a low-budget movie shoot stumbles upon a massive snake/killer fish hybrid living in the jungle near their shoot, they try to find a way to get away from the creature and the terrorist squad in the area intending on holding them for ransom.

This was an absolutely impressive creature feature that's an absolute blast to watch. Among the best qualities on display is that this is just cheesy and goofy enough to be really enjoyable, and that this one manages to do so the entire time is an even better accomplishment. That almost everything in here does make for an entertaining cheesy good time as this is filled to the brim with lots of action including the shorter attacks of the opening group at the waterfall, a nice chase through the swamps as it stalks a crew-member, a later scene of the scientists getting attacked and the rather fun ambush on the vacationing couple on the secluded beach that there's a lot to like here about the shorter attacks here. While those are a lot of fun, its biggest scenes are the attacks on the hideout with the charge against the kidnappers to free the group being fun enough, but it's really the final part here with the massive gunfight between the two forces that brings the explosive charges of their big trap into focus which brings the creature in which the snake's antics of ambush kills make for an entertaining cheesy good time that plays out in tons of kills and even a few surprisingly- suspenseful moments full of great action that carries along into the finale quite well. The majority of the enjoyment from here comes in the film's high-level of cheese featured, from the utterly dreadful-looking CGI creature to the cheesy slasher movie being shot, and with the creature's origins also painting quite a cheesy picture here, there's plenty of fun, cheesy antics throughout here that are a lot of fun. While there her are what make this one enjoyable, there's a few problems that hold this down. The biggest problem here is the film's rather problematic story, which is quite haphazard and lazy. This one here does a fine enough job with the creature until it gets to its origins, as the fact that this is explained as a factual creature is a bit of a stretch because it claims to actually exist as a legendary guardian spirit. This is quite hard to fathom the reasoning behind this when it worked perfectly fine as an ordinary mutation running amok. As well, the terrorist inclusion into the story makes no sense when their body-count would've worked better as cast or crew-members on the film to achieve the same effect, and the event featured in the finale are pretty unrealistic merely to keep the film going. The other big flaw here is the rather goofy-looking CGI that's pretty hard to ignore here as the creature tends to go through all the usual motions of changing size and proportions from time-to-time, gives an appearance of being obvious about the nature of its execution and coming along the inability to remain connected to the action on-screen. Otherwise this is a fine and worthwhile effort.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Nudity and Language.
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Surprisingly good...
Jiszmo25 March 2019
This movie surprised me. It doesn't waste any time with backstory or drama. It's just all action all the time. Oh, and hot scantily clad chicks. Oh, and lots of gory deaths. I think too many movies now days try to add backstory and drama (puking emoticon). Since when did the mark of good film making mean that the characters would spend tons of time talking about their lives? i.e. boring the F##k out of viewers. Well no problem with that here. It's just action, action, action. In a way I'd say that this is the natural evolution of the 80's horror film idea. It's just meant for fun. So, I gave it a very high review. Maybe higher than it deserves. But, as far as fun movie watching goes, it provided loads of fun. I've watched it a few times in the past couple weeks (I downloaded a pirate copy.). Most modern movies I can barely watch all the way through. So that's saying something.
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