
45 Reviews
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What the?
18 March 2024
Although the actors were not A listers they were at least good actors that I am familiar with. I like the premise they started out with, IF I have it right. Hard to know as it was such a MESS!!

The production of putting it all together was a disaster. Very low budget. The script was weird or was it the editing that made it weird?

I did not find it scary in the least because I was so busy trying to figure out what was going on from minute to minute. It was a real chore to watch this movie. I kept watching and rewinding to see if there was something I missed but I am still not sure exactly what happened. I will have to go read up on the plot somewhere.

Only watch if you are into train wrecks. Oh how fall poor Cuba Gooding jr has fallen.
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Mean Girls (2024)
Another Musical?
12 March 2024
I don't understand why every moving coming out in the last 6 months is a musical. I am not against musicals but lets face it they have to make sense. I would have loved to see a remake of Mean Girls with all the exact same cast in this movie. Well cast, great scenes. Great cinematography. If this were on Broadway I would think of it as meh.

As a movie it was a disappointment. I did not realize it was a musical and was just excited to see an updated version of this movie.

Why any one would make a musical of this movie is beyond me. It just doesn't really fit. It's not a bad movie, it's just one you watch if there is nothing else. I only watched about half of the movie it was just boring.
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How did I not know of this movie until now?
19 February 2024
Powerful! I have seen Cillian Murphy on Pesky Blinders and thought him a good actor, the show was good. I watched a season and It was enough. Then I saw Oppenheimer and thought it was a good movie and that he did a great job. Then this movie popped up! I thought it looked entertaining I like Cillian and I'm Irish so why not.

WOW! This movie made me laugh, made me cry, I lost myself in the movie because I believed in the characters! And the consumed me, took me on an amazing ride!

Cillian is an AMAZING actor! I had no idea he had this kind of talent. I had no idea that such a masculine man could look so good as a woman! Impressive!

Everything about this movie was impressive. The acting, the casting the story. This is everything a movie should be.
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The Ward (2010)
Not great, Not horrible.
17 December 2023
John Carpenter is pretty good with horror and I do tend to watch his movies. I had never heard of this one until just recently and now I understand why. The whole movie just fell flat. I like the concept of girl interrupted with a twist but this wasn't executed very well.

I think the problem was the casting. I loved Jared Harris and Mamie Gummer but Amber heard cannot act. Her role could have made this movie and they cast someone who cannot emote? What a shame. I mean I can see why they used her, she is pretty and if she could have acted and shown the vast emotions one would expect to see from someone who made the part believable it could have been outstanding even with the girl interrupted thing.

Not a great movie but if you have nothing else to watch this will do.
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American Horror Story: Be Our Guest (2016)
Season 5, Episode 12
The best season ever
21 November 2023
I loved the murder house, I love the coven, I love 1984, but this season knocked my socks off. I have watched this season three or four times since it first came out. This is unequal to any other season! It thrilled me, it made me laugh, it scared me. It spoiled me. I want more of this. I NEED more of this.

The story, the actors, all top tier. The whole thing so brilliantly done it leaves me speechless. Lady gaga shocked me! I could care a less about her before this show and now I am a fan of her art. I thought she was a cheap gimmick queen but she dropped it long enough for me to see her talent. She best be thanking this show for all it did for her. She is gimmicky no more.

I cannot say enough about Evans. I cannot sing his praises high enough to do him any justice. He excels at everything he does. This series is the perfect marriage for him. This season specifically he shines like a star in the night sky they all did!
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21 November 2023
The whole cannibal thing is being done to death right now! There is a movie about it right now. So the theme of the episode is not my favorite BUT is was still really good! I love the casting, the writing, the production, the acting! So yummy! The worst this series has to offer is still some of the best screen time every spent. Except for the mother ships season right now. That is a disaster, but this saves the brand. The costumes, the way its filmed, the way the story is told. Not to gruesome and yet thrilling. If this season were a person they would be the average joe with tons of charisma that all the girls flock too, you don't know why it just has the it factor!
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American Horror Stories: Organ (2023)
Season 3, Episode 4
Still good after all this time
21 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love the story. I was totally invested but I really had to get over the acting of the lead character. This could have been sooooo much more! But lets get on with the good because there was a lot of good.

The story line perfect, I love the old missing kidney when you wake up, haven't seen it used so skillfully! It was funny, scary and every thing I would expect from this series. Worth every minute of watching. This could have been a home run with a different actor, however he did a great job making himself unlikable. So there is that. It would have been better if he made me hate him after all that was the whole thing right?
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American Horror Stories: Tapeworm (2023)
Season 3, Episode 3
Gross, funny and a true real life horror.
21 November 2023
A spin on the modeling world. As an old woman who spent a fair amount of time in front of the camera I generally don't like the commentary on Models. I was naturally skinny. When I was little they made fun of me for being so very very skinny. I remember the worst, if you stand sideways and stick out your tongue you will look like a zipper. So when I grew into my body I was just skinny. So was my daughter. I hated people telling me AND her to eat a cheeseburger. Yet casting calls were a menace because for them I wasn't tall enough, or blonde enough or skinny enough or WHATEVER. I didn't desperately want to be a model in the 80's but I was in several magazines etc... I didn't fight too hard for it.

All that said YES this was great! Watch it!
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American Horror Stories: Daphne (2023)
Season 3, Episode 2
Interesting take.
21 November 2023
I like how it takes the whole watch out for AI becoming human and takes it a step further. It was a tad predictable but I didn't care i liked the idea of it. I liked the cast, the production, the writing, the story. The quality of the series is alive and well. I watched the crypt keeper in the 90's, the twilight zone in the 80's and nothing beats this series.

Creepy, funny and relevant MY FAVORITE! There were a few things It could have done that would have made it better but I have to say it is a solid seven! Especially with the birth of AI chat. An American Horror story twist on the movie her! Well done!
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American Horror Stories: Bestie (2023)
Season 3, Episode 1
This is where the talent is!
21 November 2023
My poor American Horror was such a let down thank god for THIS series. As usual brilliant. Great writing, great cast, great story, great acting! THANK YOU! I love the use of story telling, I love the way everything is beautifully twisted and unpredictable. This episode sucked me in and made me love the roller coaster ride that this series is USUALLY known to deliver. The visuals outstanding. I think this is where all the talent has gone, specifically to this story while abandoning it's mother ship! Thank god for small favors. My birthday was ruined until I saw this! Thank you so much! Yes I am a fan!
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American Horror Story: Preech (2023)
Season 12, Episode 5
What ?
21 November 2023
Ok first you guys take my favorite show and insert a Kardashian. What is wrong with you? So I watched it because it is my favorite series in the world. Kim Kardashian's face is frozen, she couldn't make an expression if the room was on fire can someone please tell me why they thought she could act? Doesn't that require some form of ability to express?

The story? No not interesting, the twist on Rosemary's baby I get but it was horribly executed. The first two episodes could have been combined into one and still be horrible. The biggest atrocity of any form of series or movie is to be bland. For American horror it should be a crime. I love Emma Roberts but why did she agree to this?

Whoever wrote this, cast this, produced this and acted on this should be banned from Hollywood for life. Thank you for stopping me from going any further with the break. I will not be watching the second half. So Disappointed I canceled my hulu subscription.
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The Exorcists (2023)
A dozen plus yawns.
21 November 2023
How disappointing. You know how a movie can be so bad its funny? This wasn't that. In fact I wish it had been. At least then it would be entertaining. Even though I read the reviews and saw the ratings I still rented it. Come on it's thanksgiving and all stuff out right now is a yawn fest but who knew you could take such a great title and make it so bad. The writing was atrocious, the casting just as bad and bland. I mean I like the idea of it but boy was that bland, white meat no seasoning bland. It would be boring boring and under normal circumstances but I would have just watched something different and complained here later, I had nothing better to do than watch that bland movie and I yawned over a dozen times. Sad.
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The Nun II (2023)
I love this movie!
13 October 2023
I loved the Nun and love the Nun II! It is very difficult to make a series where the second is as good as the first. This was!

A great continuation of the story line, even if you hadn't seen the first movie you would know where you are with this one. A great continuation and stand alone.

The story, the writing, the casting CHECK CHECK CHECK. Although the Nun's new assistant was a loose string. Who is she? Why is she of importance? I feel like a lot of that is probably on the cutting room floor. So that was disappointing. I kept waiting for something.

Other than not understanding the Assistants role this movie was everything I hoped for and expected. Thank you thank you thank you for not disappointing me!
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Totally unexpected!
13 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I had not heard of this and thought it was about Usher. I kept seeing it and finally took a closer look. My favorite series is American Horror and this season is so bad I want to cry. This show has made me feel better. It is what I would have expected from AH.

I am so friggen happy to find this wonderfully dark series. Finally something so different and so interesting.

The first episode is EVERYTHING it should be and more. It establishes characters, the tone of the show and PROMISE of what is to come! The casting is amazing, the writing phenomenal. Everything a good series need this has. Even though most of the season is out as I write this I will not watch unless I can give my undivided attention as it is THAT good!
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American Horror Story: When the Bough Breaks (2023)
Season 12, Episode 3
An inkling
13 October 2023
Finally an inkling of what this is all about. Not exciting, not horror story, just this continuous bland baby food being spoon fed to us. Here comes the fantastic airplane and the spoon full of nothing.

This is like grits with absolutely no seasoning no flavor and when you are done you are wondering why you did it.

The constant presence of Kim K just annoys me. She so obviously cant act and cant make a single facial expression it ANNOYS me. I am not sure I will make it through the series. For the first time ever I am not sure I will continue watching and I watched every season here even the roanoake and the dumb clowns, but this, this may be too big an ask even for me.
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American Horror Story: Rockabye (2023)
Season 12, Episode 2
Sigh. No just No.
13 October 2023
They should have put this together with the First episode and made a half way decent first episode. This one is just as bad and bland as the first episode. Kim still cant form an expression with all the filler in her face. The husband is still white toast and Emma. I love Emma but this character is impossible to play well.

I read that this is a rip off of another movie from long ago is that why this is so boring? Slow and painful to watch? I will watch. I can't look away. This is my favorite series and I will stay with it til the end. Like some poor pathetic fan of a sports team when they are losing.

Please please get better.
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American Horror Story: Multiply Thy Pain (2023)
Season 12, Episode 1
The scariest thing about this show...
13 October 2023
This is my ALL TIME favorite series. This season, however is the worst so far. Ok So I dislike Kim more than most but really guys? Her face doesn't move! She can't have a single expression other than bland and blank. She scares me when she tries to smile. It's unnatural. Why would anything think she can act? Sigh. Ok lets get past the lack of talent and the stupid name they gave her.

This episode was such an absolute let down. I had been waiting so happily for it to get here and I was served what? Bland baby food. Nothing scary to see here. I don't have an inkling about what it is about or what I am waiting for other that an explanation as to what it is I am even watching. So far it's a celebrity trying to get pregnant. Got it. So. Boring. The guy who plays the husband. OMG so white toast. It has no where to go but up from here.
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3 August 2023
I had written a whole different review and had to delete it. I watched this movie and it was a tad slow at one part and I fast forward. Then I watched again. I had rented it and had two days so I gave it a second watch and I have to say this. Hysterical.

The sets, the acting, all better than I expected. I like that they brought the gay community mainstream, I like the commentary and its usage.

This is not a horror movie, unless your gay and then your just showing the truth of your existence and how scary it can be.

Obviously it does get a little slow at one point and seem kind of pointless but KEEP WATCHING! It does pick up! I just wish they would have been more clear that it was JUST comedy.
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The Northman (2022)
1 August 2023
I finally got around to watching this movie. Half way through and I'm bored. So I come here and look up the reviews. At first I thought it was me. Maybe I am the one having an off day? Maybe I'm off as a result of this horrible heatwave? I mean the cast, the location, the sets, spectacular the show pointless and boring. The rest of the movie wasn't any better. What a sad sad waste of resources. I guess there was a reason this was on my watch list for so long.

It looks like it is suppose to be good and I kept waiting but it never happened. It gets a three for the visuals. Stunning. If you would have had a decent soundtrack I would have given a 5.
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Nefarious (2023)
Church propoganda?
25 July 2023
I sadly rented this movie. Well acted, great concept and I should have read up on reviews before wasting my money.

I was captivated at first and laughing by the end and that is obviously not what this horror movie wants. Whoever wrote this script has no imagination! It was as if it was written by the church itself. Pushing the old and tired and hypocritical BS the church is always pushing. Come on guys, an all dialogue movie has to be clever, thought provoking. This is obviously catering to a very specific audience. Religious, zealots etc..

I watched without fast forwarding any where which is saying something. It was just so damned boring. No twists or turns OR horror or anything that resembles scary. Just catholic dogma or even evangelical for that matter. Kind of lazy if you ask me. At least it wasn't dry.

The only people this will scare are the extremists. Sigh.
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Adhura (2023)
Wonderful surprise!
22 July 2023
This was everything I want in a scary movie. The fact that they speak in English and Hindu just means I have to pay more attention to the . Closed captions and it so worth it! The only criticism I have is for the actress who played Malvika. Maybe she is not as experienced as the other actors or maybe she was having an off performance?

The actors, the filming, the lighting, the sets, the writing, it all just came together and made a spectacular series! This is something you would expect to see come from Hollywood. The quality was amazing from start to finish.

I just want to say bravo. I loved it and will be watching it again.
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Avid Fan
17 September 2022
I was so excited for this series. Counting the days! Then it came out There is too much wrong with this but maybe it was just my expectations?

1. Writing-the script is not near as good. Maybe it gets better. I've seen three.

2. Production-What in gods name! Every water scene KILLS me. NO one gets wet and their pirate clothes look more like star trek. The scenes look like they were filmed at Universal studio!

3. This is a low budget series. What happened to the money for this?

4. Why do the dwarfs wigs all look like they were made of yarn? All the costuming in this is terrible.

5. So many B actors!!!!!! The dwarf king looks like jack black in a bad wig.

The special effects are either great or really bad. The Orcs special effects make up is pretty cool but kind of cheezy for this level of release.

There are a few stand outs so far, the main elf with no lips is good and there are a few others. But this fantasy release falls short of what you expect from The Lord of the Rings.
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Chad (2021–2024)
31 May 2021
So confused! I wanted to love it. It was weird and quirky but in all the wrong ways. Instead of laughing the punch line makes me cringe. I think it small clips this could be a great bit! Bet it was a SNL skit at one point. But this falls about 10 feet off. I give you a three because I like the attempt and it was still mild entertaining in the car crash sense,
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Happily (2021)
Mind Numbingly bad
10 May 2021
I was so mad at myself for renting this! I love Joel Mchale but this makes me like him less.
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Black Box (II) (2020)
Nice Change of pace
4 May 2021
This movie is a tad slow in places but I love the plot, the actors. The movie is fresh the actors on point. I've watched it twice!
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