
5 Reviews
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Annihilation (I) (2018)
All bad sci-fi is not grounded to reality
21 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
To say it bluntly this movie is no way realistic depiction of what would happen if this kind of situation happened.

First major problem is that they claim it had been three years of the event starting and they still act like they don't know anything about it other than its expanding and will threathen humanity. They would have most definetly known most of the stuff revealed in the movie in the first year or even a half a year from it starting. Even if they could not use GPS or other electrical navigation in the shine they still could have easilly build a rope line that would have been used to go in and out. They also could have easilly had a test group living inside the zone to see its effects on people. Not to mention that going into enviroment that you don't know anything about is not done without real protective gear.

Second major problem is that there is no explanation why they could not use any vehicles to get to their destination. The starting point was on coastline would it not make more sense to go with a boat from the sea or even helicopter would have made more sense than walking through unknown area.

Third major problem is that somehow the goverment never even tried to take the thing out from range. You don't need guided missiles even if it was not really said that they would not work. Not to mention the operation somehow is not run by military personel and somehow they have been able to keep it out of public news for three years. In modern society that thing would have been known from the first few days it started to happen.

It only gets four stars because it at least have artistic scenes and acting is not the worse I have seen but the logical fallacies in this just made facepalm several times while watching it.
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Westworld (2016– )
Lost potential...
22 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I just recently decided to watch the show and I have to admit I was dissappointed of the end product. It would have been great show if they really would have focused the first season for the world itself and not the age old humans vs. robots plot.

I would have made first season just follow one of the characters showing their day in the system. Then show someone elses in the next sometimes changing some minor things because of the guest causing it. Like killing on character that was pivotal for one storyline only for some other character taking his/her place. It would have been great to see some random character who earlier could not shoot straight become a bounty hunter taking down bad guys because the story needed it. They could have really just forgot the real people making them only be the side characters on the show and focus on the repetition of the world itself.

In my opinion the show really hurt itself of making the first season plot happen in one season. You as a viewer really never got a good picture whatkind of place Westworld was you only saw a very small portion on it. Then later they show small pieces of it but in the end its just human brutality towards the robots and robot brutality towards the humans. On my opinion its a lost oportunity that the show went the direction it went. Its still not bad show but it could have been way more.
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Longitude (2000)
Story that will not let you go...
24 April 2012
I bought this movie on DVD and it ended up costing me just few euros. Didn't except much but was intrigued by its historical settings and actors presented on the cover of the DVD. When I started to watch it I noticed that I was glued to my seat for the rest of the movie. When it was over I realized I could not find any flaw in this movie and its now considered to be one of my favorite movies.

The story or should I say stories are both great. Transitioning between the original creator of the clocks in 1800's and the veteran of the first world war, who takes its his personal quest to find the clocks and fix them to working condition, is handled marvelously. In the end this is a story of unappreciated persons in two points of history who both are connected by the obsession to the most precise time there can be.

I recommend this movie to anyone interested in history or people that enjoy great movies. From me it gets full ten points.
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Grown Ups (I) (2010)
Its a good movie
7 February 2012
I recently saw this and was not expecting anything else than another Adam Sandler comedy with few other comedy stars. To my surprise I realized after watching that it might have been one of the most entertaining movies of Adam Sandler I have seen so far. Still it has weak moments and some jokes didn't really make me laugh, but to me the actors really worked good together and they managed to bring their own comedy styles to the movie through their characters. Still this movie is a basically a popcorn flick that is meant to entertain and in the end at least to me it did just that. I would recommend this to anyone who just want to relax with some mild entertainment and a bowl of popcorn.
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Defendor (2009)
This was a pleasant surprise...
23 March 2011
I didn't really except anything else than a quite basic comedy and to my surprise get one of the best performances from Woody Harrelson I have so far seen. He really makes the character feel real. Kat Dennings does a great job and her performance makes me look forward of seeing her in upcoming Thor movie. I have seen few of writers earlier projects and he really seems to have talent to make good entertainment.

This movie has almost anything you want from a good movie and the story is better than some high budget movies I have seen. This just shows how small budget doesn't always mean bad movie.

As another reviewer here already stated this movie is underrated.
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