
27 Reviews
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Emily (2022)
Missed opportunity
27 May 2024
Beautiful locations and great acting but the sound track was silly. There were several times when the story would be shown happening without dialog and instead an annoying cello on drugs would dominate the sound track. No sense in having dialog in a story about an author. The female lead, Emma Mackey, was engaging. It would have been better as a period piece without the Bronte connection since hardly anything in it was accurate and Emily Bronte's book was just an after thought. It was frustrating to watch because I kept wondering, Is this true? I finally paused it and did the research only to find out, No it's not true. To portray her as an opium user without any proof is really in poor taste. She deserves better.
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Chloe (2009)
Spellbindingly laughable
4 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Being a remake you'd think they could have done a better job of it however the story missed every mark. The cast was great, the production values were good, but it takes more than low brow sexual titillation to make a good movie. The people who made it must hate women. Amanda Seyfried has a beautiful face but when they showed her nude body... not so much. She didn't wear any attractive much less sexy clothes. Julianne Moore played a character who loves her husband so much that after proving his infidelity she believes his lies and wants to continue their relationship. A son catching his mother making out with a girl he just had sex with - now that's just good entertainment. LOL thanks Hollywood.
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Labor Day (2013)
22 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It was great except for the parts that didn't make sense. The husband pushes her down, she hits her head and dies, oh wait, was that supposed to be a dream? Then he runs upstairs because the tub is overflowing - is the baby in the tub? Did the baby drown? Speaking of dead babies.... the scene with her holding her dead baby was creepy and unnecessary. The same wonderful female lead in flashback laughs at her husband when he asks if the kid is his. Another dream? The boy leaves a note for his Dad and it must have said that the killer is at their house but did it really? I don't know, the cops showed up, somebody tipped them off. Beautifully filmed in Massachusetts and filled with great actors. Kind of intriguing except for the parts that don't make sense.
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Starts off good
13 August 2022
It was even more disappointing considering that I loved everything about it until at the end of episode 11 it went completely off the rails with the roommate attorney going to Woo's mother and saying something no one in their right mind would say and as if that weren't bad enough the mother answered in a way that no one in their right mind would answer. That exchange at the end of 11 is an insult to the intelligence of the viewers and the reason I quit watching it. Feel like I was played.
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Wild Abandon (2022)
Brilliant but anti-climatic
11 April 2022
I read some of the reviews and I'm not sure we all saw the same series. Someone commented that they liked the, "unconventional ending" and another person said that, "the last episode was the best." Really? I loved it except for the last episode. And I'm not alone, homoleopapyon said it best, "You are waiting for something to happen and the show is acting like something is gonna happen but it never happens and the show ends." Mefkune pointed out that, "Nothing gets an answer." Algsara commented that, "... began and ended while I was waiting for something to happen." And they are all spot on. Other than the non-ending I loved it - the locations, the music, the unique story, it was intriguing, different, and fun.
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A Word on Westerns (2014– )
Superstar movie location destroyed
3 March 2022
Cowboys don't resort to click bait. The title "Superstar Movie Location Destroy" is very misleading, sensationalist, and click bait. Stop it! In the same episode Rob Word said that Jango Unchained is one of his favorite films. So now we have Woke, Politically Correct, and Click Bait. How disappointing.
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The Marksman (2021)
23 January 2022
I was mildly entertained until the scene where they burned the money at which point I gave up and turned it off. The main bad guy could have put the medal on and saluted himself in the mirror and been a little crazy but instead he just frowns throughout the whole boring thing. The interior of the truck and the bed of the truck could have been locations if they had been shown and used more but the camera was too static. The cross country locations could have been interesting but they weren't. An ex-Marine would probably not driven away and left his rifle in the trunk of the cop car. I could go on but you get the idea. A much better choice would be Vagabond a K-drama on netflix.
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What a waste !
24 May 2021
There are screenplays that are worked on, tweaked, fine-tuned, for years before they get made into a movie; this isn't one of them. The actors are great, the locations are lovely, the music was okay, but the... I hate to say story, or plot, or message because there wasn't any. After watching it I felt played like they had sucked me in with some interesting ideas and then didn't follow up on them. It didn't just disappoint me, it made me angry.
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The Pledge (I) (2001)
6 December 2020
An interesting ensemble of actors but a slow, depressing, anticlimactic waste of time. I kept waiting for something to happen, some detective work, an interesting subplot, anything other than just the threat of a little girl being murdered. It makes you wonder why someone would be attracted to making a movie of a story like this.
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Good at first but then...
29 November 2020
I loved it until the last couple of episodes, what were they thinking? How could it have been so well written and then near the end go completely off the tracks? I feel like I was scammed.
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27 November 2020
I guess America is to blame for making so many movies that show females physically besting males that now Korea has decided to follow this Stupid unrealistic, misguided, trend. What? Women can't use intelligence, cunning, sex appeal, to compete with men, they have to use their tiny bodies to beat-up men twice their size? The girl in this series sometimes beats-up 2 or 3 men at a time. One problem with this unreal version of female empowerment is that many women become convinced that they can actually, physically overpower men and then many of those women end up in emergency rooms after finding out the hard way that - No, that's just tv, it's not the real world. Shows like this are an insult to the intelligence of men and women.
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Siberia (2018)
12 November 2020
Other people have already dumped on this piece of trash better than I can however let me reiterate... it's disgusting, perverted and disheartening.
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Tim Blake Nelson - Yes!
9 September 2020
Mr. Nelson's performance was amazing. The poem recited by the landlord was unexpected and charming. and the story was a hoot, How refreshing to find a movie that didn't cost millions of dollars, where no one was killed, where there was no profanity, a movie the whole family could watch. Instead of relying on special effects, they relied on creativity and talent. I loved it!
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Joker (I) (2019)
25 July 2020
The character was amazing not the actor. The film was long, boring, sick, dark, depressing, and a huge letdown full of unnecessary violence and perversity. A grown man giving his mother a bath? This is what Hollywood has sunk to. This is also why so many Americans who don't speak Korean will watch Korean programs... just to avoid what Hollywood as to offer. The Korean tv series, "Something in the Rain" among many others, makes American tv look stupid.
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2 July 2020
Just finished episode 4 and am blown away, everything about it is spot on. Can't take my eyes off Go Moon Young who is made even better by the male lead who never changes expression, he is totally wooden throughout which just makes her that much more spell binding. Looking forward to more episodes.
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I liked it in spite of itself
24 June 2020
As an American... I loved it but it was way too slow, and too long, and there were too many flashbacks. It could have been great if they would have tightened it up to about 10 episodes instead of 14. At about episode 10 the main character finds out the kid is not his and for some unknown reason turns his back on the female lead, What? They finally get together then he dumps her, again - What? The female lead gets treated poorly by almost everyone however, no one who looks like that gets treated like that. Let me say again - I loved it. However, was that the male leads hair or a hair helmet? Do men really wear bowl cuts in Korea? They missed a lot of obvious opportunities... the lead couple should have gotten married instead of the mother. The boy and the lead male should have done an underwear tv commercial together. The main couple getting back together should have been shown as "the romance of the decade" which brought the company stock up. I could go on and on... it had a lot of good production values, the actors were gorgeous, the locations were nice. The hiccups were overdone and used to better effect in "Something in the Rain." And... okay I'll stop.
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Perry Mason (2020–2023)
Oh no, not again.
23 June 2020
Almost everyone is disappointed that this is not really Perry Mason, however the filth and perversion don't seem to bother anyone.
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Well-Intended Love (2019–2020)
Great entertainment
20 June 2020
One of the reasons I like this series so much is because I'm comparing it to the usual, predominate, filth and perversion that American entertainment offers. Check out what's playing on IFC, the Independent Film Channel, or many of the other popular channels and you will, hopefully, appreciate clean wholesome stories like this. Even the BBC is now becoming infamous for taking well-known stories and retelling them in a way that you wouldn't want your children to see. So yes, two big thumbs up, and it's not as if I speak Mandarin, I have to read the dialog and sometimes pause or rewind but it's worth it.
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Worst documentary ever
13 June 2020
It could have been so great - Paul Williams is a fascinating, much-loved, talented person but the idiot who made this documentary made it all about himself. The only good that could come from this horrible waste of time is that it might inspire someone else to make a real documentary about Paul Williams.
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Jo Koy: In His Elements (2020 TV Special)
13 June 2020
I shouldn't review this since I couldn't get through it all however what I did see was an insult to everything Filipino. Jo Koy said the F word and the MF word several times in the first half of the show. The first ten minutes were about Filipino hip hop dancers?! Is that even still a thing? The first comedian was an American of Filipino descent, I guess they didn't know any Filipino comedians. When this comedian started talking about black dick size I gave up. It was like American born Filipinos going back to the islands and spreading American filth. Very disappointing.
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Kill me now
10 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This series has it all: Cancer, dementia, suicide, 2 cripples, a wife beater, an old man who has had a stroke, can't talk, and walks around acting like an imbecile, a mother who tries to kill her 6 year old daughter, people who treat their relatives and oldest friends like dirt, - my God are people in Korea really like this? No, they can't be. Characters that are depicted like this are unrealistic because someone would have beat some sense into them or at least turned their back on them long ago. The people who wrote this depressing series must hate people, especially old people.

Just when I didn't think it could get any weirder, in episode 14 the gorgeous female lead stands in front of the bathroom mirror slapping herself in the face. Other than horrible, despicable, unbelievable characters, and weak pointless writing the actors are all good, the Slovenia locations are beautiful, and the production values are good.

However, there are lots of highly improbable scenes for example, when Park Wan comes running down after her mother's surgery and sees her boyfriend sitting there in his wheelchair... she stops, doesn't say anything, then runs past him. I don't think so. He came all the way from Slovenia, she would have said something.

It's one improbable scene after another and then a few episodes later a character flashes back and you have to sit through the same stupid scene again. There is a lot wrong with this idea and it's execution, from the opening attempted suicide to the inane mud fight at the end. Just skip it.
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Wonderland (2013–2015)
Started good
22 December 2019
The first 11 episodes were great then it got politically correct with a lesbian wedding, one of the main guys talking about kissing another guy, and... it changed from wholesome to disgusting in episode 12. Too bad.
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Class Rank (2017)
A work of Art
26 September 2018
I wish I knew how to contact Stoltz and August for giving us this wholesome, refreshing, and beautiful movie. Hopefully there will be more like it. Love it.
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Another violent woman
3 May 2018
I read about 20 of these reviews and no one pointed out that the movie is based on an actual event where A MAN put up 3 billboards. And no one pointed out that this movie is just another example of Hollywood portraying women as men. If half of what Hollywood has been giving us lately is true we need to start a Stop the Violence by Women Against Men organization. It started when Hollywood remade movies and put women in the previous male roles. Now they are putting women in violent roles that used to be, more believably, given to men. Violent women, Wonder Woman, Atomic Blond, the list goes on. Women should be embarrassed to see themselves portrayed the way McDormand portrays this character. Some women watch women being tough in movies and on television and think that they can be tough. Every night across America emergency rooms admit women who thought they could kick their husband/boyfriends butt only to realize... it's Hollywood BS.
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Strike Back (2010–2020)
How sad
5 February 2018
Watched S6 E1 last night and was very disappointed, thank goodness I have Seasons 1-5 on DVD, because I won't watch anymore of this new poor imitation of Strike Back. One example of how off this new season is... Near the end of E1 one of the female leads says to the new male leads, "Why don't you two just kiss and get it over with?" The two new male leads look at each other dumbfounded, while the other female lead walks by them and smirks. That one scene is reason enough to never what this politically correct trash again.

Earlier, one of the female leads walks in on one of the new male leads and catches him almost naked, then she makes three insulting remarks implying that he has small equipment. Can you imagine if she said something like that to Scott?

Unfortunately female empowerment is spinning out of control. In the US 29 women are running for, or planning to run for governor of their state. It's the end of the world as we know it. One female, Andria Merkle, has single-handedly just about destroyed western civilization in Europe. Can you imagine what 29 female governors will do to America?

I'm thankful we had 5 great seasons of Strike Back.
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