
43 Reviews
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Wrath of Man (2021)
Misses the mark
30 April 2021
I saw the movie yesterday , it's enjoyable tbh . The action sequences and soundtracks are good , but the plot ?????? Revenge story which we've seen million times before with a heist subplot throw in it . And the main problem is that the movie doesn't know what it wants . A crime comedy ???? Well this movie was devoided of the Ritchie's style ( the jokes and gags that are his trademark ) . Maybe some dialogues meant to have some comic appeal but the delivery was flat .Or a serious drama ???? Well if you saw Micheal Mann's "Heat" than you don't have to see this .

Well . The movie was enjoyable , if you are looking for some escapism you will enjoy this movie , but if you looking for something like Snatch, Lock Stock and the Gentlemen you will be disappointed like me .
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Without Remorse (II) (2021)
1st disappointement of 2021
30 April 2021
Even i haven't read Tom Clancy's bookes but still this movie left a bad taste in my mouth , I was expecting a lot from Ty Sheridan and MBJ but it was totally a stinker , the action sequences are Ok at best , but everything else was just below average ; acting , writing , directing and so on .

Save your time and watch Sicario or Jason Bourne movies .
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Chaos Walking (2021)
Makes the dark tower looks like a masterpiece.
4 March 2021
On paper it looks good , Doug Liman who made great movies ( The edge of Tomorrow , The bourne Identity ) and a talented cast ( Mads Mikkelsen - Daisy Ridley and Tom Holland ) but what could wrong ???

Well , the script is messy ; the acting is bland ; The characters are one-dimensional and their motivations are not explained ; and the editing is one of the worst things i have ever seen , and how this film cost over 100M$ ????? we will never know .

All in All ; if you wanna a good sci-fi movie steer clear of this , and if you wanna see Tom Holland saying his name over and over agaiiiiiiin be my guest .
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Mystic River (2003)
4 February 2021
I can't believe this movie has 7..9 on imdb , it's average at best and the only redeeming quality are the actors who gave a stellar performances . jusr skip this one .
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over hyped
3 February 2021
8.1 ??????? how ????? it's 7/10 at best , The cinematography and visuals are mindblowing but the story ????? Well : Going from A too B and from B to A ; The end . +2 points to the cinematography and visuals .
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Wow !!!!!!
3 February 2021
And i mean "Wow" that all the reviews above 7 are so baffling and the hype about this movie is over the top maybe people got drunk before watching this , this is the worst crime thriller movie i have ever seen since Killer Joe . every crime thriller movie fan will be scratching his head on the amount of absurdities and holes in the plot .

Solid Acting ????? Denzel was just sleepwalking through his role and Rami Malek was just " M Robot " with a blue suit while Jared Leto was the only bright spot in this dumpster fire and the story ???????? been there ; done that .

and i read some reviews who said that the ending was creative and compelling blah blah blah ....................... give me a fu***** break will ya !!! this is the most unimaginative and flat ending i have ever seen which the writer tried to make something unique but fell flat on his face .

+1 for Jared Leto's Performance.
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And the Razzie Award to the worst movie goes to ...........
1 February 2021
One of the most harrowing experiences i have ever had . No Redeeming quality about this junk.

The acting : Cheesy and i'm being generous . Zendaya overacts her part to the extreme and JDW ? ? ? ? he was just a dead pan and he still have a looooong way to go to become like his father . and the chemistry between them !!!!! empty and flat .

The writing : terrible . no likeable characters . no charcter developement . no witty dialogue . no story . nooooooooothing aven my little brother can come with a better script than this utter nonsense .

All in All . This is the worst movie in this year so far and If this movie (if it could be said a movie) had not Zendaya and JDW, it would have never reached Netflix (and perhaps not even on cable television movies).

Cringefest , Pretentious , Dull, boring and pointless.
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Lupin (2021– )
Turn off your brain and it's 10/0
23 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The production value is top notch and the acting was really good especially Omar Sy . The guy is really talented and i have been a fan of him since Intouchables . but the writing qnd the execution is just plain awful . the amount of plot holes are over the top i mean broke into Louvre museum and no cameras captured him ?????????? Swith roles with the prisonners and non of the guards recognized the difference ??? cmon give me a break it's unrealistic to say the least . Sorry Omar but you are way better than this .
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The Marksman (2021)
Average thriller
18 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Saw the movie yesterday . Aside from the acting which was decent and the chemistry between the kid and Liam everything else was just .......... meh to be honest . The movie tries too hard to be ' GRAN TORINO ' but fails miserably .
  • Poor Script
  • Sterotype Characters ( Mexican Thugs - Alcoholic and widowed father )
  • Underdeveloped relatioshipes ( especially between the cop daughter and her father ) and by the way what's the point of Katheryn Winnck's character ?? she was underused and totally wasted here .
All in all . The movie is watchable entertainement but nothing special and for Liam it's time to hang up the gloves you got old for this stuff .
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Average movie .
18 January 2021
Not a big fan of Tom Hanks . I always find him a one dimensional actor but here he did a good job ( not an Oscar worthy performance to be honest) plus the movie was slow . Predectibale and Uninspiring . 5 stars only for Tom and Helena Zengel who was the bright spot in this movie .
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Nomadland (2020)
3 for Frances Mcdormand performance .
5 January 2021
The movie sucks big time . I don't know what the hell was this movie about ?? The Acting was fine but that's the only positive thing about this junk . Cmon Frances you are way better than this .
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Vikings: The Last Act (2020)
Season 6, Episode 20
The age of Vikings is over
5 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I think most people really missed the point . The whole show was about Ragnar and his sons . Every saga has a beginning and an end .The adventure started with king Ragnar and ended with Ivar the Boneless ( the last king of Kategat ) . I read some reviews that found the fact that Ingrid became queen of Kategat is implausible but for me it made sense . I don't knwo why people wants Hvitserk or Ubbe to rule Kategat ????
  • Ubbe made it clear from the begining that he deosn't want to be king and his only concern was to discover the golden land and that's what he did .
  • Hvitserk became Christian and found his road to redemption (if you look back in previous epesiodes you will see how much he regretted about everything wrong he had done ( Abandoned his beloved brother Ubbe - killed Lagertha .... ) . I think it was a good way to end his arc and honestly i think he had no intention to become the king of Kategat .
All in all . The ending was great and all the characters got a closure to their journey . it wouldn't be an end to Vikings Saga if one of Ragnar's son ruled Kategat .

Rating for final episode : 10 Rating for the show : 8
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Your Honor (II) (2020–2023)
3 stars is being very generous because I like the actors
3 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was eager to see this show . Given the good cast especially Bryan Cranston who is one of my favorite actors but sorry i couldn't get through the 4rd episode . The acting was good and that's only the bright spot about this dumpster fire . The characters are annoying ( mostly the Judge's kid is the most annoying character i have ever seen in tv show history ) and making dumb decisions and The plot is far fetched and riddled with plot holes and inconstencies . I can go on how much bad this show is but the negative reviwes have said enogh . Life's too shot save your time and watch something else .
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Westworld (2016–2022)
Good till the 3rd season
31 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
S1 was a masterpiece and one of the best seasons i have ever seen . Gripping storyline combined with great character developemnt and top notch acting ( Especially by Sir Anthony Hopkins and Ed Harris ) . It deserves a solid 10/10 for me . S2 was good although the storyline had some inconstencies but still fun to watch due to the good acting by the leads . It deserves 7/10. And then here comes the 3d season which was truly a recipe of a disaster . I was waiting for Steven Seagal to pop up . Mindless action and poor storyline . Even the addition of Aaron Paul couldn't save this mess . For me it deserves a 4/10.

All in all . The show is good but far from being a masterpiece . I will be watching the 4th season 4 sure but now i think 7/10 is fair enough .S1 was a masterpiece and one of the best seasons i have ever seen . Gripping storyline combined with great character developemnt and top notch acting ( Especially by Sir Anthony Hopkins and Ed Harris ) . It deserves a solid 10/10 for me . S2 was good although the storyline had some inconstencies but still fun to watch due to the good acting by the leads . It deserves 7/10. And then here comes the 3d season which was truly a recipe of a disaster . I was waiting for Steven Seagal to pop up .Poor storyline combined with mindless action and boring characters . Even the addition of Aaron Paul couldn't save this mess . For me it deserves a 4/10.

All in all . The show is good but far from being a masterpiece . I will be watching the 4th season 4 sure but now i think 7/10 is fair enough .
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19 December 2020
An Oscar worthy performance by Chadwick who did the best acting job in his entire carrer and Viola did good as well but Chadwick stole the limelight .One of the best movies of the year .
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Long and Boring .
18 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
  • The Cinematography is top notch .
  • The Score is good .
  • The chemistry between Gal and Chris was enjoyable .

  • Gal was at her worst . she did a decent job in the previous installement but this time she was way off the mark .
  • I love Chris Pine . He is an underrated actor and i enjoyed his previous movies but his comic timing in this movie fell flat .
  • The villains are cartoonish .They didn't get a good screen time to performe well but i can't blame them coz the writing sucks big time .
  • The CGI looks Really Bad .
  • The dialogues were cringe-worthy .
  • The action scenes were barely entertaining .

All in All . One of the worst sequels i heve ever seen and it's poorly written and directed . Save your precious time and watch the first wonder woman is more entertaining and fun to watch .
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Another Paul Anderson ego trip
6 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The only redeeming quality are the monsters . Everything else is just so cringe and doesn't fit at all. From Explosions and Loud music to the corny dialogues : "So what. Are we like Guardians of the Galaxy now?", "This is officially above my pay grade" and not to mention the protagonist used fire against Diablos and Rathalos and survived a plain crash Really ???? that's soo laughably bad .they should have made a story that stays in the MH world. The generic U.S. Army coming from the real world was disreputable . and if you are fan of RE franchise you may enjoy this otherwise don't waste your time.
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Honest Thief (2020)
Ok but disappointing
5 December 2020
I was eager to see new Neeson's action flick . He is one of my favourite actors and most of his movies are excellent but this one is way off the mark . Drawn out conversations and less action . The only redeeming quality is Jay Courtney's outstanding performance . i hope his next movies will be more entertaining like his old flicks (Taken trilogy - Non Stop - Unknown - Run all night)
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Fleabag (2016–2019)
Really bad !!!!!
21 November 2020
Watching a paint dry will be more funny than this piece of drivel . Is this a comedy ????? with all the respect to the actors but this is truly bad . I gave it the benifit of doubt but i couldn't get through half of the first season . and what baffles me that it got many awards for what ????? for the atrocity may be it makes a sense . Sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry but not for me
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Supernatural (2005–2020)
good show . poor final
21 November 2020
It deserves 9/10 but since they ruined the final i think 7/10 is enough
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Unhinged (I) (2020)
what a steaming pile of garbage
19 November 2020
The only thing i loved about this trash was the credit ending. one of the worst movies i have ever seen . bad plot and silly characters .Unrealistic and became laughable early on . Such a wast of money and time . and of course Russel Crow's talent which was the only reason to watch this snoozefest .
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Dreamland (I) (2019)
UGH !!!!!!!!!!
19 November 2020
  • Finn Cole stole the show with his marvellous performance
  • Great scenary
Bad -Slow paced movie -no character developemnt -Travis Fimmel didin't get much time on the screen and his character didn't help the plot to move forward
  • Bad Makeup and costumes
Watch the movie if you have nothing to do . that's all i can say and for Margot she is a talented actress but her choices recently were way off the mark . I hope she deosn't destroy her career by snoozefest movies like this one .
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Space Force (2020–2022)
Hilariously bad
19 November 2020
It's not comedy at all . With all the respect to the great actors (Steve Carell - John Malkovic ) but they must got a huge paycheck to accept being a part of this disastrous show and tbh i couldn't get through the 4th ep.Such a waste of time . money and great actors . but the funny thing is the show got renewed for 2d season .They should have spent money on Mindhunter instead of this steaming pile of garbage.
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Big Sky (2020–2023)
Talented actors wasted by abysmal writing .
18 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
After all the hype from the social media . I expected something near to the quality of HBO and Netflix . Given the good cast but oh boy was i wrong ! I can't belive this show was written by the same guy who created some decent shows back in the day ( BIG LITTLE LIES - GOLIATH - MR MERCEDES - BOSTON LEGAL ) and the list goes on .
  • The dialogues are cheesy asf
  • The plot itslef is a joke ( Two women fight for a man - the detective slept with his ex wife and also having an affair with his co-worker. Really ????? and don't let get me started with the truck chase it's one of the most unrealistic things i have ever scene in my life )
I gave 4/10 due to some good musics . Good scenary and the acting which is surprisingly good soo far especially John Caroll Lynch and Katheryn Winnick.And for Ryan you must be happy.At least the poor writers did something good for saving you from this trainwreck. Really fell sad for the actors who are involved in this poorly written melodrama . it's early to judge a show by its pilot but honestly i doubt this one will get another season .
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The Witches (2020)
Really Really Bad
13 November 2020
Great cast and decent director but what we got ???? A piece of junk with terrible acting . Abysmal writing and poor poduction value. Save your time and watch the original is waaaay better
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