
11 Reviews
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Calamity Jane (2024)
Old School Western Style - Well Done.
3 February 2024
It goes without saying that Emily Bett Rickards absolutely gets into character no matter who she plays. I can't imagine having to do this movie being so opposite of who she usually is. And that's just one of her many superpowers.

It's nice to see her reunited with her good friend Steven Amell. I was pleasantly surprised as to how they worked him into the story.

I did see a little bit of cynical comment about how it's almost good but not good enough, but I can tell you if you watch it without knowing too much about it before, you can enjoy this one. It's pretty darn realistic and true to the story. Don't let naysayers keep you from giving this one a try. Do understand that it's geared towards adults, so you should review it before you let kids see it. Just balance that with the idea that this shows a little bit more realistic view of just how rough and tough the Wild West was.
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Good Entertainment the Wrong Way
22 August 2023
I was born in the 1950s and love music. Even musical theater in safe doses (my then future wife & I were in our university's "Cabaret", so I suffered the feel of actual greasepaint once). I am unconventional in many ways, best described as I don't think outside the box, there is no box.

Let's be honest - how many of us live in a reality where something that can be said in a few words causes spontaneous singing with a full orchestra involved for several minutes? Still, theater being entertainment and a soothing escape from reality is wonderful.

This marvelous series has been a pleasant surprise for this TOS fan who watched the broadcasts on a B&W TV with my dad. I still love "Koick n Spock" going full gangsta with tongues pushed deep in their cheeks.

But, not this way. Not like this. Starships just don't make good substitutes for Broadway stages. Not even when the singing and music are this great!
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River Wild (2023)
Waste of money & time. A lot of my brain cells died along the way.
21 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A good example to study what not to do by seeing the consequences.

Always check your gear -especially safety and communications. If something isn't good, no go until it's fixed/replaced. Establish check-in times and/or intervals. Or, cancel.

No trained person would let this murderer last this long. You never let a clearly crazy killer keep moving you away from help. You fight for your life, especially if numbers are on your side.

Use anything for a weapon - boat paddles. Rocks, water to drown - there are no rules. Once they're down, injure or end them where they won't be getting up again.

Bad story, useful lesson.
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As the rare specimen I am with Star Trek, knowing TOS, the movies, and Pickard
19 July 2023
I watched The Original Series with my dad when it was on TV. Black and white until we got a color set in 1968. No home VTRs (The wall-size machines broadcast stations used with reel-to-reel 2 inch-wide tape) and no digital anything back then.

I was too young to realize all of the social commentary Roddenberry and other writers put in, both hidden a little and in your face for the 1960s. But now with the ability to read about Star Trek and actually watch it all or a particular episode, my defective almost eidetic memory helps me see threads and patterns. This might seem to be a weak story unless you know why it reveals a very important point in time.

I see other reviewers have been including spoilers, but I think fans should see it before reading them.
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FBI: Hero's Journey (2022)
Season 5, Episode 1
Like another commenter, I'm starting to think I've seen too many Dick Wolf Shows/
29 September 2022
I see no need to repeat the criticism of the other reviews here. I agree.

It seems writers are not doing both independent thinking and research to bring us fresh content. Worse, they repeat the same idiotic mistakes like calling out a suspect's name from a distance sufficient for them to run away. No. Also, I seriously doubt feds would leave the rear exits or other escape routes uncovered most of the time. No.

But, riddle me this: Why do nearly ALL BOMBERS take extra time to put a LARGE DISPLAY with the countdown? Every. Bomb. Every. Time?


And I have a real doubt they are nice enough to use STANDARD, COLORED WIRING. "Clip the blue wire." "THEY'RE ALL YELLOW!?"

There are so many ways that a device can be rigged to detect tampering that no human should ever approach a device without using robots or small drones to first examine it. It would appear that defusing any device in situ by even touching it is so last century.

I welcome real EOD and techs to reply.

Still very much a fan. Please do better?
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Funny Story (2018)
The Good Kind of Different
25 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I kept seeing stories about this movie and I can't believe how long it took for me to finally see it.

Emily Bett Rickards already has done some things that I just love, and this is one more.

She is at home whether she's on a television screen or a movie screen, and I hear she's incredible live on a stage.

Somebody with some major films needs to get this woman doing big stuff because she is ready for it.

*****SPOILER-ISH***** I'm going to resist the temptation to do any spoiling, though this movie's been out long enough I'm sure plenty have been done.

To really enjoy this experience though, try not to know too much ahead of time. Shocking things that happen in it are a lot more fun.

Emily Bett really is a shapeshifter. As she's done before, she played more than one personality here to perfection. Seamlessly, and almost unnoticeable unless you're looking for it. There's something dark her character is hiding.
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Axis (I) (2017)
Nothing to See Here - Literally
21 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers

I am a die-hard Emily Bett Rickards fan, but it took me awhile to finally find this movie and *watch it*?

She is never visible in the movie at all. I would have loved to see the cute southern doctor her voice was representing. She does an excellent southern woman accent!

I can understand this may appeal to certain people who are into "artsy films", but driving around for an hour and a half with a foul-mouth person yakking on the phone is not entertainment to me.
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Pork Pie (2017)
Fun MINI Cooper Movie
1 October 2018
I went to Melbourne, Victoria, Australia in 1995 for 2 months working on a project. I met a lot of great people, but a young fellow, Dan Gilliland and I became friends at Puffing Billy. He was restoring the old Minis back then, and drove one of them regularly.

My wife came down and we both loved the Minis! When we got back home, we wanted one, but getting one in the U.S.A. back then wasn't easy.

In 2002, BMW took over MINI and started making a larger car with hopes of it selling here. We had to wait until 2006 to buy one. We still have it (2018) and still enjoy going for rides.

This movie was fun and a good laugh. The story and characters were interesting. The cops chasing them remind me a bit of "The Blues Brothers" (1980). The soundtrack music was superb, and the scenery was great.

I won't spoil it at all, so give this one a spin, mates!
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Arrow: Life Sentence (2018)
Season 6, Episode 23
Bad Story Based on Not Knowing Basic Law
18 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
First, let me be clear: I am addressing only the storyline. As always, the actors, crew, and others did an outstanding job! 10/10 stars.

I don't know how tightly or loosely this fictional Arrowverse tries to be realistic to our current customs, traditions, and laws, but this entire episode is based on a very wrong legal basis! I base this on the fact that Star City must be in the United States of America, since the pivotal character is an FBI agent.

Since FBI Agent Watson neglected her duty to intervene when the criminals first took over, leading to Oliver being so desperate he "testified against himself" in the previous episode, *she* should be the one in jail awaiting trial after she is fired!

In the free world, a confession *must* be without any doubt given freely. And, even then, the accused is still allowed to have a trial, because it's up to a jury to hear the whole case, and consider whether or not a confession meets the requirements of the U.S. Constitution's Fifth Anendment.

Sorry, even stretching fiction here does not merit this contrived drama. And as a season finale, leaving this both unchallenged and resolved in a trial Oliver Queen has every right to demand, this is not a "cliff hanger", but a very bad train wreck.
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Arrow: Taken (2016)
Season 4, Episode 15
This episode represents the worst writing due to "business reasons" in TV history.
10 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
CW just *had* to do it. Want to see an example of circular reasoning that pointy- haired bosses use all of the time that result in people going, WHAT!? That's STUPID!" Here you go.

1. Remember, CW knew from episode 1x03 that Emily Bett Rickards and Stephen Amell have amazing chemistry as a couple. Thus, "Olicity" was a predictable outcome from the beginning. The writers **knew** they would have to do something with this issue. There was no guessing of any sort involved.

2. Three entire seasons have gone by, and considering the season 3 finale, it is obvious to the writers that there are many fans who want to see Felicity and Oliver develop into a happy couple. Refer back to #1.

3. Remember the motto: "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail."

Therefore, the claim that "their relationship was moving too fast, so we had to slow it down" was an unanticipated surprise to them is pure nonsense. But, that's just one of the excuses given for "having to break them up". It was an "emergency"! No time to think!
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Arrow: Legacy (2016)
Season 5, Episode 1
If you are an Olicity fan, this episode continues the stupid breakup.
9 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Blame the writers for being too stupid to plan ahead last season, and too lazy to write around the problem of their relationship being "too fast" (Gee, whose fault was that?). "Business reasons" is the main excuse given. When they do finally allow them to talk, the reunion is at best anticlimactic, revealing their lack of Olicity enthusiasm.

Emily Bett Rickards is the only reason I kept watching season 5. I did not enjoy the stories. Stephen Amell did well as poor Oliver, who some women found every excuse to hate on.


Felicity Smoak continues to be a selfish, sanctimonious, somewhat lascivious, hypocrite nearly the whole season. She finally wakes up and smells the coffee when it is at the edge of too late. She admits it was her lack of understanding Oliver's situation that broke them up. The whole time, she makes no effort to even try to understand, or give Oliver any help whatsoever. This despite her little pep talk back in 4x20.

If she had taken about 15-30 minutes to really talk (instead of walking out) and work with Oliver with some help, none of this mess was necessary. She kept stalling to have this itty-bitty conversation for reasons we may never know. The obvious ones, not being able to admit she was wrong or apologize, don't seem to be why.
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