
39 Reviews
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Mea Culpa (2024)
Entertaining but makes no sense
25 February 2024
A film with attractive people and familiar sensuality. You've seen this film before. Think Basic Instinct meets Addicted, Tyler Perry style. And with less raunch. The characters are unbelievable. Their choices are unbelievable. But it's very entertaining if you can suspend your disbelief.

And then the ending is totally illogical. 3/4 into the runtime of the movie, they decided to make a different movie. Tyler Perry is amazing in just how unoriginal and erratic he can be with his films. And still he's a billionaire right? So I guess his recipe of cheesy, unoriginal but entertaining works for his audience. Oh and the guy who plays the artist is as dry as a biscuit. The worst acting I've seen. He's just smirking the entire film. His life is on the line for murder but it's most important that his lawyer is attracted to him. I gave it a 5 for being entertaining, having an intriguing yet unoriginal first half of the film, and because Kelly Rowland did a fantastic job with what she was given.
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Left Behind (I) (2014)
Not good but not awful
14 May 2023
The film is pretty straight forward. Not well written. And much of the acting is pretty bad. The better actors are the top billed: Nick Cage and the guy from One Tree Hill. Many of the actors on the plane were terrible. The blonde flight attendant wasn't bad although she seems to be kinda unknown. Jordan Sparks should stick to singing.

With all that being said, this is a niche film for a certain audience (Christians). I'm not sure why atheists and agnostics would watch it and then be totally annoyed or angered by it because of its Christian themes. The film is about the Christian Rapture. And I'm sure most people knew that before watching.

The problem with 90% of the reviews here are that they are biased. Their reviews aren't based on how bad the film is, but instead on their disagreement with the religious ideology behind the film, and their rejection of Christianity. In other words, they're reviewing Christianity instead of the film. But in terms of quality, this film is on par with Sharknado. And this does not deserve the title of Nick Cage's worst film. That prestigious distinction still goes to The Wicker Man.
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Swarm (2023)
Incomplete mess
22 March 2023
I don't know who the people giving this series high ratings are. But 7s, 8s, 9s and 10s are an insult to series and movies that actually deserve these high ratings. The series starts off with a strange but interesting concept, goes nowhere, takes a detour and just stops. It just treads water for the entire show. No build up or developing plot. Very lazy writing. Even if this series purposely ended the way it did to make way for a season 2, I would still think this series is crap. Because there just isn't enough material for a season two. There wasn't even enough for one season. This is why they did that filler episode (episode 6). Poorly done and a waste of time.
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Smile (V) (2022)
Surprisingly good
15 March 2023
When I first saw the trailer I thought there was no way it could be good. But this movie is surprisingly good. It's scary for sure. Yes, it bears a similar plot to It Follows. But, it accomplishes what It Follows could not. It's actually scary. And it actually reveals more about what the source of the events are. I don't know how anyone could say this movie was boring. It's creepy. Yes it uses a lot of jump scare tactics. So what. It works. I think it was better than the majority of horror movies out there. It's definitely worth a watch. I like the way the movie conflates mental illness with the supernatural. And the incorporation of trauma in the supernatural is quite a unique idea. At least I haven't seen it used before.
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The Strays (2023)
The worst movie ever made
26 February 2023
This movie is so bad, it's beyond words. Why would Netflix green light a movie this bad? This movie is audacious with how bad it is. It's like the film maker said, "I know it's terrible, but I'll make it because I can." Nonsensical, not scary or terrifying in the least, requires way too much suspension of disbelief, and terrible casting (no resemblance among alleged family members). The back story is weak and the movie seemingly has no conclusion. I hope everyone who is always so hard on films will rate on a well justified curve after seeing this audaciously terrible film. The film was so determined to make a point, that it abandoned any and all attempts to make sense or be entertaining. A mess of a film. Don't waste your time.
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Yakamoz S-245 (2022)
Pretty Good
29 January 2023
This show is pretty good and exciting, with interesting characters. Almost every main character has a strength but also a flaw. And this flaw leads them into conflicts with other characters. The storyline of the show exists in the same universe as Into the Night, which makes it even more intriguing. Other shows/movies have done this (Cloverfield, The Walking Dead, Power). This series gives us a little more information about why the phenomenon with the sun is happening. I may be in the minority, but I actually enjoyed it more than into the night (which I enjoyed also). I would say watch Into the Night season one and two first, then watch this show. There is quite a bit of conflict between the two major groups. But this is actually quite realistic; because in an apocalypse, people would be human first, and then scientist/soldier second. This show examines what happens when you put a bunch of scared people together with the fear of death in front of them. It's a good watch.
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Alba (2021)
Not worth the watch
28 January 2023
The series has some interesting parts. But the whole thing is just over the top and too drawn out. Alba's brother is portrayed by a terrible actor. Many issues are tackled in the series -rape, betrayal, privilege and abuse of power. As well as mental health, drug addiction and corruption. I have one unanswered question about the ending with Mercedes-that does not seem to have any plausible explanation. All in all, none of the characters are likeable-maybe just Bruno's aunt. This was a poor series. I fast forwarded through much of it. They tried to give it all these twists and turns, but instead made it a convoluted mess.
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Ad Astra (2019)
Actually a very good film
18 December 2022
I first watched Ad Astra in the theater when it first came out. I had expectations of something along the lines of Interstellar when I saw it. And I was disappointed that this was actually a drama about a father and son's unresolved issues set in outer space. Why? Because the film didn't meet my plot expectations. I think this has probably been an issue for a lot of people who watched Interstellar and was really blown away by it. But if you watch Ad Astra with no expectations, it is actually a very good film.

Having watched the film years later I was able to watch without expectations or prejudice. And Ad Astra is actually a very beautiful film that examines the complication of unresolved issues and how they can cripple you as an adult. The special effects are pretty good as well. Of course there are some creative liberties taken with the science in the film. But this is safely done under the understanding that this film happens in the future.
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Dark Desire (2020–2022)
Season 1 is interesting but....
6 October 2022
Season one is interesting, with probably too many twists and turns. The writer may have been over ambitious in trying to keep the viewer intrigued. But season 1 is not bad. However, the story should have completed at the end of season 1. Continuing a resolved story with the same characters is like trying to get more juice out of a lemon that has already been juiced. By episode 2 of season 2 I had to quit the show. Alma is just a ridiculous, sex addicted mess at this point. Nothing is believable from this point on. Also, the excessive sex scenes are there to distract you from the fact that the plot of the series falls a part eventually. They should have concluded the series after season 1.

Edit: I did end up finishing the series. Overall, the series is kind of crazy but will definitely hold your attention.
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Surprisingly good
7 July 2022
Everyone's suddenly a professional film critic now. This movie was very good, particularly for a horror flick. I don't expect some mind bending conclusion for a horror flick, so I was happy with the conclusion of the film. What makes this film stand out from other horror films? Its dazzling and immersive style of film making makes this film unique compared to other horror films. It will hold your attention from beginning to end. Was more of a fantasy-horror-mystery.
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The Rental (2020)
Pretty Interesting
22 April 2022
I don't quite understand how people on IMDB can rate a movie like Creep 6.3 but then rate this movie 5.7. Honestly this film was interesting, with interesting characters and an interesting story arc for the characters. It gets creepy, suspenseful and downright scary when you actually imagine something like this really happening. What more do you want?
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Makes a good effort....but
17 April 2022
This series makes a good effort. But it is painfully slow and the characters are painfully daft. Especially the main character who seems to keep getting in his own way and everyone else's. He continuously breaks the number one rule of time travel- don't interfere.
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Why is Drake's name in this?
9 January 2022
The title is very misleading. You would think from the title this was a Watch the Throne type deal or a Best of Both Worlds type concert. Nope. Drake escorts Kanye to the stage. And is like his silent hype man for 1 or 2 songs. What in the name of all things decent kind of sorcery is this? How do you put someone's name in the headliner of a concert, but then they don't perform? Anyway, I fast forwarded. It was boring. One man, one mic. One thing to be complemented was the stage set up and show ambiance. Kanye looked as if he was walking atop of a flat Earth in the midst of a beautiful and sparkling Universe. Outside of that, I was disappointed.
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The Witcher (2019– )
So good
27 December 2021
This show is sooo good, especially season 2. You can't stop watching, it's so good. Season 1 is very good. But season 2 is perfect. A very thoughtfully executed production. This show draws you into the world of the it should.
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Old (2021)
Not bad but not great
14 December 2021
Old wasn't bad. I think some people here are being a bit hard on the film. Someone said there were plot holes. But I think the user doesn't understand what a plot hole is. There are no plot holes. Some users may feel that the story line is unrealistic. But most supernatural or sci fi movies are unrealistic! That being said, this movie is along the lines of Devil or The Village (The Village is a bit better than these films actually). If you're familiar with M Knight Shamylan, you will know to manage your expectations when it comes to his films. Also, as with his other films, there are no gratuitous sex scenes, only one curse word, and violence happens off camera. You'd be surprised how the lack of these things influence people's enjoyment of a film.
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Hypnotic (2021)
The Worst Movie Ever
29 October 2021
This movie requires a stadium's worth of suspension of disbelief to be enjoyable. This would have been more convincing if the protagonist was a sorcerer. Horrible.
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In the Dark (2019–2022)
Couldn't get through it
24 October 2021
Too cliche with an unlikable main character. The plot line driving the story is completely unbelievable. Blind girl is friends with a drug dealer who goes missing. And she mouths off to his dangerous associates many times. Who would do that? She's self loathing and kinda spoiled. And also appears to be either totally oblivious of germs or just doesn't care...sliding down between a urinal and a sink in a public restroom. And that germy long coat. The best thing was the beautiful dog Pretzel. What a gorgeous dog. But I had to stop watching. Unoriginal and unrealistic series.
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Interesting but....
16 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is interesting enough to watch. But, the main character is so naive and slow to catch on, it's unbelievable. Also, there are many plot holes.

Spoilers Ahead:

1. Ambar's relative Beto said he was out of town when she called for help. How did he get to her that same night?

2. How did Ambar get unchained from the table?

3. How did Ambar, with a broken ankle, drag Red from 3 or 4 floors up, down to the basement?

More creepy than scary. And a few characters are dumbed down to move the plot along.
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Clickbait (2021)
Good until the final episode
24 September 2021
This show was really good up until the final episode/conclusion of the show, which was preposterous, unlikely and downright ridiculous. I took away one star for the ridiculous ending.
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Tabula Rasa (2017)
Entertaining but terrible ending
28 June 2021
I enjoyed this show even though it was a slow burn. However as some have mentioned, the ending was so contrived and unrealistic that it ruins the overall quality of the series.
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Equinox (2020)
Great Miniseries
20 June 2021
I'm not sure what some people expected. But if you're really paying attention to the story the ending makes perfect sense. It's ridiculous to rate an otherwise good show a 2 or 3 just because you don't agree with the ending.
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Ascension (2014)
What happened ?
18 June 2021
This show started off a little slow, setting up the premise for the show and introducing us to the characters. The last few episodes were very interesting...even exciting. And then, the show just ended. I think this show got a bad deal. This show had a lot of potential. I think what killed it is that the first few episodes were a bit slow and dull. But it really took off after that. Another good show cancelled. Add it to the likes of Jericho, The Event and Under the Dome.
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I Love Dick (2016–2017)
Interesting but kinda fizzled
17 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This show was very interesting with quite a few interesting characters. I enjoyed watching, but kinda felt like it went nowhere. Anticlimactic, no resolution regarding all this Dick tension. Does her obsession subside or does it continue? I loved the scene with Kevin Bacon walking shirtless with a lamb around his neck. Priceless! LMAO.
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Curon (2020)
16 June 2021
I just couldn't do more than 3 episodes. Absolutely annoying, unlikable characters. Is it a teen drama? Or is it a supernatural thriller? I know Vampire Diaries was both. But this is no Vampire Diaries. Boooooring!
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It's Scary
16 June 2021
So, understanding that horror movies are weighed on a different scale than say...dramas and psychological thrillers, I would say this was a pretty good horror movie. The reason we don't weigh horror movies as we do other more serious types of films, is because oftentimes horror movies rely on silly characters, suspension of disbelief, stupid plot devices and even plot holes, to move an unrealistic story along.

Having said that, the basis of whether or not a horror movie is "good" usually lies in how entertaining and how frightening it is. Not how realistic the story is or how smart the characters are. Horror movie characters are never smart and the story lines are never realistic. So this movie fits right in. But the characters are interesting. And the plot turns on the characters ignoring solid advice, thinking that they knew more than the locals. Not completely unrealistic.

What this movie gets right is that it is absolutely horrifying and disturbing if you allow yourself to be immersed into the story.
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