
15 Reviews
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Doctor Who: Rogue (2024)
Season 1, Episode 6
Half a bad wattpad fan fic and half a good story glued together.
8 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Pretty decent, some scnenes I thought where really good and ncuti really showed off his talents as an actor here but the actual plot was just fine.. my favourite aspects where the tone and the explicit queerness of it all. I found that very engaging and love these writers, fiest time in ages the episode didnt feel like it was written by old men. But a lot of the dialouge was weak and the story feels like it was reaching for emotions it didn't quite deserve in terms of intensity..

I would have given this a 7/10 in thst case hut the one thing that majorly brought it down was johnatahn groff. For an episode focused on the titular rouge, the rogue was a very boring character. A btec jack harkenss without any of the charisma. Who were meant to root for in a romantic duo. But I just end up finding him boring and finding the whole romance angle forced given it feels they barely know eachother and are only interested in eachother to further the plot along. His performance was really weak and his writing was in a way that made me really not connect with anything the characters where doing.

So overall, a mixed bag. I'd like to see these writers return but hopefully with a bit more time. It felt like teh basis of a rlly good episode, thst was about half way complete really good script and half a really bad dr who wattpad fanfiction glued together.
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Doctor Who: 73 Yards (2024)
Season 1, Episode 4
Amazing.. until it's very suddenly terrible.
25 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So for 35 minutes I'm watching one of the best doctor light stories since turn left. Then the episode turns into narrative spaghetti as the last 10 minutes have the same quality as a creepypasta.

Starting off with this amazing little rural horror story that feels like it could be a movie itself . Well directed, good dialouge. The lot. Great set up... then we go to ruby's home and watch her life fall apart around her due to this curse.. ok, more set up i guess. The story transitions to a campy political thriller that whilst very surface level, campy and undeveloped is pretty decent. So then you wonder... So far we've been setting up tonnes of plot threads, paying a few pf them off but mostly not explaining what this plot is, and... what there's 10 minutes left?? How are they gonna resolve this, we've barely left the first act.

And then they just don't resolve any of it, they defeat a villain who appears half way through the episode and then we get the reveal that she was the Curse the whole time...

Which explains nothing and doesn't really conclude the episode in any meaningful respect. It feels like Russel saw the 45 minute episode legnth and was just like "well I could write a 3rd act...but I like my 35 minute first act so much so let's just nkt" so he writes an absolutely terrible 3rd act that feels too pretentious for words whilst being a pacing g nightmare, in about 5 minutes it undoes any of the good will I had for this otherwise great episode.

Tl;dr The direction was great, the character work started off great but trailed off around the half way mark, the pacing was a mess, and the plot made no sense after around the 35 minute mark as I've stated.

This could have been amazing, but no i guess, whatever. Let's just not end our stories anymore shall we??
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Doctor Who: Boom (2024)
Season 1, Episode 3
Best episode since 2017 by far.
18 May 2024
Doctor who is back.

I've been mixed on most of dr who since 2018. S11 was pretty mid, s12 and 13 where nightmares and the 60th was a mess.

And I've liked s14 so far to he honest, it has some major flaws but it pleasantly surprised me.

But this THIS is doctor who. A thematically rich scifi story with a low scale setting but high key themes in which a charismatic lead tries desperately to make the people around them and keep hope in the heart of the universe.

This episode is nearenough perfect. I can't fault it. I'd give it a 10/10 if it wasn't for my mixed feelings about the arc which finds its way uncomfortably slotted into this episode.

But everything else is pretty much perfect, from the characters to the dialige to the rich themes. An epic with something to say, and one of my new favourite doctor who episodes.
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Doctor Who: The Devil's Chord (2024)
Season 1, Episode 2
11 May 2024
This is the best doctor who story written since atleast 2017 imo. I I didn't like most of the chibnal era although it has a few very good episodes, and I really dislike the 60th. But this- this js the show back on top form. This is dr who as it should be. Beautifully camp 4th wall breaking fun.

It's not perfect, pacing wise it's a bit all over the place and runaroundish but if this is the introduction we're giving new fans to the franchise I'm happy. The perfect mix of tones, charmisa and camp for a historical story I adore.

As I said in my space babies review. There's a bit too many russelism's for my liking but I can look past that for one of the best. But this js the first time in a long time ice thought 'damn my main complaint is that I want more'.

I would give jt a 9 or even a 10 for the amazing tone and style alone but as I said it's actually plot structure is pretty generic and boring even if I loved how lowkey the first act felt. So that bumps it down a bit, and the leftovers from the giggle felt too contrived to me. But besides that, it's amazing.
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Doctor Who: Space Babies (2024)
Season 1, Episode 1
Better than I expected, not amazing though.
11 May 2024
I wasn't going into series 14 with high expectations but those low expectations have served me well in thinking this was a pretty decent story overall.

It was way better than I expected based on the premise alone. Still have some major problems with the story, but ncuti and mjllie both showed some great range and chemistry and the story itself has some really good moments. Still can't help but feel RTDisms and very obvious plot foreshadowing that feels distracting more than anything took away from the story. And the premise felt like the wrong approach for a first episode in a new series. But the story itself is well executed.

The actual plot had a lot of surface level absurdism but was very formulaic in my opinion, like they're trying to cram the whole first half of a normal series of dr who into this condensed 8 45 minute episode format. I also found some jokes to be cringy and some plot beats to be weak. On top of that they really heavily telegraphed some parts of the arc, an arc which feels very formulaic for the show, and I can't help but feel that was annoyingly obvious.

But the characters work is amazing, the direction and performances are spectacular and the whole story was infectiously bright, with a very well put together story. The disney influences where there and I didnt like that but they where minimal and you could still feel the shows charm shining through which I was worried would die.

This isn't my preferred type of dr who but it's doing what it can very well.
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Doctor Who: The Church on Ruby Road (2023)
Season 1, Episode 0
Surprisingly solid. Decent fun. Too fantasy.
26 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Overall I'd say this is a pretty good episode, I keep debating whether to place it at a 6 or a 7 with myself however because Tl;dr it's an entirely solid story, but not one that wows me. Some amazing elements but nothing that's so amazing that I could ignore the fact I also saw a few major flaws that put me off the episode.

If this is the direction the era is going in terns of plotting then I'm going to he a bit disappointed. But visually and tonally I really hope it sticks to this new style

To start with my favourite aspect, THE VISUALS. Never would have believed you 10 years ago if you told me my favourite aspect of a dr who episode would be it's visuals, I'd have never listened to you. But no, this episode's main strength is it's stunning aesthetic. The camera work in particular was stunning. Woth slightly off kilter camera angles and and wierd shots and intresting lighting that felt intresting whislt not being muddy and unclear. Beautiful stuff, easily the best the show has ever looked. My only problem was thst a few screnes where a bit over-lit but not by too much to distract me.

Then the characters... most of the side characters where decent no standouts but a solidly built up and realistic world. I usually think rtd doesn't bring all his character writing strengths to who but he really gave us some stuff on the same quality as years and years and I genuinely adored it.

As for the doctor?? Gatwa was amazing, his acting is stnad out and immidiately cemented him as a dictinctcharacter who ckuld definitely pull off the role of the doctor. Writing wise, 10 is one of my least favourite doctors, and i didnt injtoally think id like 15 because gatwa's performance in the 60th and his characterisation on top of that, felt a bit boring. But no, im extremely surprised. He's the exact type of analytical yet charismatic doctor I felt we wouldn't get. He still had his distinct RTDism's about him but overall I adored this characterisation and whilst not my favourite doctor quite yet, I'm putting him solidly in my top 5 immediately, it's just a shame he never got a proper post regeneration story.

Ruby was also amazing. Unfortunately she falls into the trope Russel loves to do of making major characters, particularly dr who companions, have a major part of their character development revolve around their mother. Its a trope I don't like and one that's gotten tired for me but honestly I'd be lying if I said I didn't adore how it was executed here. I loved Ruby immediately from her personality to what we learn about her as a person, she seems intresting and not quite like rtd's tendancy to have companions that relatate to his idea of the general public. A trend I'd be glad if he broke from entirely.

In terms of pacing. It was much more solid than the 60th and I enjoyed most of it up intila slightly rushed 3rd act, but this is typical of Russel, who's stories tend to have a slow first act that ramps into a rushed conclusion.

I also found a lot of the ideas intresting. The gloves which are used much more effectively than they had The goblins are fun as a villain, and I did quite enjoyt he episode but the whole episode felt a bit simple , basic, runaround esque.

A gripe I did have was that the last episode left open a perfect explanation for these explicitly fantasy esque goblins, but they never proper say it out loud. 1 like to mention that when the toymaker was let out they accidentally let in a bunch of reality bending entities who'd been sealed away. That's all you have to say, even must off hand so new viewers don't fixate on it and get confused. But no he goes out of his way to make these cartoon villains thst ru on the power pfcoincidence, who have the operttunity to he amazing villains with a simple explanation for existing, however Russel falls for his own under explaining issue and the results speak for themselves.

I don't really personally like russels statement that the show will elan into fantasy more explicitly since I enjoy when the show does the polar opposite and leans into concept scifi more explicitly. So I'm marking jt down a bit for being the start of a trend I believe I'm going to grow to hate if russel's statements are as wide reaching as many, myself included, have interpreted them. You could easily add a few more scifi elements to give it that classic dr who science-fantasy feel tk it but leaning this hard into scifi just isn't what I enjoy personally and now what I think the show can be at its best.

I found a lot oft he first act to be amazing at introducing everyone, the villains, the tone. I found thst a lot of plot points had better paypffs than the 60th, in whcih to be honest i thought most of the plot was underbaked and contribed and rarely had good set up and pay off moments. This is a massive improvement from that. Amd i felt everything ik the early second act, whislt a repeat of rose woth the doctor meeting the companion initially whilst investigating something only to end up in theor home later on talking to their family, was really solidly sone. But by the latter half of the second act as they come up with the explanations for the goblins that are underbaked and underwriten, and go up intonthe soblin ship TO save the baby. It did feel a bit too disney, that actionn adventurey byt a bit bland fun thst bores me to tears. I found some moments funny and the wire language bit to be very dr who however that whole portion, injuring the supremely overrated goblin song to just be a bit bland. And I felt by the end the plot was a bit of a mess. The villains are defeated by the doctor undoing what they started by saving baby Ruby. Its engaging in the moment and a great concept, its exacution is peak no thought Christmas fluff and I wasn't personally fond of that, beyond the payoff for the gloves, I found kinda boring. I hope this is just because it's a Christmas episode and the whole era isn't laden with the same type of basic plots with rushed plot resolutions we had in quite a bit in russsels first era. Finally the ending felt underbaked, I loved Ruby coming to the conclusion of the doctor being a time traveller on her own but I really think it could have done with ten more scene near the end it all kinda felt a bit rushed and the last scene didn't feel like a proper conclusion to me.

So in conclusion: I hope the next era isn't as fantasy themed as Russel is pushing, I hope that Russel learns to stop under-explaining and I hope we see more development fron Ruby but besides that this episode was just.. solid, and that's about it, I'm not going to go around saying it was amazing or anything, visually it was, and I loved the character work, but the plot was a bit basic. I think anything other than a 5-7 out of 10 for this would be insane, so I'll go in-between.
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Doctor Who: The Giggle (2023)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
A mess of Russels bad decisions.
9 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't think I'm disappointed... but equally these specials felt like a badly paced and contrived mess in retrospect. I thought they had a lot of positive elements but whole thing felt a bit... naff mostly, but more importantly the pacing issues whee intense.

As for this episode specifically, it had some amazing elements. I enjoyed the procedural scifi aspects of it. I loved mel coming back, I loved them traveling back to 1920 to discover what happened, it was a compete idea box of concepts and themes that I adored.

I thought so much of the dialouge was stunning. I love how the script sounded and how the characters really felt like themselves dialouge wise. The way the doctor just acknowledges mel felt great, there was so much to love in how the characters spoke all of that was phenomenal. Basically everything involving the toymaker as a character felt like the best type of camp sci-fi I want in my doctor who. I adored the dance scenes.

Much like how I thought power of the doctor was a weak script with some amazing scenes, I think this stands next to that aswell, granted with the great scenes being a bit greater, but my problems with the script also being greater.

The problems come with the fact this script is a disjointed mess. It feels like you took all the flaws people levied against Moffat era scripts. -underused ideas -forced character conflict -wishy washy "and everyone lived happily ever after" endings. Etc. And then put them through a pass of all the flaws people levied against rtd era scripts. -contrived plot inclusions -deus ex machina endings. -on the nose messaging in the dialouge that doesn't actually factor into the plot in any meaningful compacity.

All in abundance in this story and on concerning levels. But I felt the first 2/3rd of the story where an aight runaround, better than the giggle conceptually

But the particular point that changed my mind from a 6.5 to a 5 was the bi-regeneration plotline. There's so many problems with the idea. Doctkr who sk a series about making forward, about the few constants in a world of change. By having tenant's doctor still be out there you're giving the exact opposite of the message of needing to move on that the show should be giving and instead telling the audiance "no you'll be rewarded for wanting contrived solutions to non existent problems that entirely take the emotional weight out of core plotpoints of the series. The idea the doctor can just continue living happily ever after off the side because "writer said so something something ancient legend", feels so utterly cheap to me. This should be a chance to have a commentary about how nostalgia effects us and how we have to finally be ready to go. Abandon tenant, let him move on, let him regenerate. But no, we have to have him continue because... thematic weight is dead in the era of mcu fiction. And furthermore the plot entirely falls apart after that , becoming even more of a contrived mess than the starbeast was. The resolution just being a game of catch felt like the dumbest least impact full ending you could have had, the whole story felt like a massive letdown and it didn't really resolve anything, just pointless set up for set ups sake. It feels like the mcu in the worst way possible.

There's a rule in narrative storytelling that a twist only works if its better than the idea the audiance had in their head to begin with and adds more to a work. Otherwise it's only value is in a sudden shock of a twist and not as an actual narrative. I feel the biregeneration thoroughly fails this test. Playing it as a straight regeneration, having the toymaker be a the puppetmaster behind everything, all of that, would have been expected yes, but narratively more intresting and explanatory than all of this.

The pacing felt off aswell, I felt that in alm 3 stories, the pacing felt less like doctor who pacing. Doctor who has a very set structure, slower first act, ramp it up innthe second act, only, in the new series, to often have rushed conclusions, adapted from the classic series formula of having aslwoer first episode which is more exploratory, and having episodes 2 and. 3 be much faster paced before having the resolution in episode 4. They should have kept to that pacing imo because it works well, add the extra tike to flesh out the first act. But instead they substitute it with a rushed feeling generic action runaround pacing structure with slower moments purely slammed in where it becomes extremely noticeable .

Furthermore, a lot of plotpoints just dint come back or are left unresolved. How did these 3 specials connect narratively? I assumed they'd eventually explain atleast some of the contribances and coincidences in the first 2 strikes as being concoctions of the toymaker, but no they just happened to have that all happen to them... it doesn't feel like this grand 60th anniversary epic. Like.. the 50th was only 80 minutes long, less than half the legnth of these specials, and it felt like to told a grander more cohesive story with more weight to it than this. As it is this was 2 mediocre stories and a good one stuck together without much link. We still never got a proper explanation as to why "fate" whcih everyone assumed was affecting things, as to why the clothes changed and the face Became tenant. What happened to the new sonic? Why wasn't it used once after episode 1? They powered it up and made it unnecessarily op only to never use it again.. so many lost plot threads, so many broken plotpoints.

Overall I thought these specials didn't feels like the grand and great sixtieth anniversary we where promised. There's a decent amount I did enjoy innthe story, it was an idea box and I adore idea boxes. But it was a poorly paced mess with a terrible ending with flaws than I could possibly go into which didn't satisfactorily resolve the story set up and instead just set up more and more and more whilst giving us a tediously overly happy ending for the tenant incarnation of the dovtor, udnermining the whole point of brknging him back so they cab sell more merch. Thoroughly disappointed.
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Doctor Who: Wild Blue Yonder (2023)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Major improvement from special 1. Loved it
2 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have some issues with this episode but after a broadly disappointing and contrived part 1, part 2 of the 60th anniversary was an amazing return to form.

First the negetives, since i have reltiviely few of them for this story.

I think some elements of the script felt rushed, particularly after one, a lot of the expositional dialouge felt on the nose and, overall I I feel the script could have used 1 extra drafts, with the pacing being a bit off imo. But I feel the same way about most of my favourite Moffat era scripts so im willing to let that go for now.

Furthermore I wasn't a fan of them bringing back the flux and the timeless child stuff, however I feel the way emotional weight was added to the story improved it significantly. So I get why others would like that element and appreciate that they did something either them even if its not how I'd liked to have seen that story dealt with personally as someone who really thought that the timeless child took away form the what show is.

Also and a problem with the doctor again defaulting to biological essentialism when talking about the dead space caption, an epsidoe after he was criticised for doing the same thing, and not being called out again.. that's some bad inconsistency.

I also thought the opening scene was pretty weak, however the running joke of referring to gravity as Mavity was actually the type of stuff I adore dr who doing, it's something I'd expect from a big finish blxset in best way, kts just the scene that actually caused it was pretty weak and initially had my hopes low going into the story

And finally I think the overall arc of the specials doesn't feel set up well, it was advertised like a continuous 3 hour long story through various set pieces but were already 2/3rds of the way through amd the main villain hasn't even been introduced and it feels as though each story was barely tired together by a brief ending scene thusfar. As much as I genuinely loved this story, and think it'll prolly be my favourite of the specials, it does feel like filler. Unless it has some solid tie back to the overall arc in story 3, whcih has to do some very heavy lifting to succeed arc wise, its pretty tangential.

NOW onto the positives. I loved this story, wheheartedly it was the type of conceptual sci-fi absurdist that is a.ognst the ranks of blink midnight, time hiest, flatline, heaven sent extremis... etc maybe closest to flatline in terms of pure quality, but amongst all those stories in terms of intresting sci-fi and horror concepts excuted amazingly

There was so much fun and intresting dialouge to sink my teeth into, i loved a lot of the dialiuge and the way a lot of it was reveant to the script in a way that didnt feel cotnrived but entirely natural for the more part. And it was acted supremely well by a stunning cast. Bits and pieces fell apart on inspection, hence why is said kt was 1 draft short earlier but I found it still to be mostly amazingly written, with it actually sparking the part of my brain that enjoys intelligent well written dialouge which the last episode rarely did.

Unlike the star beast I felt this script was significantly less contrived, everything made logical sense beyond 1 aspect I didn't quite agree with, the deus ex machine tardis return right at the moment it's needed, I honestly feel dr who is made by its limitations and the increased budget it making it really easy for writers to be able to afford these contrived deus ex machinas mlw they have the budget to do whatever. Which annoyed me but was still overall an upgrade from episode one, given theres much less of them and the epsidoe overall was a lot less contrived and a lot more solidly built up compared to episode one and I felt everything bar 1 moment near the ending made complete sense. And I adored it. It was logical and mostly reasonable but not cold, exactly what the show has been missing in series 12 and 13 imo . And large parts of series 11

And the villains OMG the out of this universe creatures trying to understand the universe and prevent their own death was.. a beautiful abstract and absurdist idea that I feel was executed amazingly. I love the idea it felt like the exact type of strange idea I loved fron the moffat era. The absurdist strange and creepy psychological sci-fi that I really want to see more of going forward and the various uses of the premise where amazing and inwas in shock by how much I enjoyed it.

The directing was perfect for the tone they where trying to set with a lot of broad sweeping shots, and a lot of shots that gave just enough of an ominous vibe. The score was once again. Relatively standard but quite solid and nostalgic. And the cgi felt a bit shoddy but the production design was on point, and I adored how the extro-universal entities looked when they were morphing and changing was ridiculous but in the best most freakily jarring way imaginable and I loved it.

The ending also got to me a bit, Rest in peace Mr cribbins, one if the finest actors lf his generation, km glad to see your last performance is as stunning as ever. That was a very solid way to end an episode.

I disagreed with people enthusiastically saying "dr who is back at the peak" last week, because I didn't liek the star beast too much , but I really adored this episode, it's not peak but it's definitely the best episode since about 2018 imo and hope the next story can match its quality.
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Doctor Who: The Star Beast (2023)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Contrived disappointment, with a heart.
27 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I found myself really hyped for this episode. Although I'd been cynical about how it was marketed and the new era as a whole the episode itself was still something I looked forward to deeply.

It's a shame it turned out to be a bit of a rushed mess with a lot to leave you annoyed about. Not terrible mind you, but a major disappointment for sure.

To start with the positive, I think Russel T Davies writes amazing dialouge, souding fun and distinct, besides a few lines which came down to more of a dialouge issue than a plotting one. The actors performed them great. The direction and colour grading and cinematography all looked stunning, my hat goes off to Rachel Talaley and whoever the editor was for the story. The score sounded impeccable, if a tad samey and unoriginal, more of Murray Gold's standard. But I guess a tad samey to what came before Is what you want from an anniversary so I'm accepting that. The scene where the doctor thinks Donna is about to die is supremely well acted and written, the doctors interactions with the noble family feel fun and realistic for the most part, and I felt the attempt at greater inclusively came from a very good place.

However the story felt rushed, simplistic, and as though every major plot-beat was solved by a highly contrived solutions. And the ending finds itself resolving a 14 year old old plotpoint with a resolution so supremely stupid it takes away from what was broadly regarded a great ending for a character.

Although the character interactions felt fresh and fun I feel Russel failed to pace the epsidoe correctly, having the early portion of the second act make up far too much of the narrative, whilst leaving the ending feeling rushed. There's no proper opportunity for characters to linger in the decisions they make, andnits left unclear whether Donna and Rose now share memories of her time in space, and were given no opertunity to see someone come to terms with learning a massive revalation about the life of their Mother, with the story just cutting to the doctor back outside the tardis before they can linger in how massive the moment was, leaving its dramatic weight entirely lacking.

Something else I was was annoyed by. Was them just giving the sonic screwdriver random new abilities. The sonic being able to do too many random things was an established problem, it takes the stakes away from any situation and is often used to create deeply contrived scenarios. So it feels like a clear terrible writing decision that it's been balsted with even more ridiculous abilities taking away the entire point of the doctor as a character who out-thinks their enemies and uses their surroundings against them, is now rendered an action character because now they can just use their magic wand to make force fields and blow up walls and create screens put of thin air.. things that makes the doctor overly powerful as a character and deflates any tension. The fact so many plot points where resolved through the sonic felt lazy and boring and most of all deeply contrived, robbing the show of stakes and making it feel like a pointless and simplistic plot for most of its run time.

The characters felt fun and I loved them and as a trans person, Rose Noble and the supportiveness of her family where a lovely inclusion but I felt the fact that she was trans was used as a resolution for the metacrisis plot line, as mentioned before, felt like it removed any tension from a 14 year old plot. Also using soemones non-binary identity to make an offensively tone-deaf and forced joke about Donna saying binary as her last line in Journey's end, and then making that unironically the solution to the metacrisis, was peak RTD contrived deus ex machina writing.

I didnt mind her passing it down through her daughter but the whole idea of her being non-binary being the solution.. felt like a vapid attempt to appeal to trans people in the audiance. In fact her whole writing felt like cisgender old man tries to understand and relate to trans people a third his age. And whilst I appreciate the attempt he didn't succeed, and I feel not succeeding when it comes to inclusive writing just gives transphobes ammo against us, so I won't be kind to failed attempts at inclusively. I wouldn't say this entirely failed, but it definitely didn't meet the mark with Russel defaulting to gender essentialism whilst trying to frame it as inclusive, which is unfortunate for sure.

Finally I felt giving Ruth Madeley's character rocket firing wheels just felt like something from a surface level actiln move, not really what I want in my Doctor Who. They're smart, make them do smart things, give them a moment to show how a scientific advisor can use their knowledge. Not just having them do something you'd expect Q to give James Bond in a bad 007 flick. Russel has a major problem with showing "cool people do cool things" by just blowing stuff up and it really annoys me because he's meant to be the character writing guy and yet his character writing can often be as simple as "look at the cool person, you know they're cool because they made thing go boom" A flaw repeated many times over through the episode, and one that is honestly so intrinsic to his writing that I'm surprised people don't notice that every character Russel wants to look cool at some point either blows something up or holds a comically oversized gun. Often both.

Also given its the 60th wouldn't this have been a perfect change for an Osgood cameo? I'm sure the physically disabled community appreciated the appearance of a real disabled actor playing a smart and competent character. Much needed representation.. but Kate's already appearing so unless I'm misremembering the events lf her last appearance.. surely Osgood is still the scientific advisor? Really hope she appears.

I have other complaints but those are the major ones. And I also thought there was a lot more to enjoy than I stated hence the 6/10, since overall depending on how critical I'm being I could have been happy giving it a 5 or a 7. So I'll settle for the mid-point. Despite the broadly negetive review since I couldn't help but focusing on how blatantly some of the flaws presented themselves, I did enjoy it, but nowhere near as much as I felt I could have.

If you love the end of time you'll like this. Russels strengths and flaws are on full display but unfortunately the flaws shine a bit brighter than the strengths in my opinion. I wanted to love this, to the extent i spend the whole afternoon quite excited, and had been preparing the day before as I couldnt get the hype for the first new Doctor Who tv stories in over a year out of my mind.

The more I think about it the more I think "well I enjoyed it but its not perticularly unique or original like a special should be" I'm not satisfied and I feel my favourite director to have worked on Who has been a bit wasted on a flimsy script.

I still have a lot of hope the next two are much better than this. I love the premise for specials 2 and 3 based on what I've heard about them , and I'm excited to see Ncuti shine come Christmas. But I can't say the 60th got off to the best start.
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Taskmaster (2018)
Tedious and boring, If you're gonna watch task master, watch the orignal.
21 March 2023
I've been binging clips from the various international versions of taskmaster recently, after seeing the Aussie version and subsequently realising the ridiculous amount of international Taskmaster releases. Most of them are ok. The jokes don't meld quite as well as the original, the comedians and actors are a bit less funny, not as good sets. But most of them are at least competent, they do the format well, have somewhat likable hosts, and are well edited to keep up a fun casual pace that gives comedians the chance to shine. I'd still argue the first 8 series of the original show are far and beyond better than anything created after, including all the alternation releases, but most of it is at least competent copies that I imagine are fun for people who haven't watching the originals.

The US version however, in the tradition of the US inbetweeners, gracepoint, and so amny other botched adaptations, is horrendous. And heavily suffers from a few major problems as I'll outline

1) potentially its biggest flaw is the pacing. Most versions of taskmaster have a simple 45 minute format. Start of with an introduction and a prize task, then cut to some pre-recorded tasks intercut with live reactions, and live discussion and scoring of the tasks, then end it with a live task , and then potentially a pre-recorded tie breaker if a tie emerges. Simple and easy. But US taskmaster decided to make the baffling decision to go with a 22 minute format. Cutting out any chance for banter, the majority or the reactions and discussions have been cut, there's no longer any live task, and the prize task has been cut down to a comically short length. Sure the original format can go on a bit, there's often a task that's less strong than the rest, and the way they edit it means you have to have a pretty decent attention span. But the 22 minute format is entirely too short to be fun.

2) another major flaw is the tone. Taskmaster is a show about comedians being silly people, doing things to make an audience laugh, and to make each other laugh, whilst also being real people who, are friends with each other who work in a much more friendly industry, but are still competitive enough that there feels like there's a real competition going on. USA completely botched the tone. These people don't feel like they're taking any of this seriously, they have no dynamic with each other they feel contractually obliged to be there. Which they are in the original as well but you get the feeling that if time and money weren't a problem they'd be coming here just to have fun. Everyone is being far too serious and it's just not fun, everyone feels awkwardly confused and the tone never seems to settle for anything beyond that.

3) the host has absolutely no comedic skills whatsoever, he doesn't have the mix of dry whit and faux power madness that makes Greg so likeable. That feeling that he's genuinely enjoying being here. Alex is trying his hardest but bless him he has no working relationship or dynamic with this deeply uncharismatic and unfunny man sitting to his left. The funniest thing about the dynamic was how incredibly sunburnt Alex managed to get during his time in America.

4) both sets are just less fun. The interior set feels like they've just placed some random nice looking chairs down with no cohesion, in a random stage they've found, then put a taskmaster logo on the floor and called it a day. And the task sets feel like they've rented out a holywood mansion, which is likely what they did do. It;'s so much more overblown and less quaint like the orignal taskmaster house and caravan that it can't compare.

Those are the 4 main issues i have with the whole premace, and I'm really glad it never caught on tbh. Tbh i think the only ways to fix to show for a US audiance would be to change the tone and style completely to fit the people you get to do it. With Taskmaster usa, they've only changed things for the worse. Ruining the pacing, not understanding the tone, having hosts that don't mesh well together, and having a set that feels incredibly inconsistent. They had so much creative play room, but as many other reviews have said, this is just a pale immitation, watch the original. And if you're done with that, watch any other version before this. The champions of champions series, the aussie series. Even the foriegn language series are better subtitled.
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Velma (2023– )
It's not over but I can already tell its horrendous
13 January 2023
If you want an edgy adult comedy reboot of a beloved franchise focused on fleshing out prominent female characters in a modern way. Watch Harvey quinn. I think Harvey quinn is a very flawed show, and think the secind half of season 2 was kinda abismol. But its actually enjoyable and has a fun plot in season 1 that picks up again by season 3. Velma on the other hand, is another tedious and stale trainwreck.

Obviously it could improve its plot, but when you start at a 2/10 you don't go much higher than a 2/10 without severe shakeups. 5/10 can often just be a shaky start, but not 2/10. As someone who was a massive scooby doo mystery Inc. Fan, the franchises last attempt to promote itself to a slightly older audiance, this is insulting. I'm not one of the annoying people going on about race or gender, I have zero problems with that. It's the fact you've turned them all into bland and unlikeable people. Velma has been transformed into a self insert botched version of daria. The character who's meant to be replacing shaggy feels just like some random background character with zero development who just isn't shaggy. And Fred has went from a slightly stupid obssesive jock, to a rich a*se. Like yeah he has a rich a*hole design with the shirt and the ascot, but you've completely taken all his defining traits just to make jokes about how much of a douche he is... like, if you want to make characters realistic, make them realistic, don't turn them into parody of themselves that somehow manage to be even more shallow than their 1969 selves. Daphne is the only character that turns out somewhat ok but she's still feels like all of these people deeply unlikeable

In terms of plot there was nothing engaging, sure its not quite as bad as something like paradise pd or hoops, because atleast velma actually has a somewhat orignal throughline, but it's still not intresting because I'm not rooting for velma to succeed. There's no emotional attachment because she just feels like a person built on hate. Furthermore for a comedy, the jokes are on the "haha character exhibits trait we've given them, or subverts trait past writer gave them, that is the joke" tier of comedy except like all adult animated comedies nowadays... the fact that jts edgy is meant to make you laugh. Instead it feels like a massive insult to anyone watching who enjoyed scooby doo and characters, and a reduction down to another corporate animated shill that you'll get called a hater for disliking brcause people have an irrational compulsion to defend anything diverse regardless of its actual quality. And sure those peiple who are jsut hating because of the changes to the characters races do exist but thats no reason to gaslight yourself into seeing gold where theres only a show thats bland, generic, and annoying. Its not fresh, its stale, its just putting the packaging of scooby doo on the same stale, adult animated comedy, bread every other merchant is trying to sell you.

I've seen a lot of postive reviews compare this to big mouth, (like 2 but that accounted for like half of the positive reviews I saw when I scrolled down)... I agree, bjt jt says a lot about the type of people this show is for, when such a deeply lifeless show like big mouth shares fans with it who consider both of them on the same level.
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Doctor Who: The Power of the Doctor (2022)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Genuinely happily surprised (edited for retrospect)
23 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was anticlimactic near the end but I found kt the most enjoyable episode ofbthe chibenm era, an era I'm not fond of, and u think chibnel really outdid himself.

Edit like a few months later: I enjoyed it as mindless fun and at the time I was just really glad it wasn't horrid and unenjoyable but in retrospect I've marked it down from 7/10 to 5/10 because the plot makes zero sense...

I am not a fan of the chibnel era.

And I could go on for far longer than I should abojt its flaws. Mid direction, mid score, bad, inconsistant, and bland character writing, mostly mid plot writing, and a higher degree of stunted acting than other eras os just the tip of the iceberg.

And this episode isn't free. Of these flaws by any margin. I hate that this platform has a tendancy to be mainly 10/10 or 1/10 when very few pieces of media deserve either. This episode to me is a surprise because it had everything g going against it. Chibnel showed with flux that he was bad at Moffat style confusing blasted plots, and this episode was one, he's shown time ajd time again he's not good at writing weird scifi premises, and this was that, chibnel proved he's not good at respecting fanservice, this was that. Yet by some miracle this episode is pretty good.

So we'll done, only took you 4 years and you wrote 1 good episode. The plot is nothing special, but still pretty good, would stand amongst the decent episodes of the moffat era ngl, but there are certain elements that I adored, the nordes pf fan service, the ra ra rasputin, and a lot of small things like that. The character writing however isn't present and it still suffers ,although in a diminished compacity from the flaws of his era. The timeless child mentions didn't go down well with ke but ig jeered to be advised and I found the ending a bit anticlimactic as with a lot of his era.

But yeah, wow, it was actually decent. Way to go chibs, you wrote 1 decent episode, im in disbelief.
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Not as good as Ep2
14 November 2021
Ok so I had high hopes going into this episode.. and all I can say is.. I shouldn't have.

It's gimmick is fun, I like the non traditional pacing. Even if I'm beginning to think the massive mistakes is a problem. I don't like 13's characterisation as a bit of a dick... But not an "I'm arrogant because I'm smart" dick like 6 or early 12. But more like she's immature.. and almost like she's the least competent person in any given scene. Although that's more of an overall problem with Chibnall's writing of the character that's just particularly bad in this episode. Furthermore I dislike how Chibnall has doubled down on a particular plot element from the ending of s12 that I was personally hoping could be somehow retconned.. which is annoying but I'm enjoying Dan's arc but it's not the most original. And I don't rlly like Vinda and his backstory in this episode felt very.. Chibnall. You know why if you've watched it.

Overall I have little to say about this episode. It kind of deflated the little bit of good will Chibbers had developed so far, though an ok series so far.
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Surprisingly good follow up, with some major flaws..
7 November 2021
We're already a 1/3rd of the was into the series.. and, this is the point where it could so easily devolve into a mess if the next episode isn't good.

But I have to conclude that this may be the best episode of the Chibnall era so far. My main worry with The Halloween apocalypse was that the many plots set up in that episode wouldn't have ended well, and without getting into spoilers.. I think it's succeeded pretty well.

A note before I get into my reasons, is that it seems the majority of clips from the series trailer have already been used up. A glass half full person might be waiting for a twist or surprise because of this.. but I'm hedging my bets.

Anyhow this episode, without revealing any spoilers, follows up directly from the last episode. But drops one or two of the plot points set up, assumedly for episode 3 4 or 5 to continue. Unlike the notably messily structured episode 1, the war of the Sontarans, follows a pretty major simultaneous Sontaran invasion, of multiple points in human history, as it's A plot, with the main villain, and the newly introduced character of Vinder.

My thoughts on the A plot are that it was very good. It had a rather rushed conclusion but so do a lot of modern Who episodes so I don't really mind too much. The jokes where far funnier than I expected them to be and if this was fleshed out into a full episode, it may have gotten a 7-8. That's if it was fleshed out as well as the 2/3rds of an episode it is now. The Seacole portion of the story was clearly the highlight, and whilst I loved its story overall it's the part that has the chibnel era problem of "men bad woman good" which we've seen surprisingly little of so far. My problem with this trope of his isn't that I think the men should always be presented as right, or that woman can't be competent characters. It's that often the story makes the woman hyper competent, and any action a male character takes immediately wrong. This is not a major dlaw in this episode in perticular but it is definitely present, if only in this one subplot, which otherwise is my favourite of the series so far. IMO the other portion of Sontaran plot, with Dan, is also pretty good, although besides a few amazing jokes, (the episode overall is decently funny) there is little to comment on that you can't already see for yourself.

The main villain however, is Chibnel. That's all I really feel. Bit forgettable, cringy, lacks the gravistas he really wants it to, mediocre design, and name you won't remember 10 minutes after watching. It feels like a lot of his flaws as a writer personified. And the subplot surrounding them, is decent, but it's left on a cliff hanger that I really wasn't here for. Furthermore, I wish we could have gotten more build up for who Vinder is before he's immediately put in a position of danger. These new Time people (Name too forgetable to note) I don't like them. Whilst the lore added to the Sontarans was good, but all the new law elseware. Feels like barely a few steps above the timeless child. Even if it doesn't invalidate an entire characters narrative purpose like timeless child did. I wasn't on the edge of my seat watching those portions, even if the native thought I would be. And the fact that the A plot comes to a rushed concusion to make way for this new lore made me think of it in quite negitive terms.

Overall, yea, it's arlight. But I can't help but feel it's peaked.. Considering most of the trailer footage was from this episode, and the ending really wasn't that good. Unlike the suspenseful ending of the first one.

A few more things to note however. The cinematography has undoubtedly gotten better since series 11 and 12. Going from Student film with a Hollywood camera, to actually competant tv show, even if I'm not personally a fan of the aspect ratio. The CGI was beautiful, felt like high quality model work more than anything else, which I enjoy as a fan of model work in Sci-fi. I like how they mess around with how the Tardis looks because of the events of episode one, very fun concept.

I compared it to a few clips from series 11 and 12 just to make sure, and the dialogue has definitely improved, it's not just my lack of revisiting them that's made me bias. And I still simp for Dan.

Finally, a Sontaran says "And I wanted ride a Horse". Sounded adlibed, funny in context, but the context is spoilers. If you've already watched episode one, don't stop. Hope they pick up on the dropped plot points from episode one, in three, or four. Five maybe a bit too late though..
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Best chibnel who' so far!
31 October 2021
I still think Chibnels era of Doctor who pales in comparison to what came before. But I feel as though if this episode is any indicator of overall quality, then we might have an actual decent series of who on our hands.

Before I get into my more extensive thoughts on the episode, I'd like to say, DAN IS THE BEST PART OF THIS ERA. He's not just a replacement Graham like I've heard people say. He's actually got a personality. Granted I still don't trust Chibnel to execute that personality into the narrative, because imo he didn't really succeed in that regard in his last 2 outings, and has only shown a mild ability to characterise at all. As a Liverpudlian i am extremely excited to see my city represented in such a positive light, as years of media slander.

John's acting is mixed, I feel he could have had better direction and his delivery is sometimes wayy too flat, but In casual scenes he does well.

Now onto my main argument.

Besides a long rant about how much I loved Dan, most of my criticisms where general criticisms of chibnel that have been repeated time and him again. A lot of expositional dialogue, which counters the idea of "show don't tell". Although to be fair I can tell that he is trying to implement more visual exposition into his stories.

Further onto this the dialogue is still pretty janky at points, as in vein as it is to say now that the scripts for his 2022 specials are likely already finalised, capping off his era, it may have been a good idea to get someone else in to polish up some of the jokes which REALLY didn't land. Also, The Doctor quite often feels out of character, being too incompetent and unknowledgeable. I mean i'm not asking for them to be Omniscient or anything, but sometimes it feels like she's the least clued in person in a scene, which isn't how the Doctor is usually portrayed, and imo that's not a good thing.

The new villain is a bit Forgettable, and although I wont spoil it here their hinted at backstory could possibly, if Chibnel hasn't learnt his lesson from last time he attempted a major reveal about the Doctor's backstory they had forgotten, rip the cannon inside out.

Yaz Khan feels far more competent than she should be, I'm aware the implication is that a lot of time has passed, but she doesn't feel like she's had any significant character change beyond being made more competent, so it doesn't really feel earned.

And finally the plot seems to have introduced too many elements for anyone to reasonably be able to remember. I thought all of the subplots set up where decent. Except the Sontaran's they could have been completely cut to give time to other characters with little to no effect on the episode. There where so many plot elements in fact that have already remembered 2 that are I forgot to put down in my notes. Which is a problem for sure.

Oh and there's 1 line of dialogue where the main villain looks directly into the camera and says a line so cringeworthy that I audibly gagged. But for some reason it was made an actually element of the plot, so I guess they couldn't have removed it.

But on the positive end of things, The cinematography has improved by a large margin since s11. There don't seem to be any massive plotholes YET. Granted it's too early to say since we have to wait for a lot of this to come to its conclusion before that can be said for sure. And if executed well the episode could go on to be first part of a high quality arc.

Dan's character and the portrayal of Liverpool as a whole was very enjoyable, and accurate, as I have mentioned. I've been told Chibnel lived in the city for many years, so assumedly he drew from experience.

I liked one or two of the new concepts, even though some of these concepts could have been fleshed out much better than they where, and some of the more focused on concepts felt pretty generic.

The writing was the best the show has been in a while, feeling like Doctor who for once, Instead of a mediocre scifi mascaraing as Doctor who like large portions of the last 2 series have felt. Even if prior mentioned problems overall put a damper on that..

And I absolutely loved the new design for the Sontarans, even if their incusion in the episode felt unnecessary. I originally disliked the darker grottier look they seemed to be going for, but I think it's actually an improvement on the Rtd era design's stark blue.

In summary, this is the first time since S10 i've genuinely felt invested in the show, even if my Investment is marred with the fact I'm painfully aware of Chibnels writing problems, I've been given a glimmer of hope that this will be a decent series. If you want to get into the show, DO NOT start with this, but if you fell out of the show after the bland S11, or the skin-meltingly cannon destroying S12, I'd say it's worth a watch!
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