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Ted (2024)
PC crap from the 2020s in 1993 setting
13 January 2024
It started out quite fun, but the more you watch the more you realize that's its all about taking the political correctness of the last 15 years, and placing it in a 1990s setting.

And it's not subtle. It is showing any pc opinion down the viewers trough hard.

There are nothing funny or new about this.. there are hundreds of movies and shows made in the last years that have the same approach. Any real human behavior are bad, any traditional values are bad, any opinions not formed in the last 5 years by the extreme left are not valid.

This just falls into the same writing as Orville, and that killed it for me.

It does seem like Seth MacFarlane are using every show he makes, to spread his religion.
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Something wrong with the writing, dialogue, and acting/directing
22 December 2023
As an other reviewer wrote, there are wooden language, wooden expressions and wooden dialogue.

The first ting I noticed in the movie was the words the actors spoke seemed like they had been written by a teenager... so many pointless words.

Then there where the actors speaking the words, they just seemed wierd and emotionless.

Then there are the action scenes. There are a lot of them, and they could have been really good. But the editing are just a bunch of normal speed, slow speed clipping to make it look good, and the bad guys just stand still doing nothing while the "hero" spends minutes moving around in the open...

CGI/Greenscreen galore.. but very well done. So this is perhaps the strongest part of the movie.

Waisted and nonsense slowmo sections... there are so many of them... and they are so pointless and gives nothing to the movie. There are movies and directors that know how to use slow motion sequences in a movie, and then there are this movie and director, that did not take that class... it's just a waist of time.

In summary, if you are able to ignore all the writing, dialogue, acting/directing issues... its a passable scifi action movie.

The movie could have been so much better, because there is a decent enough story underneath.. and they obviously had enough money to do what they wanted...

I'm assuming Netflix payed for this. So I'm guessing that there where a big payday for writer/director and no requirements for quality on the delivered product. So they just cut from the budget anyone that could have given the director feedback on the uality issues.
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Ok, but could be better
6 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Being a Norwegian, I might be biased, but there are a few things that could be better.

The films plays on cultural differences between Norway and the US, but the actors could be more "stereo typical" American. And it would have helped if all the actors where actually americans with US accents (the two women in the family did not talk with American accents) The characters themselves could maybe have been more inspired Clark Griswold's family:)

As for the scenes with the Norwegian police, they seemed poorly developed.

The concept of the Christmas Dinner with the neighbours, and the need for alcohol before we(Norwegians) get social are unfortunately correct, but these scenes could also be fleshed out. I think every Norwegian have experienced funny situations at what we call "Christmas table" (Christmas party that almost every one arranges in November/December) at that could have been included.

As for why they use the term "elf" in the movie, it seems a bit wrong. In Norway we use the term "låve nisse", similar to "jule nisse" that means "santa clause". So a better translation would be "Barn Santa",, but i also see that "gnome" have been used.

The fights with the "elfs" in the House where a good idea, but poorly executed.

Overall, the movie is neither a very good comedy or a horror movie, but an ok watch.
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The Wheel of Time (2021– )
Season 2 episode 8 - Its starting to be great:)
6 October 2023
So I've been a bit on the fence about this show.

I really liked the books, but its been some years since i read them, so all i remember are the main strokes of the story and the feeling i had when reading them.

Season 1 and 2 have been very good, and there are a lot of great actors but also a few I've not been to fond of.

Rosamund Pike have been one of my favorite British actresses for many years, almost up there with Helen Mirren.

But in season 2 episode 8, I think I finally fell in love with this series and the way they portray the story from the book.

I still think a few of the characters haven't gotten the space to shine yet, but this is definitely one of the best recent series.

I'm really looking forward to the next episode.
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I laughed and almost cried :)
3 August 2023
If you have watched every episode of star trek, from the original trough the enterprise, deep space nice, voyager and even the new ones (not counting the movies, and discovery) , you know that Star Trek is about curiosity, hope for the future, fun, and Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations :) And music have always been part of this.

And from time to time, an episode sticks out, where the writers and actors do something totally different.

When they started singing in this episode i laughed and almost cried:) This was a direct trip down memory lane, to the surprising funny musical numbers that came up from time to time in the old series.

Take it for what it is, a Star Trek musical episode :)

I loved it, and that the writers and actors where allowed to show of some other skills:)
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Lioness (2023– )
Expensive looking series, but have to ignore realities and you most likely have seen this before
23 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So suspending any knowledge of reality is quite important. The series starts with an attack on a US base in Syria, and the capture of an American female spy by the usual bad guys.

So to be able to enjoy the action series, lets forget that most of the world know that the US are occupying parts of Syria, have been supplying the before mentioned bad guys with weapons and other items for the last 12 years, and that the before mentioned bad guys are ISIS and Al Nusra (Al Qaeda). But hey, all good as long as the bad guys are fighting the Syrian government forces and the Russians, and as long as the US can steal Syrias oil.

So, the before mentioned is forgotten, and the action drama/thriller seem to run in the same tracks as many other US made war action dramas. Nothing in the first episode that you have not seen before.

There are a lot of well known good actors, and the first episode looks like it have expensive sets and locations. Action sequences are quite good.
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Classic US war propaganda, to attempt to rewrite history in US/Western public
15 July 2023
This movie is a decent enough action drama, but it is a US propaganda movie. Very similar to the many other movies that always come out after the US gives up, or looses a war.

The final texts in the final scenes tells it all.

Using the word "US completed their departure", instead of the actual fact that they was kicked out when they lost.

Using the word "US campaign", instead of the actual fact that is was a "US started war, an invasion and an occupation" Writing about a few hundreds US employed interpreters that have been killed, instead of the hundreds of thousands of afghans dead that the "US invasion and occupation" caused.

If you look at movies that came out after the Korean war, Vietnam war, first and second Irak war, Syria and Libya, the US always does this... pump out so many propaganda movies to rewrite the history in the mind of the western society, up to the point that an average western person no longer knows the real history.

But by all means, it's a decent enough action drama to watch, but you should get an upset stomach after watching, like I did, when you know this is an propaganda attempt to change the facts on what the US does in the world.
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Its just brilliant so far
29 June 2023
I rarely score anything a 10, but Strange New World are just brilliant.

Writing this after season 2 episode 2.

Forget all the other hollywoodesk "dark" Star Trek movies and series that's been the last years, where they speculated to the little intelligent desire for conflict and action from the audience.

This series is back to it's roots, that for me started with ST Enterprise in the '90s, when I got hooked and watched all the others.

The stories, writing, actors brings back the same feeling that I had over 30 years ago.

I look forward to the next episode.

And thanks to whoever championed a change in the Star Trek storywriting from what have been released the last 15 + years.
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Moon Man (2022)
One of the best and funniest opening sequences in a long time
9 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie had one of the best opening sequence in a movie i've seen in a long time. It was so funny and I laughed out loud many times. When he had the headphones on, and finally saw what was going on outside the window, and then racing after the ships, I got flashback to one of those Jackie Chan movies that used to also have really funny action comedy in the opening sequences.

Some of the sequences with the kangaroo was priceless:)

After the opening, the movie had its ups and downs. It really plays on your emotions, as I think many Chinese movies seem to do.

But it's sort of the same as other "disaster" movies tries to do, like "Armageddon" did back in the day.

I do wish that the movie had kept up as a action comedy trough out, and not switched to a "drama" in the end, but overall, this was a very good movie.
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That '90s Show (2023– )
3 episode in, its Kitty and reds show
19 January 2023
3 episodes in, the kids are still anonymous, stereotypical, and their scenes are NOT very funny.

Feels very much a focus on being PC in the casting and writing.

Not sure about the age of the actors, but they definitely don't all feel like kids in the same age group.

But if you miss Kitty and Red, and enjoyed the humor in their scenes, it's a fun show.

The premise of the show, Daughter of Erik and Donna moving in with Red and Kitty are nice, and the drop in scenes with of the old cast are quite good.

Love Feez so hope he will be a repeat cast of the the show.

Will recommend the show, IF you where a Red and Kitty fan😀
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I'm so disappointed by this series
28 September 2022
I love Michael Palins travel documentaries, but two episodes in, and I'm disappointed by the lack of research? Into Iraks recent history, and the easy conclusions that are presented on several topics.

  • Yes, Saddam was a bad guy, but the war on Irak, committed by US and UK was illegal in accordance with international law. This is never mentioned.

  • There are estimates ranging from 155 000 to 1 million Irak deaths due to this illigal war, and US and UK's actions. This is not mentioned.

  • One could also say that the problems Irak have faced in recent history, where caused by UK colonial policies and western oil companies "greed" that started in the 1930s, but this is not mentioned, other than that it was UK companies that started the oil production.

  • The Iran-Irak war, that are mentioned trough the showing of the "victory arch", again does not mentioned that it was a horrific war from 1980 to 1988, with an estimate of 1 to 2 million people that died. An again Saddam was whole heartedly supported by US, UK, France, The Saudies, Kuwait, and even the Sovjets.

So in my mind, when the series and Palin does not also present/discuss the enormous guildt/dept the western nations should have, and his own UK should have, for all the atrocities that have befallen Irak since the 1930s, then it would have been better to just do a travel documentary, without mentioning any of the things that have happened in the past.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
I watched all of GOT in the last week in preparation... and was let down..
21 August 2022
I've really waited for this. There are so many stories that could be told, from the time before GOT as prequals or sequals.

I prepped myself by spending the last week watching all of GOT, to get into the Westeros again.

But unfortunately the first episode was a let down.

There where a lot of nudity, sex and violence in GOT. And there where people that where gay, lesbian, eunuchs, and incest drove a major storyline. It was edgy and something no one else dared to produce.

But in GOT those scenes always seemed to be there to drive the story, or tell us something about a character.

Not so in the first episode of the house of dragon.

After the first episode I'm not in the least invested in any of the characters, there are no one I'm waiting in anticipation to learn more of.

I'm not sure if this is a worthy successor to GOT, but I have a sneaking suspicion that what we will get are a boring drama, with some GOTish scenes put in so they can believe they have satisfied GOT fans.
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Tom playing on the nostalgia, not hitting homerun
18 August 2022
Top Gun came out in a period of a lot of great movies, but unfortunately like many of them, they are picked up for reboots or remakes since that seems to be the way of the world. Few original stories anymore.

The movie is fine, but nothing special.

If you remember Top Gun, and why you thought that was a good movie, you will probably be disappointed.

If you never seen Top Gun, then this is an ok action/drama.

Tom Cruise, with a lot of help from someone/something, manages to shave of 10/14 years and get to look like a guy in his late fourties, playing with the young kids.

Val Kilmer, just a few years older than Tom, unfortunately does not.

He just looks really old.
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Into the Badlands (2015–2019)
Having watched the series again, its just so great :)
8 August 2022
If you're tired of the boring so called action/scifi's that just ends up as a boring drama, with never ending chitchat.. this is still the series for you:)

This has to be the series with most stunts for each episode.

Almost non stop action.

Its a shame it was cancelled, as I would really have liked a few more seasons of this.
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Not much law or order, but quite a lot of action
22 July 2022
From an action point, there are a lot of it. So thats good.

But there seem to be little law and order. Interrogations without people asking for and getting legal council. People pulling out and showing the whole investigation board to suspects, that could divulge information to outsiders (if they asked for lawyer), a lot of stupid decisions (running after armed suspects alone, when there are a bunch of other officers around), and from an computer hacking perspective, it's just dumb (hire some better writers that know a little bit more than having watched other bad hacking series)

Its an OK show, and is fast paced, so if that's your thing, and you can ignore some mildly irritation stupidities, then it's a show for you:)
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Resident Evil (2022)
3 points for being a resident evil / zombie series
14 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
After having watched all 8 episodes, i've come to the conclusion that.

Nobody agreed what the series was supposed to be, so its a mishmash of attempts at comedy, action, thriller and horror, but end up with not being any of them, but just more teen angst drama.

The sisters (young) was just not likable, and just annoying. Combination of badly written parts and the actors selected.

Same story with the "old" sisters.

To many stupid scenes/things the writers got the actors to do, so no immersion or sympathy for the characters.

Huge fan of Lance Riddick, but in this the writers did not use him very well.

The storyline with all the different Weskers should have started way earlier, and Burt, Albert and the others should have been used for much more comedic effect than it did. This could have replaced most of the teen angst scenes with the sisters.

Finally the performance of the actor playing Evelyn was quite bad, combined with bad writing it was just horrible.

The one interesting thing that could have been more of is the storyline about how the one sister, managed to "take over".

I doubt there will be an second season. And if there is, I hope they replace the writers, get rid of the teen angst stores that everyone seem to want to make these days, and decide on what type of series it's supposed to be, and stick to it.
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Irma Vep (2022)
2 episodes in, and wont see the rest
4 July 2022
Should have read the reviews before starting to watch this. I've stuck with it for 2 episodes, and its just boring.

A "movie within a movie", could have been a good concept, but this is just a snoozefest.
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The Terminal List (2022– )
Great thriller with a lot of action
2 July 2022
I really liked this series.

Nice action, great story, good actors, good direction.

Constance Wu is great as always.

I usually think about Christ Pratt based on his action comedy performances, but he does hold his own in this thriller.
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The Orville (2017–2022)
This show is just waiting to be cancelled.. s3 is really going downhill
30 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If you enjoyed season 1 and maybe 2, then its not that certain you'll like season 3.

Every show out there this year, including season 3 of Orville, seems to have a mission of shoving the US variant of political correctness down you're throat.

As for episode 5, they play fast and loose with a serious and complicated topic, and it actually made me sick to my stomach, in the way they (first officer, doctor and captain) knows so much better than one of the parents whats best for the child. And the doc is more than willing to slice and dice the kid up, because kids know what's best for themselves of course.

Stopped watching a little over halfway in, and I think Orville is of my viewing list now.
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Elementary (2012–2019)
Interesting twist on sherlock in the beginning, then quickly downhill
29 June 2022
In the beginning it was an interesting twist on a modern Sherlock and Watson, but it went downhill to the mediocre quite fast.

If/when you get to season 4-6, its just plane lazy writing.

Sherlock, or the police presents their "evidence" and every criminal just talks and admits their wrongs.. You can binge this, but don't be surprised if you doze off and wake up after to or three episodes, and you continue none the wiser that you missed out on a few episodes.
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Ms. Marvel (2022)
More Disney for kids than MCU
8 June 2022
We have probably been spoiled with MCU series that have a lot of action in them.

This show is more Disney than MCU, and the target audience seems to be tween and below.

It's a fun little show, and loved all the pakistani references.
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The Orville: Electric Sheep (2022)
Season 3, Episode 1
To heavy for first episode.. and wooden acting
2 June 2022
I've missed Orville, but this episode was not very good, or seemed to be a good choice for a first episode after a 3 year break.

Also it seemed that there where a lot of "wooden" acting. For example captain and number 1 sitting on the bridge scenes seemed weird. The scenes with the engineering LT where quite bad, and he did not seem to be able to act very good.

Overall not the Orville I remembered.
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Still a letdown 5 years later
30 May 2022
Just finished a 70 episode Suchet Poirot marathon for the third time since 2013.

Then re-watched the 1974 Murder on the orient express. Storyline and all characters except Poirot are very good.

Then did the 2017 Branagh movie. It's still a letdown. Branagh are not doing a very good interpretation of Poirot, and things are added/changed in the story seemingly without reason.

They also added/changed to the storyline for Suchet's Murder on the orient express, but at least that was part of the Poirot character development across the 70 episodes.

If you watch this movie as a simple mystery/crime movie, its quite good. If you love Poirot as interpreted by Suchet, then you will be disappointed.
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Not a good show..
4 May 2022
I really don't get this show, but then I quit Walking Dead after the first few seasons, when they started to reuse the same script from season to season. This one, is just a bunch of hysterical teenagers.

Quite boring.
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Moon Knight (2022)
Different but fun
4 May 2022
I was a bit sceptical at first, but season 1 turned out to be quite fun.

I don't know how true this was to the comic, as I've never read it, but it does not feel like a Marvel series.

I hope they make a season 2, and explore more of the Egyptian mythology.
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