Containment (I) (2015)
That's some toughened glass......
19 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Mark wakes up hungover and surrounded by empty alcohol bottles. He's running late getting for a court appearance with his ex-wife over custody of their son.

He's likely to be even later, when he finds the door to his flat glued shut and out of the window of his tower block, he sees figures in Haz-Mat suits helping people into the back of vans and hosing down buildings with jet sprays.

A glance across to a neighbouring block he spots a man hammering against a window and calling for help and appearing to be in the same situation as himself.

Alarmed by the situation, he teams up with several other residents in the block in an effort to find out what's going on and to see if they can escape.......

It's a sound concept, waking up in a tower block to find that you are sealed in with no explanation, and having no contact with the outside world. And for the first act and a half, it's quite a tense set-up, a group if strangers not knowing what the situation is and having no other information than an automated voice telling you to remain calm.

But then just over halfway through the film (and it's a very short film), it just loses its way, and goes for a great escape type film, rather than evolving the infection they may or may not have.

For a very low budget British horror, there are far more worse out there, and it's always a pleasure to see Lee Ross headlining a film, rather than playing a silly character in a comedy sketch show.

So the first 30 minutes are pretty tense and have a wonderfully unsettling build up, but it just falters after that, and wastes any good intentions it may have had.
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