Review of Larva

Larva (2005 TV Movie)
8 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Genetically engineered feed( enhance the meat from cattle) has given birth to parasitic larvae, drawn to blood and grow / evolve at an alarming rate, bursting from their animal hosts seeking further nourishment from humans in a small town whose business directly comes from the beef bred by local farmers.

Business-as-usual in regards to this Sci-fi channel creature feature which treads all too familiar ground. Decent cast. David Selby(Dark Shadows)is Fletcher Odermatt, the executive who operates the business, Host Tender Meats, which profits and benefits from the meat supplied by the farmers in his rural area. William Forsythe is Jacob Long, a local farmer who doesn't appreciate how his town has surrendered their livelihood to Odermatt, one of the only citizens who sees how corrupt Fletcher really is. Vincent Ventresca is a beleaguered scientist, Dr Eli Rudkus, seeking to re-establish his tainted reputation due to a miscalculation caused in a recent case which resulted in massive profit loss..but, when he notices the unusual larvae's attraction to, and sudden growth from, blood(..opened from an accidental cut to Rudkus' finger), Eli might just restore his name while saving others in the process. Eli's good will might find resistance due to Fletcher's power and influence over the town, further aided by his intelligent attorney, Hayley Anderson(Rachel Hunter). But, once the large parasites begin bursting from the bodies of both cattle and humans(..those humans who ate meat with larvae, that is), Eli will join forces with Jacob, hoping to discover a way to kill them off before the creatures find their way out of the town possibly endangering others as well. Soon, Hayley will see the error of her ways, tagging along with the boys.

As is typical with these kinds of films, Fletcher will pay the ultimately price for his misdeeds and Jacob will concoct a plan to draw the army of larvae parasites into one location(..amazing how these movies always find a way to draw the swarm, of whatever creatures inhabit a film, altogether in one location so that they can be destroyed). Some good bursting scenes enhance this otherwise average sci-fi flick. Forsythe is a welcome presence, but Ventresca and Hunter add little value to their roles.
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