
7 Reviews
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Des: Episode #1.1 (2020)
Season 1, Episode 1
Great start
14 September 2020
The acting was superb, story compelling and does everything the first episode should. Can't wait for the rest of the series
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Terrifier (2016)
Horror roots
18 August 2020
Exceptional acting, especially from Art The Clown but it's this movies special effects and gore that really excels. Whilst I would've liked a more developed story there's still plenty here to enjoy. That said, don't watch this if you're squeamish.. this film has NO filter.
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Layers of Fear 2 (2019 Video Game)
Decent Horror Game
16 June 2019
With Act 1 & 4 being my highlights of the game I would say LOF2 was incredible and did the original justice. However I feel Acts 2&3, despite delivering the story, drag the game down because they're mostly walking simulators and are purely there to explain the story. But as an experience all together I would say LOF2 is the best game delivered to us from Bloober so far and whilst it has some boring elements, they're many great ones to make up for it. 8/10
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Toy Story 4 (2019)
Great to see them back in action!
16 June 2019
The pacing, characters and chemesitry is incredible - as we have come to expect over the years. However Toy Story 4 isn't the master piece conclusion to such a well know trilogy, TS3 was. Despite this it still manages to have some enjoyable and memorable moments and is definitely worth your time to check out!
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A videogame movie done right!
3 May 2019
This was a videogame movie done right! It has humour for both children and adults as well as an intresting storyline that does hold some weight. Great movie 8/10
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Last Year: The Nightmare (2018 Video Game)
Fun and replayable!
15 February 2019
This game is very similar to most multiplayer survival horror games although this one manages to deliver a new experience everytime since the game objective constantly changes as well as the maps always changing. With more maps and objectives to be added in the near future, I can highly recommend this game!
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What's everyone on about?
12 January 2019
I'm not really sure why they're loads of negative reviews for this film since I thought it was fairly enjoyable! The acting was realistic,the gore was decent, the jumpscares where good and the story was alright, so I ask the question. Why have people only given this film a 5/10?
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