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8 January 2024
Its been a while since I wrote a review but, this movie has been on my mind all day . I wasn't planning on watching this movie due to the subtitles , but a close friend of mine insisted on me watching it for weeks. I finally gave in and im soooo glad i did because this movie was magnificent. I never thought i was get this so emotional over a Godzilla movie. From the story , characters, the action ,the acting , everything was top notch.

This might be a long shot but this might be the greatest Godzilla movie ever made. Now they might succeed it with a possible sequel due to last scene of the movie. But as of right now no Godzilla/ Kaiju movie is holding a candle to this pme. If you haven't seen it yet please go ASAP!
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Deadstream (2022)
19 September 2023
Its been a veery long time since I watched a found footage this good. I thought it was going to be another typical paranormal activity/ ghost encounters movie but i was wrong. Its basically the found footage version of evil dead and I loved every minute of it.

Was looking for some new found footage movies to watch. Saw someone post about this movie on a sub reddit and decided to check it out , and i was pleasantly surprised. It had everything from humor , scares and fun. If I ever host a movie night I'm definitely going to put this on. I hope they plan on making a part 2, we need more movies like these.
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I Am a Hero (2015)
This might be one of my favorites
8 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I love zombies, so i was on the lookout for a new zombie movie to watch this Halloween season. Did some research an came across this movie due to its high reviews. I had no doubt that this movie was going to be good because, for some reason Asians are the best when it comes to making zombie movies. I would say horror movies in general.

But this movie blew me away, as i expected. The characters are great as usual and the zombies are creative and creepy. But the scene when the main character goes crazy with the shotgun and kills all the zombies at the end put a HUGE smile on my face. That was probably one of the most badass moments i have ever seen in a movie.
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Smile (V) (2022)
2 October 2022
This movie was one hell of a surprise. From the trailer it look like it was going to be a nice decent generic horror movie , so i went into this not expecting much. My god was I shocked at what I was witnessing . The scares were effective enough to make the whole audience scream and cry at certain points. It also had a nice message about how people deal with trauma.

This movie was well paced, some might say it was a bit slow but I thought it was perfect. I was drawn from the start and was on the edge of my seat by the end. I truly love this movie and I cant wait to see more from this director . This movie was a terrific start to the Halloween season. BRAVO!
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Belzebuth (2017)
Affective and disturbing film
1 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So far during this Halloween season, this is first horror movie that deeply disturbed me. The opening scene was so horrifying i had to look away, it pains me just to think about it again smh. There were a few scenes scared also ( the shot of the demon during the chase scene in the the tunnel made me jump) but this movie is more disturbing than scary.

If you are sensitive and have a family i wouldn't recommend this movie. The death scenes that involve children will make your stomach turn. That being said its a good movie. Its well acted and and shot and it definitely did its job with the shock factor.
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Speak No Evil (2022)
..."because you let me"
23 September 2022
Jesus .. You have to have a strong stomach for this movie, i just finished it and its one of the most sick and depraved films i have ever seen. I probably wont watch it again, that being said it was well filmed and kept me interested till the disturbing and horrid ending, idk who im more mad and frustrated at...the good or the bad family smh, if you've have seen the movie you know what im talking about. All in all im happy shudder is putting out an producing good horror films.

Again if you are soft hearted family oriented person. Please do not watch this film , it will leave you mentally scarred and wanting to take a cold shower after viewing it.
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Mother! (2017)
Pure Madness
22 May 2022
I didn't know much about this movie so i watched it with no expectations. My god I was not prepared for what I witnessed . It starts off slow then it quickly descends into madness. They went places in this movie that I never would imagined a movie can go to . Definitely not for the faint of heart.
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X (II) (2022)
Thank you again A24!
21 March 2022
Saw this the other night and had a blast, the build up to the blood fest at the end was very satisfying and the way this was filmed felt like you were watching it in the 70's . Id say this was a nice throwback to 80's slasher films , felt like a mix between Texas chainsaw massacre and friday the 13th. BRAVO!
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Can never go wrong with zombies
14 October 2021
Though its not zacks best film ( cant expect the best from a netflix movie) it was still fun. The characters werent as engaging as the one's from dawn of the dead ( hated the daughter smh), but the zombie killing action and gore was great, not to mention that zombie tiger was sick as hell lol movie was a tad bit too long though , cut 20 minutes out of this and it would have been solid.
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Fun horror
2 October 2021
I love fun crazy over the top horror movies with great affects like these. I would say this movie was more shocking than scary , a couple jump scares might get you. But overall i had fun with this one , the ending was great.
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Don't Listen (2020)
A very dreadfull creepy ghost movie
29 September 2021
Wasn't excepting much from this movie but I got a lot more out of it than expected . Some very familiar yet still tense and creepy scenes with a depressing twist at the end. I would recommend it.
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Saint Maud (2019)
.....well that was disturbing
23 September 2021
Like all A24 horror films, you have to expect a slow burn and a very slow burn this film is indeed. The last 20 minutes scared and shocked me to the bone the same way hereditary did, my heart is still racing as im typing this after watching it. I cant remember the last time a jump scare effected me this bad. This is going to be on my mind for a while.
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Malignant (I) (2021)
A brilliant throwback to 80's slasher movies
21 September 2021
James wan you crazy bastard you have done it again. This may not be his scariest but its definitely the goriest and twisted film yet. This is one of the best slashers I have seen in a while with a twist that will shock you at the end, i regret so much that i watched this on HBO max rather than a theater, i will never make that mistake again .
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The Vigil (2019)
wow....this one got me
21 September 2021
Not only did this movie truly scare me at times but it was also very emotional towards the end. Very well done film , I would recommend it.
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A lot better than I expected
1 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
From the title and poster I thought this movie looked corny as hell, but since it was Halloween i figured id give it shot and Im glad i did. I love movies like these done right. My favorite bits were the werewolves and zombie kids from the bus.
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Tenet (2020)
Nolan ...is a genius
12 October 2020
The shear spectacle of this film is groundbreaking. Thank god for nolan for bringing us original films in a generation of superheros and remakes.This is basically a bond movie with on shrooms. my only complaint was the sound mixing, the first half of this music I couldn't understand what the characters were saying which left me confused , but the second half is AMAZING. I probably have to watch this at least 2 more times to really understand it.
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One of the best from the past
10 October 2020
Though I thought Josh hartnet was kind of a miscast for the role he played in the movie ,Ido think this is one of the best vampire films from the 2000s. Vampires dont scare me like they did when i was kid but from memory this was the last one that creeped me out when I was teen.
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Blood Quantum (2019)
Pretty good
7 October 2020
This was a unique and a bit emotional zombie flick. I wasn't expecting much but the ending was kind of a gut punch similar to the ending to train to busan. But overall it as pretty good, we need more fun and original zombies flicks now days.
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4 October 2020
Dont mean to make this a race thing , because this is a terrific and original horror movie that everyone should watch . But this movie hits different when your black knowing the issues in our community. This movie shocked me to the core when I saw it as a kid , the last story along with the ending specifically gave me nightmares for weeks . What i love about this movie the most is, not only does it frighten you but it reflects and teaches you the harsh realities of inner city communities.
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Starry Eyes (2014)
Pleasantly Suprised
2 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Didnt know what to expect of this movie but im glad went it blind. I did not expect this movie to be so brutal. The way she murdered all of her friends was disturbing. But i still dont understand how her eyes work at the end.
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The Lodge (2019)
Eerie.. very eerie
30 September 2020
This was a mildly disturbing and eerie film. Though the ending could have been better, the creepy mystery vibe of the first half of this movie very was good. I would describe this as a mix between hereditary and the shining. But it seemed as if the writing lost direction when it came the last act of the film. There were some things that weren't explained.
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The Wretched (2019)
Good watch
30 September 2020
I enjoyed this movie a lot, the creepy unsettling first half of this movie was very effective ( mainly due to great effects). The ending got little generic but its still worth a watch in my open.
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Sick , brutal, visceral , haunting and damn GLORIOUS !
25 September 2020
I have to agree with another comment I just read. This is one of if not the best revenge thrillers I have ever seen since Seven, I never wanted this movie to end. I have to commend foreign films for there extremism . Unlike American films they a have to balls to do and show things we have never seen before....bravo to this film
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High Tension (2003)
doesnt make sense
22 September 2020
This movie started off well then as the the 3rd act comes around things just didn't make sense ( you know If you have seen it) . the gore was pretty good but that's about it.
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Host (II) (2020)
Very impressive
18 September 2020
I wasnt expecting much from such a short film but damn did it deliver. This is one of the best found footage horrors i have seen since the den. the last 15 mins was a roller coaster ride. Bravo to the director
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