
23 Reviews
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The Sandman (2022– )
Completely underwhelming
7 August 2022
Well, that was about as exciting as waiting for Christmas to unwrap a gift you've been super eager for, only to find out it's a yo-yo.

What a disappointment, to say the least. It was boring, pretty poorly written, and acted, which I never thought would be the case.. an absolute chore to get through.

Oh well.. hopefully LOTR won't suffer a similar fate. Feels like a lot of "can't wait to see" series have been bombing lately.
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Paper Girls (2022)
14 year old girls will love this
1 August 2022
If you enjoy watching 8 hours of 12 yr old girls act like selfish brats you're in luck, this show is for you. These characters couldn't act their way out of a paper bag, and the corny, one dimensional script writing didn't help.

Brad Pitt is one of the big EP's of the series, and I'm picturing him saying to himself, "how can I get my daughters to like me again? 🤔 I know, I'll produce a series from a comic book I saw their nanny reading to them!" I think he let them pick out the writers and actors too, but that part is all speculation.

There's literally zero creativity in this project. It's dumbed down, pretend sci-fi. You've been warned.
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Surface (2022– )
You've seen this before
29 July 2022
This isn't terrible but also not great, and certainly not original. In fact, you'll probably have the story figured out within the first few minutes, but if you have nothing else to watch, I can think of a lot worse options out there (like anything on broadcast channels, For all Mankind, and Invasion comes to mind.)

What I do recommend on Apple is Severance, Black Bird, Defending Jacob, Foundation, See, Ted Lasso, Servant, The Morning Show, Prehistoric Planet..
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Dark Winds (2022– )
Intriguing mystery with a lot of layers
13 June 2022
So I have AMC+ and have seen the first 2 episodes and it just gets better and better. It's part mystery, thriller, dark humor, and drama- a bit of everything with wonderful acting. I absolutely love Zach McClarnon in everything I've seen him in, the series Fargo, Reservation Dogs, Westword, can't recall what else, but the guy has range and I can't wait for him to have an Academy type role, he is due.

Noah Emmerich from the Americans plays a self-important FBI agent, Rainn Wilson plays a used car salesman and another sleezy part in the story I'm sure, lol. Every character is interesting.

This 6 part series is executive produced by George RR Martin and Robert Redford, so you know it's gonna be a great story. I can't wait to see where it goes!
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This is exactly what I wanted, SAID NO ONE EVER
4 June 2022
I'm not going to rehash what 95% of the viewers have clearly and intelligently spelled out. Disney screwed up, BIG TIME. And with some very near and dear characters from our childhood into adulthood (though 1-3 weren't great, but still). And just for reference I rated The Mandalorian 10 Boba Fett got 7/7.5 -those punk kids on fluorescent scooters really served the cheeze, but at least there was some story, and for adults.

Obi just feels like a swift kick in the crotch, ala Disney. Nothing about it is fun, or exciting, or well acted. It just sucks and that's sad for a lot of us. It's halfway over, with nothing interesting having happened and only 3 episodes left, yaaawn.

The interesting part is going through the "10 star reviews" and 9/10 of them all come from accounts with no other reviews. Pretty obvious what that means.
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2/3 of this show is enjoyable
19 May 2022
Look, I have always loved Viola Davis as an actor. I respect the hell out of Michelle Obama. But Viola playing Michelle is just sad and I would be embarrassed if I were Michelle.

Have you seen or remember the old show, 'In Living Color' when Jamie Foxx played the character "Wanda?" It's exactly the same. If you don't believe me, google a skit. Identical. Lol.

Which is a shame because I'm enjoying the rest of the show, but every time she talks it just takes me out of it. I'm still going to finish because the rest is good enough and I love historical fiction/nf. I'm guessing the reason her scenes aren't as thorough throughout the series is because they realized they made a mistake with casting and cut a lot of her scenes. Just a guess, but considering Viola is an EP, she was determined to play Michelle, and there you have it.
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Old (2021)
Like that time
14 May 2022
This vacation was almost as bad as that time I went to Tijuana. Hey, at least they had a beach, and I didn't see any donkeys, so that's a bonus.

150 characters yet? Sheesh....
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DMZ (2022)
Straight up trash
19 March 2022
WTH am I watching? So apparently when the apocalypse happens, minorities are going straight up gangster on everyone? Cool representation.. This is so damn dumb. Ben Bratt's character is like a combination between a wannabe slick Matthew McConaughey and El Chapo, lol. Total trash series.
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Rip off
12 March 2022
Of Star Wars and marvel, and I'm only half way through. Not sure I want to waste anymore time or brain cells on this one. It's too bad too, good cast gone to waste. Seems like Netflix continues to churn out subpar B movies, not sure why well, other than $$. But considering they're usually good selection of series, I'm surprised at all the terrible movies they produce.

Anyway, another wasted opportunity.
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The Dropout (2022)
Poor interpretation
9 March 2022
Anyone that's been following this case for years will know what an awful representation Amanda Sigfreid has given to the actual E. Holmes. She was a cold, calculated, sociopath. This "documentary" is trying to paint her as a poor little, badly treated girl. Pathetic.

Some of the positive reviews are shocking, and actually not believable, luckily these people weren't a part of the jury that found her GUILTY of conspiracy and wired fraud.

If you want to watch a real documentary on this person, with her coworkers thoughts on it all, and the investors she bilked, watch the HBO doc by famed director/documentarian Alex Gibney, "The Inventor: Out for blood in Silicon Valley."
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Not a plot hole
20 January 2022
To the reviewers who are saying there's a massive plot hole because "Boba was wearing his armor so why would he go back to look for it knowing it was taken?" My impression is that he was lying in the sand half dead when the Jawas stripped him of it. He barely even opened an eye and continued to lay there til the Tuskens dragged him out of there, still barely conscious. I really don't think he even recalls that they took it. Favreau is a top notch writer, he wouldn't write something that dense.

Anyway, that's my take. Show seems to be picking up speed though.
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Beforeigners: Episode #2.1 (2021)
Season 2, Episode 1
They're back
23 December 2021
Great first episode. I could probably do a refresher of last season, It's been a while.

I nearly forgot how gross some of the characters can be! But that's also part of why I love this show, lol.

This setup to the new season seems like a good story line, though I'm kinda confused by the last scene, hopefully someone explains it here ;)
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Carnival Row (2019–2023)
Patiently-ish waiting
9 November 2021
So, I watched the first season when it came out in 2019 and I liked it well enough, not all I had hoped it would be but definitely saw the potential. I love a good mythical story-when done right. Delevigne wasn't a great casting choice IMO but other actors made up for her lacking, so it's still an enjoyable show and I'm excited to see where it goes.

Well, that excitement seems to be dwindling, they just finished filming season 2 in September, calling for a 2022/23 release, yikes that's a looong wait from season 1.

Yeah, yeah, COVID and all but, so many other shows w a ton of CGI figured it out, so I'm just not sure what's taking these guys so long. I believe the 3rd Mandolorian will be out sooner, making that all 3 seasons released in the time this show has been trying on a 2nd.. Let's just hope they filmed season 3 at the same time!! I mean, mine as well, you have the sets made and crew there, shoot what you can at least right?! Anyway, that's just common sense speaking, I'll go back inside my head now.
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Narcos: Mexico (2018–2021)
What happened??
6 November 2021
This used to be one of my top 5 shows but this season idk, it's dragging and I honestly can't take this narrator seriously. Her voice is grating. Why change from the DEA agent narrating? He was perfect and so much more effective in story telling, realistic.

I'm having a hard time with this final season, such a bummer. Maybe she'll shut up and the last few episodes will save it, only a few more to go though..
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Hmm, we'll see
17 September 2021
I don't know how it's possible but the actor portraying Ann Coulter might be even more annoying than Ann Coulter herself. Maybe.

Only 2 episodes in, but so far this season is a bit slow and miscast. We'll see, hopefully it gets better.
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Mr. Corman (2021)
10 September 2021
I'm not sure what JGL was trying to achieve here, but whatever it was, he missed his shot. I'm into cerebral, complex, or just plain strange cinema which I'm guessing was his goal, sadly it fails pretty much the entire way. Just finished ep. 7 and while I'm going to stick it out, this might be the worst show I've ever watched. If it wasn't for JGL, I would have quit many episodes ago.
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Kevin Can F**k Himself (2021–2022)
We get the point!!!
26 July 2021
To all the dim lights out there who keep say, the low ratings are from people who just don't get it- trust us, we get it! And it's literally the lamest show I've ever subjected my eyes to. It's not deep, or intellectually stimulating, no one is inventing the wheel. The simple fact is, I feel sorry for the pea sized brains of the 10-star fan club! This show couldn't be more horrendous. Lame script and mediocre acting. I could tell you where each episode was going within the first 3 minutes (yes, embarrassingly I've watched them all in hopes a spark may strike). How it ever got green lit is beyond me (COVID), though AMC does have some pretty dumb shows now and again. Ahh how I miss the days of Breaking Bad, now that's a 10-star worthy, creative show. Not this drivel.
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Lisey's Story (2021)
A form of torture
25 June 2021
Watching this series is like being slowly tortured each week. It has got to be the slowest, most boring, and ridiculous show I've ever watched. Yet, I foolishly keep watching because I guess I'm a glutton for punishment and the potential is there for what could have been a unique series, but they are so far from the mark, it's just never gonna happen.
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Taboo (2017)
6 June 2021
Doesn't sound like they'll be giving us anymore of this story, and what a shame. I can't think of anyone that isn't begging for more! But I guess Tom Hardy feels he'd rather have the money from craptacular movies like Venom than to partake in a once in a lifetime creation such as Taboo.

Even if they did change their minds, at this point, Knight and Hardy have so many other things in the works, it'd be years from now before we'd see it :(
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The Mosquito Coast (2021–2023)
What could have been
4 June 2021
What could have been a great show turned into a series that grew more and more idiotic as the weeks went by. Plot holes abound.

Normally, I really like Justin Theroux (Mulholland Dr. And The Leftovers especially). But this adaptation is just terrible all around. Bad writing and bad acting by the entire family. Man I've probably never wished so badly for a family member or 3 to get caught, or worse.

None of the decision making makes sense by anyone in this family. I find myself yelling at them throughout the show, "Hide, hide your van, die your hair, buy a wig, put on sunglasses, put on A FREAKING HAT! Hey how about a sombrero?!" Good god, anything to not stick out like a sore thumb. It's just simple and absurd writing, and how this show got a 2nd season I'll never know. It seems most everyone agrees this is an awful show. Maybe liked by the same people that find NCIS quality television? I think Apple is desperate for shows. 90% of their originals are ok at best.

Too bad. Another waste of good talent (Theroux). At least the last few episodes laid off the "Americans are awful" trope.
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The Mosquito Coast: Elvis, Jesus, Coca-Cola (2021)
Season 1, Episode 5
So stupid
21 May 2021
God I must have rolled my eyes at least 10 times in this episode. Stupid decision after stupid decision. Sure, they're teenagers but knowing what they're hiding from, and to be acting so idiotic just doesn't correlate. In "real life" the parents would have warned them of many things and how to behave, obviously. Especially a parent that worked for the NSA, should be aware that everyone is watching, always. Buy a freaking baseball hat at the very least lol. But no they're all just out in the open, la dee da.

And blah blah blah "Americans are so pathetic" it's just a pretentious show, becoming more so as each episode unfolds.
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Joe Borrelli should be stripped of his pension
9 May 2021
This case is the epitome of NYPD laziness and injustice. They couldn't be more corrupt. All they wanted was an open and shut case with a promotion to boot. Screw the actual evidence. Joe Borrelli should be stripped of his pension.

Maury Terry deserves all the credit in the world for discovering the truth about one of the most infamous "serial killerS" in the world. He slaved his life away trying to find out the truth and presented it many times only for the DA and the NYPD to laugh him off and silence him anyway they could. Disgraceful.

I shockingly knew so little about any of the true story other than what was told as the major headlines in history. Raised in the 80's I just never heard the actual truth.

Now I'm interested in reading this book. The web that is weaved is dark, and people are frightening. Whether you believe in Satan is irrelevant, it's what the people who do believe will do to innocent people and animals for the sake of cultism- that's what's frightening.
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A Discovery of Witches (2018–2022)
What am I watching?
22 March 2021
What is this twilight trash? It's almost laughable the rating on here, yet I scroll thru and it's nothing but awful reviews so that makes me curious as to who could possibly be giving this a good rating... Anyway, I'm just thankful I have the mental aptitude to know when I'm watching hot garbage and don't waste anymore time on it. I feel sorry for the brains that find this quality television.
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