Road House (2024) Poster


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Not just some reboot
milyrouge19 May 2024
Remakes of old films are all too often disappointing since they just try to rehash what made the first film work. That's not what this film is. There are some similarities (a tough guy saving a roadhouse from a greedy rich guy) but it's different film with different themes and a different atmosphere and Jake Gyllenhaal is stellar in the role of Dalton, a kind, brooding guy who has a lethal aspect which scares him.

Right now, this film has a 6.2 on IMDb, which I think under rates it. If you look at this without the lens of the original Roadhouse, it stands well enough on its own to be worth more than that.
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Never let a man get this close.
lojitsu6 May 2024
Here's The 4K Lowedown on "Road House" (R - 2024 - Prime)

Genre: Action/Thriller

My Score: 7.2 Cast=10 Acting=5 Trailer=7 Ending=8 Story=7 Visuals=7 Direct=6 Sound=7 Genre=8 Sub-genre=7

Ex-UFC fighter Dalton takes a job as a bouncer at a Florida Keys roadhouse, only to discover that this paradise is not all it seems.

"Somebody else asked me if I was afraid today. I am afraid...I'm afraid of what happens when somebody pushes me too far." I enjoyed this, but I understand why this went straight to streaming instead of getting a theatrical release. As I compared this to the original, I found that certain things like the fight scenes (CGI excluded) were better with this one, but what I loved about the original was lost here. I think this is worth a watch...if you have trouble with reboots, think of this as a prequel instead.
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Road House 2024
johnnyhbtvs2722 March 2024
One of the great things about the original Road House was seeing Dalton clean house and improve the bar bit by bit. That is severely lacking here with next to no time spent in the actual Road House and barely any screen time is given to the people at the bar. One of the highlights of the Swayze movie was him getting to know the staff and getting rid of the bad elements at the bar. Nothing of the sort goes on in this movie.

Jaoquim de Almeida is wasted as the sheriff and has little to do while Daniela Melchior has less of a role than Kelly Lynch had in the original if that was possible.

The movie's saving grace is Jake Gyllenhaal who is clearly having a lot of fun in the role and has good chemistry with an OTT Conor McGregor in the movies best moments. Best stick to the original cult classic.

(Glad to see Arturo Castro's Moe live, by far and away the best character in the whole movie).
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I wanted to hate this.....
westbayou30 March 2024
Ok fact: remakes suck.

Going into this, I wanted to hate it. Remake of an 80's classic and Jake G? Recipe for disaster. But..... this is a remake in name only. Fresh story, the only connection to the original is he's a bouncer for hire. I'll admit it, this stands up on its own.

For lack of anything better to watch I gave this a shot. Color me surprised but I enjoyed the heck out of it. No agenda, just an old school action movie. Now the AI/CGI was nothing short of terrible, but if you look past that this movie embodies the old school Western movies it clearly mimics (and references several times, a bit on the nose).

Was I entertained? Yup. Was it Oscar worthy? No, but I'll take entertaining over Oscar Worthy every time.

Give it a shot, you may just enjoy yourself.
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One of my new Personal Favorite Remakes
chukkacabra10 May 2024
This Road House remake had its parallels to the original but put a totally different spin on it to create a completely fresh story. The bad guy, like the original, was a businessman in a suit, but the climactic showdown was against UFC fighter Conor McGregor's Knox. The fight between Dalton and Knox at the end is one of my favorites in recent history. Jake Gyllenhaal only had a few kick ass scenes since most of the remake focused on Dalton's internal struggle to a past traumatic event that wasn't explored in the original. In all, I liked this Road House just about as much as the original, and I strongly recommend this to all action fans.
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Fun self-aware popcorn action flick
darapjohnson27 March 2024
I don't understand the bad reviews for this. It's a film that doesn't take itself too seriously and it's obvious literally from the very beginning that it's self-aware. It knows how to laugh at itself with its over the top fight scenes and at times bad and cheesy dialogue or even the constant wild music being played in the background. Even the way Conor Mcgregor walked and talked was not serious in itself. I mean come on, it's impossible to hate on a film like this. Sure, some movies that don't take themselves seriously can still be very bad, but this one was actually pretty alright if you don't compare it to the original or just go into it with lower expectations. I'd definitely recommend this as a fun popcorn action flick if you're bored.
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Solid action flick not to be taken seriously
invisiblephrend6 April 2024
Apparently the reviews are getting swarmed by boomers that didn't get their cream of wheat this morning. Do remakes suck? Usually. But this is a solid action flick that doesn't hide what it is: a slapstick action flick packed with ridiculous amounts of alpha Chad characters and protagonist plot armor. It's laid on pretty thick throughout the film that it's meant to be a goofy punchfest of senseless violence and overly eccentric characters.

Even if you haven't seen the original, this film still stand out on its own as a movie that's just fun to watch and at no point takes itself seriously. If you're looking for a deep and thought provoking storyline, then this might not for you. But if you enjoy the adrenaline junkie style akin to John Wick or just about anything Jason Statham, then it's highly recommended.

The most impressive thing that stands out in this film is Jake G's commendable dedication to getting in shape for this role. Jake went through intense amounts of training and discipline to acquire an absolutely shredded physique for this role. The fact that he achieved this while in his 40s is an inspiration to anyone who is trying to get in shape. It's on par with Hugh Jackman's preparation for Wolverine.

Now for the bad stuff. The fight scenes are heavily reliant on CGI body doubles and shaky camera effects that stick out like a sore thumb in several scenes. If they had spent a little more time in perfecting these effects, it may have worked out as more believable. Jake's character also has superhero levels of plot armor that can induce a bit of eyerolling from anyone expecting realism out of the story. Plenty of scenes where he survives moments that would easily kill an ordinary man (i.e. Disarming several men with guns without getting blasted).

You're also not likely to enjoy the ending, as it was pretty intentionally peppered with plot holes in order to allow a potential sequel. This also may come as a shock to some of you, but Connor McGregor is (gasp) not a professionally trained actor. He was hired to play the crazy goon that he is in real life and it worked well for the film, in my opinion. Is it still worth watching? Absolutely.
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SaidNDone22 March 2024
"Road House" feels like the highest budget 'made for TV' movie ever. Despite the money thrown at it, blockbuster director, and casting of Jake Gyllenhaal the movie overall falls completely flat with awful dialogue, uninteresting characters, and a storyline so thin you can see through it.

The only positive about this movie is there were some very creative shots in the fight scenes, but even those were relatively uneven. And Connor McGregor was given far too much (poorly written) dialogue which combined with his vapid delivery takes you right out of the movie.

Overall it feels like "Road House" was the product of someone giving a 13 year old boy absolute control of a Hollywood production. The upside to this is the chaotic mess they left behind is somewhat entertaining.
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its... DECENT!
JackMehoff_5 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
What is all the online hate about this film? I've constantly been seeing all over the internet about how bad this film is but.... It's decent?!

The CGI was a bit choppy in 3 scenes I noticed: The first fight scene with post malone, the scene where dalton was hit by the truck and it fell off the bridge into the water, & lastly the yacht explosion scene in the middle of the ocean

Conors acting was exaggerated, sure, but it fit his character SO well. It was like he was coked out of his mind the whole film, it really gave his character that "CRAZY" aura. For his first film, he did a decent job.

The storyline was a bit corny though, for a film being 2 hours long, you could have made it a bit more interesting rather than the usual "drug bad guys want to take over" kind of movie.

But apart from that, I enjoyed it. I feel like a lot of the online hate is just coming from Conor McGregor haters, I mean some of the hate reviews I read were so blown out of proportion...

SOLID 7/10.
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Forced Casting
NicoleM122 March 2024
Casting felt very forced which pulls you out of the story. Jake does a good job. Some of the fighting scenes were interesting. You could tell this was a very new Hollywood update of a classic movie. Some of the dialogue needed work.

McGregor was also an odd choice. His permanent smiling expressions and him walking like he had hemorrhoids was very hard to move past. Sometimes you couldn't understand what he was even saying.

Overall the movie was fun and if youre looking for a time killer its an okay option but I would probably just stick to the classic movie where the story and characters feel less contrived.
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Great fighting, mcgreggor is crazy
jeltehelmholt5 May 2024
I have not seen the original road house, but really liked this version of it. It was full of action and did not take itself to seriously. Great camera work in fight scenes and overall a fun to watch movie. My eyes were glued to the screen most of the time and even if I knew where the plot was going I wanted to see how the fight scenes would play out. It is not a new all time classic. The plot is fairly simple, but also unique because of the backstory of Gyllenhaals character. Gyllenhaal is a great actor and carries the movie with his acting skills. Mcgreggors character was a little over the top, which worked for me. As he was a real threat to Gyllenhaals character and everyone else, because he was so unpredictable and did not care for anything or more specific anyone. Overall a great movie full of action packed raw fight scenes that I would definitely recommend.
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I liked it for what it was
NateWatchesCoolMovies2 April 2024
So... the Road House remake. Am I allowed to say that I liked it as much as the original? I only saw the Swayze one for the first time last year and really enjoyed, but I also really dug Doug Liman's recent update with Jake Gyllenhaal too, for different reasons. Jake himself is one of those reasons, he's breezy and effervescent as Dalton, disgraced ex MMA fighter relocated to the beautiful Florida Keys to defend a beachfront bar from relentless goons. The Keys setting is also another reason why I liked this a lot, it adds so much laidback atmosphere and picturesque scenery as backdrop for this simple, straightforward action flick that fills the shoes of the original adequately enough. I think that having a marauding meathead like Conor McGregor as the head goon was a bit of a misstep though; the guy is clearly not an actor and thinks he'll win over the screen by chewing more scenery than Gary Busey, but a modicum of restraint on his part might have kept his performance this side of the moon in terms of subtlety, and let other aspects flourish to the forefront. Sultry Daniela Melchior, smarmy Billy Magnusson and always terrific Joaquim De Almeida are good in supporting roles. I really liked Jake's performance here though; he adopts this laconic affability that hides a sickening darkness in his past, something he's always on the run from. The action is fearsome and often quite funny, the tone tropical and easygoing. My only gripe is it could have been a bit longer to flesh certain elements out and focused on Mcgregor's seething villain a tad less to pivot more over to other aspects the film has that it seemed to want to take more seriously. All in all a really good time and easily as enjoyable for me as the OG Roadhouse.
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Starts well...then Mcgregor shows up
nrshorter21 March 2024
I was expecting a fun action movie, and it started well. Jake is great (as youd expect), and so are most of the supporting cast.

There are also some fun moments and lines. But then Conor Mcgregor turns up and it goes down hill fast. He really can't act, and just stomps around spouting cringe one liners that he can't pull off. You'd also expect at least his fight scenes to be good, but they weren't.

With another actor in the Mcgregor role this could have been a great action movie.

The fight scenes are hit and miss with some looking very fake with some bad cgi at times too. In fact the cgi is pretty poor in general.
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So ridiculous in the best ways
masonsaul22 March 2024
Road House is exactly what it needs to be. A self-serious yet simultaneously very silly modern day riff on the Western that's packed with testosterone, crunchy action and jokes in the most unexpected places. It feels like a streaming movie in some distracting ways but it still remains one of the better ones.

Jake Gyllenhaal brings a natural intensity to Dalton as well as an impressive physical commitment. It's the possibility of his rage that he always keeps at bay that makes him so watchable in this role as he beats up his enemies and then makes sure they're okay before actually driving them to the hospital.

From the moment he's introduced, Conor McGregor is definitely something. It's the kind of performance that's never boring and never good. Every single line is delivered in hilariously awful fashion and yet he's one of the best parts of the film as he takes a very generically unhinged villain and makes it his own.

Doug Liman's direction certainly has a lot of energy as it alternates between fights in the first person, drone shots and simply getting as close as possible to the action. The fights themselves have a real weight to them with the heaviest blows really being felt however, some of the CG flourishes used to stitch them together distract rather than enhance.
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ilk film ile kIyaslamadan izle
erelhukerek25 May 2024
The film has a different structure compared to the first version, it has some similarities, but it is not completely the same. I really liked JAKE's portrayal of the character and Dalton's character, though. In ridiculous places, especially in some of the fight scenes. The use of CGi was annoying and very noticeable, especially in the PostMalone scene. I liked it, but apparently our movie tastes have changed a bit, and I don't like action-oriented movies like I used to. He came, beat everyone, left and it was over. The 80s and 90s were okay, but after the digital platform movies came out, we got used to watching more intelligent scenarios. A very simple subject was discussed: bad guy, good guy, fight, good guy wins.
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Conor at it's finest.
talhatiwana-8911922 May 2024
Starting felt like it was going to be a great movie but as the story paced it got more and more bad and basic. Nothing special about this one though Conor was a new one and proved himself to be a good actor.

I personally loved his acting and character. He did a great job portraying his role. Wasn't expecting him to be this good but he proved himself. Waiting him to be picked in a good movie.

I personally like these type of action and thriller movies but this one disappointed me.

Overall, I'll rate this movie a solid 6. But the fight scenes were quite intense and I enjoyed them.

Let's hope for good movies in this era of cinema.
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Not bad at all
olisilumea14 April 2024
Road House (2024) serves up a nostalgic punch of action-packed entertainment. With nods to the original and fresh twists, this reboot revs up the adrenaline with intense fight scenes and charismatic performances. While it occasionally veers into cliché territory, it's saved by its undeniable charm and stylish direction. Fans of the classic will find plenty to enjoy, but newcomers may also be won over by its gritty, high-energy vibe. Overall, Road House (2024) delivers a satisfying cocktail of nostalgia and modern flair, making it a worthy addition to the franchise.

In my opinion was ok/good movie maybe not the best.
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lazy NOT Swayze
MartynGryphon22 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
If there's anything good to say about the 2024 remake of Road House, is that it will get people reaching for the classic 1989 movie to cleanse the palette and the more people who watch the original the better, as it is simply a brilliant film.

Sadly, I can't say the same about this steaming pile of double deuce I have just witnessed. Is it even a remake? The similarities between the two are sparse. The main character is a bouncer named Dalton and he's hired by a bar owner to 'bounce'..... that's it, the only thing that would even make you think this was a remake.

Missouri is replaced with Florida, mullets are replaced with bullet heads and actors are replaced with Conor McGregor and Billy Magnussen.

With the occasional exception, (and I mean VERY occasional), remakes always fail. A lot of the time it's because they are being judged, at times unfairly, against the original. Others are simply bad movies trying to cash in on an illustrious name. 2024's Road House definitely falls in the latter category.

In 1989, the Double Duece was a bar that Dalton was hired to clean up because of the trouble makers that frequented it, the fact that the entire town was being run by a crime kingpin running a protection racket. Is just an extra problem he encounters and has to deal with.

In 2024, Dalton is hired BECAUSE of the crime kingpin, who wants to demolish the bar to realise his his real estate ambitions and Dalton isn't told about this until he runs foul of the goon squad sent to intimidate the bar and its patrons.

At least in the Double Duece there was usually reasons fights broke out. In the Florida Road House, people seem to pick fights because the guy next to him was turning oxygen into carbon dioxide too loudly.

To be fair to Jake Gyllenhaal, he does turn in a good performance given what he has to work with and he is the best thing in the entire movie. However, one thing is unforgivable, the CGI/AI action, it looks fake, cheap and takes you out of that reality instantly.

The character of Dalton has also been changed. Patrick Swayze's Dalton was good man, firmly in control of his emotions and attitude to life, spirituality and clinical in his profession. Gyllenhaal's Dalton is not even a bouncer to start with, he's an ex UFC fighter hustling the illegal fight circuit for PIN money who falls into 'bouncing' by chance and while occasionally getting involved in the action, he seems to be collecting $5000 a week for sitting down at the bar watching all the other 'bouncers' do the grunt work for him under his 'guidance'. He is also mentally disturbed and sometimes can't keep a lid on it. He is also suicidal...for about 2 minutes at the start, never to be mentioned again.

To show how unhinged this new Dalton is, he plants a bomb on a boat that is moored to a yacht that his girlfriend is held hostage on, and then detonates it remotely when they're still on board. You see, explosions are funny things, they're unpredictable and Dalton would have had no way of knowing whether that yacht would sink in 10 minutes or 10 seconds, a hell of a risk to take with an innocent life.

Now let's talk about two people I briefly mentioned earlier, Conor McGregor and Billy Magnussen. Jeez they are bad? McGregor is so over the top that any realism that this person could actually exist in real life is gone in a second. You've heard of over egging the pudding? Well here we have no pudding at all, just lots of egg.

Magnussen is as equally bland as he is bad. Again, this may not be his fault and the blame can certainly be placed on the script, as in one scene, he is seen getting a shave on the stern of his yacht in choppy seas, and the barber is using a cutthroat razor of all things and this absolute idiot seems shocked that he's getting hacked to bits by the barber with every stroke. I mean what did he think was going to happen?

2024's Road House is an OK action flick that suffers more for trying to pass itself off as a remake of a bonefide classic.....a bonefide classic I am now going to go and watch as it's always been a rewatchable favourite. However, I'm not going to be watching this version again anytime soon....if ever.

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A circus!
wackoreviews22 May 2024
Then there's me thinking this was going to be a sprots Rocky-like movie. Dalton is middleweight fighter who is going through bad times. A tragic encounter in the ring is traumatic for him and gives him suicidal thoughts. To make ends meet he takes up the job of a bouncer at "Road house." However things are not smooth for him since a local gangster boss wants to take over the property and keeps sending his goons to the road house to create problems. Dalton then fights them all with the help of his associates of Road house.

Although apparently many disagree, I found the film very entertaining. Don't expect this to be a great one of its kind film. Road House is a silly remake of a modern westren-like movie filled with ridiculous comedy and loads of action scenes. The movie starts off in a pretty non-original way; he gets offered the job, he's not convinced, something bad happens, and he's kind of forced to except the job. Not to spoil more, he's faced with struggles there and has to resolve them. The action scenes were really entertaining to me and fun to watch. Jake Gyllenhaal was very good at his role which I felt had depth to especially that he's not the good guy but also not the bad guy. Connor McGregor was pretty weird at the beginning but as you get used to him, you understand why such a character is needed in the movie. Most of the jokes were also pretty funny with a lot of irony here and there which was also pretty entertaining. The movie also had some pretty unexpected plot twists.

Shut your brain off and enjoy this!

Score : 7/10.
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Poor story made worse by mcgregor
eddie57821 March 2024
Swayze will be turning in his grave. What started off decent quickly turns to absolute muck. The story is very poor but with the appearance of Conor Mcgregor and quite possibly the worst acting performance ever seen with that ridiculous swagger and stupid grin the movie goes downhill FAST. Whoever cast him ruined any potential this remake of an 80's classic ever had.

Another ridiculous remake of good old 80's movies, this remake and Point Break up there with two of the worst ever, what did Swayze do wrong to get two of his cult movies murdered by remakes. Honestly don't even waste your time with this.
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Stands on Its Own
moonheart5 May 2024
I wasn't really interested in watching this reboot. Seriously, it wasn't going to stand up to the original. There was no way at all! Finally, after prodding and poking I caved and discovered it that it didn't need to.

The characters were strong, and the plot different enough to make me feel like I was still being faithful to the original version.

Well worth the watching! With perfect casting and great site choices, it was a believable film. I will be waiting for a part II and hoping that Elwood Dalton will continue being an underestimated good guy!

Thank you to Gyllenhal for paying such wonderful respect to a great man with one of his tattoos.
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A very fun and fresh take on a classic film.
tylerrosin21 April 2024
The modern adaptation of "Road House" was a pleasant surprise, offering a fresh take on the classic film while providing an entertaining experience. Updating the setting to a Florida road house rather than the original's biker bar gave the film a unique atmosphere and vibe that complemented its contemporary audience. The film was beautifully shot and directed, adding a visually striking touch to the overall experience. The story follows a disgraced UFC fighter who takes a job as a bouncer at a Florida road house struggling with a tough clientele. While the plot remains somewhat true to the original, it is engaging and action-packed, featuring a storyline involving a shady property tycoon attempting to take over the land. The main villain was over-the-top, and casting Conor McGregor as the big bad added an intriguing element to the film. The action sequences were well-choreographed and visually dynamic, immersing the audience in the heart of the fight scenes. Jake Gyllenhaal excelled as the lead character, Dalton, showing dedication and depth in his performance. The supporting cast was also strong, and the dialogue and acting were effective throughout the film. The romance subplot was appropriately balanced and did not overwhelm the main story. The film's conclusion could have been more substantial, as it ends rather abruptly with Dalton boarding a bus and leaving. Nonetheless, "Road House" remains an enjoyable and solid film that provides a fresh and modern take on the classic story.
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Started bad and got worse
S-John-hall22 March 2024
The film is beyond terrible and the acting even from Jake Gyllenhaal seems off, The dialogue is beyond terrible to the points where Jake Gyllenhaal asked (in the movie) is roadhouse, two words or one. I really wouldn't bother a very disappointing remake and to have it called roadhouse and the bar actually be a beach house on a beach is beyond confusing..

The CGI and fight scenes don't seem to work. I don't know why they're used so much CGI for the fight scenes to the point where Conor McGregor doesn't even look like his punching Jake Gyllenhaal. The whole film just felt unnecessary and if Jake Gyllenhaal wasn't in it, I think it would've been classed as a B movie.
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Enjoyable but nothing on original
sean_mosson-159-64997029 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Enjoyable fun movie. But massively over the top action when it really didnt need to be. Clearly connor mcgregor wrote in his contract he wasnt allowed to die because the terminator wouldnt have survived that many kill scenes.

The original movie, bit by bit, the bar gets cleaned up and the feel good factor slowly kicks in, this was massively missing from this remake.

Jake is solid as an actor as always. But mcgregor looked sluggish and stupid.

So much potential to modernise a classic but let down and disappointing. Story line to much over the place and rushed. Which is mad considering it was a remake.
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Nice and watchable.
egebasaran-0566326 April 2024
Jack Gyllenhaal was good as always, he proves again in every movie that he is a good and talented actor. There was Post Malone and Conor McGregor in movie, Post Malone just had short scene at the beginning of the movie. Conor McGregor popped up after half of the movie and In my opinion, he mastered this role but, role was not that hard is already a fighter and he animated a fighter. Fighting scenes were good enough, it was not exaggerated. If we talk about the storyline, it is smooth and decent. While I watching, I did not get bored, It was not a masterpiece and of course I did not expect this but this movie is definitely not bad.
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