
6 Reviews
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Girls (2012–2017)
Could have been good
28 March 2023
I went I to this show totally excited. There's just so much body positivity and showing that people other than the ultra glam and young can and do have positive sexual experiences. I thought for sure all of the negative reviews were from misogynistic men. After all I had seen so many reviews specifically targeting Lena Dunham's non-hollywood body. Unfortunately it was her character that turned me off of the show.

It has absolutely nothing to do with her body, mind you. Those reviews that specifically target her body are still 100% body-shaming jerks. But GEEZ is the main character awful. She's the most self-centered, mean, obnoxious person. I used to be an atypical 20-something woman and I never ever treated people the way she does.

The rest of the main characters have their own flaws, but NOTHING near as bad as her. At least in the episodes I was able to get through before giving up. And their flaws all seem to be reasonable considering their backstories.

The British chick Jessa who's a partier and disappears from people's lives because that's basically how her parents were makes sense. I actually had a friend with a similar story that acted much like this character did. The naive young lady just coming into her sexuality later than her friends is plenty of people I've known. Marnie's inability to figure out how she feels about her boyfriend was me for awhile.

But for the life of me I can't figure out why Hannah is so incredibly awful to people and thinks she's so very put up on. She just ruins what otherwise could have been a solid show about young adults finding their way in life while normalizing real world people.
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D&D movie done right
26 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Minor spoilers:

Just got home from an advanced screening and I could not be happier. The theater was packed, a lot of people were in costume, and the air was buzzing with excitement.

The entire movie paid homage to all the best parts of TTRPG's: beautiful fantasy settings that aren't too over the top or unbelievable, tragic back stories, epic characters you wish you could be, and killer battles. Main quest, dungeon crawl, large maze, skill checks, puzzles, it checked all the boxes and did so in the best way.

After leaving the theater and waiting for family to hit the restrooms I watched everyone else coming out. Every group was grinning ear to ear. Every group was discussing their favorite characters and scenes. The acting was splendid as well, each actor embodying their character much like we would at the table with our friends, except way better at acting and a lot better looking.

I only have one gripe: not enough Rege-Jean Page. His paladin was about as perfect a paladin as I could hope for. Don't get me wrong, Chris Pine, Michelle Rodriguez, Justice Smith, and Sophia Lissis were fantastic, I just wish Page had been part of the main party. I truly truly hope there is another movie (or 2. Or 3) and that he comes back to really join the party.

Other than not enough Rege-Jean Page the movie was about as perfect as I had hoped and was definitely definitely fun for my whole geeky family. We are definitely going to see it again, and purchase it when it's released for home viewing.
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7 women written by men based on stereotypes
3 January 2023
Hey, alright! A murder mystery with an all female cast. Cool! Except it was not cool. Not at all. The title should definitely be "7 women written by men based on stereotypes"

Each womon in this movie is an over exaggeration of a stereotype. Bitter housewife who married for money? Check. Crazy old nana? Check. Spinster aunt desperate for affection? Check. Amoral woman who sleeps around? Check. Every single character is completely one-sided and speaks as if the writers have only ever encountered women via films from the '20s.

Beyond that there was no real plot. Just a bunch of women bickering with one "feminist" line thrown in at the very end to try and appease everyone. As a woman who has been in a room with several other women on many many occasions I can promise not one of us has ever spoken in a manner even remotely reminiscent to this awful script.

I stuck through the entire movie trying to give it a real chance but the ONLY reason it gets any stars at all is for the set and costume designers. They did a lovely job and are the only redeeming factors.
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Great reminder to not be so grumpy
26 December 2022
Wow I think all the grumps reviewing this badly need to rewatch and actually catch the lesson. Everyone I know who hates it is exactly the kind of Chuy who never learned. The acting, though not what American audiences are used to, is great. The story is a classic redemption story that shows what Christmas is all about. And Diva Godmother is absolutely the most fun godmother I've ever seen. (Seriously, considering how I can recreate their tinsel outfit rn) This movie is absolutely being added to my yearly Christmas watch list. You all grinches can complain about the story or acting or costumes in a way that is clearly saying you don't like the non-American Christmas movie but I loved it, I see it, and I hear what it's saying.
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American Horror Story: The Future Perfect (2021)
Season 10, Episode 10
Wait, what?
5 November 2021
I have never dissed on AHS. Even when others have hated a season or three I've still at least enjoyed them. I've also never written a review on IMDB before. Never felt the need. The sheer awfulness of this episode is what changed both for me. Death Valley just felt so disjointed throughout that I've spent the episodes feeling like each scene was written by a monkey banging away on a typewriter and not consulting the monkeys doing the other scenes. And then , apparently, this "season finale" happened. I don't know how they can even call it a finale, nothing was brought to a close in a way that said a story was finished, not to mention finished with a satisfying storyline conclusion. Unbelievable. Producers, can you please make sure the script monkeys work together next season? Please? I want my old AHS back.
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Prodigal Son (2019–2021)
Michael Sheen is the best thing about the show
12 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Michael Sheen is just a fantastic serial killer in my opinion. Intelligent, scary, and kinda charming but in a creepy way. The show itself, even after 3 episodes, is still too choppy and derivative. Payne is still trying to channel Will Graham and I never liked Will. The attempts at humor need to get better or stop. I hope Halston Sage didn't leave the Orville specifically for this role, it's just not good so far. Still I can't help but watch. Partially because I believe it will get better as the season progresses and become a good thriller, but mostly because I want more Michael Sheen screen time.
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