
2 Reviews
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Spy/Master (2023)
Great first episode, tight spy story
14 May 2023
I managed to see the first episode at a preview event in Bucharest and even managed to ask a few questions to the producers and screenwriter. Please keep in mind that this review covers only the first episode.

First of all, this is a nice step forward for Romanian television. Not only is it a show with a decent budget, not cobbled together by asking a bunch of yogurt companies and supermarket chains for financing, but the production value is only one of the aspects where it's evident that a lot of care was taken. The series has broader appeal by having a broad European/American setting with actors speaking English and German in addition to Romanian (viewers who are not comfortable with subtitles won't be completely left out)

The story doesn't take huge risks, but it works within the formula very well. There's no pretension here, it is what it advertises, a John Le Carre-like spy thriller with a snappy pace (helped by the non-linear structure that the producers and screenwriter fought to keep) and a clear end goal.

This show is directed in Romania, Germany and Hungary, and there were two completely different teams involved, so you will notice doubles in roles which are usually singular, such as DOP, costume designer, production etc. The only time I saw something similar was Cloud Atlas, although that movie had three directors, while this show pulled the feat with only one.

The acting is fine, a notch above usual Romanian HBO productions, and miles ahead the porn level of acting you can see on Romanian cable tv dramas. Claudiu Bleont in particular is doing a biopic-style transformation into Ceausescu, a much appreciated departure from his days of starring in Seagal movies. The actress that plays his wife, Elena, was present for the Q&A, so it was interesting to hear that they had some level of "method acting" going on, without chewing the scenery.

There is little digital trickery involved in recreating the 70s Eastern Europe and US (the producer said that they used about 70 vfx shots per episode if I remember correctly), but they were quite clever in location scouting and production design, so rest assured, the end result is convincing and won't pull you out.

All in all, the first episode is a great pitch for the show, so give it a change if you are interested in a spy thriller that takes place behind the Iron Curtain during the Cold War, from an Eastern perspective, one which you won't get by watching a show made in the West.
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Boss (I) (2023)
Drive, but bad
25 April 2023
Everybody talks like they had a stroke and their brain reverted to being 14 and listening to My Chemical Romance. From the soundtrack to the pace and the neon cinematography you can tell that the director tries to rip off NWR, so I guess he got done with the Coen brothers now.

Not a lot happens, but they really try to stretch the running time by having characters spew cringe purple prose and two words a minute. You can also smell the disgusting air of superiority with which the director paints a "social tapestry" of all the small people, people that speak with broken grammar, except when they burst into spontaneous Bukowski monologues.

Sucked balls.
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