
28 Reviews
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Last Looks (I) (2021)
Slow, and silly
28 December 2021
Well what can one say about Gibson playing a old English actor, with a drinking problem, I've no doubt Gibson based his character on Peter O' Toole, My Favourite Year, Hunnam, has gone from potential A-lister, to B-movie actor within a couple of years. I watched 40 mins, with very little happening, once i started asking myself why am i watching this, that's when i quit, it is what it is.
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17 April 2021
Wow, an anti-social, out of work, slacker, living with his mum, that hasn't been done before. The humor is cliché, and stupid,
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Emily in Paris (2020– )
Mindless Twaddle
4 November 2020
This mainly consists of Lily Collins, smiling, making facial expressions, taking selfies and coming up with one line ideas, that turn into brilliant successes. The premise is stupid because no one who couldn't speak French would get a key job with a high-end advertising company in Paris, to start with. Then it's about as cliched and predictable, as one could imagine.
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Not for me
23 October 2020
I watched 20 mins of episode one, didn't laugh once, and the main character grated on me. Giving it two stars instead of one, just because, it might get better but i won't be finding out.
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Helstrom (2020)
Nothing new and drawn out.
18 October 2020
My main gripe with a lot of tv series nowadays is how they all get dragged out with flashback, after flashback. Most of them could be condensed into 6 to 8 episodes, or in some cases a 2 hr. movie, instead we have to endure 10 to 12 episodes. There's nothing new here and ends up becoming tedious, i watched the first 5 episodes, so gave it a chance.
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Chaos in Court (2020– )
waste of time
13 October 2020
30 seconds of action, 5 minutes of lawyers rambling on. If the show got rid of all the lawyers and showed the footage with a narrative in the background, it might be ok. I got 1/2 way through episode 1 before ditching it.
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Maybe it get's better
17 August 2020
Only watched on episode but there was hardly any racing showed. My pet hate with most reality shows, whether it be a singing show, or something like Titan, way too much down time with back stories that i couldn't care less about, I'm tuning in to watch the competition not someone's sob story or how many kids they've got. What's the point of covering someone in 59th place who isn't going to finish the race, instead of showing thae actual competition. Won't be watching anymore of this.
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Cannonball (2020)
Get High, have a laugh
17 July 2020
The show comes across as a piss-take, watching people faceplant stoned is a laugh.
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Warrior Nun (2020–2022)
miscast and silly
3 July 2020
Watched the first 3 episodes, obviously it's silly, but my main distraction was having a girl who looks 14, talking about sex, going to nightclubs etc. Couldn't shake how miscast she was after the Epstein saga, me too, etc. Netflix have churned out a lot of junk aimed at the teen auidence.
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Ultimate Tag (2020– )
Utter rubbish
11 June 2020
Complete and utter garbage, how, and why rubbish like this get's green-lighted and funding, is mind boggling.
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Site has been taken over by misrepresentation
30 March 2020
This isn't a review more of an observation. Movies or series getting 8-10 rating that are nothing more than low budget re-hash of plots that have been done 100 times before are obviously not even close to being accurate reviews. It's either people connected to the projects, or just idiots who for some reason think giving a wrong review is funny . It happens all the time and ruins the section for anyone just looking for a honest opinion before viewing.
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Slow moving
2 February 2020
Crime thrillers/murder mysteries are my favorite genres, drama my least favorite, this definitely falls into drama side of things. I've watched 2 episodes and have been a bit of a slog, whereas if i'm into something i'll binge watch it. Just watched The Stranger and like a Harlen Coben novel it sucks you in, very easy viewing, this is the opposite. Having said that it's well done and i will watch it all just won't be a priority
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complete garbage
5 January 2020
Everything about this show is painful, the presenter is awful, the judges are all unfunny, fake and awful and it's supposed to be a singing show but only 6 songs get sung over the 60-90 min running time. How does garbage like this end up getting made.
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Deputy (2020)
Episode 1 not bad
3 January 2020
Obviously can't judge a series on one episode but this one surprised me, was expecting it to be bad but it moved a lightning pace and the action was good. Seen a lot worse cop shows than this one anyone into the action genre should give it a view.
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Vienna Blood (2019– )
Sherlock Holmes esque Whodunit not bad
19 November 2019
Only seen the 1 episode but the plot was better than most of the cut and paste whodunits. Anyone enjoying murder mysteries will enjoy this, also deeper than the ave with side plots that will develop. Will be watching ep 2
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Not good
20 October 2019
Firstly i should point out i don't consider someone going on love island or a online influencer as celebrities. I find most reality TV garbage, so most of these people may as well be working at wall-mart for what i knew about them. I also get into this type of show by rooting for someone, after watching episode 1 couldn't care less who wins or loses. So this was a huge miss for me and won't be watching anymore of it
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The Boys (2019– )
One major flaw. Why would super heroes work for someone else?
4 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The main problem with this show is the evil corporation at the center of the plot aren't needed in the first place. Pretty sure a superhero would get plenty of work as a free agent and wouldn't sign a contract with a company to micro manage and manipulate their lives, it doesn't make the slightest bit of sense
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Abstract Plodding
14 June 2019
Only seen episode 1, everything is very slow. The camera moves slow, people walk and talk slow, answer questions slow, the characters are also detached and emotionless. In a short time frame has somewhat of a mesmerizing quality but think it might get tedious over 10 episodes. Baldwin's character is very irritating, he's constantly snorting as if he's a bad coke abuser and it wears thin quickly, I'm hoping he has ltd camera time. First impression the director is trying hard to make a cult series but just a bit off, only time will tell
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The Twilight Zone (2019–2020)
23 May 2019
I struggled through the first 3 episodes and found them all slow with not much happening, maybe it gets better. If the show had been 30 min episodes might've been better but hard to recommend on what i saw. Anyone looking for a Twilight Zone fix, watch the original
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Tidelands (2018)
Silly Rubbish
17 December 2018
I only watched episode 1 but imagine watching Twin Peaks but it's taking itself seriously, or a bad R rated daytime soap, you have Tidelands, utterly absurd
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Magnum P.I. (2018–2024)
Decent entertainment
25 September 2018
OK let's first address the elephant in the room,the main hurdle and the biggest flaw any old Magnum fans will have to get over,having a Latino playing Magnum PI I think if the plot had introduced Jay Hernandez as Selleck's half brother and had worked Selleck into the first episode to help with the transition,it would've made the whole thing more plausible.As it is having a Latino as a straight swap is going to take time to grow into, i mean his nickname is White Knight,really ?Having said that Jay Hernandez is a very good lead and cannot fault him in anyway. I actually like the Higgins change as a younger woman and retired spy.The 1st episode was fast paced, entertaining and little darker than the original Magnum,overall i've seen way worse in my time. So for all us over 40's, try and suck it up,accept the show for what it is because if it continues like the first episode it's a decent 40 mins of entertainment
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The Good Cop (2018)
What's happening to Netflix ?
22 September 2018
This show is awful,something that wouldn't last on network TV.The Premise that a corrupt cop would still be accepted as one of the boys with other cops after he served time,show up at crime scenes be part of the police bowling team etc,etc,etc is ludicrous in itself.Then on top of that he lives with his cop son who's so honest and by the book he finds a quarter and wants to hand it in to lost and found.The silliness of how straight laced and honest the main character is supposed to be cannot be described. The plot lines are just awful, the ridiculous lazy way the killers are found every week just to tie up the 40 min show in one neat bow offers no thought process.I gave it 3 episodes then 20 mins into the 4th episode gave up.This really is rubbish on every level.
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Jack Ryan (2018–2023)
Decent action/thriller
3 September 2018
I'd watched a run of slow moving crime/dramas,so this was a nice change of pace.I also liked it was only 8 episodes long,a lot of shows that have 12 or more episode,s the middle tends to bog down to stretch the series but this one keeps moving at the right pace. There are glaring plot holes that have to be overlooked but i think that's just normal with the majority of action/thrillers.The only complaint i'd have is casting John Krasinski as the lead,i find him pretty wooden with little range but overall the series is worth watching.
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Hidden (2018–2022)
Very slow moving
27 July 2018
This is a slow moving drama with very little plot development and not much happening from episode to episode.I did watch all 8 episodes but by episode 5 i checked to see how many were left,hoping like most BBC series it would be 6.If this had been made into a 2 part mini series would've been far more entertaining but at 8 episodes,it just drags.
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Impulse (2018–2019)
Surprising good
8 June 2018
When i read a quick synopsis about a 16 yr old girl who discovers she can teleport, i almost passed completely,i was expecting complete teen cheese but it isn't. It's a pretty decent adult thriller that i'm enjoying and as long as it doesn't deteriorate seen far worse shows,i'm 3 episodes in.Maybe i'm enjoying it because i wasn't expecting much but i don't understand some of the low ratings and tell anyone to give it a chance.
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