
20 Reviews
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Filmed at a Halloween attraction, yet not a horror movie????
10 November 2022
This is a weird movie. I watched it because I live in the area it's filmed. Seriously why film in a Halloween attraction for most the movie and barely use any of it snd not make a horror movie? There's a Haunted House there? Why not use that? There's numerous other literal horror settings right there to use.

Instead it's this weird movie with very unlikable characters. And I have zero clue why this groups spends all their time together. 2 get along, but the other 4? None of them have absolutely anything in common and don't even seem to like any of like each other at all. Plus why is a random young kid hanging out with them?

It's horribly written.

Also I'm a diabetic with an insulin pump, there comments and complaints and everything they say about diabetes and insulin is wrong.

Diabetics don't smell weird because of insulin. WTF! Also I've never had anyone give me crap for being a diabetic let alone nonstop like the kid says.

Again why are any of these kids together? None of them like each other.

Also why is the girl so over the top angry nonstop?

Also it says it has a $3 million dollar budget. Where the hell did all the money go??
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Blockbuster (2022)
As a former Blockbuster manager, this show is so bad.
5 November 2022
Nothing about this show is realistic to working in a video store at all.

A show set in a Blockbuster say in the 90s sounds like the perfect set up for a show.

There's so many negatives to this it would be like reading a chapter from a book to list them all, but worst of all the writing is so, so bad. Nothing is funny. Nothing is original. Nothing is nostalgic.

It feels just like those sitcoms made 20 years ago that only lasted 6 months that no one remembers. Quick quips followed by quick cuts to other actors and repeat. These are great actors, but man none of this is funny.

It's weird how such a good idea that so many were excited about could fail spectacularly. I don't get why they even used Blockbuster at all in this.

I do really like the cast though. I'm not sure why they focus so much on the older lady though.
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Hellraiser (2022)
I don't get the high reviews for this.
9 October 2022
To me it doesn't feel like a Clive Barker or a Hellraiser movie. The tone feels completely off.

It comes across as a cheap slasher horror movie.

All the cenobites are women now. Ok, but I don't get why they're all half pink? The original cenobites were white and black in color. It was menacing and scary.

In this movie they're all white and pink. Seriously why? Who thought pink was scary? The original movies (not the cheap sequels) were gruesome, horrific and painful to watch. This is just CG blood, effects and cheap thrills. It doesn't look real because there's no practical effects.

It's not mysterious at all, barely any story and pretty far off from the source material.
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The Bubble (2022)
Nice cast. That's it
4 April 2022
I thought Karen Gillian killed it. But beyond most the cast this movie was bad. It was baffling bad. I honestly would have watched the bad movie they were making over this.
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Kate (I) (2021)
I really loved this movie.
4 December 2021
Yes it wasn't that original, but I loved it. It was stylish, fun and I really liked the characters and atmosphere.

Mary Elizabeth Winstead was great and I liked her dynamic with the younger girl.

I'd really love to see more.
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Wasn't bad, kinda forgettable.
24 November 2021
I'm about the same age as the main character in this movie and also a big gamer. I was hoping for more of a love letter to the NES or video games, but it really kinda wasn't. It wasn't a bad movie at all, but it was just kinda forgettable.

I don't think this will ever become a Christmas Classic, but it's still worth a watch.
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I completely loved it.
19 November 2021
The first is still the best but this is a great love letter to the first movie. I can't imagine a better movie than this. It had references to the movies, toys and cartoon.

It's hard to not get choked up at the end.
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Hit-Monkey (2021–2024)
Some will love this...
17 November 2021
I was really excited for this, but I honestly can't get past the animation. It's so choppy and stiff and goes 1 frame per second at times.

I saw the first 2 episodes and I can't get over it. It just looks like a cheap rush job done on a computer as fast as they could with not much of any budget.

I know of the comic character and all. Great design for a character, but even in comics he was only popular for 5 minutes about 10 years ago.
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Honestly, what did anyone expect?
14 November 2021
It's basically what you'd expect, a cheap copy of the original. It's not the worst movie, but nowhere near as good as the original 2. It is however better than some of the other sequels.

It's kinda weird also that you end up feeling for the villains (they aren't bad though) and not liking the main star or his family.

The (bad) guys are struggling to support their family. The main character and even his family are rich and act extremely entitled in many scenes.

I felt bad all the pain and hurt the 2 went through.
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Love Hard (2021)
It was dumb, but I loved it.
11 November 2021
It was better than I expected. If you don't expect something award winning you'll have fun. Very predictable, but that didn't bring it down.

A nice Christmas movie to make you laugh.
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Night Teeth (2021)
I was expecting something bad.
6 November 2021
I gave it an 8, but I'd more consider it a 7.5. I was expecting something cheap, bad and shallow. But I really ended up liking it. It was also more mature than what I was expecting.
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Nowhere near as bad as I thought.
19 October 2021
I'm not saying it's great, but I don't think it's bad and I really like the twist they added to this.

Yes I'm a huge fan of the original, but the sequels were horrible.

But what I really don't get at all is the dad and parents in this. They're worse than the teenagers. Worst parents ever. I honestly don't get why they are even a point of the story. I could understand if the parents had something to do with any of the original actors, but they don't and I don't get it. My guess is maybe the father is the killer otherwise I see zero reason for him to be in this other than a few scenes.
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Voyagers (2021)
I liked the opening.
15 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I thought the opening was great. I was expecting a movie taking place over generations and see generations of people grow up in a ship isolated.

Instead the whole movie only takes place over the first weeks maybe of their 86 year trip.

And of course they can't last.

Why for humanities last hope would they send 2 dozens teens or 20 year olds with only 1 person for supervision. That makes zero sense.

I just honestly found it kinda depressing. Tried to be like Lord of the Flies inSpace, but just had some turn instantly evil like it was normal.

It was a completely wasted opportunity.
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Cry Macho (2021)
This is an awkward movie.
18 September 2021
I love Clint Eastwood, but he seems way, way to old for his character in this. Plus the boy actor is up and down. The way his character is written is like it's 2 opposite people at times. And the actor playing him is good in scenes and horrible in other scenes.

Some scenes really didn't make sense to me with how the characters acted.

Plus the movie had kinda weird edits.

It all just felt awkward and off for me, especially for an Eastwood movie.

It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either.
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The show focuses on all the boring aspects of the comic ignoring what made it interesting.
15 September 2021
The comic was great and had the perfect plot/story for a show or movie series. The comic follows Yorick the last living man on earth and his travels seeing how much society broke down and changed.

This show puts Yorick, what the story is based on, and basically puts him in the backseat to follow politics and people that are nowhere near as interesting or anywhere near as important.

Such a simple concept to follow, yet this feels so lost.

It's depressing, but not because of the story, but because of what they did with the story,
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He's All That (2021)
A giant commercial for products with a She's All That skin
28 August 2021
It's like a cheap, shallow version of the original.

It's not the worst movie but it's so superficial.

It's kinda like whet a lot of these movies for teens or tweens are like today, It's also a weird walking commercial. They nonstop show and name drop stuff like Doritos, KFC, Pizza Hut, Sun Chips and more.
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FBoy Island (2021–2023)
So, So Shallow
3 August 2021
These people are so shallow and ridiculous. It seems all are Influencers and many BitCoin Investors.

It's cringe times 10.

Everyone acts like they are so intelligent and like to tell you, but come across as a pathetic joke.
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It didn't have the 90s feeling like it said. So much made no sense
5 July 2021
I wanted to like this so much, but it has so many errors and weird issues with it. It's the type of movie people will point out stuff nonstop that makes no sense.

I don't want to say anything ruining the story, but it's also weird this is a trilogy yet this movie kinda says everything that happens and who survives the other movies. Maybe there will still be some surprises in them though. Like it's weird to show the ending then say everything that happens before instead of letting those stories play out and leave surprises for them.

The whole movie also had a blue and dark filter over it which I didn't like. Even when they were in lightly lit rooms or looked like they were by a nightlight.

Just putting a dark filter over the whole movie doesn't make it scary.

Other than various 90s songs at the beginning almost none of it felt like a 90s movie or setting. Even literally copying a scene from Scream never gave that impression.

I was just really disappointed in this and it had so much potential that just feels completely wasted.
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This isn't a movie and nothing they advertised.
16 May 2021
A huge chunk of this movie, around a third, is just a recap of the Batman Red Hood movie from years ago.

The Death in the Family movie that's advertised in the commercials and story this movie was supposed to be based on was literally about 5 minutes.

Talk about the biggest waste of an opportunity.

Then the rest of the movie is other shorts, nothing new, released on other DC movie dvds over the years. Each with very slow credits playing in the middle of this "movie" padding out the time.
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The Bridge (II) (2021– )
I'm liking the first episodes, but they make it to easy
12 February 2021
So far I like it and the whole concept. I'm in the 3rd episode now and my one complaint is it seems the show keeps bailing them out giving them what they need. I think it would have been much more compelling just leaving them there without constantly giving them the tools, the supplies and even a bridge builder every time they get behind. It's still only episode 3. I'd rather a more man vs nature and learn to survive on your own type thing.
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