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3 December 2022
I'll run the risk of perhaps sounding negative to open my review. But trust me when I tell you the negatives I have are very, very miniscule for this movie.

Once again I am pleased to give reasons for my one man crusade against "MOVIE TRAILERS" and even more so "MOVIE SYNOPSIS'" This movie is a prime example...

I truly believe that audience members are given far too much information in a typical synopsis. Its almost a waste of time watching a movie if you know the important details about the plot. I didnt read anything or hear anyting about it until after watching every frame of it

I was completely taken in from the opening sequence onward and I know why.

I know people who are what these characters were. I know the feel of small town America and how certain influences are prevalent there. I know how vulnerable human beings can be and I also know how strong and resilient they can be when placed in certain situations. This story exhibited all of this.

But I have to say that I was most impressed by how a guy like Robert Deniro attached himself to this movie. I haven't seen every movie he's starred in. But this was a far cry from anything I have seen him in and it was nothing short of fantastic.

The same goes for John Malchovic. I mean everything about the movie was very real. From the setting to the star actors to the guy playing the pawn shop owner. Now I must admit that I have never had close relations with people like Coyote and Darrius. But Ive known more than my share of Elvis' or at least guys of his level on the food chain.

I really cant say much more without having to hit the SPOILER button and I dont want to do that.
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Hilarious irony on full display
16 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Not only do I love British centered storytelling. But I love and respect humility. This film is perfect in appeasing both. The unhinged manner in which aristocracy and the film industry pokes fun at itself is brilliant. I would have to assume that the actors in this movie are the exact same people they seem to loathe in the film. Again BRILLIANT!!!
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Ambulance (2022)
Great report
8 July 2022
1. Premise...A+ 2. Story...A+ 3. Plot...A+ 4. Acting...A+ 5. Stunts...A+ 6. Editing...A+ 7. Comic relief...A+ 8. Directing...A+

I don't know enough about the CGI stuff to grade. But pretending I do I will give it a C-
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Real people in wild story
29 April 2022
I started this movie the same way I do 95% of my watches... Blind. I knew nothing of the plot and didn't read who was in the cast. But during and after seeing this story play out I was very much impressed.

Being born and raised in a small town I found this movie very relatable. The awkward but solid comradarie of the lead characters made me forget it was a movie. The buildup kept me zoned in on every frame. My only disappointment was very brief. It was the scene (you know the one I'm talking about) that we didn't know was only in Frank's mind while it happend so imagine my relief to learn this.

A fine cocktail of a flick indeed... Some really powerful liquor mixed with with tasty drama and a tiny splash of comic relief...
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Good acting good story
5 March 2022
I was honestly worried about Al Pacino after seeing a couple of his latest flicks. I thought either he's settling for crappy roles or he quit giving a d**n. But I'm happy to announce that hes fine.

Then with Adam Driver, Lady GaGa, Jeremy Irons and a few others including Selma Hayak to help him carry the goods, the movie was bordering on great in my opinion.

The way I can tell if a movie is good is by forgetting I'm even watching one. This movie did that for me.
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King Richard (2021)
Love/Hate for me
24 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have absalutely no problem with the way the movie was done. I knew some of the real life story and never disliked anything about the way Richard Williams raised his kids. Their obvious success is a good testament to his style. But if the movies portrayal of him is accurate i take exception to his general attitude. But then again Hollywood couldve easily manipulated the truth

Early on hes beaten up by guys who make inappropriate remarks to his young daughters. This scene enhances his desire to leave the dangerous area where his family lives. But upon arriving in a safer neighborhood hes all about bashing the white people who helped him and his daughters get there. He disrespects white people with snide remarks and embelishes coming from a place where his life is in constant danger.

I respected his stance on refusing to allow strangers to take over his daughters lives at such a young age. But why seek their assistance to begin with? The man seemed the epitome of humility at times and a complete contradiction at others.

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Great performances
19 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Im not really a fan of this type (genre) of movie. But when i saw it starred a few actors whom i think are great i made an exception.

After watching it I pulled up some youtube music of the original Florence Jenkins and i have to say Meryl Streep did a phenomenal job of mimmicking the original.
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Take Back (2021)
Haters in abundance
6 August 2021
Id love to see how some of these critics blasting this movie can do better. You guys are just born bitter asses with nothing to do but gripe about other peoples work.

At the outset I was thinking it would be just another WOKEFEST making everything caucasion evil. But i was pleasently surprised by how it played out. Perhaps a tad unrealistic in its stereotyping but wth... I really enjoyed the movie.
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Good flick...Bad reviews
19 June 2021
The only thing that threw me off about this movie was the dumb reviews it got. I mean people complaining about the title...WHAT? Are you idiots even awake when you're not sleeping?

The title is EXACTLY, EXACTLY, EXACTLY what the movie is about. It's the entire concept. What should it be titled ? The girl who broke her nose on a dance floor?
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Lottery Ticket (I) (2010)
Laugh it's ok
15 May 2021
I'll preface my review by stating that I'm what many refer to as a white country hick. But I don't think FUNNY knows race or city limits signs. When any culture makes fun of itself, I find it so refreshing. People take themselves too serious nowadays. I think the bad reviews this movie received are from just such folks... Lighten up y'all laughing is so much more fun than crying...
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Nomadland (2020)
Not for everyone
30 April 2021
Food, music and movies come in wide varieties. The reason being not all people are alike. I completely understand why many found this movie unappealing. Slow paced and based on a rather uneasy subject matter. I'm not one of those people. I absalutely loved it. I'm a simple person who finds simple things appealing.
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American Skin (2019)
Watch every frame
23 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This may be perceived as OFF-TOPIC but hear me out...

I remember as a kid watching an episode of Gilligan's Island. It was the one in which the great comedian Don Rickles guest starred. I don't remember how he arrived on the island or what sort of promises he made the castaways. All I remember about his character was telling of his rough upbringing. He spoke of the bad influences he had and the effect they had on him later in life. Truly deplorable circumstances told in a comedic way that few could deliver as gracefully as Rickles.

Well soon Ginger trys to help him. In true Ginger form she began with her catch phrase "I was in this movie once" then proceeded tell Rickles of her role as a psychiatrist. She then reassumed the role with Rickles as her patient.

"Tell me about your childhood" Dr. Ginger asked him. "What sort of games did you play as a child" "We didn't play sports in my neighborhood" Rickles began "The only game we played was COPS & ROBBERS" "That's interesting" Ginger appeared interested.

"Yeah and I was always the cop...never the GOOD guy" Don Rickles confided in his pretend shrink and subsequently sparked laughter from the audience as well as my Mom and Dad.

My 7 or 8 year old mind didn't get the joke at the time. But I eventually understood his point as the story continued. I never forgot that episode either; because of Don Rickles remarkable play on words. But here almost 50 years later that scene is not as funny as it was intended back then. In fact to a huge sect of our country it's the ABSALUTE TRUTH.

To be clear on my stance, although I enjoyed the clever humor that was implied on the TV show, I still am not willing to go full blown ANTI-LAW ENFORCEMENT as the film seemed to implore it's audience to do at times. But I'd be remiss to ignore the fact that the OTHER SIDES opinion was given it's due in the script. The harsh reality of being a police officer was justified by the writers and that gives me hope. Not to be always RIGHT, but that maybe today's liberally biased media will begin to show more compassion for their opposition, which happens to be half of the country's population... But regardless of any inner feelings or thoughts I have, this movie was masterfully done in my opinion.
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Alone (V) (2020)
Good watch
28 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Fortunately for most people on a road trip, they rarely find themselves in dire situations. Except for the occasional flat tire or perhaps engine trouble, I'd say that for 98% of overland travelers, the event is usually boring or even comforting. Well this little flick delves into the possibilities that come with expostulation of the predominant.

However I believe people with plans to migrate through very low populated areas could use the film as a sort of educational experience. Watch the film a day or two prior to embarking on your voyage, take notes and do basically everything exactly opposite of our star actress.

I'm not saying she's dumb or anything. In fact if this were a real life situation I'd commend her on her tenacity and general toughness. I'm talking about the her very first couple of moves.

1. The place in which you are headed will not run away. It will be there even if you're an hour or a week late. So don't pass any slow moving vehicle on a solid yellow line.

2. If Jerk you're attempting to pass gasses on his car the instant you are at his side, don't become Shirley Muldowney... Ease off throttle and fall back behind the aforementioned JERK.

3. When approached by aforementioned JERK with a sheepish grin, do not engage in any sort of conversation.

3B. If Jerk repeats his efforts to befriend or possibly console you, contact authorities immediately.

Follow these directions and then we have zero concept to make such a movie. But it wasn't a bad flick either. So if you would like this movie to be YOUR STORY, ignore my instructions...

Good day
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Infidel (2019)
Liberal logic 101: Truth is bad
1 January 2021
I'm trying to wrap my brain around the harsh reviews. If you found the acting, script and/or plot not to your liking; FINE that's your opinion; beauty and quality is always in the eye of the beholder. But if your gripe is against the message it was trying to send, I know you must be a real liberal.

You will sit there and either allow and/or deny religiouss persecution while being carried out by Muslims. You oppose heavy handed justice toward hardened criminals, but give jihad terrorists your seal of approval.

No word can describe the liberal of today.
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Just a really cool story
4 September 2020
The people giving this film bad reviews have absolutely no soul. I mean this is real life. It's the way life is; not some crazy BS. The twists and turns in the storyline are genius. Perhaps not Oscar or Golden globe material but I loved it. The 2+ hour run time was no problem.
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The Quarry (2020)
Could have been MUCH better
13 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I tried really hard to enjoy this movie and at times I did. It's my kind of film in fact; small town setting with caper. On a parallel with "Hell or High water" and "Into the ashes" genrewise. But not nearly as compelling. The acting was good but I was hoping for more substance and depth.

I also have a couple of questions about the storyline. 1. How far was the quarry from town exactly? The man left the quarry in a van during daylight hours and arrived in town well after nightfall. Yet the two boys walked to it and from it in what seemed like mere minutes. 2. Why was there even a trial after Valentin confessed? Of course the trial never really got started, but why was it even attempted? 3. Surely a better ending could have been drafted... I mean we're left without even seeing the sheriff's hunches being satisfied. The cuff link in the lavratory, the wanted poster missing from the bulletin board, Is Valentin dead after attacking the man?

I could go on but I won't. Maybe someone can figure these out for me.
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Easy film to watch
23 July 2020
Whether it's in the movies or real life, when really really bad people do the things they do, you don't have to be a really good person to root against them. While most of us want to be someone our friends, family and God can be proud of all the time, we all have a demon or two that makes that impossible. But no matter how flawed the average Joe may be, he has more good in his heart than bad. In fact a guy like "Matty" could ALMOST fit in to that majority. I say almost because his degree of badness is too overwhelming to ignore.

Now you have folks like "Jamie" who pretty much have the EVIL and SORROWFUL molecules of the world monopolized. This kind of person is easily despised by the masses. Regardless of his unbending loyalty to his brother, he is the very essence of wickedness. You can be the Bible thumpingest christian or the epitome of a social justice warrior leading the charge for defunding police and still crave for this man to meet a horrible demise.

Sometimes it's difficult but when watching a movie I do my best to block the fact that it's scripted entertainment out of my mind. I find it adds to the enjoyment of the movie experience. Losing oneself in a story is what it's called I believe. I'm sure there are many who won't agree with me on this one and I can totally understand that. Not everyone has the same mindset or perspective. But as an aspiring script writer I use every movie experience as education. This one taught me some very important things too. In fact it's the type of writing I've aligned myself with. Not FLASHBACKS, but not in exact chronological order neither.
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Semper Fi (2019)
Shut up and enjoy
5 June 2020
This movie is further proof that I really do have the MOST revolutionary idea for movie buffs.

Defy the resist of the poweful but woeful TRAILER. Get a petition started to CRIMINALIZE Trailers and synopsis' What's the freaking point of sitting through a film that you ALREADY KNOW the storyline to? I learned of the films existence at 12:45am when the wife called from the REDBOX. I was never a Marine but I know SEMPER FI is the corps very meaning. So that's my education on the film. She arrived at 1:10 am. We began the movie at 1:20am. It's now 5:05 am and I'm damn pleased having watched it. I feel better than I did at 1:105. Good night AND GOD BLESS YALL
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Arkansas (2020)
My kinda flick
8 May 2020
This movie is the very reason I don't do Trailers, synopsis' or reviews. Had I known the vibe of this story going in I wouldn't have enjoyed it nearly as much.

For lack of a better way of explaining it, I'd call this Reservoir dogs meets the Beverly hillbillies. The kind of movie that keeps you engaged throughout. The lead actors are phenomenal; the secondary cast is splendid and the plot is amazing.
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Just Mercy (2019)
16 April 2020
Ok just put any personal feelings or beliefs you may have regarding this case aside. Whether you followed the real life story back in the late 80's and early 90's or just learned of it through this movie, try to ignore any transgressions you had or have for a minute. The reason I ask you to do this is very simple. Because any harbored feelings you may have will cloud what I'm asking you to do and that's appreciate the production of the film.

What I mean is: Take time to appreciate the supurb acting and writing that went into it. I was astounded by the performances of Jaimie Fox, Micheal B. Jordan, Rafe Spall, Micheal Hardy, Brie Larson and Bob Morgan. But I was completely impressed by two guys I'd really never heard of before and the magnificent acting jobs they did. I'm talking about Tim Blake Nelson and Darrell Britt-Gibson, who played Ralph Meyers and Darnell respectively. I mean not anybody can humble themselves up enough to play a couple of World class LOSERS like these two gentlemen... I mean that with the utmost respect too.

Oh yeah the the story and the lessons behind nit were great too.
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Interesting and entertaining
2 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I watched with very little knowledge of the actual history inspired by the film. Therefore any faults in accuracy were unnoticed by me. But inspite of my historical ignorance I do appreciate effort and exquisite acting.

While I was both informed and entertained, my favorite parts of the movie were the (intentional or unintentional) comedic lines delivered by many of the actors. However Shannon gets the prize when giving his metaphorical take on engineering...

"When I was a kid my Dad whipped me with s branch...After one hit the branch broke into 3 prices...We both looked at it there on the ground for a second... Then I noticed a leather strap on the wall and said to him now there's a better option"

Silence ensues in anticipation of Shannon's explanation of this self abusing statement

"I can take a beating but I will never take a shining to shoddy craftsmanship"

I had to pause the movie for ten minutes to laugh.
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The Corrupted (2019)
A tangled web is weaved
27 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
While you pretty much know the good guys from the bad at the outset, you keep hoping for the good guys to get a little help. When you get right down to it there were only 5 100% good guys in the film, with about 50-60 speaking parts (a guess) and one dies 3 minutes in.

That's my only problem with the movie... Genuine GOODNESS wasn't represented well enough.
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I See You (II) (2019)
30 January 2020
It doesn't always take a good singer to present a good song. If the song is great a mediocre singer can wing it to prominence. Not the same with scripts and the actors who bring them to life. Hurray for everyone involved in this production... Awesome writing displayed by equally great acting... Pay close attention to this one. A true gem for the budget.
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An anomaly
19 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'll keep it brief... Unlike so many others I've seen on this film

If you gave this movie a smidgen less than 10 stars, you're either BRAIN DEAD or unforgivably STUPID. Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio are master's of their craft. I mean an ACTOR playing an ACTOR who isn't that good of an ACTOR. But just through something unforseen becomes a great ACTOR. Jeeeeezuz that's crazy good stuff.

Pitt wouldn't have been on my radar to play this part if I'd only known the script. That's why he's. Sooooooo freaking good at his job... I promised to keep it short so I wi...
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Real people real story
7 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe put aside any sort of religious faith you may have if you have any. Watch this story with an open and clear mind. A predetermined opinion isn't fair to the production or the audience. But if you are a person of faith and find it difficult to simply forget it, especially while watching a film that embodies it, you will be captivated by "Them that follow"

I'm not a church going fellow, but I am well acquainted with more than a few Evangelical Christians. Relatives of mine and good friends who share many of the beliefs of the characters in this movie. So I had some insight into the plot even though I hadn't seen a trailer or read a synopsis.

The glaring difference between these characters and the people who I know personally is what gives me reason to doubt the sanity of the sect of humanity depicted in the film. As well as give my utmost respect to the people in my hometown. But it's also what made the movie so compelling.

Trust in the Lord all you want. Pray outbloud and preach fire and brimstone all you want too. But when a perfectly healthy man suddenly finds himself at deaths door due to the unnecessary practice of handling a poisonous reptile. I will call you what you are...DAMN CRAZY. When medical help is a short drive away and will almost certainly save the man from dyeing. Yet everyone except the dyeing man refuses to doubt Devine intervention and feels prayer is all he needs...YOU'RE DAMN CRAZY. This doesn't make me dislike the story or the subject matter. Just because you don't agree with a mindset doesn't mean it's not interesting. The Pentecostal folks I know don't come close to these folks in that aspect. They WILL seek medical intention if need be and they shoot snakes... They don't dance with them. They aren't this fanatical. While unmistakably accurate in its depiction of a certain type of humanity, the movie may present an unwarranted and flawed view of Evangelical Christianity as a whole. Not a lot unlike the ongoing debate concerning Muslim extremism and terrorism. I read other users reviews and understood the negativity of those who didn't like it. This isn't your type of movie. This isn't anything you can or will try to relate to. That's your perogitive. But when a written work can be portrayed so perfectly on screen by people who were as unfamiliar with this life as anyone is true craftsmanship in my book.
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