
8 Reviews
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A movie for EVERYONE...most importantly, for those who have stopped going to the movies!
23 October 2009
Homeless For The Holidays is sure to become a Christmas classic. It has all of the elements: laughs, tears, and a thought-provoking message, plus, it is free of the profanities and offensive content that have driven many would-be film-goers away from the box office over the past several years.

These days, nearly all of us can relate to the idea of struggling in a broken economy, and this film offers a unique perspective on how we can persevere, if not actually PROSPER (in a strange and wonderful new way) in these tough economical times.

If your life has been affected by the economy, Homeless For The Holidays is a MUST SEE! It will reflect, in a very honest way, some of the emotions that we are all experiencing - and it will provide you with the realization that sometimes life's greatest treasures are secretly hidden along it's more difficult roads.

Hats off to the cast and crew for this amazing production, and I highly recommend it for everyone!
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Evan Almighty (2007)
One word: AWESOME!
25 June 2007
Best film of the year...quite possibly one of the best films of the decade!!! As a Christian, I went into this movie expecting to be somehow offended by the heretical idea of God sending a second flood. Yet, overpowered by my curiosity, I bought a ticket, and proceeded to watch it.

THANK GOODNESS!!! It was a sweet, fun story & they properly allowed the characters to experience the flood without contradicting the Word of God. My wife and I left the theater feeling very good about the film, and had to go get some dessert so we could talk about it.

Great story - amazingly told - I HIGHLY recommend this film - especially if you are a believer! It's very rare that a gem this enjoyable makes it's way through North American theaters.

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12 March 2007
I gave "The Ultimate Gift" a 9 out of 10, which is an unusually high rank for me, but I can't describe enough how pleasantly surprised I was with this effort. Knowing as I went into the film that it was a "Christian" story, I had placed a lower ceiling on my expectations. Not that being "Christian" means that a movie has to be bad - it just usually seems to be the case. Not so much here, however. There were just three or four times where I felt my muscles tighten up as I mentally prepared for emotional cheese, but to my delight, they managed to pull out of it every time without leaving my intelligence insulted. It was a fun and cute story with believable characters, and strong performances all around. It was clean enough that you could take the whole family to see it, yet interesting enough that the parents will not only stay awake, but you'll actually find yourself caught up in a sweet, and sometimes tear-jerking story about redemption, and the pursuit of true joy. Christian-themed films have come a long way, and I look forward to what the future holds as they continue to get better. At this point, it's safe to say that "The Ultimate Gift" is among the best in Christian films on the market today. Definitely worth checking out.
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How did this happen?
7 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler alert! Please be advised.

Terminator 3 was one of the most elaborate trailers (for Terminator 4) that I've ever seen! They should have cut this film down to twenty minutes, and added the content that they will be using in T4, but then, that would only give them one box office cash-in to look forward to, wouldn't it? (Ignore the fact that there wasn't enough content in T3 to compose a mentally gripping feature).

I can get over the fact that the story had no real point. Do any of the Terminator films really have any mentally or spiritually beneficial message? No. It's not expected from a film about machines that kill people. But it is a frustrating experience to sit through two hours of fluff and exploding cars only to discover that you'll have to wait for T4 in order to get to the action that the T3 trailers promised you.

If you're a die-hard Schwarzenegger fan, and a sucker for the Terminator franchise, and you have a thing for Kristanna Loken,'ll probably still be disappointed, but like the droves that delivered a $150 million box office for the film, you'll probably still put yourself through the painful experience, so when it's over, just remember: you were warned. Next time, think twice, read reviews, ask friends, and most importantly, LISTEN, when considering going out to see any film with a "3" in the title (or, in the case of the Terminator franchise, a "4").
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Ladder 49 (2004)
A roller coaster ride to nowhere...
5 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
John Travolta is a major Hollywood star who has had a long and vibrant career. That said, why in the world did he do this movie? Are things that bad for him right now? My personal advice would be to sell the jet before taking on another paper thin script for extra cash. My first problem with this film was the protagonist. Here's this guy who wants to save the world & rescue any form of breathing life that he comes across - yet, he shows little or no concern for his family who desperately wants him to take on a safer line of work - even when a better paying promotion into that safer line of work comes his way! Fighters are brave and heroic, and I can't summon a negative word to speak about them, but I'm just not into the whole idea of tossing your family to the wayside in order to get a personal rush in an exciting line of work, as was portrayed in this film. It left my wife and I feeling empty, and quite frankly, unconcerned for the character when the credits rolled. Perhaps if he had seen his brother fall through the ice as a child & had been too scared to rescue him, this would have explained his infatuation with putting his life at risk in order to save strangers, but as it is, he just comes off as a guy with an ego to maintain who cares very little about the needs of his family. Not really the stuff heroes are made of. Travolta was amusing in the film, and if you're a die-hard fan, it may be worth watching for free on late night cable, but this is one title worth passing by in the rental store. Get Backdraft instead.
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At last, a GREAT film for kids!
13 February 2006
I'm a dad of three kids under the age of three, and I have not yet been interested in taking my kids to the theater to see a film because it seems that even "G" rated films these days have tense moments or even "jump scenes". It's amazing what little things can scare kids, and I've never had the desire to pay ten bucks a head for a month of sleepless nights with a frightened child. When I saw the trailer for "Curious George", it looked like a film that dared to entertain without these elements, so I ventured out with my two-year-old daughter, and took her to the theater for the first time ever - and what a TREAT! This film is gentle and sweet; something that young children can really enjoy. I was so pleased with the film that I will be taking my son to see it later this week. If you are a parent who is skeptical about taking your young children to the movies, you will be pleasantly surprised with this film. At last, you can have a family film night with confidence. I highly recommend the film, and Kudos to Hollywood for making such a sweet story.
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13 February 2006
It seems like I wanted to mention something about this film, but for some reason, I can't seem to remember a thing about it. Ah, it's been over ten hours since I've seen it - I suppose that's a long time to remember the details of a film. I like Bullock, and I typically like Grant - but this movie lacked any form of depth, consistency of characters, or even an enjoyable plot. Predictable, uncreative, and snorable. Rather than some creative form of communication or entertainment, this film comes off as a studio's effort to bring in some quick revenues by attaching big names to a hack script. Perhaps it will fare well on cable - but certainly not on any pay channels.
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Not too bad
2 February 2006
Other than the budget, I went into this film knowing very little about it. I must admit that, for the first half-hour or so, I was distracted by the unusual shooting style which didn't seem to fit the flow of the story. However, as the film moved along, the jagged, misframed shots made more and more sense.

As the story unfolded, I found myself increasingly intrigued, and even uneasy. Peretti has a talent for hooking his audience, and then taking them for an unusual ride, and "The Visitation" was no exception.

For the minimal budget, this ended up being a very strong effort. I would definitely recommend it for teens and older audiences, but it may be a little too creepy for younger kids.
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