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Solid Ten ... for predictability
forgot_dot3 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
New Alcatraz would have gotten a 4/10 from me if it weren't for the fact that I nearly stopped watching it partway through due to predictability. The director and writer seem to have learned their trade by reading "Starter's guide: Make your own survival horror!".

Only three characters survive the movie. One of them survived because the plane needed a pilot. The other two survived because they were married to each other. The hero is killed off at the last moment in order to conform to the expectations of the genre. Altogether throughly unconvincing.

The only remotely realistic character in the entire movie is Yuri Brescov, played by Mark Sheppard (who actually plays the role quite well). The two paleontologists are not particularly sympathetic characters, in fact, the only thing they have going for them is the fact that they closely resemble Antonio Banderas and Katie Holmes respectively.

With the exception of Yuri, who was a beacon of courage, competence, common sense and honour, the other characters failed to put up even a reasonable level of effort into ensuring their own survival, despite being completely aware of the nature and deadliness of the threat they faced. Mind boggling incompetence seems to occur in every scene. One particularly strange event is when the soldier McCarthy is killed and the major seems to immediately forget about his existence, not even acknowledging his death, despite being in constant radio contact with him for several minutes leading up to his death.

Another failure is the inconsistency of the characters. Two examples come to mind, the first is Sergeant Quinn, who has been extremely worried about the snake and the survival of himself and his men and even refused to leave the command station until given a direct order by the warden is told by the scientists that the vibrations produced by the carts they are riding would attract the snake and they should proceed on foot. At this point he suddenly decides that he can't be bothered to walk and continues on in the cart. The other example would be Yuri, who is extremely calm, clearheaded and courageous throughout the rest of the movie suddenly freezes in the middle of a scene, which again is totally out of character.

One of the biggest oversights is the potential for psychological tension between the prisoners and the 'good guys' during the escape, which seems to have been completely ignored. The inmates of the highest security prison in the world are actually fairly decent people. I am incapable of giving any comment on this.

The real failing of the movie is that it is neither character driven nor plot driven. This removes all the believability in the story and prevents the audience from becoming involved in the film. With a good writer this could have been a great film. Three out of Ten.
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Tired and bland
Leofwine_draca5 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I caught this on Prime under the title BOA. It's a typically cheesy monster flick with an elaborate set-up which isn't particularly convincing at any point. The story is about a high security prison in the Antarctic (!) of all places, with action man Dean Cain (yes, Superman himself) playing the macho lead. A giant boa constrictor is released into the confines of said prison and eludes all attempts at capture and/or destruction. The CGI effects are very bad indeed, and there's nothing doing as regards the performances and scriptwriting; it's all rather tired and bland, I'm afraid.
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nogodnomasters15 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
While digging deeper to make an international prison for the Irish, a group of people encounter a huge snake. A guy who once wrote a paper on undiscovered Antarctica reptiles is brought into help, along with his whiny wife. Unfortunately not everyone gets killed.

Snake looks fake. Acting sucked. Crappy dialogue. Decent sets. Unbelievable story to go with snake. Snow snake? Really? Can't we just stick with anacondas? And my disc skipped on top of all of that. It was easy to keep up.

Parental Guide: F-bomb. No sex or nudity.
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The best s**t movie in the world
Franstud989 December 2004
This movie is non-stop B quality action. One of the least likely plots in the world, some of the most unrealistic special effects ever and a script that probably doesn't exist, I think the director realized the caliber of acting talent he had at his disposal and let them adlib the lot. Best bits are when the security guard acts like he has had no gun training as he fires his shotgun aimlessly (good pun). Also when dean cains missus runs off and he shouts her name about 7 times in a row. JESSICA, JESSICA JESSICA. I do love this film, but only cos its really bad. Dean Cain to play bond!!!!! Oh and the ending is ridiculous!!!!! Cold blooded snake that isn't bothered it's in antarctic conditions!!!!! Likely.
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Somebody actually made this.
savagebadger6 August 2003
Warning: Spoilers
It is incredibly disturbing to think that some people somewhere felt this was a movie worth making. They may even have been pleased with the finished product. They should be ashamed. Be VERY ashamed.

The "plot" revolves around an internationally sanctioned top secret prison built, it would appear, to house those guilty of crimes against acting, with a special wing for bad accents (the "oirish" accent on display here makes Dennis Hopper's attempt in "Ticker" look good). The inmates promptly get together to explain their expertise. To counter the poor acting of the inmates, the prison staff are frighteningly bad actors to a man. Anyway, after some exposition, clumsily plonked in the middle of some dialogue, it is revealed that some drilling has hit a chamber full of pure nitrogen that can apparently support life for over 10,000,000 years or some such guff. This chamber is home to an 80ft snake (not sure what it has been feeding on all that time.) which promptly goes on a rampage, wiping out appalling actors roughly in order of how much they stink.

A quick word about the script, a tip for budding writers, if you don't have enough material, pad it out by having the characters repeat their lines ALL THE TIME.

Anyway, into the mix come the most ineffective, badly organised and generally incompetent special forces team in celluloid history who, for no discernible reason, drag along Dean Cain and his wife, who, we are led to believe, are palaeontologists (suspension of disbelief is required here.) This provides more fodder for the dreadfully cheap CGI snake, which appears to have been knocked up on someone's Commodore 64.


More people die, stuff happens, none of the prisoners use any of their expertise, there are no shocks or surprises, amazingly (and criminally), the worst actor in the film survives. And, as the credits roll, it dawns on you... you have actually wasted 90 minutes of your life watching with the sort of morbid compulsion that greets a serious accident. Once it is over you may feel somehow cheapened and dirty and racked with guilt, and rightly so, consider what you have done, you have given these people an audience, you are encouraging them to churn out more films like this. Be ashamed. Be VERY VERY ashamed.
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Do not rent this movie
Marx-Michael14 August 2005
1. There is no way in the world a maximum security prison to have only 13 personal including the engineers. No cook. No Janitor. Only the guards, the warden and the engineers.

2. There is no way for an 80 feet's Boa to travel as fast as a F1 racing car on an empty hallway.

3. There is no way for an airplane to reach certain destination without confirmation from the destination source.

4. There is no way for an airplane to come to an isolate place where's the pilot himself have to fill the fuel them self. Refer to no:01.

5. There is no way for the wife of the star to survive while the others which were trained arm personal, deadliest terrorists in the world died in an instants.

6. There is no way for a snake / BOA to "eat" thru a 2 feet thick wall which suppose to take weeks for humans to drills thru with sophisticated drills.

7. There is no way for a Snake to "eat" thru a military airplane which suppose to withstand thousands pounds of pressure.

8. There is no way this movie suppose to be made.

9. Do not rent / see / but this movie
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m_madhu2 October 2001
Warning: Spoilers
i had the misfortune of seeing this b-grade flick on t.v the other night and im still kicking myself for it.

the script is so full of holes that the bloody creature that the guys "unearth" could creep through it without a problem. every single character in the movie has been scripted as being axtra-ordinarily stupid. i wonder if this was intentional or maybe thats all the writers were capable of.

heres the "story". these might be considered as SPOILERS!! (whatever)

theres a new prison in the antarctic - called the new alcatraz. it is going to be home to the worst criminals in the world. it has been funded and run by a group of 35 countrys. heres the interesting bit - it is not ready yet - work is still going on - but it already has 6 of the deadliest criminals in the world (who all behave like they have an IQ of 4). AND it is manned by 6 guards, 3 security men and one warden. wow!!!

actually!! what the hell am i doing? just stay away fom this movie - im not continuing with his review.

a pathetic 1. (cant i give negative scores?)
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A snakes sleep is disturbed and enacts revenge as a result
joel-260187 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A snake in the Antarctic? Whuh? This is what first intrigued me. That and the fact that I had finally gotten around to seeing the Anaconda movies, so why not? But this one is about a Boa, and although I cannot recall the difference off the top of my head, this one was bigger in the fact that it was close to 90' long if I remember correctly. So, clearly this creature is/was a member of the ancient world--that or perhaps some other intriguing possibilities. Hibernating in a hollow rock. Seems it could be possible. Or maybe this movie is speaking on spiritual terms. Why not both? Kind of like alien, it seems interesting albeit deadly things are found in the arctic. But hey, the engineers said not to do what the warden tells them to do and they all die as a result. --why do they call in the researchers though?
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not the best thriller
spd91627 December 2005
The movie is best described as any typical poorly produced horror type movie where the characters will do the stupidest things to get themselves killed for no reason (eg.-walking into places knowing that you'll be killed or not taking anyones obvious warnings). The acting itself was not bad but the movie doesn't make much sense as to how a giant snake can move around the prison but can't really be seen until at least the last 45 minutes of the film. Some scenes were just written poorly. for example, dean cain promises a prisoner her safety when she was freaking out about the snake eating her and 5 minutes later, all he did was shoot her (but not the snake) so she wouldn't have to deal with the pain of being eaten... I guess that's still keeping his word. I'm no animal expert but this snake goes around this prison eating a bunch of people...don't snakes eat and then go hide and sleep it off since they're most vulnerable when they are full?? I don't think it's even worth the time watching this film. if dean cain would show some skin, perhaps it's still worth the rental.
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An ok way to make a snake movie (CONTAINS SPOILERS)
jail_house_nurse22 January 2003
Warning: Spoilers
It was ok a little boring but still deliverd the great special effects.

I guess the rating kind of evens out to my opinion. The begining was slow some of the acting was horrible like the blond girl in prision trying to do some stupid accent. It starts geting good when they find an unknown tunnel in the ice. After they find the tunnel in the ice the snake breaks loose and starts killing everyone thats when we get the special effects and some good violence but they could have added more violence since it is already rated R. I recommend this movie to any Sci-fi fans or snake fans.
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Waste of a good idea!
SamRag12 August 2002
I got the feeling while watching this film that promising idea had been ruined during filmmaking or scripting. The story line itself is promising, as a maximum security prison has been build in the Antarctic, and while drilling they release a giant snake from some deep undercover cave. The material was under utilized, with no real character building, terrible terrible dialog and no action or excitement – AT ALL. What generally would be our hero's, the experts on prehistoric dinosaurs/animals, have nothing to do, and the reason for their involvement is a bigger mystery than the snake. The plot holes are endless, pausing in dialog (which I've noticed is a trade for all B-movies I hate), and strangle and irritatingly cut movie. Skip it, for God sake, just skip it… clean your house instead, it would be more fun. 2/10
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Good Monster Movie Warning: Spoilers
Whoever came up with this idea definitely had a good imagination. The co-writer and director of this movie, Phillip Roth, has been known to do his giant creature movies on the Sci-Fi channel. He has over 80 producing credits in the last 15 years, and some notable Sci-Fi channel names are: Python, Python 2, Boa vs. Python, Lake Placid 2, Bats: Human Harvest, Lake Placid 3, and Wrong Turn 5: Bloodlines. There are many more, but I think I got my point down. Phillip Roth has been doing monster movies for almost 20 years. But this one nails a pretty good example of what others lacked. Main idea: a giant snake is running loose in a big prison in Antarctica. All those monster movies I listed up there don't really have an unsuspected setting. Python takes place in a regular town, Lake Placid 2 is in Lake Placid (I think?), and Wrong Turn 5, I mean come on, are the hillbillies going to move? The acting in this movie is OK, special effects could use some work on, but the script is what makes this movie a pretty good monster movie. It can be suspenseful, and you want to see the characters get out. Overall, this movie isn't going to win an academy award, but if you want to see a pretty decent monster movie, check this one out.
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Perhaps I am easier to please...
dj_oldfield-317 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie met all of my expectations. While it is certainly not something that I would have gone to a movie theater to see, I believe that it offers an enjoyable use of a couple hours.

Since pretty much everyone before me has been ragging on it, I suppose I should say my piece.

1. Dean Cain, while not in the Brad Pitt/Morgan Freeman category of actors, does offer a pretty solid character in most of his roles and this (in my view) is no exception. I think that his mannerisms were pretty natural considering he may as well have been sharing a row-boat with badger for how safe he was.

2. A lot of people felt that the snake was poorly done, and perhaps they had higher definition on their TVs (which wouldn't surprise me). The scenes with this snake are very short and not very frequent. As far as problems, I would say that the biggest one is that somehow the scenes made the snake look smaller then it was suppose to be (comparing them against the size of the hole it made in a wall). The snake looked to me to be about three or four feet wide, and the hole in the wall was at least six feet in diameter (probebly more like eight).

Sub Note: The movie indicates that this snake makes a tunnel through ice that is roughly wide enough for two grown men to walk through side by side, and is about 30 paces long. My imagination cannot accept that as a possibility (even a drill would take a very long time to force through that much ice), and that did kind of weaken the plot for me.

3. Pretty much all of these characters are undeveloped. I am guessing that this became apparent to the director at some point, because there are poorly timed arguments between the two co-stars which were (in my view) an unsuccessful attempt at giving them substance beyond the monster experience.

When I am going to watch a movie about a giant snake, I am basically more concerned with his eating habits then the character development. I suppose this is a large part of the reason that I enjoyed this movie, and a large part of the reason that it achieved a 7/10 from me.
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Dean Cain sucks
luxdeluks10 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Boa rules. It stinks so much that I really started to like it. Full of such incomprehensible idiocy that you will simply stare and wonder is it you who is really in need of treatment. They even classified it as horror. That's already funny.

Okay we have the New Alcatraz located somewhere in the antarctic below the ice. It's interiors are really huge (lot's of halls) but actually have nothing to do with prisons. Are they gonna put the prisoners in giant standing lines through these halls? Great stuff is that it's for prisoners from all over the world and, although it just opened, it only has 6 of 'em! And they're supposed to be the worst of the worst. Yeah right! Dean Cain is more terrifying than all of 'em together. So imagine you are the warden of this complex and in the middle of a drilling through stone procedure, the drill expert says we shouldn't continue 'cause it could all blow up, what would you say? Off course it would be: "continue to drill" because otherwise a giant prehistoric snake preserved in pure nitrogen gas wouldn't come out! Basically all character reasoning in this movie doesn't make much sense to me. That's what I really like here. The characters are really shown as retards.

Two biggest holes of this movie are Dean Cain and the snake Boa itself. Firstly Dean Cain who is supposed to be the main character and ends up being overshadowed by a much less known actor who stars as one of the prisoners. What I mean is that obviously Cain just took the role to make extra bucks, "acted" his role and went home. The guy probably thinks he's famous after starring superman. Yeah right. The prisoner guy thus comes out as the hero of the flick and dies in the end. You can even sense some sort of laughable sympathy towards that character. I really respect these b-grade actors who at least take things seriously and act as they act and give us something to laugh about unlike Cain who is simply annoying. Now about the snake. First of all the film makers rely too much on the low budget cgi effects and thus everything is dark and you can barely see Boa. Disappointing. Also, one of the funny things in this movie is that most of the people die by explosions they themselves caused, much less from Boa. Could this be some sort of hidden message about true human nature? A philosophical under layer created by the screenwriter? If so I'm Merry Poppins.

Basically I would divide the movie in two parts: the first 45 minutes and the last 45 minutes. The first is really fun in it's badness 'cause there's not too much Cain and more unknown bad actors, especially the prisoners and one guard who's a real chicken. The last 45 minutes are kinda boring, Boa being almost invisible like in the whole movie and too much big empty halls which still fascinate me.

Well Boa is bad but can be enjoyable. Some dialogues are simply too bad to be true as that also goes for some scenes. Guys this is New Alcatraz with only 6 prisoners and a prehistoric snake. Damn this is really astoundingly retarted.

originally written for:
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It was alright....
cyberent21 January 2006
Anybody who sees this film expecting the second coming of Citizen Kane is fooling themselves. Folks, it's just a movie meant to entertain us. And in that sense, I think it did a fine job. Sure there were holes in the plot and some mediocre CG effects, but overall it didn't do too badly in my book. My main gripes were in the opening scene. So if I'm flying a giant cargo plane and it starts making funny noises, I'm certainly not going to open up the crates. And that CG snake is pretty badly done. Why a snake? A monkey would have been more convincing, and most importantly, monkeys make us laugh! I was impressed with the set design though. Very effective use of set design to give us the sense of claustrophobia. The main control room was quite a contrast to the rest of the cold blocky hallways. Overall, not a bad job, especially from the typical giant snake movie. Faced between Anaconda or Boa at the video stores, I'd take Boa in a heartbeat.
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Why do they release such movies.
yarik8322 May 2004
I am not going to elaborate on what the special effects of the movie are but i would like to say that unlike anaconda the concept of a giant snake is not working here.

A boa constrictor, a member of voa family grows up to 33ft, sometimes longer. It is a cold blooded reptile that needs the warmth of the south to survive. it is a camouflaged species and usually same color pattern is distributed throughout the body. A boa does not have 2 front fangs, as shown in the movie. A boa does constrict and uses it's mouth to bite and then coils on the victim. it is not capable of standing tall and making growling sounds (like in movie)

the bottom line is that even when species is hungry it kills one victim in a matter of up to 30 minutes. it then swallows the victim in a period of up to 1 hour. finally if it feels threatened it regurgitates the victim and is helpless while doing that.

ahh if only the movie was a bit more realistic....
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Not bad...for a low-budget giant snake movie
TheUnknown837-118 July 2005
Worlds better than Python, maybe a little bit better than Python 2, and in terms in entertainment, better than Snake King. Boa is a unique film with the same kind of bad graphics like those used in others like it, but it is more entertaining than Python, a film I absolutely hate. Dean Cain leads the cast and he is perhaps the best actor on the screen, although his character's mood changes constantly and impossibly. First he's all upset because he thinks his wife has been killed by the snake and next scene, he's just concentrated on getting out of the prison and not even thinking about her. And the other members of the cast are either so-so or terrible. Overall, Boa is a better film than others of its kind, but not anywhere near a decent motion picture.
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tricia-167 February 2002
I watched this film solely because i am a Dean Cain fan. Well apart from the fact that this is one gorgeous talented man, (the part in the classroom where Dr. Robert Trenton (Cain) looked like Clark Kent reminded me of L&C (and also it takes place at Princeton where Cain was educated) and would have been recognised by a Dean fan, this movie was simply awful. Dean must have needed the money. The ending was simply unbelievable in the fact that i thought perhaps it was supposed to be a comedy it was so ridiculous. Not one of his best, just best forgotten
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For Die-hard Dean Cain fans only...maybe
Rgdemond6 September 2003
Poor film even by made for TV standards. Mediocre acting, lousy effects and ludicrous plot. Give to a friend that you don't like as a gift. Another losing cinematic adventure for Dean Cain. Don't waste your time watching it, thinking that it will get better as it goes.
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New boa.
DoorsofDylan31 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Meeting up with a friend in the run-up to Halloween, we decided to go to the local CEX and get a disc that we could watch later. With my friend being in the mood for a "Creature Feature" I was pleased to spot a DVD of a title that appeared to be from that genre, which led to us picking up the boa.

View on the film:

Breaking the ice by going on a tour of the New Alcatraz prison in the Antarctic, co-writer (with Terri Neish) / director Phillip J. Roth & The Room (2003) cinematographer Todd Barron crack open a frosty survival Horror atmosphere, via icy panning shots closing in on the prisoners and the guards, as their fear heats up of encountering the mega boa.

Although full shots of the creature, result in the naff rubbery CGI filling the screen, Roth wisely mixes the wide-shot set-pieces, with side shots that display fragments of the boa, which thanks to this limitation and the frosty location, allows the CGI artists to use shadows that give the boa a slippery appearance, as it slithers up to its prey.

Locking the boa in a confine location, the screenplay by Roth and Neish chews Creature Feature shocks with survival Horror prison drama, via the inmates and the wardens all butting heads and scrambling to survive the attacks from the boa.
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Had Potential
Uriah4313 January 2016
Somewhere on the frozen ground of Antarctica a high-level security prison is being built which will eventually contain the worst criminals in the world. Unfortunately, because the construction is behind schedule the warden, "Fred Riley" (Craig Wasson) orders his engineers to drill into a hollow rock formation before necessary tests can be made to ensure the safety of the procedure. Sure enough, a gas pocket is hit which causes an explosion that results in some damage to the facility. What they don't realize is that the real problem is yet to be faced because the hole created by the explosion has released a giant boa constrictor which is extremely hungry from his million-year hibernation-and the only available food source is the people within the prison. Now rather than reveal any more of this movie I will just say that it had a pretty good premise to build upon. Regrettably, this film lacked anything substantive. The suspense was weak, the acting was uneven and the plot was much too simplistic. I especially thought the casting of a female IRA terrorist named "Patricia O'Boyle" (played by Amandah Reyne) was totally laughable and practically ruined the entire film all by itself. In short, this movie had potential but the director (Phillip J. Roth) failed to capitalize on it. I have rated it accordingly. Below average.
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People get paid to do this!
sumi0120 August 2002
Surely one of the worst films made in the last 50 years. At least B movies have an excuse. The people who sanctioned this movie must have lost there jobs. No plot, no acting, no script and yet money was spent on it - why?
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One of the better giant snake movies
slayrrr66624 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
"Boa" is a great new spin on the giant-snake-on-the-loose series of films.


During the construction of a new state-of-the-art prison in the Antarctic, the building crew comes upon a strange problem: a hollow rock in the middle of their building plans. The warden (Craig Wasson) orders them to go through the rock, and against their wishes, the crew follows orders and drills through. As they do this, a giant explosion rocks the drill, forcing them to stop for fear of blowing up the whole complex. Upon expecting the damage done, they find a giant hole spreading from the shaft they dug through to the prison itself, which just received a new guest in Yuri Brescov, (Mark Sheppard) a Russian radical. The significance of the hole forces them to call in Dr. Robert Trenton (Dean Cain) and his wife, Jessica, (Elizabeth Lackey) renowned experts in the field. Arriving at the prison, they are told that it isn't a dig they are being led to, it's a discovery of a giant prehistoric snake in the prison. After the snake has dispatched the guards and the rescue squad and missing his wife, Robert gets the release of the prisoners to help them fight the snake.

The Good News: Out of all the giant snake movies released during that particular time period, I think this one has the best overall snake design. The head is evil enough, the tail is long and sinuous, and the design is a bit thinner than the other snakes, making it more streamlined and faster than the others. It is also a smarter snake, knowing when to go after a person and when to strike. It doesn't just strike when people are lonely; it also hits when they're in groups. One scene shows a squad walking down a corridor when they hear the snake up ahead. Two take lead, and when one's light goes out, the snake goes by and takes the one whose light works. The film does move at a fast pace, and there are rarely any dull spots. We get lots of good stuff: chases, shoot-outs, explosions and lots of fires. We get more gun-play than most would expect, as there are at least five distinct gun battles against the snake. By putting it in a prison in the Antarctic, it sets in a feeling of claustrophobia that most films can't achieve. That feeling of separation is important, as the cold outside air and the viewer's previous knowledge of the surrounding area makes the film a little scarier. Also, don't think of this one as one of the usual creature features from the Sci-Fi Channel, this one has a little more polish to it. It's production values are a little higher, which gives it a professional gloss and entertainment value that protrudes from it is a little bit higher than other similar films.

The Bad News: The one main thing I noticed is that the snake is very obviously a CGI creation very often. It's something that affects the scene because you are trying to get into the scene and then it becomes ruined when the main attraction is so unbelievable that it becomes a distraction.

The Final Verdict: It has a different tone than other giant snake movies, but its different attitude gives it a strong advantage over those films. It's got a more action-packed pace than others, it's got a unique setting, and a great looking snake. Reptile lovers will love this one, and those that love the usual Sci-Fi Channel cheese-fests will also want to give this one a look.

Rated R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language
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Snake thriller
coolfirenewt6 June 2002
Warning: Spoilers
There have been many "big" snake movies made over the years, from King Cobra, to Anaconda to Python. Boa joins the ranks of these movies, both in subject and in cheese. While the movie was well casted, Dean Cain, was a good choice, the script and acting leave something to be desired.

The movie begins simply enough, a husband and wife team, two paleontologist, are recruited to vist the Antartic to observe a nitrogen discovery that might be millions of years old. They discover once they reach their destination, they have been mislead. They were in fact recruited for their theories on "antartic reptiles" a.k.a, the "Boa". Many of the issues brought up in, between the main character and his wife, are dropped, such as his desire to have a baby. Typical to B-rate films, or monster films in general,the story goes a lot like....snake is discovered, attempt to kill snake begins, snake kills all random non important people, main character goes after snake and figures out how to kill it...your basic sci fi movie, right? The plot holes are big enough to drive semi-trucks through. I would recommend this movie to any die hard snake movie fan, but be prepared to be more a amused than scared, and more confused than entertained.
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Terrible, boring, awful.
villeh17 November 2001
If you like an ugly mixture of Jurassic Park and Anaconda, check this one out. You probably will stop watching on half-way.

I recommend you to forget this movie and pick another one. Absolutely the worst movie I've ever seen. Plus my gf and a friend who also watched this movie with me.

And no, this movie does not qualify even for an 1,5 hour moment of boredom. Abandon and live a better life.
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