
13 Reviews
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The Estate (II) (2022)
I'd rather shoot myself with a nail gun than sit thru that trash again.
6 February 2023
Let me start by saying the only thing that looked real in this movie was old mates prosthetic dick. (Well, I think it was phoney!

As many others have commented, with a cast of this calibre, surely it could be half descent. But no. The storyline (if you can call it that) reminds me of a very bad b-grade 80's nonsense movie.

And Anna Farris. What is she doing with her career since Mom? I'm no slouch when it comes to swearing, but it just didn't sit right with her. She's better than that. As are all the main actors. Which made me think of why they would do this. I went back to the start of the credits, and sure enough I found my answer. Executive Producer was Sarah Jessica Parker. She has worked with most of these actors (especially DeWitt). So it looks like Jessicas called in favours....surely that's the only reason she got the cast that she did.

I gave it a 3. I was going for a 1, but the dick was worth an extra 2.
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David Spade: Nothing Personal (2022 TV Special)
Finally, I get Spade
3 January 2023
There is a review on here from "JoeHud". He didn't leave a rating, but that's ok because what he said about sacking Spades agent, and the moronic idea to do this special in Minnesota is so on point, his review alone deserves a 10/10. Seriously, this would have to be the worst live audience I've seen, or hardly heard. And you could tell Spade knew he was in for a hard night 5 minutes in. I bet he wished that was Vodka in the water bottle.

This crowd wouldn't know if it was on fire. I'm from Australia so most of the American specials are done in the show biz cities. I'm guessing Minnesota is where comedy goes to die.

The other thing is, I've not been a particular big Spade fan. But he worked his arse off here, they were damn good intelligent set ups for the punchline.

Appreciate the jokes ppl, and forget about the cretins with the crap ratings. Their all probably from Minnesota as well.

(Really David, fire your agent, and bring the show to people who can appreciate an artist at his best.)
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If you don't tear up, you're not human.
16 December 2022
This is one of the best docos I've seen. But it also is one of the most emotive true stories I have watched.

The Brian Grazer/Ron Howard docos are usually top quality, but with Rory Kennedy directing this, imo, it is their best to date.

So much real footage. The descriptive nature of the event just leaves you gobsmacked. And the Maori component in this doco is very real and raw. It was a tragedy yes. But it highlights the humanitarian side of what normal people will do to help others.

I will say this doco was the closest thing I've seen since 9/11. Not comparing the events. More so the impact it had. Especially when you read the names of those that died.

Mother nature at her best and worst at the same time.
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The Swimmers (2022)
Forget the feel good Christmas movies....
28 November 2022
This is the feel good movie of the year. It's better than that tbh. Inspirational, brutally honest, real world relevance. It's all here.

As an Australian, we are a swimming mad country. We love it, and dare I say, we are bloody good at it.

But to conquer all that the sisters and other refugees did just to get to Germany would've been a great story in itself. But to add the swimming component is truly amazing.

Some "reviewer " who rated this a one star, claiming it was a tale of entitlement could not be further from the truth.(I know everyone's entitled to their opinion), but it beggars belief how one could see this movie as anything but brilliant.

This movie has already received plenty of awards, imo it will take out some of the big awards coming up.

Well done to cast and crew. A really tight, professionally produced real life drama. Cheers Dave.
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The Ice Road (2021)
A Kenworth sponsored movie.
23 November 2022
As the title suggests this is the only reason I can come up with as too how this movie was financed. The worst part is two of my favourite actors in Neeson and Fishburne were some how talked into this absolute crap-fest of a movie.

Usually my reviews are pretty positive. But I just can't bring myself to say anything positive....apart from the fact the movie has finished.

I really don't know where to start. Plot, theme, characters? There isn't any of that.

This is Bruce Willis bad. I never thought that Liam Neeson would have to prostitute his legacy out for this trash. I mean his net worth is 145 million. Why Liam, why? Did you lose a bet? For the love of god why!?
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Neal Brennan: Blocks (2022 TV Special)
Brilliant Brennan
11 November 2022
I get this guy on so many levels. He's not afraid to tackle the 'taboo' subjects. He is intelligent, funny, and real.

I saw a 1/10 comment that basically invalidated his mental health struggles with the stereotypical "no idea" what true sadness and clinical depression is really like. It is a mental health illness. And the classic, "oh he's got money so that somehow he must be happy".

The last five minutes will be forever stored in my brain for myself, and for others that I see fighting this insidious disability.

Anyone who has somehow fighting the good fight, get them to watch this. To laugh in the face of diversity, is the best laugh of all. Thank you Neal.
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Inside Man (II) (2022)
Forget the plot holes. Just be entertained.
4 November 2022
Mostly the comments on here are about how unbelievable the plot (or lack of)is. I ask you to put that aside and focus and be enthralled with the brilliant acting. The numerous never heard before one-liners. There's at least 6 that I've bookmarked to use myself. Of course I'm not going to be a "spoiler".

I binged the whole 4 episodes. It certainly wasn't my intention to be writing a review at 3am when I've got a 7am start, but such was my unbridled excitement of this series it just had to be done (not sure my boss will see it like that when I'm on the nod at lunch time). But there you go. That's my take on it. Don't get caught up in the plot, just applaud it for its purely entertaining value, and I promise you won't be disappointed. Cheers Dave.
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13 Minutes (2021)
Read the reviews first. They got it right.
30 October 2022
I think 6/10 was the highest rating. I can only think that person had just had a mighty hit on the bong.

My first warning of trouble was the introduction. Amy Smart was was down the pecking order of actors, as was Tracey Adkins. Who imo are top rated actors.

Then the standard social commentary that passes as far-left ideology started subtly, then progressed to full blown in your face god fearing preaching. And just to even the tables they throw in a clichéd story line for the alphabet people. They would've been wrapped with that portrayal (not!).

The more the Storm intensified the more I was hoping it would leave no survivors, such was the sickly sweet nature of this film.

If you've got two hours to spare, go and slam your hand in the car door. It'll hurt, but not as much as watching this garbage.
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Savage River (2022)
I thought it was wokeism at the start. I was very wrong.
25 October 2022
As my title says I thought it was the lefty ABC at it again. But there was just too much talent in the cast to turn it off. Plenty of good old fashioned Aussie actors that kept me happy. But I didn't know of Katherine Langford as her success in 13 reasons why escaped me as it was about a subject matter that I have seen more than my share of. But I am a fan now. Also Mark Coles Smith is another talent that was new to me.(I reckon he's Aaron Pedersens love child).

I'm usually pretty good with the "who dunnit " genre. But it wasn't until the end of the fifth episode that I was 100%. But even up till the very end there were a cpl of surprises. This was a really well written script. It is definitely binge worthy as I'm writing this at 3.15 am after starting it after dinner.

Really well done to cast and crew. And my apologies to the ABC. This was nothing to do with wokeism, and all to do with what is actually happening in rural Australia right now. Cheer Dave.
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Purple Hearts (2022)
Completely blindsided
1 August 2022
Didn't know the actors. (I'm Australian, cut me some slack) Sounded like a dud rom-com.

I'm a 54 yr old grumpy male. This is not my usual genre.

But as I'm recovering from Covid I found myself having a little pity party.

So that's my excuse for venturing into this movie.

Well, I can say it brightened my day (week) ten-fold.

Sofia Carson was brilliant. Her singing and song choices reminded me of Lady Gaga/Pink .

Don't you just love it when you take a punt on a movie and it just blows you away.

Terrific acting, great, and surprisingly good story line.

Yes, it fits in the rom-com category, but it offers much, much more.
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The Twelve (2022– )
Australian Wokeism at its best/worst.
31 July 2022
I've somehow watched up till the 6 episode. Desperately waiting for this to change gears and get better. But alas it has failed miserably. Too be honest, I probably only watched it this far because of Sam Neil. He is the ONLY redeeming thing in yet another leftist PC forced attempt at social engineering. Why is the majority of new stuff coming out of Australian film like this? It is so cliched, it's nearly comical. The writing is all over the place. Long drawn out silences, which could double as a Stillnox substitute. The only thing missing is someone wearing a Manly-Warringah rainbow jersey.

C'mon Australian TV/Media. You can and have done better (eg Mr Inbetween 10/10 imo).
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Bosch: Legacy (2022– )
Bosch is back baby!
16 May 2022
God, I was going into withdrawals waiting for this.

I think I like Bosch off the force, than on.

JEdgar makes a cameo, along with Crate and Barrel, that cool.

Madie is a true co-star now. As a rookie cop, she gets no favours because of her Dad, the opposite in fact. Honey Chandler has a much bigger role as well. Bosch s new tekkie side kick is cool. Laid back dude.

Waiting for the final four episodes to drop.

I wish I could savour them like a fine red wine. But I can't. Binge watch it. Then come back two days later and watch it again.

Did I mention I love this series!?
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City of Lies (2018)
How is this only getting 6.5?!
24 February 2022
It wouldn't surprise me if the LAPD paid ppl to downgrade this movie. After all they tried to have it cancelled. I really liked Johnny Depp in this portrayal of Det. Poole. And Forest Whitaker never lets you down. Great movie.
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