3 Reviews
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Benedetta (2021)
Thank you for this twisted perverted fantasy
19 November 2021
I felt like I was back in the 1990s watching this sexploitation-laden, twisted tale of depravity. It's a cult movie in the making that won't be taken serious by virtue-signaling critics who only consider quasi-Disney movies as acceptable entertainment. If nudity offends you, if lesbian sexploitation offends you, if dislike movies that are morally reckless and fun, then this movie is not for you. It falls somewhere between SHOWGIRLS and THE TRANSGRESSOR (1974); yes, it falls into the category of nunsploitation, but it's also gorgeously shot and intense. The actors are all phenomenal and I hope this director continues to makes movies, staying far away from Hollywood where all this level of nudity and transgression is no longer allowed in order to make "safe" films for Marvel Comics audience members.
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Cheesy, wish-fullment Fantasy for 13 year old girls (or under)
19 November 2021
Edgar Wright is totally pandering to the pre-teen set on this one. If you are an adult will find your eyes glazing over after the first 5 minutes. Took my young niece to it (she's 8) and she totally enjoyed it; I absolutely hated this movie from start to finish but I kept my mouth shut not to lessen the enjoyment of my niece. Kept my opinion entirely to myself ... until now. Honestly, I felt I was watching a Walt Disney movie -- it has that level of girlish cheese. One star to make up for all the "glowing" reviews from virtue signaling twits.
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Original Interpretation of an interesting story -- for adults
19 October 2017
Fantastic film. But not as sexual as the advertisements promised. In fact, apart from the curse words, this film should be rated PG-13 at best. I found it surprisingly chaste.

The first thing you should know is that this film is NOT based on the book, The Secret History of Wonder Woman. It is based on original research by the director/writer of the movie, who did a great job interpreting the story her own way. It's a story about what happens when you defy convention! And the good that can come of it.

Is it factual? Mostly, yes. Kinkiness and BDSM is in the book as well (just read it), not to mention the early comics of Wonder Woman. Anyone denying the lesbian/BDSM content of the real story and the BDSM content of the comic ... is in denial. Sadly, the granddaughter of William Moulton Marston has campaigned to destroy the film, enlisting the support of conservatives and anti-gay people (of which there are many) to spread the word about how the movie is "fake." But what's fake? It's a fictional retelling, not a documentary, based on a true story. Fake is the show, Fargo, which claims to be based on actual events, but is completely made up. But no one seems to make a big deal about that. Why? No BDSM or lesbian content in it -- so it's perfectly fine? I think certain people need to acknowledge their own prejudice.

Anway, I thought the actors were solid. The director did a great job telling an unconventional story. This is a movie for adults, obviously. I could see this film as a theater piece -- a Broadway play -- actually -- particularly those dress-up scenes with the Frenchman, Charles Guyette, the "G-String King." Very theatrical indeed.
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