
22 Reviews
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The Fall Guy (2024)
It's a failed guy
25 May 2024
Couldn't finish, had to stop being 50 mins in.

Life is too short to watch bad movies.

They say it's like good old 80's action comedies. It's not. It's not funny or witty, dialogues stretched and dragged unnecessarily, main characters are pleasant but easily forgettable.

Yes, some action is there, however it doesn't make you want to continue watching the movie.

Maybe it's supposed to be a family movie? Maybe if it was shorter it would do the trick.

However, it fails to deliver what it promises.

I'm glad we didn't go to the theatre for this.

Stay home and watch some good old 80's movie and skip this one.
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Family Switch (2023)
Awfully sanitised movie
16 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Yet another sanitised comedy where actors delivering safe and sanitised jokes (where there's a need to underline that it's a joke else people might get offended or something?! At this point why bother?). Maybe it was funny on the script? Who knows. Execution is not funny but forced to sound like it's funny.

It's not funny really, it won't even make you smile but shriek in your sit feeling uncomfortably weird thinking something is wrong with you. While in fact it's just a bad movie. Switch to something else and don't feel guilty about it.

We gave up after 15 minutes. Life's too short to force yourself to watch a bad movie.
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Smile (V) (2022)
Not your ordinary horror
11 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's about time people embrace new kind of horror. It's not the movie that should be judged by jumpy moments as some reviews say the movie is lacking of. Perhaps some ppl were offended by the lack of happy ending? It's a horror, not your romanticised Hollywood fairytale. It won't be pretty, it won't be nice, and good people get hurt and suffer. So, grow up.

Some reviews say the story is confusing, well, paying attention to the movie is a start. And if you cannot coprehend, it's not the movie it's you.

Great plot, creepy and intense, great acting. Some of the scenes haunted me for a few nights.
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Uncharted (2022)
Am I missing the point?! An insult to one's intelligence
17 May 2022
The rating is PG 13... sigh...sorry, but that's the age and under the movie is meant for.

Apart from a few mediocre jokes and some fighting scenes there's nothing even remotely smart or intriguing in this movie.

Mark's acting is passable at best. Feels like he's rehearsing the scene without even trying to act.
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The power of the Nap
11 January 2022
Giving 5 for the great shots, and good acting.

The story would have been better, more intrigued and compelling had it been halh an hour shorter.

And, no, Benedict wasn't a good fit for the role. Don't get me wrong, he's a great actor, but it wasn't his best role.
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You Again (2010)
A good romantic comedy
4 December 2020
It's light and it's fun, with a bit of drama. Not sure what else people expect from a romantic comedy.
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The time I'll never get back
27 November 2020
The only interesting thing about the movie is the theme song.
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The Haunting of Boring Manor
11 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
8 episodes that should have been 5. Constant flashbacks of the scenes that repeat the same dialogue over and over again. I got that the ghosts are struggling and suffering, and trust me, I was struggling and suffering, too, by trying to pay attention, yet to another repetition of the same scene! Long meaningless speeches of characters that I which were just already be taken by the Lady of The Lake. A constant desire to fastforward was haunting me. It's not a horror story, it's not a love story, it's just a painful sequence of filler scenes that some times have a bit of "finally something is happening!!" at the end. We tried...we watched...we hoped...
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6 Underground (2019)
Great movie for the evening
18 December 2019
It's action, it's fun, it's fast, it's exciting. Cutting is a bit unusual, but it what gives the movie its nonstop motion. It has a good story, good acting, amazing stunts. Don't expect some deep hidden twisted plot, it's not that kind of movie. If you're for entertainment - get a beer and watch the movie!
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Joker (I) (2019)
Not for narrow minded ppl looking for entertaining
8 October 2019
All the happy ending-, motivational poster-, PC lovers, please, go and watch something else. This movie is not your level of apprehension, so move on. It's a psychological drama that shows a transformation of a human soul. It raises many problems that many of us just choose to ignore and pretend everything is super-duper. It's not supposed to be entertaining (is Schindler's list entertaining?!), it's supposed to be disturbing, disgusting, unappealing, but that's the reality a lot of ppl live in. So, open up your eyes and minds and get to know the life as it is without your pink pretty glasses, and be grateful your life is different.
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An abuse to intelligence, should be teen's show.
19 March 2019
We've lasted for 2,5 episodes, and stopped. Jokes are dull, situations are cliches, main characters (man and woman) are lack of chemistry, and both are rather annoying. The desire of all American shows these days to be all inclusive (latino woman, Afro American man, white man, white woman, middle Eastern man, so on) lead to quite the opposite, since all of them are of one nationality, hence limited in a way. Not to mention that such diversity is obviously "laboratory created". Want diversity - bring characters of different nationalities, and flaws (yes, it's OK for a character not to be a high morale 24/7 Jesus and Buddha). Great shooting locations though.
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Whiskey Cavalier: The Czech List (2019)
Season 1, Episode 2
Silly and predictable
8 March 2019
Jokes are supposed to be funny and sarcastically smart, but they are nothing like that. The plot is predictable and full of cliches, you know what's going to be next, so there's no intrigue. Characters...I want to care, but I don't particularly like any of them. Overal it reminded me of a light kindergarten version of Person of interest. I'll give the show another try, maybe it'll improve with next episode or two; else I'm done wasting my time. I give 5 starts for location and camera work.
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Well, that was weird and confusing
17 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
So, beasts - where are they?!?! We are all well aware that the HP universe is full of magical creatures, every HP book and movie has plenty of them with a bit of explanation of what they are and what they do. The deep knowledge and understanding of their nature was greatly shown in the first movie, yet the second part left me and my friend puzzled - why? What for?! Who are those guys? Who is that boy and why should we even care?! I felt like I'm rewatching Harry Potter's, Voldemort's and Dumbledore's story placed in the beg of the 20th sentury with different names and some flashbacks into their youth. My 20$ for the XD experience was bad spent. Great visuals, poor plot.
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Person of Interest (2011–2016)
It has it all
11 November 2018
Action, drama, humour, conspiracy, soul searching and soul crashing, a bit of sexual tension and a bit of romance, humane vs machine, morality and twisited values, life deserved saving and justified murder. At the end of the day everyone is either a victim or perpetrator. N.B. happy ending Disney raised audience should watch something else. Great cast and amazing chemistry.
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Great beginning, lame ending.
25 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It's a horror movie, it's terrifying, it's scary, it's creepy, there's a deep morbid mystery there, and it should lead to something mind blowing realistically creepy and goose bump chilling. Alas, it's NOT. I was expecting anything but Shakespearean monologues intwined with Tolstoy's and Dostoevsky's contemplations on life, family values, and the like, which eventually turned into a fairly tale happy ending. If I wanted a fairly tale I'd watch Snowwhite or Beauty and the Best. I feel that everyone nowdays want a movie to look artistic and filled with a deep philosophical meaning and stuff, but often times this desire goes way too far. Amazing camera work, astonishing acting, great set and decorations.
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A pure disappointment
18 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
All the tension and mystery building up just went down the drain turning into a soap opera episode with long monologues about family values and the like, leaving the house and all the inhabitants are merely an accessory. Giving 5 for a camera work.
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The Walking Dead: Honor (2018)
Season 8, Episode 9
Die slow, die hard
11 October 2018
The only way to make it through the episode is to fast forward.
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For kids and young teenagers
26 August 2018
Long (some scenes could have been cut off since they didn't support any character's development) boring (glad I didn't watch it in the cinema) and not funny. I guess they tried to make Spiderman act as if he's Deadpool, alas Peter Parker wasn't witty or sarcastic or funny - nothing but a cocky tennager doing stupid things. His friend was very annoying to say the least, so was Zendaya's character (not sure the movie would have lost anything without the character). After 2 separate spings of Spiderman, this is the worst one. Giving 5 stars for CGI and camera work.
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Something to watch while you're in the kitchen
24 August 2018
Don't get me wrong, it's an OK show to have in the background while you're carrying on with chores. It's engaging when families tell their stories, but utterly boredom when you hear the "taste experts" speaking. Often times they just tell you what it should be without actually giving any hints how to make it happen. And, please, groom Rosemary as it's not the look for the camera. Hosts seem like have no other purpose there but to narrate, distract the participants, and fullfil the show minutes with some awkward dialogues; neither of the ladies contributes to the culinary "atmosphere" (oh, look, Herbs family are a bit nervous! What d'you have in your fridge? What's your favorite take away? And so on), not clear why we need to have 2 hosts to begin with. When watching the show I was hoping to hear some valuable pieces of advice about cooking and baking, but alas. The creators did well trying to choose families of different backgrounds and ethnicities, yet sometimes it felt like East is competiting with England (I don't recall there were Irish or Scotland or Welsh families) and there's nothing in between.
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Red Sparrow (2018)
Too long, too boring
19 August 2018
Fake Russian accent, stoned looking faces focused on whatever, awkward dialogues and scenes. A couple fights (finally something is fast paced), too much rustic violence that doesn't contribute to the development either movie or characters. Everything is grey and gloomy and...slow. Felt as if I'm watching some bad weird mixture of The Americans and Atomic Blond (love both btw!!!). We got that Mother Russia is the saddest place on the Earth,and Russians are mean people. I didn't feel intrigued or submerged into the spy world. Lots of scenes could have been cut out without any loss whatsoever. Both, my friend and I, barely managed to sit through the movie.
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Wayward Pines (2015–2016)
Great 1st season and not so much the 2nd.
19 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
What started as a great and mysterious story ended up as an overly detailed yet not developed mixed. Pity as felt like the show has a potential. 1st season characters brought for short (and pretty useless) cameos into the beginning of the 2nd season added 0 value and just took the time, which could have been spent on developing new characters and subplots. Too many beautiful small details that went called leaving the viewer with rather confusion than catharsis, i.e. insight into the enemies' life, distopic society, flashbacks "explaining" the 1st season yet appearing in the 2nd, etc. Too many useless characters and interactions, i.e. we have a story of a brother and a sister, which wouldn't have been any less interesting if some scenes had been cutt off. The ending was a bit of a disappointment to say the least; probably the creators were hoping for continuation, thus left the viewer high and dry with lame hints. Highly recommend the 1st season.
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You Get Me (2017)
A movie for the background
30 June 2018
The main problem with the movie - actors. One look at them and you know they're anything but high school kids. Had them being colleague students it would have given them more credibility. The plot - cliche, and often times doesn't make sense. Giving 3 for the sake of showing the audience great pieces of property. Overall, in case you want something in the background while doing chores - that's the movie to go with.
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