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No logic, no joy, no ending
9 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The movie starts off allright, then it's just downhill from there. We have to believe that a 16 year old boy can make people deadly sick, and then make them well again. All without any explanation.

He even tell the parents that he's what will happen, and both beeing doctors they don't even let the hospital run tests for poison! What?

Then the man kills one of his own children, for the other to gett well. And in the end he does nothing to the lunatic and psycopath who did it all. They even meet in a diner and just stare at each other. The End.

This is probable one of the worst movies I have ever seen.
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The Beekeeper (2024)
Fight - make money - Repeat
30 January 2024
Jason Statham does the same movie - again - that he's been doing the last 20 years. This time without a script. They just stacked a number of fight and action scenes on top of each other, then called it a movie.

Statham has done a few rather good movies like this. For example "Homefront". That movie had a script and good acting. But this... What is this? Is it made for teenage boys? For adults? For girls? Boys? I don't know, but the result is nothing new, nothing thrilling and nothing fun.

So what do we got. Well, that's a really good question. The problem is that there's very, very hard to find a good answer.
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Ferrari (2023)
No, no, and no
23 January 2024
So tell me this: How come a man with a wife that looks like Penelope Cruz having an affair with another woman? It doesn't makes sense. And why, would that other woman, half his age, have any interest in that man?

Well, that's only one of the many problems with this movie. They tried to mix family drama with racing, and it doesn't work. Neither the family parts or the racing parts are thrilling, or even interesting. I wish they were because I wanted to like this movie, but couldn't.

So why see this movie? Hmm, well, I don't know really. The only think I do know is that Hollywood finds it harder and harder to make a good movie.
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Another one bites the dust
17 December 2023
Well, here's another one. A female lead that doesn't show any emotions at all, whatever she discovers about her husband. She just plows along, looking a little bit confused, when the director tell her to do that.

Otherwise it's the usual story line with questions upon questions, upon question. None of them being answered off course. So the viewer just sits there wondering what's going on. And to be honest, it's not that interesting. It's hard to connect to any of the characters, and you start thinking about other things. Like why you're wasting your time watching this.

So... well; nothing new here.
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Priscilla (2023)
Bland and boring
16 December 2023
How can they make such an interesting story into such an uniteresting movie? Well, that's a good question.

Some of the reasons as follows.

No chemistry. No emotions. No sensuality or sex. Nothing interesting happens. No new insights. No real suspense, tension, happiness, joy or emotions. Just actors trying to act without any real feeling getting through to the viewer.

And the actor that plays Elvis are to tall for the role. He doesn't come through as someone that millions of girls and guys would love. And what about the music? Just a collection of songs that have no relation to Elvis.

Nope, this is just a bland and boring try to tell the Priscilla - Elvis story, without actually telling us more than a short written article could do as good, or bad.
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Reacher: ATM (2023)
Season 2, Episode 1
Rather boring and generic
15 December 2023
First season of "Reacher" was really good. But, unfortunately now - not so much. A rather bland and boring episode with Reacher as this giant who can handle anything. He's not Reacher anymore, he's a superhero and that means zero suspense.

The supporting characters are all uninteresting and the back story doesn't add anything, but it takes away the flow of the story. So, well, I guess the first season was a shot of luck, and I'm not expecting this to be worth following.

I'm gonna give it some more time, but not expecting it to change much in the coming episodes. I for sure hope it will, but it seems that it has lost it's touch.
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The Killer (2023)
Waste of time
12 November 2023
Oh, wow, this was a boring one. From the first shot we realise that this hitman is a amateur. Then we have to follow this bozo around for two hours. Listening to endless boring thoughts about life, and... well I don't know what really.

The action is sub par, and the story are just confused and pointless. If this movie was made by another director who doesn't have a fan base that likes everything - it would just passed unoticed.

So... is it anything good to say about the movie. Hmm, let's see. There must be something... Oh yes, maybe it could be that there's not much of the usual Hollywood virtue signalling in it.
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Maestro (I) (2023)
A smoking movie
9 November 2023
Well, just trying to be funny. This is just another vanity project that been funded by big tobacco.

If you love classical music you will be disappointed, because this movie is not about music, conducting, orchestras or about musicians. It's about a smoking, a boring and a rather bland man and his wife.

This could have been a great well to get some knowledge about how conducting or a great classical orchestras work, but no, you will not get that in this movie. I'm a bit surprised because Cooper is a really good actor with great charisma, so that makes this train wreck even more surprising. But I guess, the good story just went up in smoke.

  • that how it goes.
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Pain Hustlers (2023)
Tobacco commercial
4 November 2023
So... you do a movie about the bad morals of big pharma - and at the same time you're being paid by big tobacco.

So in almost very scene the main characters have to pretend to smoke. You can see, off course, that they're not stupid enough to smoke in real life. But... if it brings a big pay check off course they both smoke and vaping to their hearts content.

And.,. Then there's the small problem of actually building a story around the smoking. And that, it turns out, is more difficult. So instead of doing a real movie they are just talking, and talking, with boring long dialouge and voice overs.

So please save you time, and spare yourself from this. You've seen it all before, in musch better versions.
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Dumb Money (2023)
Dumb Money is a Dumb Movie
9 October 2023
So, you think this could be a movie to make us understand what really happened? You may think it's a movie with interesting characters doing and saying interesting things. Maybe you think the movie would give a little bit more than a four paragraph written article? Well... this is not that movie.

Silly, shallow people in a silly and shallow movie, that's what we get here. It's also a bit dangerous, because the movie like to tell us how easy it is to get rich, by picking the right stocks. It's not. Most of the time it's a sure way for anyone to loose money. But of course the movie makers don't care about that.
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Retribution (I) (2023)
Bratty kids in the backseat
15 September 2023
So, Liam Neeson sits on a bomb, and in the backseat of the luxury car sits his two bratty, spoiled kids yapping away. Through the whole movie they are just terrible and we, the audience, has to endure their ungrateful attitude towards their dad. Awful.

And the story... oh the story. You have seen it several times already, starting with the movie "Speed" ages ago. And here it is again. But while "Speed" was interesting and fun to watch, this is just boring. A movie without any logic and fun factor. So why should anyone see this movie? Well, that's a very good question, that I can't find any answer too.
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Talk to Me (I) (2022)
Doesn't work
11 September 2023
This was really bad. Just bad acting, no story and not scary. All the main characters are unlikable and rather stupid.

I found the whole thing quite boring and there was no logic in anything that happened. Yes, I know it's a horror movie, but still, it has to involve something that keeps your interest - and that part is missing. When the main character show her stupidity when finding a wounded animal by the road - You just out of reasons to care for that person at all.

So why all the good reviews? Well, I guess the hype machine worked on this one. At least something that worked, because the movie did not.
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Painkiller (2023)
2 September 2023
It starts with Aduba, being annoying and irritating. And that will continue through the whole series. The point of this show is not to give respect to the people that actually are in terrible pain and need Oxycontin, without any addiction problem.

No this show are just a cheap way of making some money on the story, by simplifying it to make it seem like all people that have used Oxycontin have become addicts. And that's not a good way to describe something that have actually helped a lot of people dealing with terrible pain and helped them living a normal life, without ever being addicted to the drug.

But Neflix don't care about accuracy, they just want to make money.
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Corner Office (2022)
A story about how the workplace treats people that don't fit in
21 August 2023
Have you ever wanted to do something in your workplace, that you knew would have been the right way to do it? And then the boss said you wasn't allowed and forced you to do it another way - with a much worse result.

Well, that's kind of what this film is about. It's about how people with a great integrity don't get accepted. In todays society it's more important to be an extrovert, a talker, and a show off. That what makes you accepted and sometimes successful. But if you want to to things your way, maybe being a bit of an introvert - that's not accepted.

The person in the movie have found ways to do brilliant work - but not in the way other people are doing it. So even if he's brilliant, he never get's accepted.

At least that's my take on this movie. And if you can find time to relax, and land, maybe you would appreciate this unusual and slow moving story. I know I did.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Boring war propaganda
28 July 2023
Strike one: This movie is just a boring mess! Three hours of middle aged men in brown clothes talking, and talking, and talking - just barely audible above the irritating soundtrack.

Strike two: The movie completely ignores the hundred of thousands civilians that got burned, killed and left with horrible injuries from the bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Strike three: The movie has zero tension. It jumps between different timelines in a most irritating way. It uses shaky hand camera, together with bad cinematography and cheap looking sets.

And you're out: The result is a over hyped piece of nothing. They can't even get the test explosion right. I've seen better explosions in B-movies. Please don't give them your hard earned money for this over expensive garbage.
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Bad and boring
2 July 2023
This is not a Indiana Jones movie. This is a "Indiana Jane" movie. The whole show is about making the very unlikable Helena-character the star of the movie. She have all the good lines (or at least that was the writers intention).

At the same time they have made Indiana Jones an old, depressed man that all through the movie is patronised by Phoebe Waller-Bridge. She abuses Indy by hitting him, making fun of his ideas and knowledge, and even trying to kill him. Is that fun watching? Ni it's not, it's depressing and to be honest straight out insulting to the viewer and true Indy fan.

So this 300 million mess is also boring. The action scenes are just CGI and is not taken seriously and therefore only becomes distractions of the story. And the story... it's even worse with logical gaps the size of Grand Canyon. But the writers don't care, they make a 12 year old fly a plane, and land it. That's the level of realism we get.

So, please save your hard earned money and see the first movie instead. That one still shines while this is one is pure garbage.
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BlackBerry (2023)
Terrible directing
3 June 2023
Why, oh why do they use shaky hand camera? Ever heard about tripods? The directing of this movie takes away a lot of the enjoyment watching this. The other problem is that it's not realistic. Even the opening scene with at stupid manager doing being very rude and stupid when the guys are presenting the idea.

This could have been a very interesting story, like the book it's based on But instead of doing a real movie they try to do a mocumentary and totally fail at it. And that's a real pity because this could have been both interesting and entertaining. But sitting there being more and more irritated about the shaky cam is just not worth it.
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Propaganda for you who still believe in the official narrative
11 May 2023
So... why do they still let Guy Ritchie make movies? His star burned out for over ten years ago, and still they let him make the same film over and over and over. And all of them are just parodies.

This movie is no exception. Boring, bland, bad acting, bad direction. And of course, as more and more frequent nowadays - no story.

I guess it's a money grab for Gyllenhaal and Ritchie, but don't waste your time on this piece of political propaganda.

This movie really feel dated even if its new. The values seem dated. The movie making seem dated. The music sounds dated. And the bad feeling you get when you realise that you wasted hours of your time on THIS - most def. Seems wasted.
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Lizzy Caplan is brilliant
2 May 2023
This is a series for grownups. Instead of catering to the kids they focus on adults. I like that. Unfortunately they have included a story line with the daughter, that go nowhere, and probably is there to interest the younger viewer too. That's a misstake.

The two main characters are interesting enough to follow, and i wish they would have focused on only that. Having said that the series are still interesting and in a way a bit unique. The dialogue is believable and the acting from the two main characters are good.

Best of all is the chance to watch Lizzy Caplan. She is gorgeous and also very convincing in this role. I love how she show her range in this series and i really feel for her. Please don't compare this series to the movie - this is not a remake, but a different take on the same story.
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Last Sentinel (2023)
Missed opportunity
30 April 2023
So... it's supposed to be 2063; so why are they using 1980s technology? The actress and actors are allright but the story are sooo boring, and the sets are too.

They never tell us what the story are or what has happned. It just seems like they once had an interesting idea but wasn't able to excute it the right way.

So what is left is bland sets, and rather boring characters in a boring setting doing rather boring things. I can't understand why anyone would give this a score over 2. What did I miss? A movie should be something that draws you in and make you wanna see more. This movie fails in doing that.
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Scream VI (2023)
Sadistic and useless
30 April 2023
This film was probably one of the worst films I've ever seen. Totally pointless, with a silly story, sadistic slashing and actors who can't act. It seems like that the writers put a few key words in a AI system and then this came out.

So what's wo bad with it then? Well... to tell you the truth - everything. I can't fins one redeeming thing about this garbage. It's just porn movie acting, and then slash scenes instead of sex. How anyone can see this and rate it higher than two is a mystery to me.

Please close down the franchise its not working anymore. The concept is so watered down and has lost all originality.
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Whiny teenager warning
14 April 2023
The story seems to be interesting. But why does every teenager in every movie or series be a rude and spoiled brat? Are there no normal young girls in the US?

And how fun is it to see her being boring, awkward, and just plain out stupid? Answer: No fun at all. So apart from that, if you can see past this boring girl, this is a somewhat ok thriller so far. Good direction and good actors (apart from you know who).

The continuing enjoyment of this series is all upp to the whiny teenager to decide. And if we get some answers and not only a very long chase, this could actually be something. But, and again it probably wont...
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Jury Duty (2023– )
12 April 2023
The guy are of course in on it too. No one can miss as much as he does. You also see it in his (over) reactions in some situations. Not the big ones, but small things in his face. So with that said the comedy are useless, because the so called comedy is not comedy, but just scripted happenings.

I wanted to like this but unfortunately it didn't work, for me. Maybe some people could find this amusing, but I would have liked it a lot better if the main guy really was unaware of "the joke". But, I don't think he is, and that makes it kind of... meh.

Sorry, but there's not much more to say about this.
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Lies and more lies
10 April 2023
So the three letter agencies have made a spinning piece to make it seem like they were the good guys. The went in, guns blazing and burned children, women and men alive - and this so called documentary makes the government the heroes.

Very dishonest and it's a shame that the production eat everything that the three letter agencies says and treats it like it were true. This is NOT a real doc. But just a project to spin everything so it looks like everything the authorities did was good.

There's no mentioning of that it was the FBI and ATF.s actions that killed the people inside. And that makes everyone that's involved in this production a big hypocrite.
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Class of '07 (2023– )
A breath of fresh air!
3 April 2023
At last a series that's original, fun, well made, and totally free of politics and political correctness.

This show kept me entertained and amused with its interesting story, hilarious acting and great directing.

Hollywood - watch and learn.

I wish I'd paced myself but it was impossible not to binge watch this all women, high scool reunion, take on thems from lord of the flies, apocalyptic shows, and just fun and interesting characters.

I have nothing bad to say about this show. So... if you like to see something different, fun, but also with characters that are both good and bad, and fun. Watch this.
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