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Doctor Who: Wild Blue Yonder (2023)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
If the Midnight entity had a body.
3 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The second special takes us to the edge of the universe. The Doctor and Donna are stranded after the Tardis runs away. It knows something bad is here but is also knows that it's close to the end of the countdown.

Whilst the set design is cool, there are some iffy moments with the green screen. Maybe a proper set would've suited this episode more. The Disney budget is definitely being used as much as possible. The creatures are very unique in that they take time to fit the size of the original. But also look like a Snapchat filter. Strange choice but it kinda works.

It's great to acknowledge The Doctors absence in Donna's life with the Doctor finally losing it over everything that has happened since the Journeys End.

Absolutely wonderful seeing Bernard Cribbins for the final time. He is the granddad of this show and he will never be forgotten.
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So boring
23 November 2023
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Another Chris Chibnall trope of throwing in multiple random characters into already over saturated plot line.

How hard is it to just stay in one place with one character. I don't care about Vinder or Bel. It just feels like filler because Chibnall doesn't know how to elaborate his concrete characters.

War of the sontarans was great but this one is just too boring and complicated. Weeping Angels, Sontarans, Cybermen, The Grand Serpent, Swarm, Azure and Passenger. It's just way too many.

Don't even get me started on The Doctor becoming The Fugitive Doctor. The CGI of the Doctor floating in the time stream or whatever it is is hilariously bad. If there's one thing the Chibnall era has been good as it it's visuals and cgi, but they flipped here.
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Doctor Who: The Timeless Children (2020)
Season 12, Episode 10
Don't mess with the lore
21 November 2023
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Rule number one in writing a show is don't change the lore! Don't change what numerous writers in the past have built.

Chibnall has destroyed this show with the timeless children. I refuse to believe it's canon. There was no need for the show to go in this direction. The 50th was great at bringing Gallifrey back and giving the Doctor some hope in finding his home again.

Nope, The Master found it and has now destroyed it once again. All because he discovered that The Doctor was the result of multiple experiments. This was something that never needed to be implemented into the show.

It completely derails what William Hartnell and the other Doctors have done over the past 60 years.
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Doctor Who: Fugitive of the Judoon (2020)
Season 12, Episode 5
Jo Martin is the Doctor?!
19 November 2023
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Well, who knew after the shambolic Orphan 55 that we would actually have a decent couple of episodes.

Bringing back a modern who classic in the Judoon. Was a great choice. Classic villains are great but it's nice to see some modern villains getting some love.

What a surprise it was to see Captain Jack as-well! Definitely one of the best characters in the Whoniverse. The lack of companions really adds. The less is more especially with Ryan, Graham and Yaz. It's hard to form any attachment to them as their character development is limited.

Jo Martin as The Doctor is confusing but also brilliant. She's better than the primary school teacher Jodie. I would've been happy if Jo Martin was the 13th Doctor.
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Doctor Who: Resolution (2019)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Bye Christmas Specials
17 November 2023
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Whoever thought New Years special was a good idea was incredibly wrong. There's no novelty or glamorous about New Year's Day.

Big blocky text to show where we are in the scene is atrocious. We don't need to be told we're in Siberia 4 times in the first 10 minutes. Once we've established where it is once that's enough.

We've seen Daleks out of the shell before but being able to latch onto people backs and take control is too much. Since when have they ever been able to do that? What's the point of the shell if they can just grab onto people.

Oh and The Doctor whipping out the sonic and doing that obnoxious gesture is cringey and annoying.
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Doctor Who: The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos (2018)
Season 11, Episode 10
The Battle of Doctor Exposition
17 November 2023
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I really tried to give Jodie a go. But she is just plain awful. The audience are treated like idiots with the amount of exposition The Doctor spews. Series 11 is truly the worst series of any Doctor Who there will be. The fact that this is the FINALE of series 11 really goes to show that Chibnall has no idea what he's doing. I've really missed Capaldis sarcasm and bluntness. Jodie just explaining everything like a primary school teacher. Tim-Shaw as the big bad of this series is hilarious. He had potential but was instantly mocked even by the writers with his name.

10 lacklustre episodes with no recurring villains really alienates it from the rest of the show.
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Doctor Who: The Tsuranga Conundrum (2018)
Season 11, Episode 5
Utterly embarrassed
15 November 2023
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After watching the glorious Capaldi it's really embarrassing to be watching this drivel. I don't think anybody producing this pile of poop actually knows how to make good tv.

How did Chris Chibnall go from Broadchurch and episodes of Torchwood go to this. This is bottom of the pile Doctor Who. Everything I loved growing up as a kid has just been thrown out the window.

Jodie's dialogue is truly awful. Two minutes of nonstop explaining things instead of letting the viewers figure it out with her. But no it's spelt out like a primary school teacher

The supporting cast aren't that bad to be fair. They're just given awful work to do. Probably Who's worst episode up to this point. And that's just after Donald trump and the spiders.
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Doctor Who: Arachnids in the UK (2018)
Season 11, Episode 4
I hate spiders
14 November 2023
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Robot spiders fine. Spiders from the classic era are also fine. But 2019 CGI realistic huge spiders are horrible to watch. There's nothing fun or exciting about one of the most common phobias.

Mix that in with a Donald Trump parody then you have easily the worst episode so far of Jodie's era. Four episodes in and she's really been let down by Chibnalls terrible and cringeworthy writing.

Three companions is obviously too much for Chibnall to handle, so why he feels the need to add in 7 more characters is just idiotic.

Why they felt the need to go from a perfectly fine 45 minute runtime to 50-55 minutes is beyond me. Less is more. Especially with this era.
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Fear the Walking Dead: Keeping Her Alive (2023)
Season 8, Episode 10
End our suffering.
13 November 2023
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Usually I'm lenient with Fear. I know the show has been really poor for the past five seasons but for some reason this episode just annoyed me the most.

Why are walkers able to just sneak up on people and grab them from behind but completely forget how to bite people. The cliche of a walker being on top of someone only to get saved at the last second is boring and old.

Child actors don't work in the walking dead. (The exception being Judith) so why does Fear keep on using them. They're terrible. We've had characters since season 1 that have barely any screen time anymore. Instead we have 8 year olds that have no purpose in the show. Tracy is able to jump off a boat and escape several walkers while being tied up then she's able to walkie Troy.

Thank god there's only 2 episodes left because this episode genuinely made me hate the show.
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Doctor Who: Kill the Moon (2014)
Season 8, Episode 7
It was okay until Clara cried
26 October 2023
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The moon being an egg is a bit strange even for Doctor Who and it does have a somewhat political message about abortion but I didn't think the whole plot was terrible.

Of course the two men die and were just left with a miserable female leader but hey ho.

I hate spiders but even I felt they were wasted in this. They show up a couple of times and that's it.

We get a nice resolution for once with the moon hatching then laying an egg without any repercussions.

The leader apologies to Clara and everybody's happy. OH WAIT. No Clara decides to get all emotional and upset with the Doctor by actually having something responsible to do. This was just completely unnecessary and really spoils a decent episode up until this point. Clara's always been 50/50 but she might be the worst companion until this point.
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Doctor Who: The Caretaker (2014)
Season 8, Episode 6
Moffats attempt at School Reunion
24 October 2023
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Moffat has an obsession with doing multiple time scenes instead of just sticking to one time and place. It really hinders the story making it feel less important.

Although Capaldi is excellent, introducing himself as the Doctor is front of the whole staff room just feels unnatural. The scenes of the Doctor disguising himself and investigating is fun and refreshing. But it's just not quite like series 2's school reunion.

Instead of teachers that are secretly killer bats eating children we have a CBeebies type robot with the same corny dialogue as the Cybermen.

This would've been the perfect opportunity to bring back the Slitheen.
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Doctor Who: Into the Dalek (2014)
Season 8, Episode 2
Worst side character ever
22 October 2023
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I think it was too soon to do a Dalek episode for Capaldi's first series. This would've been better a few more episodes in, seen as we just had Daleks in the Day of the Doctor and the Time of the Doctor.

But Capaldi is fantastic, his cold approach to helping the Dalek is very refreshing to see. You know what you're going to get with Capaldi. Clara is surprisingly enjoyable to watch aswell.

However, this episode suffers from one of the WORST SIDE CHARACTERS EVER. Played by Zawe Ashton, her acting and dialogue is just atrocious. She just ruins any tension in the episode. Pulling the episode down a lot for me. Which is disappointing as Daleks haven't had a great solo episode in a while.
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Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver (2013)
Season 7, Episode 13
Cringe inducing Clara spoils it
20 October 2023
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Up until this point the Cybermen haven't had a decent story since series 2's finale. I don't know what brought on the design change but it looks terrible. They look goofy rather than terrifying.

As for Clara, well I just can't stand her trying to be a commanding officer. It's like she was written exactly like the tenth doctor. It doesn't work with her.

Not exactly sure why The Doctor would stay on a planet with children and Cybermen. Surely it would make sense to take them home then deal with the Cybermen.

Finally, Moffats era has had way too many doppleganger and body double episodes. This has got to be the worst of them all though.
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Assassin's Creed Mirage (2023 Video Game)
Weirdly addicting
12 October 2023
3 years since Assassins creed Valhalla, AC Mirage goes back to somewhat of its roots with the toned down rpg elements and more approaches of stealth. However it does feel like I'm just playing a re skin of Origins. Baghdad, while beautiful on my console is just boring.

The dialogue is atrocious. I hope they get new writers for the next game because the acting and dialogue is just plain awful. You can tell they're not even trying to act. Character animations seem like they haven't been worked on since origins. Hopefully this is the last of this engine because I don't feel any emotional attachment to characters that are blatant npcs. Unlike Ezio and his family.

There's loads of parkour options but the buildings aren't as tall as previous games and there's no giant monuments like pyramids. Although I do like the smaller map. It feels like I don't need to just fast travel everywhere.

The combat is very clunky, the standard enemies are fine and perfectly balanced however the fast bounty hunters are almost impossible with their incredibly fast attacks and insane damage. Brutes are easy to kill with a few dodges.
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The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon: Deux Amours (2023)
Season 1, Episode 5
What we've been waiting for!
8 October 2023
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Finally! It's only taken until the fifth episode but we finally discover how Daryl ended up on a boat and how he got to France. Although very misleading in the trailers, Daryl ends up doing some work for very disciplined bikers/mechanics where they round up walkers which then turn out to be for experiments. Daryl gets into a fight which isn't tolerated so he and another biker guy get taken onto a massive cargo boat where they experiment and feed people to walkers. Daryl very easily breaks out, unleashing a strong and fast variant. Variants were hinted at in the trailers and it was presumed we'd see them in France, however the first proper variants we see are in the States. Also hints of Rick in this episode as Carol relays over the radio that someone came back. Although if it was Rick I doubt she would've waited that long to say it in the conversation. Hopefully this show ends on a high note as it's better than Dead City as has been refreshing to see in the walking dead universe.
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Still stunning just slow
27 September 2023
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The first episode exceeded my expectations with the stunning visuals of broken France. We saw glimpses of variant walkers and were introduced to a group of well equipped nuns. While episode two went back to the beginning, which I loved. It's always great to see people still figuring out what's happening. However, episode three hits a predictable roadblock with Daryl and the group finding yet ANOTHER group. This one group has an underground nightclub with drag performers, also run by Isabelle's former lover. It was an interesting dynamic to see Daryl and what's his face go at each other. But the burning walkers as they fall out of the windows looked so bad. They all just seemingly happened to be next to windows and then slow down as they approach Isabelle. She has about 20 seconds before they even get close. Keep the consistency with the walkers please!! And why do they all have the same hair? It makes them look boring and bland. I miss the early days of original and snarly looking walkers. Now they just bore me. I'm sure it'll pick up as we get to the finale but it needs to hurry up. It's definitely better than Dead City but depends how long for.
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10/10 for the review bombers.
10 September 2023
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Although I thought the walking dead needed a rest after the eleventh season I still get excited when a new series comes out from the universe. After 13 years it's still one of my favourite things to watch. I was most intrigued about this spin off out of them all as it puts the walking dead in a completely different setting than what we are used to. France is a beautiful location to set an apocalypse, and with the lore of world beyond variants starting out in France, I'm sure there will be some genuinely terrifying walker scenes. Something the walking dead has been lacking is the actual zombies/walkers. It was only until season 11 that they decided to sprinkle in some variants. The premiere was excellent and unique. Norman reedus is always a joy to watch as Daryl. And the supporting cast seem good too. Can't wait for what's to come.
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Who Is Erin Carter?: Episode #1.1 (2023)
Season 1, Episode 1
Why is the rating so low?
25 August 2023
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An interesting crime mystery thriller set in Spain. Who is Erin Carter opens with an intriguing scene of Erin (Kate) fleeing from England with her 5 year old daughter. The reasons for her escape are unknown at this time and I'm sure we'll find out towards to the end. 5 years later and Erin now has a job as a substitute teacher and is married to nurse (Jordi). After a school fight, Erin takes her to a supermarket which is being robbed. Erin defends herself and protecting her daughter accidentally shoots one of the robbers. Who then reveals that he knows Erin/Kate from the past. I'm really liking this show so far and can't understand why it is being rated this low. Shows that don't shy away from bad language and violence feel more serious and mature. Personally I think anything below a 7 is too harsh.
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The Traitors UK (2022– )
I can't believe that
30 July 2023
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Maybe it's because i watched the Australian version of the Traitors first but the British version just didn't appeal the same. Getting rid off two people off in the first 10 minutes was uncalled for. Why waste their time and bring them all the way across just to tell them to go home. Amos seemed like a decent guy so a shame just to tell him to go. Claudia isn't the same as Roger unfortunately. Snarky attitude. The people competing seem so boring and haven't enticed me to watch more as Nigel, Marielle, Teresa or Mark did in the Australian version. However, the challenges do seem a bit more extreme than the Australian version which is very I'm a celeb like.
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Harrow: Ab Initio 2 (2021)
Season 3, Episode 10
What a charming little show
20 July 2023
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This show is such a delight to watch. It's charming, funny, sometimes emotional and the autopsy's are surprisingly more disgusting than shows like CSI but in a good way. They don't stray from reality too much.

Daniel Harrow always knows the answer but that's the fun of it. It is called 'Harrow' after all.

Lyle, Grace and Nichols all have a great on screen presence and are great supporting characters. The side stuff with Fern/Callan doesn't interest me the most but it does keep things fresh and provide the long arching story of the season. I do wish Steph, Maxine and Soroya didn't leave. They were great characters that didn't get enough time.

I really hope it returns one day.
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Justified: City Primeval: City Primeval (2023)
Season 1, Episode 1
Raunchier than the original.
20 July 2023
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I'm not saying it's better than the original FX Series but it's definitely been taken up a notch with the language and sexual scenes. Something I thought was missing from the original. The first 15 minutes felt like justified had never ended with Raylan jokingly driving around the two fugitives and getting grilled in the courtroom. However, the co-stars are really lacking. None of them have the charm like Art, Rachel or Tim. We mostly saw Raylan do everything by himself but now there's a team of about 6 cops. Give him one partner, that's all you need. And the antagonist seems very one dimensional. I don't care what happens to him. He's not like Boyd, Dewey or Duffy.
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Secret Invasion: Beloved (2023)
Season 1, Episode 4
Why so short?!
12 July 2023
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How does one of the biggest franchises in the world on one the biggest streaming platforms have such short episodes. For the first time I was really enjoying secret invasion only for the episode to end after 30 minutes. I mean seriously come on Disney and Marvel! It's such a shame and feels like a waste of time when the credits just roll just as I'm getting into it. What happened to television! Where did all the 45 minute minimum runtime shows go? They've done it again by killing off a big character then just ending it there. There's no suspense or emotional moments because they're just taken away or cut out. I don't feel anything because the show doesn't let you.
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Harrow: Tarde Venientibus Ossa (2021)
Season 3, Episode 3
Bad acting let's it down
11 July 2023
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Daniel Harrow is such a fun character to watch investigate crimes and get personally involved with the suspects and victims. And the side characters such as Lyle and Nichols are great too. However, this episode is probably the worst one so far. The case of the week involves a supposed suicide but its never just that in a crime show of course. Harrow suspects there's more to it, as usual. I know he's the main character but watching him figure everything out all the time gets a bit boring. Let him be on the back foot for once. The acting from the guest actors are really poor and really let's the show down. I was wondering what i was watching in the final scenes.
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Secret Invasion: Betrayed (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
5 July 2023
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Seriously? Killing off another character so soon just feels cheap. You have arguably one of the best actresses in recent time in Emilia Clarke and she's dead in episode 3?!!! It is marvel so theres a possibility that she'll come back somehow. But it just feel like wasted potential with that character and actress. I've been waiting for a more mature marvel project since moon knight and was hopeful when I saw the trailer for Secret Invasion. Emilia Clarke, Samuel L Jackson, Cobie Smulders AND Olivia Coleman in an espionage alien invasion series. How could you not be excited?! Well I cannot wait until it's over. Completely boring and I couldn't care what happens now. Just going to watch as it's weekly.
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Fear the Walking Dead: All I See Is Red (2023)
Season 8, Episode 6
Fears Finest Hour?
15 June 2023
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Is this the best Fear the walking dead episode in years? We finally got 'Clear' Morgan for what is potentially his last episode in Fear and maybe even in the walking dead universe. The red filling the screen as Morgan goes into his insta kill mode was great. Although it would've been nice for one of his kill moments to be shown on screen. There are some full circle moments in this episode as Shrike finally gets bit and dies. (Well I hope so anyway). Thankfully the writers realised how bad of a character she was and decided to kill her off at the midway point instead of dragging her along for the rest of the show. Morgan makes it back to Virginia with Mo and sets on a quest to find Rick or head back to Alexandria. However, the show again jumps the ship with Dwight and Sherry. After finch dies they decide it's time to call it quits on the relationship. This decision came out of nowhere and makes it look like Dwight and sherry are also leaving the show. Hopefully not but we'll see what happens.
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