
22 Reviews
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This Fool (2022–2023)
20 March 2024
I'm a white, nearly 52 year old male who has in no way to identify with this show ..... except to say I'm getting older and can remember back in the day. I got friends who are no longer here and others I have lost contact with so in some ways I can identify. This is one of the funniest shows on tv. Props to all the writers and actors who continue to pull this off. I laugh harder and harder after every episode. The character Julio is the best. I mean his life sucks, but he's making the best out of a bad situation. That I can definitely relate with!! I hope this show continues for at least another five seasons. Nah, just kidding .... Que porqueria mas yo mi Tia's burritos. Aye, caray olvide esta ahora una cultura de la cancelacion socieadad. Lo siento. Now you know I'm white! Bc I just butchered the hell out of that!! Sinceramente, blanco nino or just white boy .... which coincidentally was how I was referred to by anyone who was non-white back in the day. I took it as compliment, even if it wasn't meant to be one.
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17 July 2023
I am so very proud to be an American because of men like Taylor Grieger, Stephen O'Shea and John (couldn't remember his last name ... very sorry for that). These brave men served our country and laid their lives on the line to preserve our freedom. Men and women who serve their country are the true heroes. None of the stars on the big screen who play Iron Man and Spider man will testify themselves they only play heroes. My father served 30 years in the Army. He was a Ranger in Vietnam, and as a Colonel in the Special Forces during Desert Storm. Unfortunately I was born with a medical condition that prevented me from serving, although I tried on two different occasions to do join. I wanted so desperately to follow in my father's footsteps, but it was not meant to be. I thank God for my dad and the brave men and women like Taylor, Stephen and John for what they did during their service, and just as importantly after they got out. PTSD is no joke. I highly, highly implore you to take the time to watch this documentary because we owe our service members (and civilian service members like the police, fire department and EMS) our most sincere and heartfelt gratitude for the risk and time sacrificed in the name of democracy and the American way of life. Thank you.
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Extraction II (2023)
This should have been released in the theater
18 June 2023
Highly recommended for any action fan. Reminds me of the great 80's action films. Move over Arnold and Sly bc Chris Hemsworth is the best action star in Hollywood. The Rock, Chris Pratt, Vin Diesel ... nah, I'll take Chris Hemsworth's movies all day.

This movie picks right up where the previous one left off. And it doesn't stop until the very end. Much respect for all the Hemsworth clan. Those Aussies are some tough sumbeatches. I am looking forward to the next one bc these Extraction movies are worth the price of Netflix. Especially when you can stop service if nothing else good is running. Netflix has put out some duds recently, but this is not one of them!
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Read The Witcher, Played The Witcher and this ain't no Witcher
26 December 2022
As much as I enjoyed Henry Cavill in The Witcher, I detested Blood Origin. I endured all four episodes. It's really, really bad. So much time and money wasted on such dribble. Nothing works. It's choppy. The special effects are cheap. The characters lack depth. They tried to fit too much story in too few episodes. And yes, I agree with other reviews that are critical of the casting. None of it works.

I'm embarrassed for the Netflix executive(s) who greenlit this spinoff. I actually thought this could have been something special. Cavill was likely to be part of one or two more seasons. And that was before this premiered. Now with this miserable failure he may want to distance himself from it all together. One can only hope that he doesn't watch it. It's so very disappointing for all the fans of The Witcher franchise.
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The Patient (2022)
This is a 10 star show
26 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
(Minor grammatical edits to clean up the review).

I don't understand people anymore. You aren't going to watch a 6-10 hour movie. This had to be done as a mini/series. Now an argument could be made that it should have been released all at once (like Netflix), but this was a very deep an intellectual experience that had to be done one episode at a time. What an amazing and tragic story. A serial killer wanting to change but not having the tools necessary to do so. Instead of burying deep pain that led to his psychosis he seeks out help from a psychologist. How enormously difficult it must have been for that person to set aside their fear of the likely inevitably of their fate and attempt to help & analyze what compels this lunatic Make no mistake the killer is a lunatic. The show was captivating from the very start. So original and thought provoking. But again so very, very tragic to be placed in that situation yet still want to at least try to break through years of torment. I felt no pity for the killer. All of my emotion and heartache was felt for the psychologist. It didn't take long to know if the story remained true to its subject the end result would not be good. I wept for the psychologist's family. I felt pity and anger towards the killer's mother. I don't want to hear any garbage about this is her son and she'll do anything to protect him. I've read numerous stories where a family member refuses to tolerate the evil, even if it's family. But again the series remained true and honest to what you would expect if something like this really happened.

Superb acting by Steve Carrell and Domhnall Gleason. The first time I watched Gleason I knew he was destined for greatness in the arts.

I'm not Jewish so I'm not familiar with the customs and rituals that accompany it. Nonetheless I found the script to be incredibly moving. The entire ensemble should be proud.

I'm clicking spoilers but really not telling you anything specific I highly recommend taking the time to watch it. It leaves my heart hurting. But most of all it showed me that a parent isn't responsible for the sins their child once they become an adult. The mother was a pathetic human being. She thought by keeping her son's secret she was somehow helping. In reality she was just as complicit.

Steve Carrell adds to the list of comedic actors who've proven they're equally as talented in what made them famous to evolve into amazing dramatic artists.

Thank you to Hulu for backing such a complex and dark subject. I'm certain recognition will follow for everyone associated with the production. A+
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Truth is always more entertaining than fiction
3 March 2022
When I first watched the preview for this movie last month I knew it would be worth watching. Having just finished I'm pleased to report it completely fulfilled my expectations. It's not hard to imagine the hard work required by Nikolaj Coster-Waldau to recount the harrowing journey of Ejnar Mikkelsen & Iver Iverson. The movie is based on, 'Against the Ice,' by Mikkeksen. Coster-Waldau wasn't just an actor having co-wrote the screenplay with Joe Derrick.

The movie documents the expedition endured by both men as they sled and hike hundreds of miles across an icy Greenland to disprove the existence of Peary Channel, and therefore part of Greenland (Denmark). This was very important for Denmark because the United States had laid claim that Greenland was in fact two bodies of land.

Director Peter Flinth expertly captures the unforgiving conditions and desperation of the expedition. The only 1h 43m so it wastes no time in throwing the viewer right in to the wintry elements. It's complemented with harrowing moments of loss and death that includes sled dogs, isolation, and yes ... polar bears.

Anyone who enjoys a good survival movie will surely want to add this to their must watch list. Plus there's the added incentive for all those Coster-Waldau fans. You won't be disappointed. Highly recommended.
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Ray Donovan: The Movie (2022 TV Movie)
Sopranos wish their movie was this good!
15 January 2022
The long and short of it is that this movie was the perfect conclusion to the Ray Donovan series. And hell with the way it ended there could be another movie 10 years down the road. Just a fantastic conclusion to a great television show.
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Tokyo Trial (2016)
Very interesting to listen to the debate on the legality of waging war
24 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This 4-part docu-drama does more than provide the history of the military tribunal of the Japanese military and political leaders who waged war against the Allies (most notably China (Manchuria), Philippines (and Polynesian islands), Australia/New Zealand and and the United States. This really examines the legality of holding individuals accountable for a country's act of aggression through colonization or other reasons.

It seems that when it came to the Japanese there was more of a tendency to believe they weren't doing anything different from the other countries with a desire to expand (its borders) ... like that of Britain throughout Europe, Asia and the Bahamas/Caribbean or the French during Napoleon's time or United States throughout parts of North America. The Japanese defense was they cannot be held accountable for laws that didn't exist when they waged war. Additionally they're desire to wage war was for colonization, not the eradication of a certain population of peoples.

Although I agreed with the final outcome, like that of the Nuremberg Trials, it was very interesting to learn the history of the dissenting argument. Many Japanese political officials (and military generals for that matter, like Tojo) were given two options when deciding whether to agree with the majority to wage war: The first was to agree and the other was to disagree followed immediately by committing honorary suicide. As a matter of self-preservation many agreed to war as an alternative to dying. Additionally, they argued there is no difference in its desire for colonization than other countries like Britain, France and the United States. On two different occasions Napoleon Bonaparte was tried for atrocities committed during the French's Napoleonic Wars. Each time he was exiled to a remote island in the South Pacific (where he ultimately died under suspicious circumstances).

I wound encourage anyone with an interest in this part of history to watch. For those, like my dad, who would get frustrated at the notion that what the Japanese did in waging war during WWII could not be tried in a court of law I would still say to watch bc ultimately the decision was held for a trial, and to execute the punishments assigned. For example, Tojo was found guilty and ultimately hung for war crimes.

To be intellectual means you objectively listen to dissenting views to that of your own. All possibilities should be examined before rendering any decisions.
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Bo Burnham: Inside (2021 TV Special)
3 June 2021
(Revised) .... The second time around I think that I may have had a little too much LSD. I skeptical at first. But, 'A White Woman's Instagram' sold me. The man is funny and poignant with his social commentary.
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The Handmaid's Tale (2017–2025)
Just when I was ready to give up ... IT PULLS ME BACK IN!!!
2 June 2021
I'm towards the end of season three and to be honest I was ready to give up on the show. Like others have posted it did begin to drag. Episodes became tedious and difficult to watch. I found myself fast forwarding through certain parts when it looked like one monologue (close up) or slow march after another. Then things took a turn midway through episode 10, and then really kicked into high gear in the 11th episode of season 3. The show very quickly got entertaining again. Finally some excitement!!

Without giving any details away I'll say the plot thickened. The acting is really on point with great character development. That was in part the problem bc for a long time it was only character development. Now it's back to being story driven. For those ready to give up who have endured the entirety of the 2nd season please don't give up. You will have to bear through another 10 episodes, but it will be worth it.

The premise is strong bc in our day, in this country, the possibility is plausible. We are at a very precarious place in our nation's history. Our very democracy is at stake and this show provides a glimpse of what could be .... a very scary proposition indeed.

So in summation this is a very good show that really delves deep in character analysis to provide the viewer extensive understanding into the how and why maintaining a democracy is so difficult. And most importantly how quickly it can all disappear when our politicians turn a blind eye to insurgencies and attempted coup's. As citizens we must hold those elected officials accountable by voting in each and every election.
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The Dig (2021)
Heartfelt true story that's set on the eve of WWII
29 January 2021
So few movies today capture the emotion and artistry of storytelling better than 'The Dig'. It's based on a true story that was beautifully made. It combines amazing performances by a magnificent ensemble along with majestic cinematography. I absolutely loved this movie and enjoyed every moment. If ever there was a Netflix movie that deserved Oscar consideration this one would be it for me. You will not be disappointed.
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What a beautiful piece of art in motion
24 December 2020
Words are lost for me at the moment. Midway through the movie I learned that a very close friend lost his father. The sense of loss and what might or should have been rings in my head. George Clooney encapsulated that feeling so brilliantly in this movie. I highly recommend it, but prepare yourself for that feeling of loss. It takes a special person to express it with such emotion.
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Why all the hate?
24 November 2020
Well I had a great review written but it was erased when I switched to another site to fact check some other movies. What I wanted to say was this is a hard movie to watch. It's hard bc it's honest. We all have our struggles and this is another depiction of an honest struggle families have. In America we like to place labels. In this case the labels are hillbilly, red neck, or white trash. It's all true, but it doesn't mean that's bad. It means it's honest. It makes me think of other honest movies about American families like Crooklyn, Ordinary People or Kramer vs Kramer. In this year of 2020 the word struggle comes up time and again, but let's not forget another truly American symbolic word .... perseverance. Watch this movie and know that if you're down and feel like the world is against you just keep fighting and persevere. I hope this movie can inspire that feeling. It did for me.
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Dubbed w/terrible acting
19 November 2020
In this mini series the Israel Defense Forces, or Tzahal, are portrayed as a bunch of whiny toy soldiers. Everything I've read/watched about the Israelite army they are extremely well trained, hardcore and battle tested. This mini-series depicts the exact opposite. Here they are either cowards afraid of their own shadows or all talk. Very overrated.
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The Witcher (2019– )
9 November 2020
Netflix - iIt's very simple, if you cancel this show I will cancel my account.
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Da 5 Bloods (2020)
Mostly a snooze fest, but had its moments
12 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
(11/24/20 revision ... the initial review was done before the untimely and tragic death of Chadwick Boseman. In the pre-edited version I simply listed him as Black Panther bc of his fame from that movie. I apologize bc he deserves much more credit than I gave at the time). What caught me off guard from the start of this movie were the flashbacks. I understood that all of the older men survived the war except OG soldier, Chadwick Boseman. What I didn't understand was that the older men remained old in the flashbacks. The whole point of a flashback is to ..... FLASH .... BACK. It was hard for me to see the same old men going back to Vietnam to find their friend (and something else), but look exactly the same as their modern day versions. Da 5 Bloods took a lot of liberties with reality, yet tried to be a realistic movie about black military men fighting during the Vietnam War. There are parts of the movie that work, like when the old vets reunite and reminisce. Spike Lee is a once in a generation director. I will watch whatever he produces. And 9 times out of 10 I'll enjoy it and take some human emotional aspect from it with me. But even the great one's can't hit a home run or nail the 3-pointer on every attempt.
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7500 (2019)
25 June 2020
(11/24/20 revision). Ok, I watched this a second time with my dad and found some flaws in the storytelling. However from an entertainment perspective it's still worth seeing. Just watch the first 20 mins and you'll want to finish the movie. Still great acting, but not as realistic as I initially thought.
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ZeroZeroZero (2019–2020)
Raw and Gritty
16 March 2020
Plain and simple this is the series you want to watch if you liked Narcos, The Wire and any other crime/drama. I was at first skeptical but give it one full episode and you'll be hooked. What an amazing work of art. The actors were superb, and it would be shameful if at they don't get recognized at the next award season. The way the story was guided with emotion and sound rather than dialogue was genius. Less is more in so many ways for this show. Very highly recommended.
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Timeless treasure
27 December 2019
I love, love, love this movie. I can remember as a teenager watching this movie every time it played on HBO. It was so easy to get caught up and lost in the fantasy. Excellent acting combined with magnificent direction and story. If it's listed while you're channel surfing then do yourself a favor and watch it!
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The Professor (I) (2018)
In a word .... Perspective
17 November 2019
Until you come face to face with your own mortality it's difficult to understand and therefore appreciate a movie like this. For an actor with the status and fame of Johnny Dep to take this on is admirable. We all go through phases in life. Perhaps the most important phase is the end. Most choose not to accept, and even more choose not to embrace it. We all will die. That is a fact. Rather than a whisper in the ear this movie shouts to us ... LIVE life to the fullest and Seize the day! This movie addresses that better than most. I loved it and identify with it. The final scene was absolutely perfect.
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Country Music (2019)
God Bless Ken Burns
25 September 2019
From Baseball to Vietnam Ken Burns has masterfully captured the emotion and soul of the subject. Now with Country Music his comprehensive and engaging storytelling has reached its majestic peak. What a wonderful and heartfelt documentary. My words can't compare nor properly applaud his work. Tears from memories both sad and jubilant escape me each night while watching. Thank you.
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History for real
5 November 2018
I'm a white southern boy who witnessed firsthand the genius of John Leguizamo at Raleigh's Goodnight's comedy club. He told us that night he was testing the material for this special. What a truly funny and eye opening quasi lecture he presented. Incredibly entertaining, funny, and informative. Props to Leguizamo on another amazing performance. I highly recommend for anyone, especially some of the more ignorant white MAGA supporters out there (you know who you are)!
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