
2 Reviews
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Occupation (2018)
Better than expected.
6 January 2019
So much hate in here! One of my simple ways of judging a movie is, "If I'd gone to the theater, and paid money to watch, would I have gotten my money's worth?" And yes, I believe this would have been worth it. It is not a GREAT movie. It has it's shortcomings, for sure. But it IS an entertaining watch. I suppose it depends on one's frame of mind. It reminds me of a very, very good B movie. It rips of many earlier shows. Falling Skies, Red Dawn, and many others. I thought it a bit of a reach that the aliens decide to launch their conquest at a ball game in Australia? And make Sydney their base of operations. But once I got passed that? I enjoyed it. Started it late one night, and watched the whole thing. Acting wasn't terrible; writing was ok. Effects were quite decent. In some ways, it reminded me of Mad Max. Not really a polished product, but entertaining. As I write this, I just finished watching "Annihilation". A truly slow paced, big budget, Hollywood production. Utterly boring, over pretentious, and tedious to watch. Occupation is FAR better than that! Don't go in expecting a huge, multi million dollar Hollywood "blockbuster"... and I think you'll find it worthwhile.
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Quantum Apocalypse (2010 TV Movie)
I've seen worse.
26 August 2018
It is what it is. A cheapie made for TV movie. However I did manage all the way through it in one sitting. It's another "end of the world" movie. And of course we all know it'll end well. Effects are typical TV poor, but effects don't make the movie (for me anyway) Typically poor acting, though there are a few exceptions. Most notably the savant uncle. Who is actually quite good, and believable. I know enough about computers and quantum physics to know crap when I hear it (which it is) However.... the ONE thing that saved the movie for me. In the early scene where the uncle and niece are making pancakes, and he says his are better than the mix. Niece says "How do you know? You've never made them before?" He replies "Yes I have! 762 times" I missed that connection in the beginning. Later after the silly time "rewind" it's repeated. He says "Yes I have! 76THREE times". He knows! He's the only one that realizes they are in a time "loop" and destined to repeat it. He's more knowledgeable than ALL of them... yet tells no one. I give it a lot of credit for that subtle surprise.
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