4 Reviews
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One Of Us Is Lying (2021–2022)
This could have been great and it's mediocre at best
7 October 2021
I hate the "book was better" argument. But there is no other way to describe the feeling I have watching the first few episodes. With shows like "Young Royals", "Sex Education" and "American Vandal" going around, this show screams lowest possible effort.

The book kept me on the edge of my seat, unpeeling secrets with clear set up. Those set up revelations are dropped as exposition in the first 30 minutes of the first episode. In the book we are constricted to the four central characters POV, limiting our knowledge to what they know.

On characters. Except for Addy and Cooper (half of your main cast of characters) I feel they got it wrong. I'm glad they look somewhat like teenagers (Young Royals did this to perfection). Unlike a lot of commentors; I don't care that they cast Cooper (a presumed white character) as a black, because the actor does a good job portraying the feeling Cooper's character. Addy's casting is perfect. But then we get to- Bronwyn: The actress falls completely flat for me in selling Bronwyn's character. Bronwyn is a funny, determined character. I get determined but that cheekiness is lost on her. She was my favourite character and I found myself disinterested (Also her wardrobe is another crime).

Nate: Oh Nate, fan favourite, honestly the actor is doing his best and I like his performance, but the character is ruined with his wardrobe. He doesn't look like a juvenile delinquent and more like an Old Navy model. What are those clothes? The only rebelious thing is his acting and for the heartrob bad boy that was promiced, it's seriously lacking.

This story is extremely character driven, and the show has created such a bland version of it. I'm not asking for some "Euphoria" edits either. The story gave me a strong "Young Royals" and "American Vandal" vibe, with colourfull characters and set up. This show feels like something Disney Channel would have given a little bit more thought too, but also not.

It feels underdeveloped and rushed. I can't bite into anything it is giving me.

They are disgarding some plot elements and even adding new events, but it doesn't feel enhancing. They toned this down so much.

I never write reviews but I wanted to get my thoughts out there and view others opinion.
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A melancholic short film about becoming old
13 August 2018
A previous review on this site states my exact thoughts, but I couldn't not write a review about this. The animation is simple, but impressive. It is light, and nostalgic. Nothing needs to be explained and allows the viewer to interpret the story on its own.

I interpret the water rising as a metaphor for getting older, and being unable to go back to previous years (or as in the short film, go back previous floors due to them being flooded). Each floor also gets smaller the higher it goes, because when you are younger, the amount of things or choices in your life seem endless, but once you grow up they are more limited. I don't think the flood was about global warming.

I also think that the man represents the lonelines elderly people experience as they grown older. It is harder to make friends and the people you once had around might not be there anymore. They are isolated from the world and forced to live in their homes or nursing homes. The old man had children but they didn't come to visit them. It is the sad truth that lonelines is a big factor to depression and many elderly suffer from it.

This is why this short is a real tear jerker, because seeing the elderly man light up remembering his life and the people he loved is something we know we might all experience one day.

This was a beautiful film and deserves to be appreciated .
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This should be Netflix's cue to not adapt fan fiction
13 August 2018
This isn't a romcom. This isn't the type of movie I want to grow up with anymore. Where are the 2010s versions of "10 things I hate about you", and "Clueless". Is it this hard to opt for quality instead of quantity? Netflix has been becoming a disapointment with their movies and sadly these movies are what preteens and teenagers are watching. I don't want to say that the past was better because every generation says so, but make good movies! The kissing booth should have stayed where it was, on the internet, as a fanfiction, just like all the other fanfictions out there. The cast can't act, aren't likeable at all, and have no chemistry. I watched this movie while cringing, and mocking it. This was bad.
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Insatiable (2018–2019)
An atrocity- Prevent Netflix from putting out garbage by not watching it
13 August 2018
I have never seen something as painful and cringy as this show in a long time. It baffles me that this is a comedy. The only comedic aspect of this series is how laughable the horrible acting, line delivery, and plot is, and not in a good way. This show, is using the trend of casting a 26 ear-old as a high schooler, and keeping it's characters to being tropes. None of the scenes were funny. None of the characters believable or enjoyable. I felt emotional pain just watching it. I wish I could get back the thirty minutes I spend watching this before convincing my sister to watch "Little Miss Sunshine" who also has beauty pageant in the plot. If someone told me this was an adaptation to a 13 year-old's fan fiction, I would not question it. Don't watch it. Prevent Netflix from pooping out shitty garbage.
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