
31 Reviews
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Not bad at all
13 February 2024
For starters, I don't understand all the terrible reviews. Either folks are truly that jaded or they haven't been around enough to see some of the truly awful "horror " movies on the market.

This movie is not perfect but it's got a lot going for it. Setting and atmosphere to start off. Extra points for realism by filming on location in KY. How many truly crap movies even attempt that? Yes, it's dark and some scenes are hard to make out details. The acting is good and actually the storyline follows logic in many respects. The monsters are quite scary though the sound effects might have been better. Great ending.

I'd watch the sequel.

Check it out.
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Lycanthrope (1999)
13 February 2024
C'mon, seriously? What exactly does it take to make a movie? Having names like Carradine and Mitchum attached helps, I suppose but this half witted effort really pushes the limit. It is truly hard to find the words to describe this disaster. Initially thinking it might be a comedy, I thought that it might just work. The attractive actresses would've helped. But nope, they were playing it for real. The intrepid cast of "scientists" and "government agents " set off on a beautiful spring day (the trees are just leafing out) into the lovely open woodlands of Ohio? WVA?, TN?, er, THE AMAZON RAIN FOREST... Seriously. The producers couldn't even manage to at least make it to FL or Louisiana to find some half way believable jungle!

It gets worse from here.
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Poor Emily
11 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The only reason this wretched mess gets one extra star is for the dismal atmosphere. The American star Emily, who has zero common sense takes up with two rude, possibly psychotic "cousins" for some poorly thought out camping trip. For 90 minutes Emily wanders around what looks to be a 20 acre wood lot where you can actually see the edges of the forest boundary. I'm guessing you could probably hear road traffic as well. That's about it.

One might guess her two companions slipped her some psychoactive substances which caused her to trip out. Maybe.

The filmmaker seemingly couldn't decide on the ending so you get treated to two very different finales. Pick the one you like best!

What a horrible disaster.
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Night Stalker (2005–2006)
Opposite Land
28 January 2024
When I was a kid, the original show bearing this name was awesome and one of my all time favorites. Enough so that I bought the Series on DVD when it became available. This show is virtually nothing like the original. While disappointing, it is not as terrible as some reviews have made it out to be. It is just...different. I discovered it on YouTube and have actually enjoyed watching it. The stories are interesting and hold your attention. The characters are fine so long as you don't try comparing them to their namesakes from the '70s. It would've been nice to see how another season would've turned out. Particularly if you consider some of the real dreck that was on network teevee back then...
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Wer (2013)
Highly underrated
15 October 2023
One of the very best werewolf movies ever done. I'm a big fan of the genre and this one is good. No awful GCI nonsense, no ridiculous over the top drama, this is a solid effort. The storyline is reasonably plausible, the atmosphere scary when it should be and the monster is great. I place it in the same rating as Anthony Hopkins and Benicio DelToro's The Wolfman, An American Werewolf in London and David Janssen's Moon of the Wolf. All excellent in the own right, despite being from different decades. The fact that it's a European film adds a bit in my opinion. Why this film has not received more exposure is truly a shame.
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The Blair Witch goes to Sweden, with a twist
17 April 2023
If you liked the above movie, you'll probably like this. Lots of similarities with a few significant differences. Understand the fact that it's a mockumentary but it's well done. The scares towards the end are real if you've ever been lost in the woods, particularly at night you'll get it.

If not, you may find it annoying or uninteresting. The similarities to TBWP are obvious but there are enough differences to prevent it from being a ripoff. TBWP had a great lead in and backstory which this lacks, aside from people gone missing in the woods. The horror in this unravels in real time and it's good. Far from a perfect movie but still a good one, given the present state of horror.
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Devil in Ohio (2022)
16 January 2023
Where to begin? This is maybe the worst bit of tv/movie "drama" I've seen in a very long time. Terrible story, writing and acting. 100% non believable, zero attention to detail and just plain bad. My question is: who watches this crap and who is it marketed to? It's like really poor daytime tv w a bigger budget. Absolutely shameful and Netflix should be ashamed of themselves for putting this garbage out there.

It is actually offensive, it's that bad. If it were some schlocky B movie that wasn't taking itself too seriously it could be forgiven but not this.

Must I go on or has the point been made?
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Crime (2021– )
Good Grief
4 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Started out sort of interesting. Good actors sadly wasted. The lead investigator would be sent off for psych evaluations/ drug tests anywhere else. Absolutely ridiculous. And he's not the only copper w some serious mental problems here. I pray Scottish LE is not really this messed up!

Totally non realistic story that just gets worse, ending with a shocking scene that would and should result in multiple convictions & incarceration of those we expect to do better.

Could've been good but it only left me feeling Ill.

I question how the lead officer ever got hired to begin with! Do they not do background checks, psych evaluations in Glasgow or Edinburgh or wherever this is supposed to be?!
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Ghosts (2021– )
6 July 2022
This show is embarrassingly bad. It's like getting a bunch of unfunny people together and expecting them to be witty and spontaneous. Don't know if it's the writing or the execution but it makes you want to sneak away unnoticed.

It doesn't occupy the same universe as What We Do in the Shadows.

Zero comparison.
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The Outlaws (2021– )
Not a comedy
8 April 2022
Interesting and original, with bits of witty repartee here and there. More drama than anything. Not a bad show, it just doesn't seem to know what it wants to be.
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Loudermilk (2017–2020)
21 January 2022
One of the best shows I've seen in recent years. Everything about it, from cast to writing to location is great. An unexpected and most welcome bonus was the episode that introduced us to the Ben Rogers Band. Fantastic!
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Cold Ground (2017)
Coulda been worse
17 August 2021
Fairly high expectations for this; cool premise. Started out ok but plodded along up the mountain for far too long. Good scares👍. Atmospheric for anyone who has hiked/camped in the mountains in winter. A bit more imaginative plotting would've helped A LOT.

And despite the "guide" calling out the Bobcat, it was actually a Lynx, which DO occur in N Europe! Weird goof.
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Not your typical Leprechaun movie
4 May 2021
While far from great, this movie has no relation at all to those "other" leprechaun movies and that is a big plus. There's plenty to find fault with in this but it is a masterpiece compared to that other awful franchise.
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Crown Vic (2019)
14 April 2021
Gritty realism and multifaceted characters that don't sugarcoat a thing. Blows "Training Day" out of the water IMO. A couple characters are over the top, but all in all, outstanding.
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Peep Show (2003–2015)
Comedy Genius
14 April 2021
This is easily in the top 5 of the funniest tv shows ever. It is spit out your coffee, laugh hysterically funny. Amazing👍
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Republic of Doyle (2010–2014)
25 March 2021
Plus, beautiful scenery. Don't mistake this for quality drama, comedy or deep plots. Most of the leads are solid and likable folks. Stories range from incredulous to completely absurd. The local police, especially the females are incompetent drama queens. The character of Leslie Bennet is the worst. She is a one dimensional dimbulb whose partner is a needlessly gruff jerk who has a healthy dislike for the star of the show. Probably because they would NEVER close a case w/o Jake and Malachy's help! Still, a humorous bit of benign entertainment ain't the worst thing in the world, I guess.
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No Offence (I) (2015–2018)
This is Good
23 March 2021
I'm far from an authority on UK policing but after working for 35+ yrs in US law enforcement, I can state that the humor in this series is legitimate, authentic and funny. Well done, well cast drama with care given towards the serious nature of the business.
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9 February 2021
Just no. With a budget of $1,000, my only question is what was the rest of the $900 spent on? Even though it's just a "short", who'd have believed anyone could cram so much bad acting and ridiculous storyline in 20+ min?
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The Gatehouse (2016)
Pleasant surprise
8 February 2021
Amid all the garbage "horror" on Amazon Prime pops up this gem. Great story, great characters and beautifully shot in an atmospheric rural setting, this movie is a good one. No over the top slasher scenes, no absurd plot twists, just a cool story about primeval forest gods who protect what's theirs. Watch it.
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Willow Creek (2013)
Best Bigfoot movie ever
3 February 2021
Admittedly the bar is pretty low in this genre but this is truly creepy. Highly recommended and worth the slow burn early on.
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Evil Things (2009)
Shriekingly bad
1 February 2021
Bad decisions, poor choices, foolish behavior and LOTS of inane screaming. For an hour and a half+.
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Resident Alien (2021– )
31 January 2021
The previews looked promising. If you enjoy "comedies" that start off with the brutal murder of an innocent homeowner then maybe this'll work for you. If you are bothered by such things as well as little details such as an absolute jerk of a local sheriff who wears a completely different uniform than his dorky, inept deputy, a town in CO that is allegedly "3 hrs away from the nearest hospital", a mayor who appears to be 22 yrs old and an idiot and is demanding that a totally unknown "doctor" perform an autopsy despite having no credibility to perform such work then you may enjoy this hot mess. One star for originality and another for the cool old Dodge truck driven by the alien "doctor". Otherwise don't waste your time with stupid tv.
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Preservation (2014)
Worst. Movie. Ever.
12 January 2021
It's impossible to describe how horrible this stupid movie is. I honestly can't think of one good quality to it. The two brothers are awful people who giggle over random cruel acts they've committed as they reminisce about their dysfunctional childhood. The poor wife brings nothing to the table and serves as an innocent bystander. The entire premise of this movie is so ludicrous it defies description. The entire product is a hateful, ugly, stupid mess.
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Exists (2014)
Better than most
12 January 2021
In a genre of absolutely awful Bigfoot pictures, this one stands above most. Big pluses for shooting in a reasonably believable location and character actions. The monsters are good too- mainly spooky glimpses- what you'd expect to see. IMO only Bobcat's Willow Creek does a better job in creating a truly disturbing BF flick.
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Evidence (III) (2012)
Such potential
12 January 2021
This is a better than average FF movie. Not that that is a major accomplishment. A great idea/story with some genuinely scary moments damaged by some ridiculous scenes & character actions. It easily could've been great but dumb & illogical actions by the cast needlessly spoiled things. The final 30-40 min seem almost like a different movie and also contain some great scenes along with some really annoying & stupid actions. All in all, worth the watch, give em an A for effort.
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