
15 Reviews
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In the Dark (2007)
good found footage effort via youtube
20 April 2021
So first things first. This movie isnt a movie in the traditional sense. Its a series of vlogs from a womans youtube account chronicling her time at her new london flat. The fact that this came together as well as it did is great.

So to get this out of the way this was considered to be real at first to the point that some people actually thought Louise Paxton was missing even though she doesnt exist. There are also many many "conveniences" either due to the format, inexperience or just to keep mystery. Like most other found footage films in the end we are left with more questions than answers but thats part of the genre.

The entire series is still on youtube and put in the proper order in tons of playlists. So if youre into found footage films and curious about big narrative projects from early in the days of youtube please check it out.
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Guest (2020)
Albino salad fingers
14 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Like alot of short horror films lately the "monster" in this movie is all creep factor. It looks like a sort of albino salad fingers. But aside from the great and creepy guest. This movie is all about atmosphere, with very little dialogue you're pulled into this mostly silent world of dread. And in the end you find there is truly no escape from the guest.
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Still (III) (2016)
Brilliant idea for a zombie tale
14 December 2020
The idea of a human statue hiding in plain sight from zombies is a good one at first glance. Then when you think about it more (or way too much in my case) its brilliant. The smell of human to zombies was presumably covered by his paint job, The nascent memories of the zombies would assume he was a statue so wouldnt pay attention to him. Now as much as i love this short im glad it was only a short. Its a great idea that would wear thin if stretched out too long. Though i think this character could work well as one in a group of survivors in a big film. So in short if youre a fan of zombies, horror or just unique ideas in general go to youtube and watch it!!
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Fun quirky film
6 December 2020
I stumbled upon this movie on prime while looking for an indie to pass the time with. I was not prepared to be pulled into this movie the way i was. Its your basic fish out of water scenario with a napoleon dynamite sort of feel and heart. Charles Chu really carries the film his performance as Joon was so subtle and natural. Ryan O'Nan was very good too as the consummate outsider artist. A lot of people say he was over the top but being as I was a musician for a number of years i can say that people like him actually do exist, typhoons of creative chaos. The movie was full of indie cliches (Acoustic soundtrack, pink haired love interest, Quirky characters around every corner), That being said this movie just has a way about it. Everyone in it feels real the town feels real the friendship that builds between the leads feels real.

In short, if you are a fan of indie films with lots of heart. And seeing the writers take the reigns creatively and really giving it their all then you owe it to yourself to check this movie out.

PS... I am the locust.
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Mailboxes (2019)
nice sweet short film
27 September 2020
Sweet slice of life short film about a young man having an existential crisis. Zach callison is such a good actor. I cant wait to see him do more live action acting. (Not that i dont love his voice work also). If this film is indicative of what Grace Rolek is capable of i cant wait to see more. It has the heart and soul of the small quiet indies you dont hear about till a few years later.
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The Boys (2019– )
Unfortunate fumble
15 September 2020
To preface let me say i am a very big life long fan of quality superhero stuff (DC primarily once i grew up). This show could have been something akin to the watchmen but with a truly original world. But what we got was another soap opera squandering its unique premise. The characters personalities are fleshed out nicely but once they do that its like the show just wants us to focus on their personal lives and struggles. WHY!?!?!? Sure a few characters might be interesting (Butcher in particular) but why not have the show be about their powers and the truly unique way they interact with their world because of them. But its more relationship drama and cliches that will have seen be played out in all other media that has ever been made before it. If you're not into it by the end of the first episode save yourself some time and just skip it. I wanted to like it, i really did.

Addendum: Season 2 is now airing Fridays? really?!?! in the days of streaming and online video. What is to be gained from starving your audience of content? Bone headed decision that i hope costs them their show.
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Brightburn (2019)
Entirely unoriginal
16 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First off i knew this movie would be repetitive predictable trash, and i was not wrong. This was marketed as a new and innovative take on superheroes. It was just a stupid angry child with superpowers. They could have done much better since they were already ripping off the premise of several dozen comic books. I would have given this movie 1 star but the fact that he got away was nice. Also Elizabeth Banks was killed in this so that's the one good thing to come from all of this.
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Forever (I) (2018)
more drama than comedy in a good way
8 September 2019
I went into this show without knowing anything about it, and thats the way to do this. The series was haunting and beautiful also soul crushing in all the best ways. If you came to this show expecting comedy or more of the same sitcom crap then you will find nothing of value in it. But if you value character development and a deep meaningful story this should be right up your alley. You may notice that the negative reviews are typically posted by people who mix up then and than so disregard them. Take a peek for yourself.
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Mister Lonely (2007)
A movie for a specific kind of viewer.
1 July 2019
This movie was far better than the premise or some other reviewers were able to understand or articulate.

I wont go over the plot since every other review does so. This movie isnt about the characters the actors are portraying its more about the lives of the people escaping into these characters and how and why someone would want to do that. This movie is very emotional in many different ways.

The sub plot about the nuns and their "leap of faith" meant nothing to me. If you are religious or open to the supernatural then there may have been something for you in that sub plot. Though i did enjoy Werner Herzog in the role of the priest, He had little screen time but still was able to deliver a beleivable performance.

Most of the characters dont get much if any development, but thats just it they dont need it. Its not about each person in the commune, Its more about why they choose to stay there and the lives they lead as their characters.

In short, I loved this movie. I may be the only one. This is a bleak film, with a few laughs. Contemplative films like this require a downer ending, though thats personal preference.

Honest rating 8 stars. I did rate it 10 just to give it more credit.
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Like Live action Futurama
25 June 2019
In no way does the story reflect it but i got the feeling from this movie that it was almost a live action early draft of Futurama. I found the movie beautiful in many ways. It tells a very offbeat yet emotionally rich story. And the cast of characters is Fantastic, even if some of the bigger names are only in one scene. Why this was never released makes no sense. It wouldnt have been an initial success but it would have a very respectable cult following. The choice to shoot in black and white gives this movie a classic feel, not like one of those movies made in black and white just to do it.

In closing if you have the chance to see it, Please do. If youre able to follow a story that isnt spoon fed to you then youll enjoy it. Just do a little searching and youll find it streaming somewhere I did.
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Arthur Newman (2012)
Thoughtful but slow
25 June 2019
This movie is slow but not boring. The performances by the 2 leads were fantastic with such an understated script. This is not a road movie nor is it a quirky romance. The best comparison i could make would be sort of on par with lost in translation but with a bit of the romantic relationship explored. The ending was not what i would have hoped for.

Many other reviewers here have stated that the whole fake death and leaving your life behind trope is stale and not well implemented, I disagree. If you do not understand the need to abandon everything and everyone just to feel like yourself whoever you decide that is then count yourself lucky. This isnt a film to relate to as much as observe. If you can get in the head of either of these characters that may not be a good sign.

So overall I did truly enjoy this movie on many levels. Sometimes all you want to do is let go.
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Backyard zombie movie at its worst.
22 June 2019
I would consider myself a connoisseur of indie films, horror in particular. But this "film" is a disaster on all counts. The production values are non existent & the "acting" was painful to say the least, also the zombie make up looked like it was bought at a Halloween store. I usually dig anthology movies but this one seems to go out of its way to somehow be worse than mediocre, even that's an insult to mediocrity. I know people use "Found footage" as a way to cover not having a budget to tell a good story. But honestly with this film they need'nt have bothered
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Should have been good
25 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Before the bashing let me preface by saying that I love zombie films usually even the "bad" ones. This happened to be a special case.

Absolutely unwatchable. Atrocious acting and terrible voice overs. And the thing with the protagonist's sister and her zombie boyfriend is stupid beyond belief. Also the choice to shoot the beginning in black and white adds nothing to this message it doesn't look artistic it just looks cheap in this instance.

I know this film was truly independent and I applaud that but. They would have done better to keep a story with this kind of potential till they could make a competent movie.

The cinematography was quite good though so there's that I guess.

I really wanted to like this movie.
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Honest & Bleak yet Happy
24 February 2019
This short film is raw, tragic, hopeful and real. As a former traveler i found this a very open and honest film. It perfectly captures the life of these people in their own words. And if youre into folk music these guys play well and dwight even has some youtube videos under the name dwight sawman hawkins.
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Good not great
24 February 2019
Its obvious most other reviewers arent familiar with fiction. It is a movie about WWI zombies if you were looking for realism then thats your problem and why you wont like most films.

Having said that, this was an ok found footage movie. Nothing new or innovative but perfectly serviceable. The acting is on par with what you would expect from this type of movie decent performances at best. pretty tame zombie effects and gore. The character of the director marcus was terrible and found myself annoyed by almost all of his dialogue and interactions with every other character, but that seems to be the fault of the writing.

So final word is, if you enjoy found footage type films give it a whirl but if not you probably wont find anything enjoyable here. Personally I love the Genre and thought it was middle of the road quality.
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