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I swear this Rebecca G author had a crush on Warren .
23 May 2024
My complaints about the show ( quality of)

  • First few episodes are a little too slow and boring. I thought the episode when Reenas parents meet was unnecessary, I get they wanted to paint a picture of her dad, but it didn't need an entire boring episode.

  • some of the characters seemed 2 dimensional

  • seemed like they were trying to paint the ppl that committed these crimes as more of a victim than the actual victim . I have a feeling it's because this is based on Rebecca G. Book.

  • acting wasn't great in the beginning, but it does get better toward the end.

My complaints about the characters ( I won't hold this against the show because they are playing real people)

I absolutely couldn't stand this Rebecca character.

Her relationship with these young kids is "cringe" and I rarely use that word, but it's true. As someone that has worked with kids before, the way she acts around them like they are best friends makes me lose respect for her, even if her goal is to write a book. Again , but if this is how the story actually went down, then she clearly didn't care about Reena. Her goal was to write about how ppl can make mistakes and are still good ppl no matter what, just because she had her own issues. And if this show is accurate to what really happened, I really think she had a crush on this boy, apparently she described him as " boyish good looks, a hearthrob" in her book. She cared more about him than about Reena. If they went of her book then I have a hard time believing any of the acting that was portrayed for Warren, obviously her pov is warped.

I can't imagine how Reenas family feels. It's one thing to acknowledge that ppl make mistakes, but it's another to feel more sorry for the ppl that are not the actual victims.
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Fallout (2024– )
One of the best shows I have seen in a long time, but the Maximus character confuses me.
22 April 2024
I'm really enjoying this show, I only have one and a half episodes left.

I don't have much knowledge of the game, but as the show goes , it is way better than most shows coming out nowadays.

I love that this show is not afraid to show character flaws and they do a good job of showing how ppl turn out based off life experiences. It is refreshing to see characters that have to over come adversity. It is a very much needed break from what Hollywood has done to female leads and their male counter parts in the last few years.

The only character/ issue that I am having is Maximus. It took me a while to pinpoint what bothered me about the character, and I think it's the fact that he reminds me of a confused and angry teenager that is just now learning the ways of the world. His emotions go back and forth too much for me and his actions don't feel consistent. It doesn't help that I can't for the life of me figure out how old he is supposed to be. I assumed he was a 45 to 50 year old man when he was first introduced, this gave me a certain expectation in behavior, so I was caught off guard when he started acting the way he did, he seemed bitter, immature, and naive at times, brave sometimes , but other times a complete coward, they tried to make him look like a good guy, but his actions said otherwise.

Anyway, I just found out that he is 34 in real life so he was probably 33 when he filmed.. I guess I'll find out for sure how old he is once I watch the last 2 episodes.

Other than that, I'm loving the show, and the whole Maximus thing doesn't bother me too much, but it does take me out of the show every now and then.
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True Detective (2014– )
Am I the only person that just couldn't stand the first season?
16 April 2024
I've watched 4 episodes of the first season and there is absolutely nothing gripping. It is just boring, imo.

This show is mostly focusing on the detective's past and while I get that is important, an actual investigation is no where to be seen... Why are we on the 4th episode without any leads?

Maybe if I cared about these detectives I would enjoy the show but they are both miserable humans. Matthew M is just a pessimist that drains the life out of anyone he comes close to, and Woody is just an A**hole that lies to himself about how awful he is.

I get character development is important, but I can't handle that a story outside of their life's is not happening in parallel, I don't want to watch a soap opera, I want to watch a crime show.

I'd much rather watch The Killing again. That show had detectives with dark past, but each episode was a puzzle piece to a big picture. True detective is not that. And honestly seems very pretentious to me.
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Free Solo (2018)
Too much content about his relationship with gf made it boring
7 April 2024
I'll admit, I wasn't able to finish this film, not only was it boring to me, but it was also angering.

I was irked with the gf for even dating him in the first place, and I was angry at him for even having a gf. He doesn't even seem that happy to have her, how can he be so selfish to bring someone into his life when he risk his life.

He is married to this woman and now has a kid.... And he still "free Solos", free solo climbers fall to their deaths once they are older because they are past their prime. So sad he has brought ppl into this mess.

This film would have been better if they just left all of that out because it turned me off from his actual tremendous achievement.

Where the directors trying to make us dislike the guy?
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Not horrible, had potential, but the acting and dialogue killed it
25 February 2024
Ugh... Effects were great, fighting scenes were really well done, however, after the first episode, I knew this show just wasn't going to reach the caliber that it had the potential of reaching.

I could forgive some of the additions , and even some of the slight changes to the plot but some of the changes did interfere with the growth of the characters and were imo weird choices to change from the original series.

I think overall the casting was pretty good, but the acting did fall short, and I can't decide if the acting was bad because of the writing or the writing had to cater to the bad acting , as I'll explain in the next paragraph.

There were sooo many unnecessary scenes where the characters talk to themselves, it felt forced and unnatural. I think they had to do this because the acting is just not good enough for them to be able to convey what they need to convey with just actions, they had to resort to the characters literally telling us what they are thinking.

At the end of the day, it's not a horrible show, they tried, but I'm not gonna watch it when I am aware of the great source material that is out there.

This show falls flat.
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Get Out (I) (2017)
The bad guys motive to me is kinda of a joke....
25 February 2024
Don't get me wrong, I really appreciated this film. BUT WHAT? They wanted superior bodies for what, so they could pose as a cleaning lady and a Gardner for the rest of their lives... It's not like they could do anything outside of that either

Acting was good and I think it was perfectly cast. And even though , it did feel like a little bit of a knock off of the Skeleton Key, It still had it's original spin and uniqueness to it and the suspense was good.

One thing I couldn't really get past was their motive. I get they were going for a minority group for obvious reasons, they kept emphasizing how it was because they wanted a superior body ( quicker stronger) but why would that even matter if they are filing the role of a gardener and a cleaning lady. At that point it's better to go for other minority groups that are known to live longer and aren't as prone to some diseases.

The only reason I'm bringing this up, is because this film was supposed to be "smart" and serious so it was hard to move past it.

I'm still giving this a decent rating, I liked it. And I'll just pretend that the ppl doing this were evil and also not very bright.
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Offseason (2021)
They thought they could scare us by adding mist to all the scenes.
10 February 2024
I'm 25 minutes into the movie and I am having so much trouble staying focused, it's that boring.

To put it simply, this is the definition of PRETENTIOUS, because it's not actually scary, it's not interesting, it's really just meh , but they are trying so hard to trick us into believing this is a scary and thought provoking movie.

Adding mist and scary music, inserting random old ppl talking about nothing, and adding unnatural pauses when ppl speak is just not gonna get the job done.

I know I haven't watched the whole thing, but I truly believe that if a movie is this boring and pointless after 25 minutes, it doesn't deserve a good rating. Movies are meant to be enjoyable or captivating, if it can't do that from the get go or at least 10 minutes in, then I'm not wasting my time.
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So if you are terminally I'll , it's ok to break the law?
24 September 2023
While this has been done before in films such as , A walk to Remember, the fault in our stars, Keith, and maybe even a little in My sister's keeper ( more the book), I was still curious because those tend to be good movies, but this movie feel flat and it was even annoying.

This role was not for Jaden, he just doesn't have the acting ability for a movie that requires these type of emotions.

I didn't feel any chemistry between the couple. Without the chemistry you've got nothing.

And lastly, having a year left to live does not give you the right to shoplift or throw a brick at a security guards head. I get that Cara Delevingne is playing a young character, so I get that this might be an appropriate response in real life, but this movie almost excuses it, especially because the transgender guy did it a few times. I just don't have an patience for it.
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Did I miss the part where they explain why she has her camera on for everything?
23 July 2023
The fact that they are recording everything doesn't even make sense, that alone already distracts me from the movie, not to mention the shaky camera work when it wasn't even necessary.

It made sense why they started recording and kept recording in movies like paranormal activity and Cloverfield.

And don't get me started on these teenagers, for smart kids , these kids are pretty dumb. They test out a time machine one time... It Doesn't even really work properly, so they decided to test it with themselves, because that would solve the issue... Ok. I have little Patience for movies where protagonist or this dim, I want to use my brain and an enjoy what I'm watching, I'm trying to relax not get frustrated at someones stupidity.

Like someone said in an earlier review . If you like annoying teenagers and a very shaky camera, this is the perfect movie for you.
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Lucy (I) (2014)
Ridiculous but very entertaining
30 April 2023
Morgan Freeman is a scientist , at the beginning of the movie he is giving a talk, some of the things he was saying during his talk made me cringe and roll my eyes. At first it annoyed me because how hard can it be to do just a little more research before writing a "scientific" talk in the movie. He didn't even have the basics down in some parts. He clearly doesn't know how the human brain works and that's just embarrassing for the movie imo.

I laughed when Morgan Freeman didn't know how to answer what would happen if someone was at "100%, brain capacity" but somehow had a very detailed answer for what would happen if it was at 40%... Sorry dude, but how would you know what happens at 40% either, information is being just pulled out of his ass.

THAT BEING SAID, i was able to get past that because the movie itself was pretty fun and entertaining and frankly that is hard to find these days.

If you can get past some of the ridiculousness, like some of her abilities that just don't make sense, you will enjoy it. It's best to stop asking question and trying to apply logic when watching this film. I learned pretty early in the movie not to take it seriously.

If you just want a fun watch or something to even laugh at, i highly recommend it. If you are expecting a cerebral movie, move on and don't waste your time.
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The Honeymoon (2022)
The best friend is too unlikeable to be funny
26 April 2023
Like I said, the best friend is a selfish obnoxious guy who manipulates his best friend into taking him on what's supposed to be a honeymoon with his new wife. He doesn't even care that he is in the process of ruining his best friend's life.

He is a straight up A** , so nothing he says or does is funny.

I feel sorry for the girl, she's clearly trying to be patient, but no one in their right mind could stay in a relationship like this. It's hard to shake this over bearing , selfish, completely unaware of a human being.

Perhaps they are going for some dark type of humor , but the movie just doesn't get it right, everything is just annoying or angering.

I have only watched the first 30 minutes of this movie, and I just can't.

If I'm angry and annoyed for 30 minutes, I think the movie deserves a bad rating despite me not finishing it. A good movie should make viewers want to watch until the end.
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The Night Agent (2023– )
Bad lead role acting , but entairtaning at the least
31 March 2023
It's an ok watch, but don't have high expectations when it comes to the writing, plot , or acting.

Plot is as cliché as you can get, but again, it's still entairtaning.

I'm a little confused with the casting of the lead actor too, is he good looking? Sure. But nothing to make up for his acting, it's pretty bad... I'm not sure how he made it this far in the business, is there a nepotism situation going on or something?

That being said, I'd still recommend the show if you want something fun and mindless to watch. If you start taking this show seriously, it's not a good show though, so depends on how you go about it.
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If these guys just went home to eat and sleep they would have probably caught the guy sooner.
26 January 2023
The most interesting thing about the documentary was seeing the difference in culture between that of Koreans and where I live ( the U. S) .

They were so focused on "honoring" the victims that they began staying in hot cars for days doing stake outs when they didn't even have any leads. Another guy didn't even go home for 3 months because he was working around the clock without any leads. I'm no detective but when you absolutely have no leads, what can you possibly be doing for 3 months straight in an office making your wife bring you underwear? It's like they enjoyed punishing themselves ( or hey, maybe they just didn't want to be home). They were working so hard and not smart. They were making mistakes due to their sleep deprivation too.

The police officers were also so focused on profiling and assumed things about what the killer should look like.. this crime was not committed in the 1800s, a police officer of all ppl should know a serial killer doesn't have a particular look or personality. You just can't assume anything.

While I appreciated watching how they handled the case differently, it also frustrated me.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
It's definitely good, but not as special as they're making out to be
24 January 2023
Acting is great, I love the pace of the first episode and story line is good, but just a bit predictable with the whole immunity thing. I was hoping for a more exciting secret, but hey, I dont know anything about the game so maybe there is something more to that 14 year old.

Second episode felt a bit dragged out and just like a mediacore episode of the walking dead, not even close to some of twd's best episodes.

It's nice to have a well made show that will probably keep my attention for a while, but I'm very surprised this has a rating of 9.4.., a 9.4 is near perfection , a 9.4 Is masterpiece level. This is just a good show, nothing more.

I'll change my rating if the show has more to offer later.

UPDATE: just watched the third episode and it seems that each episode gets more boring and less intriguing.

The romance in the 3rd episode could have been done better, They spent too much time on it therefore making the episode boring in my opinion while rushed at the same time. And I really can't tell if the romance had anything to really add to the overall plot.. just seemed like a filler episode.

My big problem with this episode is that it deviated so much from the other episodes. It's a show about zombies so this isn't really the time or place to dedicate an entire episode to romance.

I love romance, but not when I'm watching a zombie show. If there is romance in a zombie show, it should be done subtlety without making the show lose momentum.

This show is starting to become mediocare at best.
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The Recruit (2022– )
Why does Noah keep getting cast for charismatic roles
21 December 2022
Am I the only one that doesn't buy him being charismatic? He pretends to be charismatic ( keyword pretends) , but charisma is a hard thing portray if you simple don't have it in real life. A crooked smile doesn't mean you are despite what some might think.

It is hard buying as someone that can get away with it all, yet he does.

I tried to take this show lightly because it's obvious it's just for entertainment, but I didn't find it to be funny and again, Noah's inability to actually be charismatic takes me out of the show He is just trying too hard, unlike Harrison Ford or Nathan Fillion.

The music on the show also kind of takes me out because it feels like I'm watching CBS, I almost thought there was gonna be a commercial break at one point.

I usually don't have anything against fun and entairtaining shows, in fact i welcome them even if they aren't "good". I tried to like it , but it wasn't funny and I just don't like the main character.
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Smile (V) (2022)
Too many similarities to the 2014 film "It follows"
17 November 2022
It's hard to ignore the similarities between the two movies, especially since "It follows" is freakier and it has an amazing score.

If you haven't seen the movie I'm referring to, it is basically the same plot. "Smile" might seem like a creative and original film , but it just isn't. In fact, I would have probably rated the movie higher if I had never come across "It Follows", unfortunately having the knowledge that there is a similar movie that came out almost a decade ago that did it better makes it hard for me to rate this one higher. I know not everyone feels that way about "It follows" , it was more of one of those cult classics that could have been a major miss for some, but I absolutely loved it.

"Smile" is fine and I can see why ppl like it, but all this movie is doing for me is making me want to go watch "It Follows" again.
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Yellowstone (2018– )
Am I the only one that thinks the acting is bad???
14 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have heard so many great things abiut this show so I was super excited to watch. I was hoping it was similar to Longmire, but I quickly realized that Longmire and Yellowstone can't even be compared, it is an insult to Longmire.

The writing is not great, the characters seem 2 dimensional ( especially Kevin Costner daughter) , I mean there are better ways to write a strong female character, they don't all have to be mean and horrible to others to show strength.

I was bored the first episode, I had to rewind several times because the show was not captivating enough so I kept getting distracted, what really did it for me was when one of the Dutton brothers gets shot and killed... his brother witnesses it and his reaction was very unnatural to me. I couldn't for the life of me figure out what he was supposed to be thinking. For a moment I thought" they must not know each other, silly me thought that was his older brother that entire time. " It was the flatest acting I have seen in a show with such great reviews. THEN when Kevin Costner sees his dead son ... it was once again and impossible reaction to interpret, at first I thought he was trying to stay strong in front of others but when he was alone, he barely cried. Why dedicate the scene to Kevin Costner "crying/mourning " his son when it was so bad. This is his freaking son. I've seen better acting in CSI.

Then it gets even worse in the next scene because now his other brother has found out about the death... his expression looks like a person thinking "wait, so like he got shot!? That sucks man, that's not fair"

I was just too puzzled by the acting in this show, it took me out of the scenes and made me lose focus on what was actually happening ( which wasn't even that good to begin with) I'm boggled not more ppl are talking about the acting.
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Ink Master (2012– )
I love this show but if they can't get new artist, they should just stop.
3 November 2022
This is one of the only reality shows I watch.

Some of the artists are arrogant, but what sets this show apart from other is that the judges are real and they aren't afraid to actually critique and that is just refreshing.

A lot of the art and tattoos are just amazing to look at too.

The problem I'm having is the fact that many of the seasons just keep bringing back the same artist, I would almost be ok with that if they were artist that made top 5 , but they are inviting ones that have won.. DJ has been on there 3 times and won every single one, it's not even fun having him on there anymore. He is amazing, but it's getting boring and it would be nice if other artist got a chance.

I know the tattoo world is probably small, and many accomplished tatto artist probably don't want to go because they would have something to lose, but if they can't get new contestants, they just need to quit with this show.
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Why even call this Halloween?
16 October 2022
I would have given this movie a 5 if it didn't have anything to do with Halloween, but the fact of the matter is that it is HALLOWEEN. This new story line was just unnecessary, predictable, and frankly kind of boring.

The characters are also very poorly written.. I can't fathom why Alyson even found this new guy attractive, he was such a weak and childish man and why she continues to be with him when he is clearly starting to become unhinged. It's just a bit confusing and not believable imo.

The 2 dimensional seniors picking on Corey is just lazy writing.

And why did Corey and Micheal Myers freaking teleport in a few scenes. They literally appeared and disappeared out of thin air.

I really don't get why they did this. The one that came out in 2018 was so good..
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Vacation (I) (2015)
The disrespectful spoiled brat of a little brother ruined it for me.
14 September 2022
I Know it's not that serious , but I find it annoying and frustrating , doesn't matter what movie genre, when a child is a spoiled brat and doesn't get disciplined. It's just not funny and it makes you hate the parents and it makes you dislike the older brother for letting him get away with it.

It boggles my mind that someone would find a child putting a plastic bag over another kids head funny.

I know I'm being really critical for a comedy, but I guess the point of a review is being honest.

Imdb is saying my review to short so now I'm just writing. Not sure why it is doing this now, I've written shorter reviews before and it has allowed it.
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Not sure how I feel about the delivery
22 August 2022
The existing audio clips where obviously really hard to hear and decipher, so I get why they chose to have actors read them out, but at the end of the day... they are actors and not the real ppl. It was awkward and we also didn't know if the real ppl actually said these things with the same facial expressions and tone.. if the actors were told to speak exactly like the real ppl, it should have been known to the audience at least. From our perspective it just looks like the actor is looking at a transcript and reading it out the way the interpret the situation. This move basically defeated the purpose of a documentary.

They also used clips from the mini series when they had plenty of real clips, this part I don't understand and couldn't really forgive. They also ask the actors for their opinion on all of this... why?

Imo , I feel This "documentary " was an attempt to show how Steven's siblings were affected... I think this could have been a good one, but it felt short in many ways.
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It was almost really good... but it fell short
20 August 2022
First off,, for those of you complaining that this was a rip-off of Sliding doors, well the trivia on IMBD even brings up that this movie was supposed to be similar to it. They aren't denying it.


It was worth the watch and I really did like most of the movie, but it kind of fell a little short for me.

I think there may have been a little too much story to tell and capture for just a movie.

I found her life in LA to be a little boring and I really wanted more of her and the father's relationship in Texas , their relationship started off strong and I was really looking forward to seeing their journey, but since the point of this movie was to show " what could have been", I feel like as the audience we didn't get the opportunity to get sucked into either of the stories.

I still enjoyed the movie, but something about it left me a little unsatisfied. The relationships just weren't strong enough for me.
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Pretty boring so far and omits what makes the film a classic
13 August 2022
The show isn't horrible, but I personally feel that it's too slow.

I usually am pretty good at not comparing originals with reboots, and i get that sometimes it's great to change it up a bit, but I think it is safe to say that what made the movie a classic was the fact that they had so much trouble finding a coach and Tom Hanks only took the job with great reluctance, he didn't believe in the girls and he didn't care about them.. this is what hooked us from the get go. No one believed in them actually.

So far it doesn't feel like these girls ( except for the Black girl) have much adversity to overcome, almost like there is little challenge for them. They don't feel enough like the underdogs.

The film is literally about rooting for the underdog , and although they are, it is not as obvious in this show... making it very blah for me. It really feels like this show isn't really about anything.

I also don't find it funny enough.

I'll continue to watch and update my review, but for now... there is absolutely nothing special about this show.
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Paper Girls (2022)
Just came here to say STOP SAYING IT IS A STRANGER THINGS KNOCK-OFF. It is nothing like it.
7 August 2022
The only similarity about the two shows is that the main characters are kids/pre-teens in the 80s... that's literally the only thing. Also, this comic apparently came about before Stranger Things.. so no, it is not a knock-off.

I enjoyed the show, it was more of a coming of age teen drama imo with a fun sci fi back story. Yes, time travel has been done before , but this has its original spin. I think the actors did well, and yes, they were annoying at times... but that's because they are supposed to be 12. 12 year olds are annoying.

I found this show a fun and refreshing watch.
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Palm Springs (2020)
For those saying this is a rip off of Groundhog day... well you clearly haven't seen the other 40 films that have done this.
1 August 2022
Did Groundhog day start it all? Yes, but ppl need to stop saying this is a rip off of Groundhog day. Do ppl realize that the whole time loop thing has almost become a genre of its own? There are soooo many movies that do this, so many sci-fi TV shows that have done this too.

Groundhog genre are always a fun watch..the thought of having 100s if not thousands of chances to re live a day is something humans will always enjoy watching. How awesome would it be to live your day knowing it will re-set the next day? What would you do differently? Well, Except if you got stuck on a day when you were on a 20 something hour flight.. omg.. can you imagine!?

Anyway, This movie was very funny and the leads were so cute together, they had chemistry and it even made me tear up realizing that after all this time, Adam Sandberg always chose the same girl. Every day he would hit on her, everyday he could have just drove off and explored something else , but instead he chose to always go to the wedding and be with her. He chose to re-live almost the exact same day just to be with her , when he didn't necessarily have to.
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