
14 Reviews
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Rezeta (2012)
It was okay
8 September 2017
It was an okay movie. Rezeta's personality was well developed in the movie. She does not care and she just want to enjoy the moment. She is very European and Mexican men do not accept her attitude at the end. I can see their culture differences affect their relationship and the movie shows their frustration very well. I wanted to see more Mexico city, though. Rezeta was new to the country, so movie could have shown more Rezeta encountering new places, different customs, and foods. It was a good story and put things together well, but I wanted to see more detailed.
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Was that assisted suicide?
7 September 2017
It was an interesting movie. My boyfriend kept asking me which country this movie was from. I kept telling him it was happening in Mexico and this was a Mexican movie. However, my boyfriend was telling me that Nicolas did not have Mexican accent. I did not recognize accents. I looked up where Pablo Derqui was from and he was Spain not Mexico.

I wonder why Nicolas kept doing things he was not supposed to do like driving and scuba diving. At the end, I thought he wanted to end his life because he could not take his hopelessness anymore to live with his epilepsy and terminal treatments his doctor suggested. However, I thought Mexico was a heavy Catholic country, so I wonder the ending meant to be suicide or something else.

It took very long to figure out what was happening at the beginning. The memory scenes were confusing, too long, and too repetitive. The whole structure of the movies could have done better, but the story itself was interesting if the theme was assisted suicide. Was the side story of Isabel's mother's suicide leading to Nicolas suicide? However, I cannot believe such a young person commit suicide just for epilepsy which millions of people are suffered from all over the world.
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Widows (2011)
I thought the younger woman was not the lover
6 September 2017
It was a strange movie. I could not believe the story at the end. I was hoping there must be a twist and the younger woman was not the lover. However, Adela had been having an affair with the husband and Adela had her baby at the end. It is a horrible story. I do not think there is anything educational about this part. Black humor? It was not really funny. The gay maid was funny. Is this comedy? If I try to understand, the wife is old. Once her husband dies, the wife will be alone. So it may be better for her to have a daughter like Adela. Adela have a baby, so the wife can have a grandchild, so the wife will never be alone. But still it is a strange story.
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The Founder (2016)
Ray croft was not the nicest man in this movie
5 September 2017
I really appreciate "The Foundation." I had always seen Golden arch, but I did not know such an interesting stories behind. Ray croft was not the nicest man in this movie, but there was something I could learn from his work ethics. He described it as "persistence." He was an okay milk shake salesman. He had a nice home and a nice wife. However, he was ambitious and his home and his wife were not satisfying for him enough. He was risking his property and started his business. He was obviously a risk taker, which most business people should be required. The relationship between Ray Croft and Dick and Mac McDonald was not lovely. The thing Ray Croft did to McDonald was not nice at all and he was not nice to his wife either. However, he did good things to the world. People all over the world can enjoy dining McDonald even today.
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Miss Sloane (2016)
Hard lesson for fancy career
5 September 2017
Miss Sloane was one of the most powerful lobbyist. She appeared to be intelligent, sophisticated, and powerful in her career in DC. On the other hand, she was too stressed and she lost her morale for maintaining her reputation and powerful position. She was paying the price for her successful career. People who do bad things always win and go a step ahead, but their luck will not last forever. Eventually, they have to be judged by the legal system. I remind myself of Enron and Goldman sachs. People who are supposed to have morale and supposed to be intelligent are too arrogant and they believe their illusion last forever. Jessica Chastain was acting really well. I was drawn into the story for two hours.
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I learned how to make empanada
4 September 2017
It was a nice story. Nowadays many movies just want to show the best looking actresses and actors, coolest things people have and sex and violence. This movie has nothing to do with them. They show how two average adults overcome difficult time and find joy and companionship. It is too normal, but we always want. This movie also showed Argentina culture. When Alejandro visited Julia, they had mate. Alejandro made empanada for himself, which I did not know. I am around their age, so I understand how lonely adults can be, how difficult to find a companionship is, and how difficult to make a living later in my adult life. Not super romantic story like La la land, but it was more realistic nice story.
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LuTo (2013)
LuTo was interesting
4 September 2017
I really liked this movie. The story was about a couple who was having a terminal relationship. Thomas was finding faults with Luisa and bullying her and Luisa was recalling good times in the past to be with him and putting up with his abuse. They know things will not be any better, but they cannot make the decision to end because they are attached so much. The movie shows young Mexican life style. They have parties, eat taco, and walk around the city to enjoy shops and foods. The movie was very real and I enjoyed.
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Fences (2016)
I do not remember the story after I have watched
4 September 2017
I remember that everybody's acting was excellent, but I do not remember the story after I have watched. I remember only the husband Troy was cheating on his wife Rose with a younger woman and the wife was going to raise the child from the younger woman because she died from her child birth. There are too many things going on this movie and it is difficult to follow. Troy was so depressed and he was not nice at all. That was a story about a dysfunctional family which did not go anywhere. I got depressed after I watched. I did not find hope or life lessons from this movie because it was too depressing.
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It was an educational movie
4 September 2017
There are many things I did not know in this movie. I learned "Old man and sea" in my high school and I barely knew Hemingway spent his life in Cuba for a while. However, I did not know Hemingway was involved in the civil war in Cuba and he committed suicide. It may be common sense to some people, but people who did not grew up in the U.S. do not know about it. I did not know Ed Myer either. The relationship Ed Myer and Hemingway was complicated. Ed Myer looked for his father figure in Hemingway, but I did not think they bulit that kind of relationship because Hemingway misunderstood Ed and punched his face. Their acting does not show what kind of relationship Ed and Hemingway really had. Hemingway also had a difficult relationship with his wife. Whenever Mary talked about her successful career in the past, Hemingway looked offended. Mary said " I love you"to him and papa looked pleased, but it did not fit the story. In reality, Hemingway committed suicide anyway. Around the complicated emotion and Hemingway's depression were not acted well. Ed myer and his girlfriend were having difficult time and Ed Myer had doubts about a relationship or a woman. Then suddenly, he decided to marry her. The girlfriend was angry, but she was kissing him. That part was happening too sudden. So I gave the movie 6 not 7.
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Four Seasons in Havana (2016–2017)
Havana is beautiful
4 September 2017
Havana is a beautiful city. I always like to watch the show in the places I have never been to because I feel like I was traveling. Each story is well done. There are many people in each episode, but they are not so confusing. The stories are involved in politics and corruption and it is common all over the world. Their life style I see in the show is nice. The shows describe how they live. Everybody's acting is excellent. Casts look natural and beautiful unlike the TV shows in different countries all plastic surgery type actors and actresses act in and show off modernization.
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Is it really funny?
4 September 2017
Luckily I can understand the ending. Javier was dating Sofia who was a musician. Sofia was seeing another musician behind Javier's back and Javier and Sofia broke up. Javier had another ex-girlfriend Mariana who was pregnant from her husband and Javier backed off when Mariana confessed she was pregnant. Javier kept trying to date other girls, but he did not find. He was also looking for his work like he was looking for his girlfriend. Finally Angela who always listened to Javier'w whining became Javier's girlfriend. It is unusual. I rarely see a friend with benefit type girl becomes somebody's girlfriend, but it happens in this story. Chilean movies and dramas are very different from other Latin American dramas especially the story between men and women. The story is quite unpredictable and funny. Santiago is a beautiful modern city. I would love to go there someday even though Javier does not like it.
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How old the writer is?
4 September 2017
First, I have never been to Acapulco. I always wanted to go to Mexico especially Acapulco, so I watched this movie. It was not bad. Three retired old men went to Acapulco together, which three of them did the same thing in their younger days. They are reflecting their younger days at the same place. Mariano wanted to go to Acapulco because he wanted to go for trip together with his friends again and he wanted to see his old girlfriend. Mariano had brain tumor and he had only his life four month left. He wanted to kill himself at the end, but he chose not to do with reflecting his younger days. I wonder how old the screen writer is. I wonder if we reflect younger days so much and want to see our old girlfriends when we are at their life stage. I doubt it. Antolin does not admit how old he is and goes for younger women. To me, his character is more real. I think people do not give up their life so easily no matter how old they get and how sick they are. They hand on things they have and make the best of it even thought it is in vain. So I thought the screenwriter who wrote the story may be still young.
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I could not get the ending
4 September 2017
Augusto fell in love with Nastenka and Veronica like Augusto. Nastenka told Augusto that she would not want to get married and have children in her life because it would be very boring. However, she did both with her boyfriend who was not dependable to her. On the other hand, Veronica was cooking for Augusto and she took a kind of a caretaker role for Augusto. Augusto thought Veronica was looking for marriage to become a housewife, but Veronica preferred casual dating to marriage. Veronica appeared to be conservative, but she was more liberal. Nastenka appeared to be more liberal and she wanted to be an actress, but she could not give up her boyfriend who was not always good to her. Augusto felt powerless over Nastenka. He died of food poisoning from Sardine. At the end, he was sitting at the bench he used to see Nastenka and he was finding a new girl again. He was repeating this. However, I could not get what he was repeating. Is he repeating romance which does not go anywhere or is he still searching his soulmate? I could not get what he was searching for.
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The story happened in NASA not in Walmart
4 September 2017
The movie described about African American women who worked in NASA and they wanted to show their racism and sexism. To me, those racism and sexism in the movie were very subtle and almost nothing. Those subtle discrimination happens even among the same race and the same gender today's workplaces. Probably NASA was far more sophisticated workplace even in those days, so the racism and sexism were not that ugly. In 21st Century, there are still many women who could not have things three colored women in the U.S. had had in 60s. Those three women drove to work and had a job in their field they studied in universities. Today, there are many women who cannot do either of them. On the other hand, I like to see the way those women handle discrimination and racism. They never raised their voices and spoke up with their courage. I am also impressed with those white people who listened to them and changed their opinions even though they grew up with a certain beliefs about people from different races. Those two educated group of people work together because they are in NASA. If they worked at Walmart, they would act differently and things would be uglier.
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